If there’s one thing I learned since I signed up on 05/25/2013 8:39:35 PM, it’s that #aaaaaaa takes up too much of my time.
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Like if you’re a #beautiful fan, reblog if you’re a #chaitroye fan.
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#cello and Other Things That Ruined My Life: An Autobiography by madishenanigan-moved
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im making a new blog bc im trying to like get a Fresh Start™️ on life rn so if any of u care to refollow its just gonna b madishenanigan
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No one talks about how lonely healing can feel
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Griffin: Yeah, you climb the stairs, and uhh… it is, uhh, an uneventful climb to the 20th floor. And uh, as–
Travis: Floor 20!
Griffin: As– what?
Justin: [snorts]
Travis and Justin: Floor 20!
[3 whole seconds of unedited silence]
Griffin: We’re not gonna say anything better than that, like–
Travis: Griffin, we gotta fight some weeds at Floor 20.
Griffin: We have 30 more minutes to go, and we’re not gonna say anything better than that.
Clint: [laughs]
Griffin: Did you even think about that?
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wild animals don’t have “mutuals.” you know what they have? predators and prey. and to me, the blue site is nothing but the serengeti on a hot afternoon
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S13E06 - The Mystery Pig
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As someone who’s been a suburban cowboy his whole life the concept of leaving your home and walking to a resturaunt is sexy and thrilling
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WWhat’s good 😜 u slutty homestuck trash 👅🏠413🏠 is glubbin here and u know w)(at that means!! ♥ HOME-SUCC season has arrived ♋ :33 get your shipping wall ready!! ♈ pop ur quivering nook ♎ 4ND PR3P4R3 FOR 4 DOUBL3 MOB1US R34CH4ROUND! 🍆🍑 IF U WANT TO GET RAWED 👉👌 Till Grist Pours Out 🍊 ThIs 413 🎁 SeNd tHiS To 15 Of yOuR HoMoSuCk pAlS! 👩👨 if u get 0 back 😔 ur a lonely seadwweller!♣♠ if u get 5 back 😌 ur a 8ad 8itch! ♦♦if u get 10 back 😘 ur a poppiin hot playa twofold! 🔥🙌 SHARE in 413 😉💦 seconds or you won’t be gettin dicked down 😱 this 413!!
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tag urself are u - justin anxious (change in voice, can’t stop saying random stuff, may scream externally but definitely screaming internally nonstop) - travis anxious (keep rehearsing diff versions of what you’re gonna say, prone to freeze up but if ur friend is anxious you get a boost) - griffin anxious (hyperconscious on how u (& ur pals) coming off, quieter or snarkier than usual, seems chill but is actually most definitely not)
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Honestly? Shoutout to those of you who are completely fucking lost in life. Those who don’t know what they want to do with life. Those who are stuck in a certain part of life and can’t get out. Those who are reaching for dreams they feel are impossible to reach. Those who feel like they’re accomplishments are being overlooked. Those who feel like their enough just isn’t enough. It is. You can make it. You will make it. There is an opening at the end of the tunnel.
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ppl will defend this nihilistic and depressive world view to the ends of the earth but some of yall need to check yourself before all this negativity worsens your clinical depression. there’s too much hopelessness on the internet and all of those messages are really toxic. especially fixating on things that you cannot change in the immediate moment. take a break… sniff a flower… tell your friend she looks beautiful… not everything is about the end of the world or how hopeless our survival is as a species.
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im like speechless
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can’t wait to be making breakfast for my wife while she sits on the kitchen counter in my sweatshirt and underwear
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hello, world (a test of some virtual singer software!)
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My lower back is killing me…
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