madisonrlee-blog · 6 years
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Collection: more gas station pictures
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madisonrlee-blog · 6 years
Day 30
My day is actually been pretty mild today, and I was able to get some extra stuff done for Portfolio Review coming up. As far as consumption of gas goes, I have used very little today....so far. I drove to class this morning, and I have a 3.5 hour break in between classes today, so I went home in between class and got some homework done. I only live about 12 min from campus with no traffic, so I didn’t use up too much gas. 
I just got to my second class, and still have enough gas to get to St. Louis Park to pick up my boyfriend from work. We’re gonna just chill in the area, because we have reservations at 9 at one of our favorite restaurants. Just a side note, Mill Valley Kitchen has one of the best happy hours. After 9, they have half off drinks and $3-8$ apps. We always get the grits (sooooooo good, best grits I’ve had) and the potatoes. It’s actually really filling...and they have this peachy grey goose drink that sounds weird but it’s so good. So anyway, pretty excited for dinner. I know some people get all weird about Valentines Day, but I think it’s cute. Might as well take a day to admire somebody you love. I think people take it in the wrong way, you can choose anyone to love extra on Valentines Day. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a significant other, it can be your mom or dad or best friend. Idk, when I was younger, my dad always got us girls chocolates and balloons and I always thought it was really cute. 
Sorry I got off track, I’m assuming that my boyfriend and I will probably roll around for a while in the car today and look at houses. That’s just what we do when we like to spend time together. Yes, it’s wasting gas, but I have yet to be convinced to stop doing it. It’s so relaxing and exciting. Well, at least for me. And, I didn’t use too much gas today, and I'll make it to SLP without having to fill up, so he’ll have to pay for gas. lol my plan worked! yaaaaaaas. 
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madisonrlee-blog · 6 years
Day 29
I stayed at my boyfriends apt last night, so I didn’t necessarily have to go from St. Paul, to St. Louis Park, back to St. Paul today. I just dropped him off on my way to class at 11:45. I managed to get from class, which is from 11:45-4:15, and back home with the little gas that I had. Probably left this morning with less than a quarter of a tank, but it got me pretty far.
My parents had invited me to go see a Gopher basketball game, because they have season passes. (I come from a long line of sports lovers.) My sister’s boyfriend also plays on the team, so the four of us met for dinner and went to the game. I left the house around 5:30 to get to dinner at 6. Bad idea, because I was out of gas. Like below the “E” out of gas....so I stopped at the most convenient gas station and continued on my way. I only put $10 in, because I’m hoping it lasts me until I see my boyfriend again, so he can fill it up lol.
Again, I consume a lot of basketball. If I didn’t go to this game, I probably would have gone to the SLP high school game. Some would consider this basketball consumption entirely too much, but I’m very used to it. This every-other-day consumption of basketball is nothing compared to what I used to endure. After the game, I drove back home and got some homework done for the night. 
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madisonrlee-blog · 6 years
Day 28
I managed to get to class without stopping at the gas station. My gas light was on the whole way, and by the time I got to class it was below the “E.” I always drive with it below the “E” though...it happens so often, that at this point, I know how far I can get without running out of gas on the road. I have yet to run out of gas on the road (*knocks on wood*) and I drive on E entirely too often.
At this point in my blog posts, I realize that I have a problem. I drive too much. Like way too much. I already knew that, but I just ignored it, because I don’t really mind driving so much. But now, I realize that it doesn’t really matter what I feel/think, but that I’m really doing harm to the environment. I wonder what the average amount of miles a person drives in a day, and I wonder where I am at in regards to that average. I hope I’m not too far above the average, but I have a bad feeling that I am.
My boyfriend is saving to get a car, so that will help a lot actually. Having to get to two different places that are no where near each other in a day takes up a lot of miles and time. But I don’t think thats the whole problem, because he also Ubers 50% of the time. I think the main problem is living in the city and being around so much to do. When I lived in Mankato, there was nothing to do, so I just stayed home all the time. Here, there’s so much more to do, my family is here, my friends are here, and I’m familiar with everything, so there’s a lot more that I feel obligated to/want to do. I need to slow down, to put it simply, in every aspect. 
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madisonrlee-blog · 6 years
Day 27
I spent the whole day in the gym today. I think this is the first week in a while that I didn’t have a day off. I’m not really used to the busy schedule yet, and I’m feeling really tired. School M-Th, Work F-S, and coach on Sunday. We had a one day tournament this weekend, so we had 3 games in one day. Sunday’s are usually my day to relax and get stuff done, but today there just wasn’t any time. Something I need to work on is planning ahead of time, so that I don’t end up with a bunch of things to do in a short amount of time. That includes homework, cleaning, self care, etc.
The tournament was in Inver Grove, which is only about 10 min from my crib, so that was convenient. We had a game at 11, 1:30, and 5, so we were at the gym the whole day. We drove to get something to eat in between the second and third game, but it was just down the street, so we didn’t have to fill up on gas at all. I think today is the first day since like before school started that I didn’t go to the gas station. That is so horrible lol, like I spend so much time at the gas station.
Even though I didn't go to the gas station today, I’m gonna have to go tomorrow, because my gas light is on. I think my gas light is on 50% of the time that I’m driving. I’ll have to go in the morning before class. It’s the most stressful thing to get gas before class, because first of all, I’m always rushing anyway, and second, there’s usually traffic in the morning. I only live 12 min from school with no traffic, but with traffic, and having to walk from the parking lot, it takes about 35 min to actually get to class. Hopefully I am able to wake up early enough tomorrow. 
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madisonrlee-blog · 6 years
Day 26
I worked today from 7-3, then went to help my boyfriend move in, and I’m kind of exhausted. 7 doesn’t sound that early, but when you wake up at 5:30 the day before, and 6:30 the day after, you get really tired. Well, at least I do. I’m ready for a long night sleep. But I can’t even sleep in, because I coach tomorrow. 
As far as consuming goes, I definitely consumed time in my car again. For like no reason though, we didn’t even go that far, but we drove around to look at houses, and ended up emptying the tank. Thats the thing, I drive to get places, but I also drive for literally no reason. I mean, I love driving around to look at houses, but I’m beginning to realize that it is a problem.
We drive around to look at houses really often...so often that I probably know all of the big houses in Minneapolis. It’s nice though, because we get to just chill and relax at the end of the night. I look forward to those drives, so I don’t really want to cut it out of my day. Ugh, I feel bad because I am now realizing how much I use gas, but I don’t really want to stop.
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madisonrlee-blog · 6 years
Day 25
I have a love/hate relationship with Fridays, because I don’t have school, which is a break from stress, but I have work, and well, work is work. It’s fine, but it’s not necessarily what I would like to be doing with my time. Dunn Brother’s is chill though, it’s a really easy job, and the people are nice, so I really don’t mind it. It’s always refreshing when you get nice customers that go out of their way to say something nice. Those little comments go a long way... especially when there are a lot of customers that are just plain rude. 
Work is nice, because I don’t have to drive. I work down the street from my apartment, so I just walk the skyway to work. It’s actually a really nice walk, and it the summer it’s ever better, because I can walk outside. Although, downtown St. Paul isn't the safest place in the world, and I get kinda scared when I walk by myself. I mean, it’s nothing serious, but when you’re constantly being hollered at by crack head homeless people, it’s a little uncomfortable.
When I have an opening shift, my boyfriend brings me to work. Opening shifts start at 5:30am, and he doesn’t like when I walk dt that early, so he just brings me. I’ve heard too many stories about the sketchiness of St. Paul, so I’m apprehensive about walking alone in the dark in dt St Paul, especially being a woman. If I could walk the skyway I would, but the doors are closed until 6am. So, sometimes we drive, which is sad cause I’m 2 min away, but “safety first.”
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madisonrlee-blog · 6 years
Day 24
Today I filled up on gas, and headed to bring my boyfriend to work. We stopped at BP, because it’s the most convenient one off of the highway. I usually try to go to SA, but we weren’t about to make it to SA. Also, side note, when I say “fill up,” I usually mean that I’m putting like 15$ in my tank. Which, should last me a few days, but with how much I drive, it usually only lasts about a day and a half.
So, I drove my boyfriend to work, and headed to class. For some reason I love bringing him to work in the morning. I think it’s because I get Starbucks after I drop him off, and the Starbucks I go to has a drive-through...I guess it’s the little things in life that excite me lol. I’ve started getting whipped cream on my coffee again. I cut it out for a little bit, because it’s obviously not good for you, but then one day, I was like screw it, you only live once. So, I get whipped cream on my coffee now, and it’s like the highlight of my mornings. 
After I get Starbucks I drive to class. It only takes about 15 minutes to get to class after dropping him off. By the time I get to class, though, I usually have burned a good about of gas. Which is annoying, because I don’t feel like I’m driving that far, but I guess I am. My car gets pretty good gas milage; I have a Toyota Camry, but I just use it a lot, so the good gas milage doesn’t do much for me. After class, I went back to SLP, because we had practice tonight at the high school for my 7th grade team. And after that, back to St. Paul to sleep. As mentioned before, my life would be a lot easier if I was living in between the two, but I live out of the way, so it complicates everything. Again, it’s temporary, so I'm not trippin about it right now. 
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madisonrlee-blog · 6 years
Day 23
I’ve started to narrow my focus to my consumption of gas and consumption of time in the car. As you can see from my previous post, I have started taking pictures of my visits to the gas station. I used to hate driving when I was in high school, and into my early twenties. But over the past couple years, because of my living circumstances, I have been driving a lot more. I think I spend up to an hour and a half to 2 1/2 hours daily in the car. I’m not sure if thats normal or not, I guess for people that go to work downtown probably have comparable hours in the car, but that seems like a lot.
I used to only drive to school and back in high school. I never really went anywhere. Just school, practice, and home. I went to Mankato for my first two years of college, and there wasn’t really anything outside of the city down there, so I only drove about a 5-10 mile radius when I was down there. Occasionally I would come home on a weekend, so you would think I would put more miles on my car while living down there, because I came home rather often. But, I’m actually spending wayyyyyyy more time in the car now that I’m in Minneapolis.
Maybe it’s the fast pace of the city, and that there is so much more to do. I am constantly running around and trying to stay away from St. Paul. It’s funny, because I really don’t mind St.Paul, it’s a fine place, but like I had mentioned before, Minneapolis has a familiarity aspect to it that I am just comfortable with. I know where everything is, I know what places are safe, all my family/friends are from Minneapolis, so I guess I’d rather spend time in a place of familiarity. Which also isn’t really me, because I do like to venture out and experience new things, but not when I'm home.
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madisonrlee-blog · 6 years
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madisonrlee-blog · 6 years
Day 22
I decided to spend my “splurchase” money on a Pina Colada scented candle. I wasn't planning on getting anything at all when I visited Walmart the other day. My boyfriend and I actually just went to get a rug for his new apartment. We walked around for a little bit and didn’t really find anything that would look good, so we decided to leave.
As we were leaving the furniture section, we came across this huge wall of candles. If you were to know me, you would know that I love candles. I have entirely too many candles, so for the past couple months I haven’t bought any new ones, because I have too many that I still have to use. My mom actually just bought me a few for Christmas that I have yet to light, so I’m actually very stocked up on candles right now. Needless to say, I didn’t really need another candle from Walmart.
So we approach the wall and I’m like “Maddi, you don’t need another candle.” But I smelled the Pina Colada one and it reminded me of the beach. I think I’m currently suffering a mild case of seasonal depression, so I reasoned with myself, and decided that this would pull me out of my sadness and bring me to the sun. Basically candles are the answer to everything, and I remembered that I had a 2$ “discount,” and the candle was only $2.50, so I got it. 
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madisonrlee-blog · 6 years
Day 21
Even though I don’t like to admit it, I waste alottttt of money on gas. My boyfriend is in the process of moving, so he has been staying with me. He doesn’t have a car, so I usually bring him to work before class on T/Th, but my morning class got cancelled today, so I brought him today too. He works on the other side of Mpls in St. Louis Park, so it’s about a 20 minute drive to drop him off and 20 minutes back to campus. I personally don’t mind it, because he usually gets me my coffee in the morning, and it’s not too bad of a drive, because it’s after rush hour around 10. 
After class today I’m going to his game. It may seem like I don’t enjoy going to these games in the previous posts, but I do, sometimes it can be long, but I enjoy watching basketball for the most part. I think I go mainly because 1. I have nothing else to do, and 2. I don’t like being at my apt. I mentioned before that I don’t really like living in St. Paul. It just doesn’t feel homey...I feel really far away from home. So, I’m usually only there to sleep.
Because of this obsession with not being home, I use a lot of gas. I used to hate driving, but since I’ve lived out here, I’ve gotten used to it. I’m definitely moving once my lease is up, but that doesn’t fix my current issue. The environment is really suffering from this phenomenon of never being home. Basically, I need to move to Minneapolis. And I'm aware of that, and working on it. I feel bad for ignoring and taking advantage of the environment, and I should start staying home more. Once he moves in, I think there will be a lot less driving, but until then, idk, I’m just trying to help him out. 
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madisonrlee-blog · 6 years
Day 20
Part 3 of this long weekend turn up is underway. Currently trying to crank out some homework, so I won't be stressed about it late tonight. Once this is all finished we’re gonna head downtown or uptown and watch the game. I honestly don’t even watch football, I’m really just here for the party.
I mean, my family is obsessed with the Vikings, so I can’t say that I don’t watch any football. But, when I watch it, it’s usually just the Vikings. I’m thinking about wearing my vikings jersey today, but I’m not sure. The decision of whether to be cute or comfy is a real everyday struggle. 
I love being around people that have positive vibes and just wanna have a good time. I don’t really like turning up all the time, but when events like this come around, I like to have fun with my good friends. Might as well take advantage of this weekend. The Super Bowl is def not coming back here after this weather. 
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madisonrlee-blog · 6 years
Day 19
I’m not one to constantly go out, but this weekend I’ve consumed a lot of booze. I mean, I had to...it’s super bowl weekend. I also have spent a lot of money and it’s not even Sunday yet. I didn’t realize the effort that goes into these parties until I actually got there.
We’re headed to Migos tonight and I'm so excited. The cover charge was 150$, and I honestly don’t regret spending that at all. At least I don’t regret it yet. I think it’s gonna be fun though. Also, 150$ isn’t too bad for Super Bowl Weekend, because I have seen a lot of parties whose cover charge is $500+. So, I think we got a good deal.
We started drinking really early. I need to go get ready, but I think I also need a nap. The party goes until 4am, and I don’t know if I’m going to last that long, but I’m gonna suck it up and try. All I know is that it’s gonna be a good time. 
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madisonrlee-blog · 6 years
Day 18
I realized after all these days, I’ve failed to mention how much time I spend with my boyfriend...I mean, I have mentioned it...it’s actually probably really obvious I’m always with him now that I think about it. But anyway, I “consume” a lot of him. Which is fine, I kinda like it that way. If I didn’t, I wouldn't be with him so much.
Today I worked, but when I got off, I went to St. Louis Park to watch him coach. It was actually pretty crazy. They ended winning, but he also coaches varsity, so I have to sit through both games. But, at the end of the varsity game, it was a really close game. St. Louis Park ended up winning, and all of the sudden, this big fight broke out on the court. I’m like wtf is happening. My boyfriend is like holding one of the coaches back, and one of the players tries to swing at the coach. Long story short, it was actually pretty entertaining. 
So after the game we went back to his apt to finish moving some stuff in. We didn’t really have any plans for the night, but his aunt called and asked if we wanted to go to this party. We got there and we were in very casual clothes, and it was a legit, red carpet, expensive, super bowl party. We were really confused. But it was fun, and Flo Rida played apple bottom jeans, so that was kinda hilarious, but also lit. 
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madisonrlee-blog · 6 years
Day 17
Today was so draining. I literally did 3 loops of the city today, because I had to be in way too many places today. I filled up my gas tank again, and I just filled it up yesterday. I honestly was in the car the wholeeeee day. 
My boyfriend just got a new apartment, so we were moving him in today, but I was in class from 11:30-4 and he works all day, so we had to do all of the moving during rush hour traffic. Not ideal. We had to drive to my parents house to get my dads car, because he has a bigger truck that can fit the furniture he bought at Ikea. So, we went to get the car (coming from St. Paul) in Coon Rapids, drove out to St. Paul to pick up a table from Menards, drove to Ikea, back to Coon Rapids, to drop off the car and move him in, and back out to St. Paul to stay for the night.
In addition to this, he had to pay his rent before work, so we went from St. Paul to Coon Rapids (where his apt is), dropped him off at work, and then I came to class. It was just a really busy day, and I want to personally apologize to the environment for how horrible I was to it today. 
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madisonrlee-blog · 6 years
Day 16
I always forget to leave time to make/eat lunch...let me rephrase that, I’m constantly rushing and never have time to eat lunch. Today, I figured I had ample amount of time to put together a lunch and get to class, because I had 3 hours in between my classes. 
So, I went home after my first class, which is about 15 min from campus. I did some homework for about an hour and a half, and I was like, “yeah, I have plenty of time to workout.” Wrong. I’m such a bad judge of time. Actually I'm not, I just always try to do too much. Like, why did I try to workout, shower, and make lunch in an hour? Idk.
So, I’m constantly consuming partial lunches/not-filling food for lunch. Today, I made a quick over-easy egg and stuck it on an English muffin, some pretzels, and strawberries. Sounds decent, but I was rushing, so I got in the car and drove off too hard and the whole over easy egg was on the floor of my car. Lol. Literally can only laugh at myself at this point in my life, because it happens all too often. 
Basically I need to slow down. 
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