madtophatter2 · 2 days
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madtophatter2 · 11 days
the year is 2025. michael sheen is appointed showrunner and executive producer. gets his grubby mitts on the script and every other line is changed to blatant innuendo. each scene is so sexually charged that it's like staring directly into the sun. the last 10 mins is a montage of them outright fucking on every available surface of the south downs cottage. the show is now, inexplicably, set in south wales
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madtophatter2 · 20 days
if jing yuan can be a sleepy boi and still get shit done then so can I!
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madtophatter2 · 24 days
they gave us baby shark 4 fucking times but cut out a bunch of great scenes where the characters actually had development?!
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madtophatter2 · 27 days
howl pendragon is gender for a lot of reasons. like being a wizard, having that pretty boy swag, having an utterly impeccable style, being voiced by christian bale,,, but primarily because he can transform into a dark, feathery, creature™️ with wings and sharp talons
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madtophatter2 · 27 days
*wakes up to it being super foggy outside my house to the point where you can't see the neighbours*
Me: ooh silent hill, good luck trying to manifest a monster that represents abandonment issues!
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madtophatter2 · 27 days
Combat log: The effect Ibuprofen has ended.
Me: *instantly ragdolls*
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madtophatter2 · 27 days
girl you've been running through my mind all day
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madtophatter2 · 28 days
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madtophatter2 · 28 days
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madtophatter2 · 29 days
(spoiler for the sonic 3 trailer)
Director: Jim we have an acting job for you
Jim Carrey: nah I told ya, I'm retired
Director: but it's another sonic movie!
Jim Carrey:......do I get to be fat this time?
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madtophatter2 · 1 month
going around smacking mosquitos with a big ass big yelling "very good, 5 points" in a bad ratio impression
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madtophatter2 · 1 month
spoilers for umbrella academy season 4
what was the point of them constantly body shaming Diego's chubby "dad bod" just for them to have him get shirtless in the FBI fight and show he's just as ripped as he's been the previous 3 seasons?
And don't tell me taking the marigold made him lose the dad bod because he was struggling to put on his too tight hero costume (ninja? Spy? The black one with all his knife belts he's worn the last 3 seasons) in ep 2 after taking the marigold.
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madtophatter2 · 2 months
watching both the umbrella academy season final and the live action borderlands movie within 2 days of eachother (I was looking forward to both) has left me emotionally like:
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madtophatter2 · 2 months
the umbrella academy season 3/4 spoilers
i wanna talk about how dirty they did Luthers character in S4 (they were all done dirty but I wanna talk about him specially).
His entire plot was just "I'mma stripper! I'm bad at it! It's funny!"
I thought at the end of S3 when his wife Sloane blipped out of existence (which they didn't explain in S4 at all? If it was because she was a swallow then au Ben should have blipped too?) was going to be about Luther obsessively trying to find her by searching & asking around in different location marking them off as he goes for the past 6 years, not eating, sleeping, taking care of himself, shaving or showering and seeming crazy like:
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and his whole arc would have been him having to let go and accept that she's gone (which could lead to a fight with Allison cus he could be like "you brought back you're daughter/ray why can't I have Sloane!" And yelling at au Ben like "why did we get this asshole but she disappeared?!").
would have also given him reason to go to the FBI hq with diego cus he'd be like "i can look in their files to see if they've seen sloane!"
Instead she was mentioned in passing like "Sloane would have loved these" and Luther had 0 plot
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madtophatter2 · 2 months
umbrella academy final spoilers
was anyone else panicking when there was only 25 mins left of the show and the gang was still having an argument about lila cheating? I was mentally yelling "Ben & Jen are going all rejected resident evil boss over here and y'all are still at Lila's in-laws gaslighting Diego?!"
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madtophatter2 · 2 months
spoilers for umbrella academy S4
why did Reggie send the umbrella academy kids to blow up Jennifer? He knows if they touch they'll cleanse the timeline but instead of hiring someone else to do this relatively easy job he's like "yes send the walking pubescent nukes that cant touch this other child nuke and hope i don't have to put a cap in their ass and scramble some memories if they fuck it up"
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