maeido · 11 months
               “  happy to oblige! let this mutually be our third alliance !!  ”   a cheer and a small hop in her step.    “  hehe, i've been told i'm cheerful to a fault one might say, honestly i'm more surprised i've been paired up with the nicest people so far!  ”   she puts the tips of her fingers on her cheek and bashfully swings herself back and forth. it tickles her pink to think that the word friends was still something she subconsciously referred to both of them as, it was more natural to refer to them as her childhood friends more than their titles or statuses. felicia doesn't let it bother her for too long as she happily chirps and nods.   “  i do ! it's corrin and jakob !! i hope they didn't lose all their candy or anything like that. i can introduce you to them later as well if you'd like... oh, and you can meet my sister flora too!  ” 
Lukas nods. "I understand. My previous partners have a similar mindset to yours, so I don't mind allying." Though he doesn't show it, he's more surprised that Felicia is so willing to go ally in this final round. Of course, she could be lying, but...
"You actually remind me of them a bit. I was with Ewan in the previous round and Forsyth the one before." Lukas smiles fondly at the thought of those two and their merry dispositions. "Spirited, those two. Do you have friends here too?"
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maeido · 11 months
               “  yes, that's little old me! pleasure to meet you, sir lukas !!  ”   a nod and a smile is quick to return the greeting. he quickly shifts her attention at their bracelets to which she raises it herself for a moment before lowering it. she doesn't say anything initially, just a small chuckle followed his lead. he seems like a people pleaser, one who worked to the bone for praises much like herself. but, he wasn't lily white either, she can tell. she pauses. the maid remains smiling, despite her thoughts, she genuinely just wants to go the pacifist route just to have a nice time under the festivities.
                so, kindness remains on her smile; sticky like adhesive on plastics.    “  certainly seems like we are!! would you like to ally once more? i don't exactly need an excessive amount of candy but i rather not lose any either. more importantly, i'm just here to have fun with my friends, hehe.  ”  
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didn't i tell you? i'm santa claus
@maeido witch's accord round 3!
With his exchange with a certain someone finished, Lukas rejoins the group in search of his new partner. A young lady with a pink ponytail... ah, there she is.
"Felicia, I presume? My name is Lukas. Seems that we've been paired up for this round." He looks down at the bracelets Felicia wears, bearing her previous votes. Ally. Ally. Lukas lifts his own bracelets as well. "It seems that we're of like minds," he comments kindly. "My apologies for being so late to introduce myself."
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maeido · 11 months
               “  yep, yep! that's my name ... !! .... aaanndd you're the baroness' butler from the manor ...? leif, was it?  ”   a shy chuckle pricks at her lips, god, she hopes she got his name right... that would be really bad if she was wrong in some aspect. well, mostly embarrassing, but still pretty bad.
      the maid was rather amused by the whole ordeal leif had to deal with... that must've been an interesting conversation.  felicia tilts her head at him for a slight second. honestly, he didn't have to explain why he betrayed his previous partner, but it was still kind of him to do so anyway. betrayal is normal to those raised in nohr. yet, luck is on her side for once as she's avoided it for what seems to be not once but twice. all good for her, less daggers to lose and more candies to share with everyone else !
         “  sure ! i like making friends over having more sweets anyway. you're also kind as far as i can tell so ... i promise you on my honor as a maid, i won't turn my back on you! after all, you and i are both comrades in the world of chamberlains.  ”  
          she laughs once more. well, he was a servant too or so she thought? he did his work better than she ever could. certainly, there was no doubt in her mind that he could be anything other than that.... right...? yeah. right. “  here's to sealing the alliance. ”  with that said, she takes his hand and shakes it firmly in return with her signature grin.
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virtue's last reward
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maeido · 11 months
              candy lovers unite!    she's managed to escape what felt like near death against her newfound ally ( thank god ... ) for this round. but she might not be too lucky the next round. the maid presses her fingers against her chest and sighs in relief as the other speaks her own sets of reason. but regardless of their temporary truce, the woman seemed nice ! ... maybe a little hostile in hindsight but still pretty and smart ! those qualities are enough to calm down the frazzled maid. she claps as her words trills on cue.  “   yep! it really would be a whole mess to just start out with betrayal the candy payout would be super SUPER not worth it at all. ”
well, that was a rather simple conclusion. i mean it does make sense and it does work. felicia nods before she tilts her head at her question.  “  oh! how'd you know? i do have some friends in this game. well, mad is an understatement now that i think about it, im usually the one who gets angry and all that... but anyway, nice to meet you i'm felicia, maybe once this is over i'll get jakob to make us some sweets!  ”  
❄ ⁺∗ ❛⠀ 、 ma'am i just want some candy... pls no hurt me. :( ( witch's accord )
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maeido · 11 months
oopsie, sorry about that... :(
i snuck in for practice, shouldve let people know... :(
I greatly dislike sharing the kitchen space with any other person in the monastery. How on Earth do I politely advise them to leave? My lord would likely prefer I do this with manners and etiquette, which is fine, and I will strive to do so. But nobody understands their ineptitude with a ladle around here.
Anything saying get over it or be nicer will be laughed at, discarded, and promptly forgotten. Telling people to go has them sputter and insist as if they're not worsening my life tremendously.
P.S. Stop doing your kitchen shifts Thursday evenings, Monday mornings, Friday afternoons and Sunday evenings. I'm serious. Stop showing up.
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maeido · 11 months
              oh man, this is awkward...    she dealt with angry hoshidans and angry flora so she thought nothing could faze her at this point, but this was just weird. the tension was thick enough that the maid couldn't help but laugh at literally nothing... like actually nothing but the scowl her newfound opponent's features donned so naturally. honestly, she just felt like the woman was ready to send her to the next life. but if felicia was good at anything it was smiling brightly under any unfavorable situation, so she breaks the ice cold silence with a bubbly pop.  “   hey, uhm... madam... wild question but, on a scale from like one to ten , how likely are you to vote ally. i think its a fair deal for some candy.... ahahaaa.... haa... aa... i-i'm sorry... uhm, that wasn't very funny was it...?  ”  
❄ ⁺∗ ❛⠀ 、 ma'am i just want some candy... pls no hurt me. :( ( witch's accord )
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maeido · 11 months
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               “  mhm, dramatic it is ...  but it gets the expression across the table. for something being nothing but a fairy tale and what not, it does the job or so that's how i see it.  ”   she nods softly and slowly observes the flower beds as he clears his throat. she doesn't bother looking back at him. he's awfully against this as usual, nothing new, completely expected of him. the topic was hardly something he ever liked grazing unless they were mutually caught in the moment of the same level of ardor. albeit, it was rare in either of them to even act upon it as their love was something more delicate and different compare to what some may consider normal. but she knew better than to yearn for more out of him as she was already happy enough by his side.
 “  i wouldn't say im an expert in this but i've read romance novels here and there out of general curiosity. ” she stifles her word between her giggles & fingers against her lips. she smiles at his hesitation on syllables. the way he skirts around the word love was entertaining , to say the least. azures watching fallen petals and wondering how many wishes were weighing on it's waxy veins. you know, questions like " how does one truly love? " ( what methods were required and what was effective? ) those questions were broad depending on who you ask and when you ask, that was a lesson she learned well over time. someone could say the answer was to love with all their heart while the other say with a knife to establish boundaries; overall they described it as something that makes you feel anything and everything. she inhales, and it is sharp. just like his odd forms of affection : dagger-edged in delusion.
 “  so, simply caring a lot is something you'd belittle so easily, jakob? something doesn't sound quite right there. but if you must know, love is something that can be easily discredited. but, it's up to one's perspective in the long run.  ” felicia frowns at his poor excuse of a deflection for a split second before returning to her task at hand with a half-turnt smile as she idly brushes leaves and petals between her fingertips. she found herself thinking that sometimes when he spoke like that it made her a bit sad to see how he methodically never expressed himself and how she'd wish the way she loved him could be quieter. more like the hush of a winter garden under a blanket of the season's first snow rather than the howling wind that accompanies summer's first storm when jakob pretends not to know; at least if she were to whisper she could try to fool herself into thinking he just didn't realize. even then she can't help but think : you're such a bad actor, jakob.
 “  if we ask corrin i think they'd agree with what i'm saying after all we love our liege because we care for them, right? while there is differently levels of affection they all fall under that title of love. that much isn't hard to prove, i can ask you... ” her words trail off like the way her fingers pulled away from the rose bushes' thorns. if she touched it hastily it would hurt. if she said the words that plagued her thoughts, would regret the things that fell from her tongue? just like pricking those overgrown thorns? there was only one way to find out. she stands up from the garden bed and turn towards her emotionally avoidant partner.  “  pray tell, jakob. what is the difference in the love you care for our liege and between the love you have for me? ... you don't have to answer it, but that would be my true answer to that question. ” she stops it there, staring at him for only a split second.
hah, realistically speaking, who was she to talk? felicia has always been afraid to fall in love, and she lied when she said it felt easy to love, to understand. this, them, that complex relationship of being together bound by a vow and metal bands around their fingers to keep a visual reminder of those vows. it always felt like they took two steps forward and one step back and her clumsy feet sometimes got confused as to which part of the pattern they’re supposed to be caught in, he was always so precise, perfect even, but even he managed to forget steps when she took initiative. it makes sense that people say ‘ love is a dance, ’ because she more often was accused of lacking rhythm and lied when she said she’d take lesson, so just like him, she also found herself to be a bit of an actor, liar , if she dared to say. she stares at the lone flower withering between the roses and the daisies, well that was quicker than she expected, she walks next to him and grabs the shears.  “  i already found it, so let's get started, shall we, my love? ” then, she smiles like nothing ever happened like she never said anything at all.
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a rose by any other. . . name?
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maeido · 11 months
[ pressure ] sender puts pressure on receiver's wound
❄ ⁺∗ ❛⠀ 、 non-verbal angst prompts !
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              off-beat breathing & bloody wet laugh ;   all adorned with her usual honey-sweet smile. a pressure more forceful than gentle is pressed against her abdomen pooling a sudden and uncomfortable warmth, seeing her student trying to prevent further bleeding. it'll be ok, she doesn't have to do this, it could be worse honestly; the maid mentally notes... edelgard was kind of putting too much pressure on it so hurt more than it was helping if she was being honest. not that felicia would say anything about it anyway. she was lucky that the archers missed her vitals but the feeling was still repulsive as always seeing how crimson seeps through cloth and stains her clothes... guilt coats her tongue as she watches her student , she pats her student's shoulder as she slowly pulls herself up gently moving the girl's hand to place her own, much to edelgard's protesting; felicia just keeps smiling.  “   milady, please don't fuss over my injuries... i'll be fine i promise! plus, you'll just get your hands dirty so worry not, i can take care of myself.  ”  
her fingers gently lay on top of hers, stained with her blood. she frowns, ahhh— she messed up big time and this was just a field exercise with a bunch of rampant bandits but felicia didn't take their archers into account. so that screwed everything up, well it's also cruel to call it an exercise when it was more of a supression order, but arguing against the church and knights' method of teaching isn't exactly something she cares to start. she knew that it was only her fault to show such a pathetic state to her students, much less to her house leader. her words don't vocalize any of this, nor will she bother. her turquoise eyes quickly blink into harsh and frigid stare, a simple command falls on her lips.  “  i need you to check on the others before you go on helping me, understood, lady edelgard? check on your fellow classmates, i can take a lot more than you'd think. ” she laughs and points at her frozen over wound, that should kinda help.  “  oh and they totally missed my vitals, so it's not that big of a deal, milady.  ”
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maeido · 1 year
ooo i'm familiar with this kind of situation !!! in the words of my liege, KILL THEM WITH KINDESS. meanies don't know how to react if youre just as sweet as candy after all. :)
My dear partner has a friend whom I find most distasteful. He is rude, passive-aggressive, and seems to take great pleasure in the discomfort of others. I get along quite poorly with him, and he seems to enjoy provoking adverse reactions from me. I fear he may be a negative influence on my partner, but I do not know how to broach the topic in a productive manner.
It would feel controlling to simply tell him to stop being friends with him, so the advice I seek is as follows; how do I convince my partner that his friend is a bully and he should not entertain such behavior? I would ask for advice on how to educate the friend, but I fear my best efforts have been met with further condescendion and mockery.
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maeido · 1 year
a note folded rather messily, handwriting was very neat but also very round and cutesy? although it didn't exactly pair well with the smudged ink marks and scratched out letters...
well, i want to say she's worried... and maybe she wants to test you in combat? if she's concerned about your physical capabilities in battle, she could view you as a weak child through her perspective as a mother... so, why not try asking her to spar with you? maybe then after you've bested her and gain her approval, she'll leave you be! .... or at least that's what i did to my father when he got angry at me or overly stressed about me to my sister. :)
My mother has come to reside at the monastery, my place of schooling. I am at an utter loss with how to cope. She makes eye contact at least twice a day with me and I find it stifling. How do I navigate this without causing a potential international incident?
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maeido · 1 year
bold what applies. italicize what sometimes applies. repost, don’t reblog!
APHRODITE. laughter-loving, sweet smiles, dressed in silk and satin, flower in their hair, sees the world as a runway, unapologetically sexual, the sea washing their ankles, in love with love, stirrer of passion, cunning concealed by painted lips, secret daggers, doves, revolution in their kiss, delighting in the waves, flirtatious winks, strolling along the beach, staring wistfully from a balcony, this is how to be a heartbreaker, wants to be adored, gets turned on by danger.
APOLLO. glitz and glamour, art galleries, turning the volume up, being made of gold, neatly-organized music sheets, notebooks filled with poetry, bathing in the sunlight, the powerful urge to create, collecting vinyl records, beautiful cover of wonderwall, playing multiple instruments, tasting like sunshine, healing touch, speaking in prophecies, smile mingled with wrath, shunning lies, sporting shades, hanging out at music festivals with their friends, sleeps naked, arrow to the heart, paint brushes, probably has a tinder account.
ARES. armed for battle, wants to raise a dog with their significant other, soft spot for children, gives piggyback rides, scarred body, blood on their hands and face, willing to fight the world for the ones they love, fights against injustice, warm hugs, well-worn combat boots, boxing gloves, bandages wrapped around bruised knuckles, fist raised in protest, ignites revolutions, fear is a prison, more sensitive than what their tough shell would have you think, exhausted, damaged goods, force to be reckoned with, red roses, curses under their breath.
ARTEMIS. keen sense of a hunter, freckles like constellations on their skin, piercing eyes, disheveled braid, moonlight peeking through the shadows, the calm of the forest at night, lying on the grass and staring at the stars, mother doe and her fawn, protecting their kin, the moon shimmering on a still lake, quiver full of arrows resting against the bark of a tree, running with wolves, bonding while circled around a campfire, not being much of a people person, arrow hitting a target, popping egos, patience on 3%, touches heaven and returns howling.
ATHENA. discerning gaze, unreadable face, quiet museums, owl perched on their finger, armor that intimidates, eye for architecture, plays the sims for the sole purpose of building houses, studied the blade while everyone else was busy getting laid, big fan of logic, loves brain teasers, ancient buildings, sweaters in neutrals and cool colors, hair done up, can kill you with their brain, heads to the library often to research, sharpened pencils, abs that can cut steel, stoic statues, pottery classes.
DEMETER. soil-covered hands, smile that can bloom flowers, skin loved by the sun, being the mom-friend, can lift you and your friends, flowers kept in the pockets of overalls, takes pride in their beautiful garden, speaks to their plants, leaves rustling in the wind, stalks of wheat, picking fruit, greenhouses, heart as strong as a mountain, values simplicity, daisies dotted across a collarbone, curls crowned with flowers, folded pile of sweaters in warm hues, pulling out fresh-baked bread out of the oven and the smell wafting through the air.
DIONYSUS. drunk shitposter, on their sixth glass of wine before you’ve even finished your second, seductive smirks, untamed curls, rich fabrics on dark skin, sleek-furred panthers, theatre masks, stage productions, receiving a standing ovation, rose caught between their teeth, being the baby of the bunch, wild parties that last from sundown to sunup, creeping vines, inspiring loyalty, grand opera houses, masquerade balls, rolls of film, shattered chandeliers with broken glass scattered across the wine-spilled floor, pouring champagne into flutes, lives for the applause.
HEPHAESTUS. the calloused hands of someone who knows labor, sweaty brow, flame burning in their eyes, inventive mind, broad shoulders, steampunk goggles, nuts and bolts stored away in little boxes, ashes, striking a match, blueprints for future projects, fixing up a busted up car and giving it cool upgrades, wrestles with bitterness, work boots have seen better years, wrinkled plaid shirts, iron melted in blazing fire, huge jackets, crafting masterpieces, greased-stained overalls, fascination with robotics, pain is fuel, stack of weaponry, even their muscles have muscles.
HERA. resting bitch face, dressed to the nines, cows grazing on a pasture, cool rain, loving and hating fiercely, hand clutching a string of pearls, large chandelier with glittering crystals, plays the sims for the sole purpose of killing off their sims, romance to realism, pictures of the sky while flying on a plane, files that under fuck it, downs glasses of wine as they relax with a scented bubble bath and netflix, like their selfie or you’re grounded, knows 57 convenient ways to murder a man, dark eyes that penetrate your soul, marble and gold.
HERMES. devil-may-care smile, always up-to-date on the latest technology, will steal your french fries, does it for the vine, shitposter, puts googly eyes on everything, meme hoarder, long drives on the highway, ma and pop diners, spontaneous road space trips, folded maps, fingers dancing across the keyboard of a laptop, shooting hoops on the basketball court, chatting up strangers as you all journey to your own destinations, goes jogging in the morning, mixes redbull with coffee, menace on april fool’s, hoodies and sneakers.
POSEIDON. storm with skin, colorful coral reefs, waves crashing against the shore, stroking the soft fur of a cat , their heart pounding as their horse’s gentle trot speeds into a gallop, tousled locks, clothes smeared with paint, owns several sketchbooks yet always yearns to own more, leather jackets, fondness for diy projects, handwriting that flows across the page, nimble fingers playing the strings of a violin, velvety singing voice that haunts your dreams, mood as ever-changing as the sea, the roar of a motorcycle, compass with a spinning arrow.
ZEUS. thunder in their heart, running on coffee, flash of lightning, natural charisma, eloquence, badass in a nice suit, aficionado of history, force of nature, lenny face, nightmare-filled nights, proud arm around their lover’s waist, high-rise buildings, planes soaring through a cloudless sky, technician on the piano, maintains order, strong handshake, juggling multiple events on their busy schedule with ease, expensive watch.
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maeido · 1 year
🐝  *  ―  𝑵𝑶𝑵-𝑽𝑬𝑹𝑩𝑨𝑳 𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑺𝑻 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑻𝑺. (  some triggering content ahead. add " + " to reverse the action.  )
[ wipe ] sender wipes away receiver's tears [ hurt ] sender hurts receiver with words [ lonely ] sender finds receiver alone in a dark room [ wounded ] sender patches up receiver's wounds [ crying ] sender finds receiver crying [ help ] sender runs to receiver when they scream for help [ nightmare ] sender wakes receiver up from a nightmare [ dying breath ] sender talks to receiver before dying [ hold on ] sender pulls receiver into their arms [ anger ] sender takes their anger out on receiver [ argue ] sender gets into a heated argument with receiver [ scared ] sender scares receiver [ sick ] sender cares for receiver while they are sick [ palm ] sender places a hand on receiver to stop them from doing something [ fight ] sender gets into a physical fight with receiver [ comfort ] sender tries to comfort receiver [ blood ] sender notices that receiver is bleeding [ collapse ] sender collapses into receiver's arms [ pressure ] sender puts pressure on receiver's wound [ slap ] sender slaps receiver in the face [ panic ] sender helps receiver through a panic attack [ lie ] sender catches receiver in a lie [ sobs ] sender sobs uncontrollably while receiver holds them [ hiding ] sender finds out that receiver has hidden an injury from them [ death ] sender just died, receiver finds out [ chin up ] sender lifts receiver's chin to stop them from hiding their tears [ fears ] sender talks to receiver about their fears [ scream ] sender screams at receiver [ coping ] sender teaches receiver some coping mechanisms [ loss ] sender is there for receiver after they've lost someone important to them [ needs ] sender asks receiver what they need [ bullet ] sender takes a bullet for receiver [ bruises ] sender finds bruises of unknown origin on receiver [ rainfall ] sender finds receiver out alone in the rain [ hospital ] sender wakes up in a hospital bed and finds receiver sitting by their bedside [ intrude ] sender walks in on receiver treating their wounds [ calming ] sender tries to calm down receiver [ inspection ] sender holds receiver's face while inspecting an injury they got [ rescue ] sender carries receiver to safety [ clean ] sender cleans blood off of receiver's body
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maeido · 1 year
              head throbbing & it's not the good kind ,   a groan hisses off her tongue as she clutches her head, waterfalls of ebony locks casts over her shoulders as she runs her hand through...? felicia pauses. what. she snatches up the obsidian hair... uhm, did she spill ink over her hair?? why was it like this.... taking notice that her hands were clad in silky whites and her wrists are adorn in golds, she definitely doesn't own those sorts of accessories. her attention turns to the unconcealed weapon at her side weighing heavy on her waist, now this was just inconvenient. wait. she doesn't wear gloves nor would she publicly bear arms like this, who is this?
she doesn't quite recollect her memories all that well but this definitely isn't her, like at all. weirdest of all, she doesn't even know who's body this is. it certainly isn't hers as she felt warm, it was kind of gross honestly. eyes finally lift to her surroundings. huh ?  she gasps and quickly slaps her hand over her mouth as she looks up and sees herself, bubblegum pink in all her glory, already up leaning against the desk of the classroom simply glaring sharply at her, like an assortment of daggers at her. ahah, well this is just goddamn weird.   “   uhm, hi... me?  ”   her greeting is awkward as she waves at her with a fickle smile. oh geez, this is too weird.
for : @astrasword !
❄ ⁺∗ ❛⠀ 、 the lady & the klutz. ( any +1 )
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maeido · 1 year
Deirdre is absolutely thrilled when she learns her husband's new best friend has a wife of his own. They had never had friends like this together before the way she and Lord Sigurd did. Of course, she never minded that their time together was shared with just the two of them or with their children--how could she! She loves him!--but she had not realized just how much she misses the company of a group.
The thought does not occur to her that Felicia might not want this.
"Professor Felicia!" She bursts through the other woman's office door the moment she learns she has returned from her trip. "I understand that our husbands are friends and, well..." Deirdre reaches for Felicia's hands, quite surprised that they are much colder than her own. She is unused to being the one with the warmer hands when she reaches for someone. "We simply must become dear friends too!"
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              surprised & frazzled,  she knocks over a pile of papers ,   followed by a few tomes wind up all over the floor. her heart pounds in her ears from the sudden outburst of her door swinging wide open, it rebounds slightly off the wall only brushing past her newfound guest's wispy locks. the woman quickly approached her with no real time to react as the only thing she manages is a look of relief as her hands managing to catch the bottle of ink that nearly fell on the floor, maybe that was a sign that this day was luckier today than usual.  
 “   eek! w-w-wh-hat the— oh...!  i mean, i-i,  um , hi there... is there something i can help you wit— !  ”   a squeak is squeezed out of her lungs. the woman who seemed as soft as wool snatched up her hands, feeling the warmth of her skin jolt slightly against her gelid ones.  her shy smile curve on her lips as felicia grows flustered ; not used to being touched so casually like this, it was rather embarrassing — she couldn't help it — as spring blooms in hues of fresh rosebuds on her pale flesh. she was consistent :  the woman before her held a gaze filled with affection, stretching to the ends of her hair, curled soft like silk against her shoulders. her words hardly connected to felicia's ears but when they did it stunned her for a moment.
  hold it.   jakob made a friend?  no, no, no. she doesn't think he'd be able to befriend someone as sweet as her... to be fair and with all due respect and love felicia holds for her husband... but jakob was a tad insufferable towards anyone who approached him regardless of status and carried a different kind of appeal and was  the very opposite of her charm.  regardless, she loves him,  thorns & all,  but even he says companionship isn't curated to his tastes, surely this is all mistake. after all, hardly any of the faculty and knights and much less the students knew that felicia is even married.     “   i-i... um, my husband...?  a-and your husban— wha- wait are friends wha- what... do... um, are you... are you... sur-sure you got the right person, pr-professor d-deirdre... ?   ”  
 felicia pauses shortly after the name fell off her tongue. deirdre .  ok so, not to fall under the stereotypes but felicia knew about her quite a bit but uh...  not directly, that is. she'll admit it, she's a maid... but she isn't fond of rumors or gossip. it's typically crude in nature even for her and she tends to avoid it overall. yet, there are some situations that are harder to ignore than others, especially when her dear students don't shut up about deidre's husband, arvis being probably the strictest teacher next to her own... husband.... a silent gasp then left agape. oh my. okay. that... makes sense but more importantly...
   “   wait... waitwaitwait ,  so you're saying that  jakob.  professor jakob.  m-m-made.... a fr-fr-friend?!?!  ohmygod, i-i'm— i'm so sorry. i'm...  ”   the words choke on staccato as beryl hues blur it's visions against the struggle of the ebb and flow her tears, lashes making a mess of them with every blink she took. to put it nicely she was a bit of a mess, but that was felicia. she gently pull away from deidre's hold for a moment as she uses her sleeve to wipe away her tears, then hovering her mouth. a smile tickles her lips as tears spill over her hand.    “   i'm ju-just... hck! — so h-happy i worried so much about him !  and o-of course, deirdre!  i would love to be your friend, i'll protect you and our friendship for as long as i live.  ”     the maid beams, laughter weaves between the hitches of her teary sobs as she returns her hands into the other's and pulls her in closer to a near-hug.  “   thank the —hck!  h-heavens, ahaha...!  i'm going to have to tell flora about this later, hehe !  ”  
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maeido · 1 year
         his gentle touch is rare on her skin ;   soft and smooth like honey in milk teas. he says her name just as lovingly as if her name is a secret that he kept under his tongue, unfurling in the wet heat like jasmine pearls, so clear and so clean, and yet the aftertaste when he speaks her name out loud is sweet.     “   ah, you wouldn't really know that without talking to them first, but have it your way! i'll do my best to be careful with that guy.  ”    she argues half-heartedly mid-laughter, knowing he wouldn't bother with such idle talk with anyone here.     “   i hope i'm interesting enough to keep you busy.   ”     her lips melt into a grin as he whispers in the spaces between them. 
  “   morbid?  nah, not at all,  you're the one who asked about it.   ”    a scoff paired with a light eyeroll that collapses near instantly. seeing him hold back his laughter in front of her. oh my, how her heart melts at the sight like she fell in love all over him, they didn’t have to say the words for them to be true; at this point the “i love you"s are as natural as breathing, noiseless and soft.
  he leans closer, rose locks tangle between his fingers as he moves it behind ears she watches as his silver locks cascade like silk. ah, dear heart of hers ,  she keeps it like a prayer for it to keep quiet ;  as if to calm herself. it's a fruitless effort. breath taken from her. fully aware she couldn't keep it quiet against the confines of it's fleshy birdcage. she found their love to seem more of a  yearning that could be confused for burning .  it felt so consuming that the world she thought she knew ceased to exist with a single kiss.
a kiss that was far too polite but his kisses coax her heart closer to life. every touch of his fingers is oxygen blooming in her blood. as if to teach her how to be tender, how to let warmth into her smile & skin. even if he won’t admit it aloud nor allow himself to be warm. yet, the greed consumes her as a soft wish for her to take him and keep him so close to her chest so that the world never has another chance to lash out on either of them again. the greed that lead to her to pray that one day he learns that love doesn’t always hurt when it burns. their love : a love that edged the border of innocence and comforts. 
   his voice rings in her ears once again as her name drips off the tip of his tongue, her lips press together once again, collecting her whispers.   “   ah... yeah. just a bit.   ”   she presses her fingers to her lips, half-dazed by his sudden affections. she can't help but smile and cling to him even when he pulled another morbid joke. she frowns slightly at the mention of his death. the thought is unsettling. 
 “   i don't mind these jokes but i don't want you say stuff like that.   ”   her tone is a tad harsh but still recovering it's flare. he hesitates to speak, she watches him with curiosity. his embarrassment is adorably awkward but she always welcomes it.    “   i do and well, sometimes hearing it directly from you strikes a chord or two.  ”   she laughs softly against him. bubbly giggles popped quickly as it was her turn to submit it vices. there is power in the sound and she holds it in her mouth like a kiss not yet given.
oh, their love was so fragile as they knew it. he fell in love with her sunburst smile, half-blinded by the brightness she tried to hide her ice storms with, but she cannot lie to a boy who built his whole life around restraining the truth, and even at her darkest he never believed that she could be the black hole left behind when a star died. that was the reason felicia's heart couldn't hold back when it came to jakob. she locks her arms behind his neck pulling him close, she brings lips to his cheek sinking unspoken promises in the constellations of his skin, tracing and idle pattern into the arch of his lips, spelling love as she learned it with the letters of his name. but she doesn't bother to say those sugar-drowned words, she doesn't dare. just this was enough.
if anyone who ISNT 'mrs peacock' kills me im gonna be mad.
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maeido · 1 year
          abysmal ... ? well, he's not wrong.    she chuckles at his remark under her breath as he walks away. anger never suited her. she can tell when she's plucked a string in others, she's been on the receiving end far too often to not notice. he's even turned a deaf ear to her... fair enough. honestly, she feels a little bad overstepping her boundary on a stranger but at the same time it was all but blind anger; wool that was pulled over her eyes. in , out ; she breathes. this isn't like you at all felicia. the thought stings but she'll carry it with her.
 “   yeah, you're right i'm an extremely awful maid. the role is much more suited for other people who are better at domestic chores. i've nearly burnt down the kitchen once, broken various tea sets and ruined many things by just doing my abysmally ill-suited job. insisted on keeping it too... called stupid many times just for denying a better position.   ”   she notes rather happily like its a fond memory.  “   unfortunately, that means i'm used to those kinds of words. i am quick to apologize for my mistakes and anger others,  ”  
his steps out measures her own but keeps up with it anyway, not letting him walk away that easily. she doesn't bother asking him to stop and just keeps up to his pace. turquoise looks at his posture and then looks away.  “  i don't think you want my apology. i don't plan on giving you as such either   ”   felicia skips ahead, landing herself in front of him, interrupting him.  “   i just want a simple answer and i'll be on my way, did you or my abrasive husband say or do anything worth mentioning?   ”  
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He does let her speak.
To his credit, he does allow her this. Grieving widow, what have you -- she may have her words. However, the moment the word 'moron' is uttered from her lips he loses any and all interest in the conversation.
He doesn't even listen to her line of questioning. Demands are not something that he is interested in filling, he is beholden to no one. Not since he's left Tellius has he even considered that an option -- and now that he's free of the binds of politics, he will not be returning to them for anyone or anything.
So he watches her with her anger boiling over the top, desperate and a touch unhinged. She may worry for whoever she wants to, cry for whoever she cares to, and threaten whoever she wishes to. If anyone is ever going to kill Naesala, the honor deserves to go to King Phoenicis. He would not have some human he barely knows have the honor.
He stares at her blankly. He does not respond for one second, two. Does he care about clearing his name? Honestly, in this moment? Not in the slightest. But he's sort of wishing the killer had chosen this half of the married couple to murder and not the far funnier one.
"You must be an abysmal maid," he does say after a moment, and turns on his heel to leave. No amount of groveling she might provide is worth being insulted when he has done absolutely nothing wrong.
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maeido · 1 year
         “   you're a moron, you know that?  ”   she laughs out with a sharp exhale to end it quickly.  “   i can see why jakob really didn't like you... as for the game's namesake. it's professor plum. in reality, my name is felicia.   ”   the maid stares at him while he gives her his poor excuse for condolences. he really is annoying. “   since your ignorance makes you function way less than i expected... yes, i asked you what transpired during your conversation, if you really need me to spell it out for you.  ” 
felicia crosses her arms over her chest tapping her arm in a off-beat rhythm, he really liked toying with people whether or not he liked playing dumb but she refuses to let him have his way.  she tilts her head at his smile. a scoff.   “   i am not a detective of any sort. i'm a maid, i don't excel in investigations but i do have expertise in the opposite as i do know how to make a body disappear with little to no effort. so if you want to keep your feathers; i recommend you don't push your luck any further with me. play jester with someone else.  ” 
a half-turnt smile; she'll return his. yes, it was a threat of sorts ... not that she'd exactly attempt now... she would rather wait until the baroness' bothersome spell runs out to ensure he breathes his last. albeit, this is just her anger speaking she doubts he'd give her a good enough reason to put him under the edge of her blade. felicia brings a finger to her temple; simply tapping it twice before she calmly brings it back to her side.
    “   so, i repeat myself again. recall your conversation with my husband unless you decide to not clear your name which is fine by me, i'll take my leave if you really plan on not assisting me with answers.   ”     she smiles, as genuinely as she possibly could with all that remains of her upbeat personality. redirecting her finger to curve around the parting of her lip while she shifts to the side in thought. “   as for the investigation, i have a few details myself but i rather wait for the trial. that way i know where i stand as a player of this game with the information i have and the information i do have, so do not mess this up for me.  ”  
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He is not thrown off. He's not even a little bit surprised to be accosted by the widow ( or, would be widow, it seems ) of Mr. Scarlett. It would be more surprising if she didn't want to speak with him, seeing as he himself had been involved in some dramatic conversation earlier.
"Miss... ah, are you Mrs. Scarlett then?" he asks, and lets her adjust his collar. What a strange woman, but he's not going to complain. "I must say, we are all so sorry for the death of your lovely, kind, not at all abrasive husband."
He watches her as she looks at him with anger, and feels his own expression be one of passive indifference. He pushes back his hair and thinks on all the clues he's found, how everyone seems to be scrambling around to figure it all out.
They... do know this is just a game, do they not?
But the anger the widow looks at him with does cause him to pause. She's so sincere in it. "Your husband, Ashera may he rest in peace, and I did have a conversation earlier in the night. What would you like to know about it? Any good detective knows you have to be specific."
He smiles, a bit callously. "You are a good detective, are you not?"
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