maestrooftickles · 3 years
An Explanation
Hello all.
Some of you may be wondering where I’ve been for the past… wow, four months. Yikes.
I honestly don’t have a good answer for you. The reality is that my mental health has taken a downward turn, and I just don’t have the energy to keep up with all my connections. And the longer I’ve been away, the harder it is to come back, because I know people will be upset with me for disappearing.
I’m not back. I should say that now. I’m going to make this post, and then I’m going to log off again and not log back on again for quite some time. I don’t know when (or even if) I will return. But I feel I owe many of you an explanation, as some of you were very good friends to me and I feel I have let you down by going this long without a word.
So, yeah. Dunno when I’ll be back, but it won’t be for a while.
Until then, live life, and laugh lots.
-The Maestro
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maestrooftickles · 4 years
Hoodies are perfect for tickling
Believe it or not, there’s just so many ways a hoodie makes you all the more tickleable.
First, you look adorable wearing it - that immediately perks up my inner tickle monster. Plus, if it’s my hoodie? Well, that’s just the perfect pretense to pounce on you.
And don’t you feel so cozy in it? It’s important to me that you’re comfortable for all the tickling you’re about to get.
But most importantly, it offers such a delightful false sense of security. You think that thick fabric keeps you safe from the tickle monster? I’ll let you believe that while you stick your tongue out at me, until I sneak a hand underneath and start squeezing away at your bare belly. You thought your tummy was protected - does that make it feel even more ticklish now? How fortunate for the both of us.
And your squirming to try to escape my tickly claw just traps my hand in there further. I’m afraid you’re stuck, my giggling cutie - these wiggling fingertips are perfectly nestled on your tummy, and the hoodie you thought shielded you from my tickles really just shields my dancing fingers from your troublesome hands trying to push them away. Don’t try too hard, or one of my trapped fingers might get even more stuck in that little belly button of yours.
There’s no use fighting, sweetheart - just lean back, enjoy the wonderfully ticklish sensations breaching your defenses, and giggle your heart out for me.
Can you feel those trapped, wiggling fingers under your hoodie already? They’re coming for you…
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maestrooftickles · 4 years
In the mood to tickle someone relentlessly as self-care
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maestrooftickles · 4 years
Okay I'm lame but how does being strapped to a bed facedown and spider tickling the back of your knees, squeezing your sides and GOING TO TOWN on your armpits sound?
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maestrooftickles · 4 years
thinking about cats: 😚💗💛💕💖💕💓💕💛💕🌟💕💐💗💛💗💓💗💓💗💛💕💐💕😚💕😚💕💛💗💓💗💓💗💛😚💕
petting cats: 💜💗💖💜💗💜💗💖💜💗💜💗💖💜💖💜💖💜💖💜💗💜💖💜💖💜💗💜💖💜
hearing cats purr: 😻❤️💘💖💘❤️💘❤️✨❤️✨💖❤️✨❤️✨❤️✨❤️💘💗💖❤️✨❤️✨❤️✨💖💗💗💘❤️❤️😻❤️😻💘😻💘😻💘😻❤️😻💘💖
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maestrooftickles · 4 years
Okay but can we talk about these teases...
You are a little to ticklish to be saying those bratty things right now...~♡~
Oh?? Are you feeling extra sensitive today??~♡~
Oh don't worry, I'll make sure to use that information against you..~♡~
Ahh! I've found a new tickle spot...better stay here for an hour just to make sure..~♡~
You've really messed up now...~♡~
What are you going to do about it? You are a little tied up..~♡~
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maestrooftickles · 4 years
i am such a sucker for tummy tickles it's not even funny
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maestrooftickles · 4 years
i have a hill to die on real quick
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maestrooftickles · 4 years
Tumblr media
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maestrooftickles · 4 years
An ode to lees with “ugly” laughs
Personally, I love “ugly” laughs.
I find them adorable, endearing, amazing, and indeed the best kinds of laughs.
I’ve heard so many people talking about how their laughs are “ugly”… talking about things like how they snort, how they squeal.
How some get really low with their laughs, or how they make “unconventional” noises when they laugh.
Maybe they barely laugh at all, but the sensations are still there as they squirm and their faces contort to pleasurable smiles.
But to me, do you know what an “ugly” laugh shows? It shows that my Lee has given themselves over completely. They are completely comfortable, at the mercy of me, their Ler.
One of the great joys of being a Ler (and a Dom in general), to me, is that the Lee is completely giving themselves over to me. They have that complete trust and comfort to know that I will have their pleasure, comfort, and best interest in mind. They can let go of everything and just go along for the ride.
And that is why  I love “ugly” laughs. It indicates such a wonderful, intimate moment between Lee and Ler.
So to all of you Lees out there who think  that their laughs when their “death spot” is targeted are “ugly”, or “weird”, or “unattractive”.
Quite the opposite… you are valid, you are worthy of your tickles, and I think your laugh is absolutely beautiful.
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maestrooftickles · 4 years
The Tickle Monster
I want to tie you up, darling. With that soft rope we bought last year. I want you to giggle in anticipation; trying to steady your breathing, but, for some reason, it just won’t work.
Oh, does it have something to do with my wiggling fingers in the air above you? Or maybe it’s my intentionally breathy words in your ear; making your squirm away from me as I tell you everything I want to do to you?
I’ll start out slow, I promise. What’s the fun in hearing your best laughs and little snorts all at the beginning? I want to earn them as we play together.
I’ll start at easy spots first. Ears, neck; low value spots that just make you squirm and giggle. And then I’ll work my way up to your worst spots. Slowly at first, like I promised. Just to ensure that all of your nerves are awake to watch me turn you into a helpless, giggling mess.
But let me warn you, my darling. If the tickle monster starts, he won’t stop until he’s satisfied. He won’t stop until he hears the kid-like giggles from nibbling at your tummy. He won’t stop until he hears the big belly laughs from grabbing at your sides. No, my darling, he won’t stop. Not until your pleas turn helpless and high-pitched when he decides to run his blunt nails across the soles your feet. Not until you stop desperately pulling at your restraints. Not until you give in to the laughter that engulfs the two of you and allow yourself to feel the pleasurable helplessness of your current situation. No, not until then.
So, let me ask you then: Do you wanna play with the big, bad tickle monster, my little lee?
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maestrooftickles · 4 years
It’s super fun tickling people who are just. Too ticklish for their own good. 
Like, some people laugh and giggle before you even start tickling them! You could just be minding your own business, wiggling your fingers through the air, and they’ll fall into ticklish laughter! 
And boy, when you actually start to tickle them? Adorable. 
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maestrooftickles · 4 years
i want to be teased until my mind is blank
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maestrooftickles · 4 years
I wanna tease somebody absolutely senseless only to not tickle them just to watch them beg. Like imagine how much that would be. Using your words for upwards of half an hour, hovering your hands of the lee’s ticklish body, only to say “alright! I’ve had my fill” then letting them be?! UGH I wanna. 
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maestrooftickles · 4 years
Stop? Why on earth would I stop?
I know you’re enjoying this, and you haven’t used your safeword. I told you it’ll continue until you do.
I’ll stay right here in these armpits for as long as I please, switching from technique to technique.
The maddeningly slow, gentle strokes of just one finger in each hollow. From where they meet your ribcage, all the way up to your triceps. Without a notice, I’ll go to using all of my fingers in the deepest part of your hollows, shaking and vibrating away, as fast as I possibly can.
Your arms above your head, making your hollows perfectly taut... You can’t escape the torment that I have planned for you, Tickle Toy.
Not unless you safeword. But you wouldn’t want to do that, would you? You wouldn’t want this madness to end, not yet. You’re tough, aren’t you?
You can take it, Tickle Toy. But you will safeword. When the time is right.
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maestrooftickles · 4 years
I’m in the mood to tie someone down, nice and tight. Just enough room to make you feel like you’re getting away, but not enough to where you can truly go anywhere. Then once that happens, I’m just gonna use my fingers to absolutely wreck the shit out of them. I mean… I want this person to beg and scream and cry, and I’m not gonna stop. But only my fingers, the only thing bringing you suffering, is myself.
Of course afterwards there will be plenty of cuddles and pampering. 
Who wants to volunteer?
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maestrooftickles · 4 years
Today I want to gently tease a lee’s bad spots when I know for a fact they want it worse, and smile innocently at them when they pout... and then make them ask for it if they want it worse 😇
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