mafucals · 2 years
i need to actually use this account
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mafucals · 2 years
my friend off of here is nowhere to be found 💔💔
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mafucals · 3 years
wait what tags do people use now if everything’s censored, i tried to search something up and there was nothing but the usual warning 🧍‍♀️
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mafucals · 3 years
finally back yay
i was trying to recover and it sort of worked but i’ve realised my size increased and i just need to be back here for my own comfort honestly :|
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mafucals · 3 years
Porady dla motylków v2
Dobrym sposobem na schudnięcie są nocne spacery albo sporty na powietrzu. Jeśli masz w okolicy siłownie na powietrzu, pójdź, spróbuj, spalisz dużo kalori;)
Jeśli masz psa, możesz spalić dodatkowe kalorie wyręczając członka rodziny wyjściem na spacer.
Wychodź codziennie na spacery co najmniej pół godziny.
Na wyjściach ze znajomymi zawsze proponuj przejście się zamiast jazdy.
Pij dziennie co najmniej 2litry wody. Woda pomaga spalić kalorie, napełnia, przyśpiesza metabolizm, i najlepsze, niema kalorii;)
Jeśli dostałaś napadu i zjadłaś dużo nie panikuj, wypij trochę wody i poćwicz.(albo zwymiotuj:* )
Jeśli potrzebujecie więcej porad, proszę skomentujcie jakich najbardziej potrzebujecie:
Na perfekcjonizm
Na odchudzanie
Na obrzarstwo
Co jeść i kiedy
Trzymajcie się chudo!<3
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mafucals · 3 years
Some people’s 500 calories is fruits and veggies.
Others eat a piece of cake and a couple fries for the day.
Some people drink green tea or coffee to keep them going.
Others drink nothing because they desperately don’t want to break a fast.
Some people tell themselves it’s okay to eat over 1000 calories every now and then, it’s healthy even.
Others cry their soul out for going one calorie over.
Some people exercise regularly, keeping in mind what exercise will best help them get to their “goal.”
Others exercise constantly, because they need to be in the negative calories.
Some people were bullied once or twice or maybe even never for their weight.
Others are bullied relentlessly.
Some people fast no longer than 15 hours.
Others fast for days on end.
Some people start already in the normal range.
Others start in the overweight range.
Some people have never gone to rehab.
Others are in and out of inpatient care constantly.
Some people have tried recovery, and are striving to reach recovery status every day.
Others never want to recover.
But you know what?
All of them have a valid ed.
All of them deserve love, support, and help.
Ed’s do not give a shit about your background, age, gender, weight, race, religion, habits, grades, bringing-up, family, or anything else.
All they care about is controlling you.
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mafucals · 3 years
body positivity thats just like “dont worry men will still have sex with you” ... like girl who is that helping
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mafucals · 3 years
"weight loss actually takes time and dedication, you arent gonna lose 10kg after not eating for 1 day"
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mafucals · 3 years
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Essentially my bible, most things here are snacks/stop my cravings/meal substitutes etc and are under 100 calories or just over :)
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mafucals · 3 years
i want pasta but i don’t want pasta but then again i do but at the same time i don’t having an ed is so tiring
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mafucals · 3 years
i like having bigger boobs because they make me feel more feminine but then i remember they’re just fat and i cry
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mafucals · 3 years
Today’s actions are tomorrow’s body.
Today’s actions are tomorrow’s body.
Today’s actions are tomorrow’s body.
Today’s choice of meal determines tomorrow’s body progress to losing weight.
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mafucals · 3 years
i keep seeing a lot of “i ate like a normal person today and feel like shit” posts on edblr so here’s your daily reminder that eating like a “normal” person isn’t just about how much you eat but also *how* you eat
if you ate a “normal” amount but still
- obsessively counted calories
- weighed or measured out your food portions
- felt guilty for going over a certain number
- felt the need to burn off a specific amount of calories through exercise
- skipped meals
- purged
- denied yourself any amount of food while hungry
- felt guilty after eating
- thought about food obsessively or excessively
you did not eat like a normal person. you may have eaten a higher amount of food, but your eating habits are still very much disordered. your struggles are valid and you have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. food is necessary to survive and fuel for your body. i’m proud of you for doing that much ❤️
remember: an unhealthy relationship with food and disordered behaviors are every bit as much a part of your ED as the amount of food you eat.
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mafucals · 3 years
Just in case you need to hear it today:
You're allowed calories that you don't count.
Your safe foods are fine. Don't let anybody make you feel guilty about them.
Fruits are good for you! The natural sugars are healthy, plus fruits give you so many extra benefits that it outweighs any "bad" side of the sugars (but if you're diabetic, please be safe and mindful of how much you take in).
Never skip out on your medications because you're afraid of the calories. Your medicine and vitamins and minerals are so important. Those calories are negligent. Don't count them.
Take your goddamn insulin! There are diabetics who will deliberately withhold their insulin in order to lose weight. They're referred to as "diabulimics."
You need to consume a net of at least 3500 calories to gain a single pound of fat. That extra helping is not going to make you gain fat.
There are good fats! Please don't cut out all fats, fats are so healthy for you. If you're concerned about it, cut down on the trans fats and eat healthier alternatives like avocados.
Your weight is merely a symptom of your disorder, it does not define it. And it does not define your worth.
Feeling like you're failing your ED is part of your disorder.
Binge eating is part of your ED. It does not make you a failure.
Most thinspo you see online is either fake or posed. Don't believe everything you see.
You need to have some rolls to your skin. Your skin would literally rip when you stood up if you didn't have that little bit of cushion.
Your heart needs sodium to keep functioning. Even if that means just putting a little pinch in your drink, please get some sodium in you.
Most health professionals don't recommend fasting for longer than 24 to 36 hours. It can be far more detrimental to your health than good.
You are so much stronger than you give yourself credit for regardless of how your disorder manifests. Struggling with your ED every second takes so much strength and bravery. I'm proud of you.
You are worthy of recovery. There is no "sick enough." You're sick, and that's enough. You deserve to be free of the shackles.
Even if it feels like nobody loves you, you're more loved than you know. I love you. This community loves you.
Stay as safe as you can, babe. You deserve everything good in the world.
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mafucals · 3 years
my mother really just said “hunger won’t kill you, stop eating like a pig” to her aunt and i have never felt as targeted as i did then 🧍‍♀️
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mafucals · 3 years
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Via Twitter
Not mine
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mafucals · 3 years
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