mafuyu-hoshikawa-blog · 7 years
You blink at that, smiling softly. “Have I been away from home so long that I picked up an accent? Yes, I’m from Italy, but I’m actually Japanese.”
It’s not often you came to Japan, but you missed your grandmother and decided to visit and be a tourist for once. “How could you tell?”
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“My manager is Italian so I recognized the accent.” Was she really Japanese? Her appearance along with her accent made her assume otherwise but it wouldn’t be too hard to imagine so.
“So are you here to simply visit the country?” she asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.
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mafuyu-hoshikawa-blog · 7 years
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“If you don’t mind me asking but are you from Italy?” Mafuyu asked, recognizing the accent and a few words the other woman spoke from Dino when he spoke to relatives on the phone. Italian tourists weren’t very common compared to say American or Korean. 
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mafuyu-hoshikawa-blog · 7 years
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“Excuse me, sir?” Mafuyu didn’t like asking others for help. Not that she was too embarrassed but it was such a hassle since everyone just assumed she was a lost child. Unfortunately in a big place like New York City where everything was foreign, she found herself lost and decided to finally ask someone.
But the person she was trying to get the attention didn’t seem to notice her. “Excuse me?” she asked again, in a more forceful tone this time. She was just hoping that he wouldn’t immediately go into responsible adult mode upon seeing her...
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mafuyu-hoshikawa-blog · 7 years
joseph is 2 feet taller than mafuyu...
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mafuyu-hoshikawa-blog · 7 years
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“Ah! You recognized me.” It shouldn’t be a surprise for Sarah anymore, yet it did. Perhaps it was the fact that she originally came from America. 
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“I am Sarah Jones, Ultimate Hypnotist.
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“Ultimate...Hypnotist?” Mafuyu was always a skeptic of stuff like this, mostly attributing it to nonsense but if this girl got into Hope’s Peak with a title like that...
“Hoshikawa Mafuyu. It’s nice to meet you, Sarah-san.” 
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mafuyu-hoshikawa-blog · 7 years
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The 15th icon in your folder is your Muses “I’m calling you out on your shit.” expression.
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mafuyu-hoshikawa-blog · 7 years
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“I can get used to this cafĂ©...”
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“You mentioned you worked at another cafĂ©. Is the work difficult?”
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“I wouldn’t say difficult but it does get exhausting every once in a while.”
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“What kind of work is it?”
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“How do I explain it-”
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“I’m hooome!”
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“Welcome home-”
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“Welcome back, big sister~”
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“Big sister?”
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I messed up...
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mafuyu-hoshikawa-blog · 7 years
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“You’re from Hope’s Peak Academy, aren’t you?” While Mafuyu had no interest in the school, public media made a big deal pertaining to everything about the school and that included the students so she ended up recognizing a few faces. 
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mafuyu-hoshikawa-blog · 7 years
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“That was actually quick. Good job, Frosty.”
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Now, I believe you have something for me?
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Aw yisss...
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mafuyu-hoshikawa-blog · 7 years
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That's why                          waiting for you is                                                                a Magical Oasis Sister!            and              Surprise!
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mafuyu-hoshikawa-blog · 7 years
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Thank you for taking the time to read my rules page!
Name: Frosty Age: 18 Gender: Male Timezone: Hawaii
1. No godmodding. If you feel that you might be crossing that line, feel free to message me and we can talk things out. 2. No NSFW at all. Just not comfortable with smut and I doubt gore or anything like that will be appear on this blog. 3. I will attempt to match your length all the time and I should be able to 90% of the time. 4. I am mutuals only but I follow practically anyone who follows me. If I don’t follow you back, then just take that as me not seeing any chemistry with our muses or writing. 5. I am crossover-friendly. I don’t have any problems with fandoms like Steven Universe or Undertale. If I’m not familiar with the series, I’ll try do some research on my own. 6. Feel free to poke me in IMs whenever you want and if we’re mutuals, Discord and Skype are open! 7. I’ll typically wait a day before I reply to a thread. This is to save myself the stress of finishing my drafts then having more replies in five minutes but for my partners to get a break. 8. I will tag common triggers along with any specified triggers that people ask me to tag.
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mafuyu-hoshikawa-blog · 7 years
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Name: Mafuyu Hoshikawa Age: 20 Birthday: December 23 Gender: Female Hair: Light Brown. Neck Length Eye Color: Purple Height: 135 cm/4.45 ft
Personality:  Upon entering CafĂ© Stile, Mafuyu will seem very childlike. While working, she will call customers things like “big brother” and act very immature so it’s hard to imagine that her true personality is nearly the opposite. She almost always has a neutral expression on her face and speaks in a quiet voice.
Out of the entire staff, Mafuyu is easily the most sensible one with the only exception being her love for a few anime like Magical Frill. She is also not afraid to speak her mind, often calling out others on their mistakes but she has their wellbeing in mind.
Mafuyu is also known for her temper, especially when Dino is involved. She doesn’t hesitate to get physical and when she gets angry, it is very obvious and everyone should take shelter. 
In general, she is the one who keeps everyone else from going too crazy but she does have her moments like the time she played a monkey. 
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mafuyu-hoshikawa-blog · 7 years
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Tag Dump~
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