maggie-wang83 · 3 years
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This is the last blog of consumption!! And I have the perfect day to blog about today, the weather was really nice out that I didn’t even need to wear a coat. It was nice to walk around campus without shivering from the cold, and I can’t wait till spring is finally here! I went to class today on Saint Paul campus by using the gopher connector. After class I went to the HSEC building with my roommate to study while she went to her review. I met some my friends there while I studied and one of them stayed with me, I also got this Korean soy drink from one my friends and it was so good! I spent most of my time from 5 to 8 pm working on my computer science homework. Once the clock turned 8, my roommate and I went back home and took a small break before heading down to our study lounge to study some more. [12:40 PM CST]
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maggie-wang83 · 3 years
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I felt pretty tired today so I laid in bed all day sleeping, which was good due to the lack of sleep I have been getting the past week. As I went in and out of sleep, I spent time on tik tok, youtube, and Netflix before passing out again. Before for I knew it, it turned 7pm and I had to get back to campus to go to class the next day. My drive up was good since I listen to my favorite crime broadcaster as I drove. It took me an hour and ten minutes to reach my apartment, luckily there was hardly any traffic on my way up. After reaching my apartment, I ate dinner that my dad made for me which was orange chicken with some white rice, my mom had some left over lobster that she packed for me so I ate that too. Once it hit 9:30-40pm I went to my friend’s apartment to study, where I am still at. I also tried this lays chip from China that I got from the Asian market and it was so good I couldn’t stop eating it. It was chicken wing flavored!! 10/10 [10:28 PM CST]
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maggie-wang83 · 3 years
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Today I went to Eden Prairie with my friends to check out an Bollywood movie, Gangubai kathiawadi, it was about a women who got sold into prostitution by her husband and faced many hardship during her time in the prostitution house. It also talked about how she grew from a prostitute to a well respected woman figure fighting for women safety. After the movie, my friends and I went to Mall of America to get some food since we were hungry, we got shake shack. The food was so good but pretty small so I still was hungry ;(. After eating we went back home. [1:30 AM CST]
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maggie-wang83 · 3 years
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Friday: Today I woke up early to prepare for my portfolio review at 12 pm, I was really nervous but I was prepared myself well the night before. After my review, I started to work on my ceremonial speech for my public speaking which took me a while. For lunch I made tofu stew and fried rice and it was really good! Later I met up with my friend and we went to the Asian market and got boba which was really good! I got the original black milk tea with boba and it cost me around $ 6.30, which was a bit pricey for boba but it was worth it. 
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maggie-wang83 · 3 years
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Thursday: Today I made my co-worker a shamrock drink so it basically a green tea frappe with javachips in it and it turned out pretty well and my co-worker liked it. Later my friend came and ordered the chocolate cover strawberry frappe, which has been really popular with students. After work I went back to my apartment and talked with my roommates for a while before working for my portfolio review tomorrow. My roommate was making strawberry dipped in chocolate and let me eat some strawberry while she made them, the strawberry was so juicy and sweet! it was so good, I need to stop by Fresh Thyme to get some cause most strawberries I have gotten before were tart and I wasn’t a big fan of them. [1:21 AM CST]
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maggie-wang83 · 3 years
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I wasn’t feeling too well today because of the side affects that came from getting the booster, so I stayed home today for my first class by the time the second class. But half way through I started to feel sick again so I went back home and rest. After resting for a few hours I felt a lot better so I started to work on my homework and when dinner time rolled around I made myself kimchi fried rice with sunny side eggs and spam. I started to crave boba and I ask my roommate and friends if they wanted to joined me. My roommate and I got inspired by Kung Fu Tea’s sticker wall so we started to make cartoon version of ourselves and put in on our refrigerator. I also started to look at hair colors to try. [2:01 AM CST]
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maggie-wang83 · 3 years
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There was a snowstorm today, luckily I had no classes so I stayed home expect when I went to get my booster shot this morning. It wasn’t too bad outside there were a lot of flurries but there wasn’t strong winds. After my shot I went home and got some more sleep before working on my homework. I started to listen to music and took screenshot of some of my favorite songs. Dandelion and They don’t know about us. While working on homework I started to get hungry so I ate some snack, I ate my tiger sugar rolls and brownie with strawberry ice cream on top it was so good. [1:51 AM CST]
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maggie-wang83 · 3 years
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I went to downtown Minneapolis today to stud with my friend after class and we got there by using the light rail. It was really warm out today with the weather forecasting to be 40 degrees and the sun was shining so bright it was so beautiful out. Before heading to downtown we made some stops at Starbucks to get coffee, I got vanilla sweet cream cold brew and it was so good but it didn’t help keep me awake at the study lounge. After Starbucks, my friend and I went to Keefer to get some bakery goods. After we went to the spyhouse in downtown and studied there till 7:30 pm after we went to sushi train and ate there. We end up eating quite a bit before heading home. [1:43 AM CST]
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maggie-wang83 · 3 years
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Today I went to the Mall of America with my friends, we spent most of the time riding the rides that they have there. We started of with one of the roller coasters then we went to go shop and eat since we got hungry. We ate at Shake Shack and I had it for the first time it was really good! But it was also pretty expensive one small shack burger and a lemonade cost $10!!!!! After Shake Shack we went to eat beard papa’s that my friend recommended, it was so good!! Beard Papa’s sell cream puffs and it was around $5 for just one!! But they were so good! I got the green tea puff with green tea fillings and a cookie and cream puff with vanilla filling. It was definitely worth it! It was so good I just want to buy more but my bank account would hate me so I stopped the urge. After getting the puffs we went on more rides, the next one we went on was the swings one where it brings up into the air and spins you around. After the swings one we went to the log chute and rode on it was so fun! But the bottom half of my pants got wet from the splashes. After the chute we went back to the swings since we had enough points left for one more ride, lol I was hoping for the spinning can help air dry my pants. After a long day out we ended the day with a bit more shopping before heading home. As soon as I got home I started working on my homework. [3:03 AM CST]
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maggie-wang83 · 3 years
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I spent the whole day working on my portfolio review or homework at either Walter’s library or Rapson hall. After working on my homework and portfolio, I decided to go to my friend’s place to hangout to give myself a break. There we had pizza! and brownies!. My roommate brought brownie that she made at the apartment and brought it to our friend’s place. There we watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre but it got too gruesome so we switch to Tall girl2, the show was not that bad but really cheesy. After watching the movie, we decide to karaoke for a while till our throats got sore. Once I came back home I went right back to work ;( but I at least got most of my stuff done :). [2:49 PM CST]
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maggie-wang83 · 3 years
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I had work today, so right after my lab this morning I went straight to work. During work I made drinks for my co-worker and I, one of them was the chocolate cover strawberry. It is one of our drinks of the week, it was sold out during valentine’s day week. The frappuccino is strawberry and javachips are thrown in to give it more of a chocolate taste. It was good! 8/10!! I also made a Twix frappuccino for my worker, where it a caramel frappuccino base adding javachip. It was really sweet with all the caramel and mocha in it 5/10. I also made a firecracker drink where it is a mango dragon drink base with raspberry and passion tango layered on top 5/10. It wasn’t too bad but there was too much passion tango so it was really sour for me. 
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maggie-wang83 · 3 years
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Woke up today and was still feeling a bit sick but luckily it went away as the day went on. I made myself toast with eggs on top, with sriracha drizzle on top along with my different seasons. [8:51 PM CST]
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maggie-wang83 · 3 years
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Today I went thrifting with my friend, we went to four different stores, Rag stock, Rewind, clothing kingdom, and Buffalo Exchange. I love thrifting since the clothes are inexpensive and some clothes are still in great quality!  I got two crewnecks from clothing kingdom for $65 (original price for one piece could go up too $60-80), got a jacket for $9 at Buffalo exchange, and a scrunchie for $3 at Rewind. After shopping we went to the Hmong market to eat some good food! and shop around. We got pork, egg, and paired it with sticky rice all cost $10. [12:30 PM CST]
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maggie-wang83 · 3 years
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I went to the tet show (Vietnamese New Year event) that was hosted by the VSAM club. The show was amazing to see! With variation of dances (ranging from modern to traditional), singing, and there was even a fashion show!! I learned so many new things about Vietnamese culture. After the show I cooked for the first time in a while. I made rice with Chinese sausage, eggs, soup, and kimchi, all of it was so good! While eating my roommates and I watch Euphoria for the first time. 
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maggie-wang83 · 3 years
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After class today, my friend and I headed to my place to relax. We spent all day on my couch doing homework and watching shows. But before we started we went to get some boba, I got my friend’s recommendation (works in the boba store) and my friend got the mango green tea with mango jelly in it. After we walked backed to my apartment to start working. After a while in we took a break and I painted her nail, it didn’t turn out the best since the nail polish wasn’t going on smoothly and I kept messing up cause we did this with only a lamp light on. [11:51 PM CST]
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maggie-wang83 · 3 years
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It was snowing today! even though I hate snow falling since it usually means that it going to be very cold outside but it wasn’t that bad outside. I had to get rid of my scarf since it got a bit stuffy when I wore it. But it was still very pretty outside so I took some pictures of it when walking. When I go to my apartment, I saw my friend standing out in the lobby and she got her hair done! it was a hot pink and it LOOKED SO GOOD!! (lowkey is thinking about dyeing my hair since she did hers) I asked her where she was heading and she said was heading to an even that was hosted by the SASE, she asked if I wanted to join and I said sure. We also went with my roommate and it was fun to meet people, eat food, and play games. There was a couples games since it was valentine’s day theme and my friend and roommate joined and try to win two plushies. After the event, we went to Kung Fu Tea and I ordered the winter-melon green milk tea and it was so good with bubbles too!!! It was a pretty eventful day and now I am just catching up on some homework. [11:16 PM CST]
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maggie-wang83 · 3 years
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I finally was able to eat something in the morning during my class! Usually I wake up pretty late and get ready to catch the light rail and don’t have time to make myself breakfast. But I got a matcha bread and it was so GOOD!! 1000/10 recommend! I am a very big matcha person haha. After class I went to Target since the product I got from there yesterday had nothing in it!! But I at least was able to get my money back. After I went to work and make my co-worker a valentines cold brew. It lowkey taste like chocolate cover strawberries!! My past co-worker created it and I just happen to remember the recipe! After work I studied with my friends at the study room in my apartment for a couple hours before they decided to go to Perkins to get something. I tagged along even though I ate already. It was nice driving around and jamming to some good music, after we came back to my apartment and studied more before they left. I stayed and study some more and before I knew it, it turned 4 am. Lol it was a sign to go to sleep. [11:07 PM CST]
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