maggiecast2001 · 2 years
Influencing artists for the figural project
Jana Euler, Close Rotation (2019)
Forcing the body within architectural confines
The body as a rigid structure
Fleshy liveliness juxtaposing set shape
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Agatha Gothe-Snape, Trying to find comfort in an uncomfortable chair
Absence implying presence
Bodies presented in terms of their surroundings
Anne Wallace
Strong highlights and plasticity of human figures
Cartoonish realism
Artists referenced in feedback
Louise Bourgeois, the curved house
Though made from pink marble, the sculpture appears squishy and flexible like rubber (maybe how I'd imagine my painted room would feel, or how I hoped it would appear if I were to expand on it)
Absence of detail illuminates uneasy quality
Peter booth
My work reminded people of a house on fire. This chaos and destruction insinuated by flame is mirrored here, paired with visible brushstrokes and thick application of paint.
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maggiecast2001 · 2 years
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maggiecast2001 · 2 years
my work unpacks my ideas of the mind and body, personifying both as separate entities which which cannot understand one another.
I have chosen the child character to represent the mind; both are curious in nature, both impressionable and incredibly malleable. The body can be percieved as the rooms/ house the child character finds themself within.
I think of a room as something one can feel very connected to, like they know every corner and different element of it. Bodies can be the same; we grow within, and are intrinsically connected to, yet they are complex and often something we cannot fully understand. I have always felt a disconnect with my body, like we are in fact two sepatrate beings, struggling to understand one another. Image issues have caused me to feel like a stranger in my own body, like ive entered a room which feels familiar yet alien all at once.
I often think of my body as a room, like a childhood bedroom or another which we spend a lot of our time in. One can look at a room and see themselves in it: I see a lot of myself in my room, but they are only reflections of ourself, not a part of. We are given rooms to personalise from a young age, often by our parents, and I feel that bodies are the same. The earth gave me a body to personalise, to recognise myself in, but it isn't me.
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maggiecast2001 · 2 years
Painting Quiz
Colour Theory
additive vs. subtractive colour
additive colour
created by mixing primary colours
begin as black and become white as more red, blue, or green light is added.
has different primaries. 
subtractive colour
created by completely or partially absorbing (or subtracting) some light wavelengths and reflecting others
begins as white
result of mixing paint pigments together.
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complimentary colours:
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inspired by optical theory
painted using tiny adjacent dabs of primary colour to create the effect of light
instead of mixing colours on the palette
Paint Techniques
zinc vs titanium:
Titanium White is an opaque white
Zinc White is a transparent white
free of colour pigmentation 
a painting technique which involves applying a thin layer of paint with a dry brush and a loose hand over an existing layer.
fat over lean:
the principle in oil painting of applying paint with a higher oil to pigment ratio over paint with a lower oil to pigment ratio
ensure a stable paint film
the paint with the higher oil content remains more flexible.
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maggiecast2001 · 2 years
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maggiecast2001 · 2 years
Personal painting:
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This painting needs a pop of red like my other two, maybe in the cheeks or the clothes or behind the head? I can see that it also needs to be darker in some areas. Maybe I will darken the area around the baby more.
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maggiecast2001 · 2 years
Contemporary political art
Sexual equality
Racial equality
Climate change
Sentient rights (of all non human things)
Doris Salcedo, Atrabillarious 1996
Embedded into gallery wall
Pig skin sewn into the wall
Pig bladder creates a screen
Deals with conflicts in Columbia and disappearances of individuals
The seventh continent biennale curated by Nicholas Bourriaud
Named after floating mass of garbage in the ocean
Charles Avery, untitled 2017
Explores climate change and impacts on the planet
Glass blown sea creatures presented in everyday plastic display cases
Eloise Hawser, Feathering 2019
Created from waste
Cilia like structures create a vibration to the kinetic sculpture
Jonathan de Andrade, The Fish 2016
Embrace turned into suffocation
Men holding fish in a sensual way, slowly killing them
Uneasy discussion provoked, controversial
Aesthetic encounter between humans and the provocative slaughter of fish
A hunger for aesthetics, book by Michael Kelly
Gerhard Richter, the Baader-Meinhof paintings 1988
Depicts leaders of the Rote Armee Fraktion
Based on disturbing images from life
Blurring technique— oil paint, running brush across the canvas before the paint dries
Makoto Aida, Dog 2008
Characterises the woman as an object
Dandelions as a symbol of heartiness, Japanese spirit
Deals with amputated limbs
Tomoko kashiki, Dandelion
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Juan Davila, the arse end of the world 1994
Homosexuality reference
Australian politics
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maggiecast2001 · 2 years
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Laying colours down-- I went with various skin tones to emphasise the nature of the body as a room. My brushstrokes are still very painterly, I will smooth them out later
Refining colours-- smoothing brushstrokes and laying colours down in the props
Understanding perspective-- Carmen (an apparent expert in perspective) helped me with the layout of the room based on points of perspective. I learnt that a lot of my objects didn't line up with one another/ with the space around them, namely the chest of drawers and desk. I also realised that my door was just floating in space, I completely forgot to line it up with the roof. To fix this, Carmen suggested I should either extend the right wall to become a flat wall or darken that whole side of the wall. I decided to go with the latter and found this to be very successful in enhancing the creepiness and warped nature of the work.
Reading up on perspective
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maggiecast2001 · 2 years
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maggiecast2001 · 2 years
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This composition shows the house without a roof, looking down at the layout of the rooms. I think it looks good so far, but it might be too structural for my taste. I think it might be too boring but it may be too early to tell
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maggiecast2001 · 2 years
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maggiecast2001 · 2 years
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In todays class I both worked on one of my paintings, as well as receiving advice from Madeline and Newell:
fragmentation of figure, show only small sections of the figure/ leave up to audience interpretation
have two scenes inside the house and one outside. One mapping the layout and others showing different rooms/ parts of the house
Reference images and initial sketch:
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maggiecast2001 · 2 years
Jacky Redgate SEMINAR
Photographic and sculptural mediums
Two types of practice related research: practice-based and practice-led.
70/80s were about rejection
Works from family archive and dreams. “The image of a dream is a copy of an idea” Freud.
Window dressing (1981)
What we have lost is our home in this world (1982)
Cast of albatross head
Drawn from a dream of albatrosses falling to the ground
Boat for six weeks crossing the equator
Dealing with memories of emigration and the trauma of the experience
Mother England
Contains images of resistance
Archival photographs
Sentimental film
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maggiecast2001 · 2 years
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maggiecast2001 · 2 years
Jana Euler
Fragments the body and the figure
Nude climbing the stairs
Evades mimetic representation
Allegory of an event
Talking about love in four different languages
Painting as an anthropological concept
The painting itself becomes a body
In it
Forces figure into architectonic formation
Eccentric figuration
Leonardo da Vinci, vitruvian-man
Text is mirrored, must be viewed in a specific way
Ideal figure
Marlene Dumas
Collapses the binary
Collapses the circle in da Vinci’s work
Nalini Malan, In search of vanished blood
Cassandra complex
Deals with female suppression
Juxtaposition of scale
Analytic figuration
Charles Le Brun
Zoomorphic projections
Paula Rego, baying
Communicates the assertive and positive nature of the animal inside people
Reversing power relationships typically seen in art
Wangechi Mutu, histology…
Collaged pornography
Subversive use
Grotesque faces
Bites back at those who contribute to voyeristic gaze
Thomas schutte
Violent but sensitive
The body folding back on itself
Kerry James Marshal, Dark angel
Confronts racial stereotypes
Jennifer González, fearless speech
Ree Morton, the plant that heals may also poison
Rose Nolan, why do we do the things that we do over and over again?
Russian constructivism
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maggiecast2001 · 2 years
I want to make something which relates to the interior, psychological world of viewers
I want to present the body as a room which can be visited by the unconscious mind
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maggiecast2001 · 2 years
History of the nude
Five genres: the nude, abstraction, portraiture, still life, landscape
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Balthus, the guitar lesson 1934
The woman as an object
Girl is held and is aligned with the guitar
Submits audiences gaze to sexual voyerism
Prepubescent adolescent girls as subjects
Tintoretto, Suzannah and the elders 1555
Gazing at self/ reflection
Myth of the vanity and competition of women
Woman joins the spectators
Not looking at the viewer
Hairlessness associated with submissiveness/ powerlessness
William Bourguereau, Les Oreades (nymphs of the hills) 1902
A wave of women assembled for the gaze of men
Jenny Saville, Plan 1993
Power in perspective
Figure looks down on the viewer
Body is mapped out by cross contour lines/ plan. Signifies the objectification of the body as subject to plans (weight loss, etc)
Branded 1992 and Propped 1992
Large scale
Thick application of paint
Figures look down on the viewer, the figure has authority
Words engraved on the body, usual descriptors of women
“Embodied materiality” paintings look like scraped palettes
Pig like figure
Animal/ wild nature of the body
Lisa Yuskavage, Pie face 2008
Takes typical features of pornography and morphs them into something which is abject
Exploring what is already exploited to confront the viewer
Velasquez, The servant girl at Emmaus (the immaculate conception) 1645
Still life posing the slave as the object
Ivan Albright, into the world there came a soul called Ida 1929-30
Sfumato, earthy realism
Andrea Mantegna, Minerva…
Transformation is reversed, tree is made into a truncated daphne c. 1500-02
Idea of the body as a sculptural form, the body comes from the earth
Milena Dragicevic, supplicant 2006-11
What can painting be?
Painting about a painting
Is there a fundamental condition for painting?
A living medium
Viewers are figures
Medium as a body
Any painted image is a figure
Fontana, spatial concept 1967
Painting as a skin
Can be cut, burned
Webbing and layering
Allusion to vaginas, lips, eyes
Outer layer is painted plastic
Albert Oehlen, another one 1985
Eye is crying
Nicole eisennman, bloody orifices
Weeping painting
Beer garden with ash
Each figure acts as experimentation with hue and painterly processes
Painting 2.0
Textural painting
Olowska, Mycologist
“Painting as a manifesto”
Works with reflections
Magnus Plessen, Atelier 2007
Almost carved into the surface
Large scale
Linear painting
Stone like
Dana Shultz, face eater
Rearranges face
Features cave in
Frantic action in a restricted space
Jim nutt, sally slips bye bye 1974
Meta pictorial elements
Body as an entire living being
Susan bee, miss dynamite 2001
Combines media in a layered, graphic manner
Iconography distinct, but not materially distinct
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