maggiecoleman · 15 days
Maggie's brows raised upon hearing his question, her mouth opening and closing as if she were a koi fish turned human for the day. "Oh, uh...well, yeah, I mean...you're a good lookin' dude," she managed to get out, not sure where the being flustered came from. Her shrug was an attempt to keep things nonchalant, not wanting to give this dude the ego boost he clearly didn't need. "What context, huh?" she replied, stopping to really take him in and tap her index finger against her lips in thought. Did he need another girl telling him about how hot he was? No, but if he was asking, she was going to tell him exactly how she saw it. She ignored the groan coming from her sister's side, a smirk perking up once her answer settled in. "You're pretty in a night sky kind of way," she remarked. "Like, the dark vibe that's a little less dark with certain things...like, the constellations of tattoos, the beaming smile, the cute little moves you do on stage...you know, like that."
Her gaze followed his, a quick glance behind her shoulder revealing the sea of cellphone photographers clicking away behind them before it was returned to the gate. She exchanged a look with Kennedy, both sharing equal confusion but shrugging and going along with his request. "Easy there, Hulk, we don't want you throwing anything out," Maggie quipped with a groan, not being the strongest girl in the crowd. Still, they'd moved it enough to create a small enough gap, one that was apparently set up special for them. The two girls let out a unison "What?!" before Kennedy snorted and said, "you don't have to tell me twice!" before grabbing Maggie's hand to drag her through before any protest could go up. The vice-like grip on her was dropped somewhere between getting past the barrier and seeing the craft table, leaving Maggie standing next to Noah for the time being. "Alrighty then, see ya later!" she called out with an emphasized wave, knowing she'd both physically and metaphorically been left in the dust. With that, she turned her attention back to where it'd been pre-barricade shifting. "That was smooth," she remarked. "But uh, also very sweet. She's not gonna shut up about it for days, you know," she nodded towards where she assumed Kennedy had managed to disappear, "so I guess that means I should either kiss you or kill you for all this. Haven't decided which one yet."
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the more she talked, the more he settled into a smile and the tension in his shoulders relaxed. she was speaking to him like he was just like anyone else - even after the sister blew his cover. you could tell they were related in some capacity and he watched as they taunted and teased, his ears catching onto the compliment and sticking on it. "you think i'm pretty?" hands finding his pockets, he walked the few paces that separated them at the gate and the intensity of his gaze hadn't waned at all as he looked over her features. "and in what context would you say that i'm pretty?"
the ice cream was forgotten for the moment, the flashing of a camera catching his attention to the left of them and the barest hint of a wince was captured in the next photo. blinking the flash from his eyes, the musician glanced down at the gate separating them and the smallest hint of a grin followed on his lips. "help me with this, will you?" he asked the two women, doing most of the work to push the gate just a little out of the way, catching the attention of nearby security who helped him. "you two, you should come up behind the stage and meet the guys. you owe me promised ice cream, after all."
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maggiecoleman · 1 month
Maggie had always been the loud mouth among her sisters. They were all annoyingly extroverted on different levels, but hers was in an almost fearless way. The only thing that could stop her was some sort of physical restraint, because stopping herself? That wasn't an option.
"Okay, not security," she replied, a mischievous twinkle now in her eye. "Didn't quite answer my question, but you might've not heard it over, uh, all that," her hand waved towards the clump of squealing girls. "So how long's the set? Like I said, ice cream's gotta take priority if it's super long. Hey, I'll tell you what, if I make it out of the sea of teeny boppers, I'll get you a cone too. Deal? ...Dude, what's your issue?"
The last question was directed to her sister, who was currently pretending to bash her head repeatedly against the top of the metal barrier. "Noah, dude, I'm so sorry," Kennedy apologized once she came up from her dramatic act. "This is my sister, Maggie, and she's lovely but also not the brightest crayon in the box if ya catch my drift," Maggie listened to her explain, an arm wrapping around the older one's shoulder as Kennedy pulled her into a weird sort of side-hug. "Mags, this is Noah, the band boy you were describing as a hunk earlier." Her mouth fell open as she listened to her sister twist her words, attempting to wrestle her arm off. In the mean time, a distraction would have to do.
"Ah, right! Noah! Lovely to meet you," she gave him a full watt grin as the two girls tried to subtly smack at each other from the other side of the gate. "I was actually describing how she felt about you when I said you were a hunk, but she's actually not into guys. She just thinks you're aesthetically pretty and digs your music. Not that I also don't think you're pretty, but y'know, context and all that, right?" They'd finally stopped pushing at each other and were both letting out fits of laughter through heavy pants. With a shake of her head, she returned her gaze to his. "Anyways, sorry, we're keeping you from doing your cute little dancy dances. But hey, what I said about the ice cream? I mean it. Give me a sign, and I'll go get em."
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he was nervous. the jittery energy that he had each time before a performance was ever present; it wasn't stage fright, exactly, but a different kind of anxiety. you'd think, after hundreds of performances like this, that he would have gotten over his anxiety of being on stage. back in high school, before a big performance, he would get ice cream with cassandra and she would give him a big pep talk before going on stage. but she wasn't here to do that for him now... so he just suffered with the feeling until he was on stage and could work off the energy.
he normally didn't stray too far into the crowds but today he was feeling daring. he'd always liked to meet fans - the ones who didn't accost him, at least - and signing autographs before the show would be a good way to pass the time. of the band, he was the one most likely to be down in the pit with the throes of girls screaming his name. he was the one who stayed the longest, willing to sign autographs and talk to the ones who listened to the music the band made. while he didn't feel passionate about the kind of music he sang day in and day out at performances like these, he did feel passionate about connection to the audience. it stifled his loneliness, if only for a moment.
sharpie in hand, armed with a few photographs for those who didn't have their own, his security guard followed behind him; he may have been eager, but he wasn't stupid. maybe that's why the woman mistook him so easily as a security guard; it was obvious that the younger of the two hadn't mistaken him at all. a smile, amused, pulled at the corners of his lips, revealing his teeth. he didn't know her, but at once wished to; she was beyond beautiful standing there. "oh i'm not security," noah points to his security, "he's security, if you're looking; i'm with the band whose set is next."
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maggiecoleman · 1 month
"Ken, I cannot believe you're making me go watch your hunk with you," Maggie groaned as she was dragged to the barricade of her little sister's current musical fixation. Okay, maybe not so little considering all her siblings were well past their teen years, but she'd always be little in her mind. Still, this wasn't her idea of sibling bonding. Something like catching up over drinks or having a paint night was more ideal. Instead, she was forced into watching some pretty boy gyrating on the stage.
"First of all, yeah, aesthetically he's a hot dude, whoop-tee-doo, but he's not my hunk. I'm gay, Mags," Kennedy scoffed. "And second, we're here to see Jen's band play later, remember? All of this is for love and support towards our family. We might as well kill time."
"You can still be gay and think he's a hunk," she chuckled before resting an elbow on top of the barrier and setting her chin in her palm. She wasn't sure when this so-called dream boat's performance was about to start, but she had a feeling it'd feel a lot longer than necessary.
"Hey," she piped up to who she thought to be a security guard on the other side, completely oblivious to the way Kennedy's eyes were bugging out of her head. "D'you know how long this set's gonna be? I might go for a run to the soft serve stand and wanna plan it out accordingly. These freaks get really territorial over their vanilla."
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