maggies-girl · 21 days
Today I decided to get creative and create moodboards for each major era of Margaret’s life 💞
🧸 childhood
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🎓 uni years
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⚖️ marriage + law studies
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🏫 secretary of education & leader of the opposition
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🇬🇧 the downing street years
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👩🏼‍🏫 lecture circuit
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🎀 ritz princess
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maggies-girl · 27 days
🎶 here are all the songs that margaret has mentioned in interviews over the years as being her favourites.
all links below :)
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maggies-girl · 27 days
🎙Today I figured I’d compile a Top 10 of my favourite Margaret interviews, with a bit (or a lot) on what I loved about each of them 🫶
Let me know whether you have any favourites that weren’t included!
1. TV Interview for Yorkshire Television Woman to Woman (02/10/85)
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No notes, 10/10, golden buzzer, etc. For starters, I love love love Miriam Stoppard. The two were already acquainted due to Margaret being friends with Miriam’s husband, so that must’ve contributed to this absolute banger of an interview. She has a lovely voice, is very respectful, and extremely skilled at making Margaret open up without being intrusive. This felt less like a series of questions and more like a heart-to-heart. It chronicles her childhood, university years, marriage, and early political career, whilst providing loads of insight into the circumstances which have shaped her into who she is (the frugality of her upbringing being one of them). It’s really rare to get an extended and candid recollection of her personal life directly from the source (she herself has said that she was neither introspective nor retrospective, yet here she manages to be both) so if you don’t know much about her or have only ever consumed a one-sided narrative, I’d 100% recommend watching this.
Favourite quote: “Women always somehow, if they are left to cope, can cope. The whole world can be falling around your ears and someone will get up and carry on.”
2. TV Interview for ITN (28/06/91)
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This was her first time opening up about her resignation - which had occurred eight months earlier over the course of a week - and I thought it was very interesting to hear her perspective on how things went down. I can't think of another occasion when she went into this much detail about it apart from the DSY memoir and the 1993 Breakfast with Frost segment. I generally like Michael Brunson and he’s one of her recurring interviewers so she must like him too. I don’t love how eager and pushy he came across at certain times here (eg: asking her to elaborate further on situations when she wanted to move on) but I think he did a solid job overall. If you're unfamiliar with the events, I'd advise you to first go watch the statement she made in Paris upon finding out she hadn't received enough votes to avoid a second ballot, then the confidence motion in the House of Commons, then her last speech outside of Downing Street, and THEN watch this interview. You'll not only have a lot more context but it also goes to show how much strain and internal struggle she was enduring, all the while appearing composed in public.
Favourite quote: “What you've done well, you're relieved about. It's a matter for relief, not for crowing."
3. TV Interview for ABC News This Week with David Brinkley (1983)
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This is literally a masterclass on how to quietly dominate and lead an interrogation while being outnumbered by your interviewers. She was being questioned about the Middle East conflicts by three men who were clearly hoping to disarm her, but she was so self-assured and unbothered that it made their sternness look silly. There's another iconic interview in the same style from her first visit to the Soviet Union but I cannot for the life of me find it without the Russian dubbing. Whoever DM's me the original version will be named in my will.
On a superficial note, I'm obsessed with how she looked in 1983 specifically. While my favourite era for her fashion is the '90s, her hair and face in 1983 were - in my opinion - at their most stunning, and this interview is the best example of that.
Favourite quote: "I'm not quite sure about the significance of your second question. It seems strangely put."
4. Life & Career of Margaret Thatcher (09/03/91)
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This one took place during her visit to the US for the Presidential Medal of Freedom. I love Brian Lamb’s style of asking intentionally broad questions and diminishing his own presence in order to let his guests shine, something many interviewers lack the humility to do. There's a quote of his that says: "Too many interviewers try to make us think they're smarter than the person they're interviewing. I assume I'm not smarter, and if I am smarter, I don't want the audience to find out." The complete interview is 30+ minutes and he maybe talks for a total of three - as is his habit. In turn, it gives her room to speak at length with no pressure. Considering she had a reputation amongst media members for being a feisty interviewee, it's nice to see how relaxed she is when she's not feeling like she's about to be interrupted or challenged in bad faith. I imagine this would be particularly interesting to watch if you’re American because she touches on the differences between the UK and US system (in terms of the role of the monarchy, the parliamentary debates, the government's accountability to the public, etc.) If you're someone who feels strongly about her privatisation policy, I'd also advise watching this because she does go into detail as to why it was needed, especially regarding the broadcasting industry.
Favourite quote: “Some of the press who opposed me most vigorously would never have existed but for my policies of increasing liberty and getting rid of restrictive practices and enabling them to start up. But they then opposed me. So what? That's life.”
5. TV Interview for Thames TV Afternoon Plus (01/06/81)
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This was an interview that employed three different formats: the typical face-to-face questioning by the main journalist, then a pre-recorded vox pop of working-class people talking about their situation with Margaret having to comment on them, and then a live studio audience of career women there to debate her about various issues. I love this system because it showed how skilled she was at spontaneously handling any question/complaint. I think it was probably also beneficial for her to see and hear about the tangible effects of her policies in a context other than getting yelled at by protestors on the street. It was a much more productive way of connecting her with everyday people and letting their voices be heard. I also like that she talked about how difficult the task of cabinet reshuffling was (contrary to the common belief that she was sacking her ministers for sport).
Favourite quote: “If you put yourself in the front line you must expect to be shot at.”
6. TV Interview for Channel 4 A plus 4 (15/10/84)
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This was her first official interview after the Brighton Bombing and I’m so admirative of her for doing this despite how traumatic it must’ve been to revisit the events. She seems eerily calm here and I don't know how much of it is shock and how much is genuine serenity but either way, she spoke very well as per usual. The interviewer seemed sweet and well suited to cover such a sensitive topic in my opinion. She also did a great job at bouncing back on replies and making the conversation flow seamlessly. They got the stuff about terrorism out of the way pretty quickly and then moved on to usual topics (mostly unemployment, and the role of business owners in creating jobs), which I felt was the best way to handle it as opposed to dragging it on for the full 30 minutes. Then she answered questions sent in from members of the public, which covered a range of stuff from her scientific background to capital punishment. Overall I like that she got to have a talk that wasn't wholly focused on the attack but also got to say what she wanted to say on it.
Favourite quote: “The sun was just coming through the stained glass windows and falling on some flowers right across the church and it just occurred to me that this was the day I was meant not to see."
7. TV Interview for BBC1 Val meets the VIPs (05/03/73)
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This one merges two of my favourite things: her interacting with a live audience, and her interacting with children. A lot of politicians (and adults in general) tend to take a patronising approach when talking to kids but I loved how she treated them with the same seriousness as any other interviewer, and made sure to give heartfelt, detailed replies. While the questions are naturally more basic than the likes of which she would normally receive, she does a great job at elaborating on each, and therefore I found this interview as interesting and revealing as any other. The fluidity and eloquence with which she speaks is also absolutely lovely to listen to, as is the case for all of her 1970s appearances.
Favourite quote: “Some women are very argumentative, you know, and might even win.”
8. TV Interview for Canadian TV (CBC TV) The Journal (27/09/83)
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Once again... 1983 my beloved. I remember being obsessed with this interview a few years ago largely because of her smudged eye makeup (intentional or not). The main theme here was national defence, and I loved her comments on why nuclear weapons were a necessary evil (she talked about that in much more detail with Robin Day in 1987 if it's something you're into). They also talked about trade unions and her attitude towards strikes. I actually quite enjoyed how argumentative the interviewer was, just enough to counter Margaret's points without coming across as stubborn. It's interesting to me that this interview is apparently iconic in Canada for being "explosive" and for the two "clearly hating each other" because I didn't get that impression at all? They obviously disagreed fundamentally but I've seen interviews where both Margaret and the journalist were much more aggressive (the Brian Walden fiasco, hello???) This one felt cold at most, but not *that* combative. Years later Barbara Amiel described the whole exchange as "rather like watching a pretty lizard mistakenly programmed to kill a mongoose" which I admit is a pretty funny way to put it, and also applicable to anyone who tries to confront Margaret 😭 (While we're here, daily mantra that Barbara Amiel is a disgrace to both journalism and womankind 🫶)
Favourite quote: “The day when this country, or any country, departs from old nostrums it will first have to decide what it’s going to put in their place.”
9. TV Interview for BBC1 My Favourite Things (07/01/87)
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This is truly such a wholesome one, and I find the concept so unique. Basically what it says on the tin, the interview is structured around her favourite things. She'll have objects or people that she picked beforehand, and then explain why she loves them, like a little show-and-tell 🥹 It's everything from sculptures to poems to paintings, and she will tell a story about the influence that it has had on her life, and then the journalist will ask related questions to keep the interview moving. It's one of the longer ones, which is great because I love to hear her expand on topics that she personally loves. She doesn't talk about herself very often so it's so nice to hear about small things like her nightly routine or how happy doing wallpaper makes her. It's also educational to watch even if you don't particularly love or know her because she knows a lot of historical facts about people like Michael Faraday, so you'll definitely still learn things!
Favourite quote: “The Good Lord is no respecter of backgrounds. Never has been. He plants genius the world over. It is up to us to find it.”
10. KERA, a conversation with Margaret Thatcher (1991)
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Finishing off with this purely for my own nostalgia because it was one of the first (if not the first) interviews of hers that I ever watched. It's not particularly special or different from the ones mentioned above but she talks a bit about the importance of a classical education (learning Latin and Greek, as well as memorising poetry) which I found pretty interesting. The interviewer was well-versed about her subject and had clearly prepared very thoroughly, which Margaret pointed out, and they seemed to get along really well.
Favourite quote: “In my case, you just had to have a star to steer by.”
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maggies-girl · 27 days
I’ve always liked those “work / study with me” pararell play youtube videos so I decided to make one with the footage of Margaret going through her papers 🥹
All I did was up the volume to get the ASMR vibe, and add rain + light music as ambient sounds 🌧
So if you ever have to focus for *checks notes* 2:32 minutes, you’re welcome to put this in the background! 🫶🧸
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maggies-girl · 27 days
Here are some Taylor lyrics (because I couldn’t fit them all) that are, in my humble opinion, Margaret-coded <3
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PS if most of them sound depressed it’s because I associate them with the era of her resignation, as well as the ways she was treated by the media and public lol, I’m aware she had a very full and happy life on the whole 🫶
PPS yes I ordered them in chronological album order, I am psychotic 🫶
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maggies-girl · 1 month
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appreciation post for how stunning young margaret was 🎞
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maggies-girl · 1 month
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Margaret once said that this specific portrait was how she wished to be remembered. It’s such a curious choice, and one that I never quite understood considering she’s not wearing her signature blue… but I trust she has her reasons.
Every year without fail, April 8th has been dominated by uproars of triumphant sentiments from all over the world. This time around I figured I might as well join in the fun and celebrate right along :)
After all, it doesn’t seem right that those of us who loved her should be the ones confined to sobbing in front of a candle today while champagne is being popped in every other home. And it’s most definitely not what she would have wanted.
So here’s a cheerful sparkling toast to 11 years as an angel and many, many more.
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maggies-girl · 2 months
the only thing we'll get from a gerry adams x margaret thatcher ship is a house flooded with so much teddy bears it could be in some tlc reality series about hoarders
what lmao
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maggies-girl · 2 months
Fave facts about Margaret?
Damn this has been sitting here for a hot min uhhhhh off the top of my head
She attended Oxford for chemistry and as a former chem major myself I think that's pretty neat 👍
She collected teddy bears 🧸
She may or may not have been involved in the development of soft-serve ice cream 🍦
She loved animals and wanted to get a dog, but Denis and Mark both refused to let her get one 😒
She had very dry skin she's just like me fr 🤝😭 dry skin girlies know
She's pretty 💕😍
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maggies-girl · 2 months
didn't kiwituesday return from retirement?
I think so? Afaik she posted one new fic somewhat recently, but I haven't checked in a while
@honksksenia what's the tea on this literary icon?
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maggies-girl · 2 months
Honestly, Maggie should have gone for that British Noble who was her first love instead of Denis. It's an irony how that British Noble was the one who treated her kindly despite her social status.
REALLLLLL although I'm a big fan of the doctor guy as well, especially since he would have also been in a high stress/time-consuming profession, so would be better able to relate to her working constantly. Also it would be so iconic that she's the Iron Lady and he was the first to introduce the iron lung to Britain 🤭
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maggies-girl · 2 months
Do you like Mark & Carol?
Not really tbh. But I also don’t really think about them often… I would say I’m pretty neutral on them I guess 🤷‍♀️
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maggies-girl · 2 months
happy belated #worldbookday! 📖 to celebrate, I have compiled all of the books that margaret has either recommended or talked about reading throughout her life :) the way I went about doing that was typing “book” and “novel” into the MT foundation website keyword search and going through hundreds of documents to find the parts where she mentioned a title 😂 so needless to say there are probably loads I have missed… feel free to share in the comments if you know of others, and happy reading! 🫶📚
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PS: happy international women’s day as well!♀
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maggies-girl · 3 months
Margaret Thatcher by Nelson Shanks.
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maggies-girl · 3 months
goodness me…
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maggies-girl · 3 months
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Happy Valentine’s Day!! 💘💘💘
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maggies-girl · 3 months
Margaret Hilda Thatcher, Baroness Thatcher, LG, OM, DStJ, PC, FRS, HonFRSC (née Roberts; 13 October 1925 – 8 April 2013), was a British stateswoman and Conservative politician who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990 and Leader of the Conservative Party from 1975 to 1990. She was the longest-serving British prime minister of the 20th century and the first woman to hold the position. As prime minister, she implemented economic policies that became known as Thatcherism. A Soviet journalist dubbed her the "Iron Lady", a nickname that became associated with her uncompromising politics and leadership style.
String identified: agat a Tatc, a Tatc, G, , t, C, , C (é t; 13 ct 1925 – 8 A 2013), a a t tata a Cat tca a t t t g 1979 t 1990 a a t Cat at 1975 t 1990. a t gt-g t t t 20t ct a t t a t t t. A t, t cc c tat ca a Tatc. A t at t " a", a ca tat ca acat t cg tc a a t.
Closest match: Muscardinus avellanarius genome assembly, chromosome: 21 Common name: Hazel dormouse
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