magiarapport · 4 years
This is super late, but I finally got around to thinking about my answers to Magia Rapport. Between life in general and the announcement of the EN server closing I just didn't feel like doing it before. But I did want to participate so better late than never, I guess!
Day 1: If you could give advice to a new player, what would that advice be? If you could restart the game from the beginning, what would you do differently this time?
Oh boy, does that question hit different now. Well... For a new player, I would say save your gems as much as possible for the fate weaves you really want to pull for. Try to decide what girls you really want, and how many slots you want to try to get for them. I was maybe 80% f2p. I managed to get quite a few limited girls I wanted by saving up, and even though most of them only have one slot that was perfectly fine with me because I just really liked the character. As for restarting the game, I am restarting on JP, and this time I decided I'm going to go my own pace. I'll still play every day to get those bonuses and dailies done, but I'm not too worried about catching up to where JP is in the story or farming for materials. I'll probably only do the story portions of events, and I'm going to try to cut my playing time compared to how long I play the EN version every day. I want to get back to doing other things, and even if I haven't felt like writing or drawing lately because of personal reasons, the game's become a larger part of my daily routine than I intended it to be.
Day 2: What was your favorite event, and why? Is it because of gameplay or the story?
The Tart Magica events will always be my favorites because I just really love the spinoff series. The fact that I got to see the characters animated and hear them speak just makes me smile. I also really liked the map layout for those events.
Day 3: What is your proudest achievement in the game? Is it a character you got from a fate weave? Is it a moment you defeated a really difficult event? Did you get a high ranking in mirrors?
My proudest achievement would be managing to get all the Tart Magica characters. I didn't get Tart or Riz their first run and was so disappointed. So I made sure to save up just for a rerun of their banners and when it came back around I got Tart, and I did have to spend a bit IRL money for Riz but it wasn't too much and I felt it was worth it. Another moment would be when I made S class in ranked mirrors 2nd and 3rd rounds. I was having awful luck this last time especially but thanks to @muffinrecord 's advice I managed to make it!
Day 4: What is your favorite memoria in the game and why? Is it because it's unexpectedly good? Do you like the artwork? Is it the flavor text that stands out to you?
My favorite memoria would be I Made Friends!. Not only is it such a good passive memoria with great effects but I just really like the art too. I always liked seeing Kako, Felicia, and Ayame's interactions in the story and events because these girls have been through so much in their lives, before and after becoming Magical Girls, and it's nice to see them just being kids and playing together. Two close seconds are Hopes Combined and Our Backs Together. They're my two favorite groups of characters and the flavor text really speaks of their bonds and how strong they are together. And the artwork is just cool!
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Day 5: What character do you identify with the most? Why is that? Do you have a favorite quote or moment from them?
There's a few characters that really remind me of myself. I have social anxiety like Seika, though it's not nearly as severe. I mostly keep to myself and a few close people like Konoha did. I have a hard time expressing myself to others like Ren. And Tsuruno... When we learned everything she was dealing with and how she tried her best to keep smiling and taking care of everyone else's problems, that definitely struck a chord with me.
Day 6: What character has your favorite wish? Do you think it's the best wish or is it something close to what you would wish for if you could?
I had to think about this one, but in the end I think Mitama's wish is my favorite. It's just very interesting to me. We know growing up in Daito Ward is... not that great. The class difference is bad enough, and I relate to her on that level from growing up in a similar situation. Then to get that chance to have a brighter future, better education taken from you due to circumstances out of your control (in my case money, in hers rumors leading to a ruined reputation)... Of course she would be devastated. Furious, even. In her eyes, Kamihama took her future away from her, so why not wish to take Kamihama's future away in retaliation? Her wish to have the power to destroy Kamihama is a powerful one, and she harbored it since making the contract, hiding her true thoughts from everyone and playing neutral as Coordinator. But the thing is when she made this wish, it WAS granted, though not in the way she thought. When the time came for her to choose a side between the Kamihama Magical Girls and the Magius, she very easily could have chosen to side with the Magius. If she had, that would have been the end of Kamihama. She was a key character during the final battles. She distributed grief seeds, shared vital information, looked after injured girls. If she hadn't been on the Kamihama Magical Girls' side, they would have lost. That was her opportunity to fulfill her own wish, but she didn't take it. During her time as Coordinator she met and became friends with so many Magical Girls, and came to see Kamihama was full of good people too. She turned her back on her own wish to help those that had shown her kindness and friendship and I think that's fascinating.
Day 7: What moment, concept, or character makes you happiest from the game? Why is this?
I think what makes me happiest about the game is that they went for a completely different tone from Madoka Magica... I was so surprised as we went through the story and it was a pretty light-hearted story of found family and friendships with some slice of life thrown in. I love Madoka Magica so much, and the truth about the Magical Girl system was so shocking when I first watched it. It explored so much in so little time, and seeing the girls struggle to survive the system was intense. But I always wondered if more Magical Girls had teamed up to fight Walpurgisnacht, could they have defeated her? And I got my answer in Magia Record. The game focuses on all these unique characters, who still have struggles of their own due their lives and their contracts, but they're not alone. They have teams, other Magical Girl friends, and there's this sense of community between them. And when they all banded together they were able to take down one of the most powerful witches known to Magical Girls. It's a wholesome spin on the Madoka Magica series, and I am here for it!
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magiarapport · 4 years
August 28, 2020: What character has your favorite wish? Do you think it’s the best wish or is it something close to what you would wish for if you could?
I wrote a large post just to accidentally deleted it.
The girl whose wish is closest to mine is Nico from Kazumi Magica. She wishes for a new version of her to live a happy life free from the trauma the original experienced. However, because my issues aren’t revolved around a single incident, I wish for a new me to live a happy life, loved and supported.
Of the magical girls in Magia Record, my favorite wishes are those who wanted to better themselves, such as Momoko, Sasara, and Ayaka. While I can’t fault those who wished for their lives or in order to protect what they love, I cannot relate. Finally, Mitama’s wish is just chaotic. I love it for no good reason.
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magiarapport · 4 years
August 29, 2020: What moment, concept, or character makes you happiest from the game? Why is this?
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This is an unfinished painting I started in February 2020. I was so happy to connect with others, I wanted to show us together. These are the magical girl self inserts from the first Magia Rapport. I stopped after I was told that it’s wrong to draw others’ self inserts, so if anyone wants me to take this down, let me know! My passion blinded me when creating it. I’ve loved Madoka Magica since I was 14. I remember going to a convention dressed as Mami and being devastated that other cosplayers didn’t care about Madoka Magica as much as me. I had so much passion but no one to share it with that understood. This community has been a blessing. I’ve loved this app for the year of joy it gave me, and the fantastic people it introduced me to. Even though I’m not the most talkative, knowing that others love the same thing I do makes me so overjoyed. For that, I’m so grateful.
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magiarapport · 4 years
Magia Rapport pt 1
Aloha ya’ll! I’m a bit late with these obviously but I really wanted to contribute. Even back when it was first announced we’d be doing a second round, I was very eager to participate since the first one happened when I was kinda just starting the game and hadn’t formed my own opinions yet. I’d meant to be more in-sync with the schedule (ie, on time) to start with but life got in the way, but now I think it’s urgent that we take the time to show appreciation for all the good we’ve gotten out of this series and share that with the community we’ve made here. So here’s all my entries to Magia Rapport, I hope with so much of the community moving to JP play we’re able to hang in there enough to do something like this again next year! So without further ado, my entry for Day 1.
August 23th prompt: If you could give advice to a new player, what would that advice be? If you could restart the game from the beginning, what would you do differently this time?
Don’t play a mobile game named Magia Record.
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magiarapport · 4 years
Magia Rapport pt 2
August 24th prompt: What was your favorite event, and why? Is it because of gameplay or the story?
It’s hard to choose so I’m gonna just, gush a bit.
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As you can probably tell I’m very biased toward the OG girls, I started Magia Record primarily because PMMM had become my new obsession and I wanted some sort of constant flow of content out of decade old anime lmao.
But another thing I think I hooked onto was Inu Curry’s writing. They really know Madoka Magica and aren’t afraid to really play with them- something the writers for a spin-off gacha game (as with most spin-off stories honestly) can be scared to do. Inu Curry made references, revealed secrets and built upon the story we already know- which lets be honest is what we always truly want from a spin-off series. Magia Record proper does this well by putting more magical girls into the world and letting us see things work out better for them than for the original cast, but what I really appreciated with this story was getting to see that old original cast get to get in on that, and these events managed to do that without watering them down any.
Under the cut is me going on for 3000 words about why I love these three events I’m so sorry. TL;DR at the very end-
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magiarapport · 4 years
Magia Rapport pt 3
August 25th (my birthday!) prompt: What is your proudest achievement in the game? Is it a character you got from a fateweave? Is it a moment you defeated a really difficult event? Did out get a high ranking in mirrors?
I’m currently at a C2 in Mirrors. And I got through the Eve fight by using the Momoko x Nanaka method and burning my stones for Continues. So I’m just going to brag about my Gacha Luck:
As previously stated I came majorly for more snippets of Holy Quintet content, so my primary goal was reuniting them and ultimately making them as OP as possible in Mirrors.
I picked Sayaka as my starter girl, primarily because I was very iffy on the game and if I wasn’t gonna get to look at Sayaka every day I wasn’t gonna be having any fun. Then I got the Moemura freebie. So I was basically halfway there!!!! I expected to be going through some hells of Gacha Drama.
I started the game on January 14th and got Mami on January 28th
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Kyoko came the next week on February 9th (I got Yuma on the same pull so Yuma brought her big sissy home to me!!!!)
With this luck I anticipated I would get Madoka maybe, the next Year.
(We did not make it to the next year, I still have not gotten Madoka)
BUT! What did happen unexpectedly
Nagisa’s event came up and I was Rabid. I had just drained all my stones trying to get Coolmura, who I did not get, I did not even CARE to get, but she was there and I was like Might As Well!!!! (This was ofc before the Great Madokami Debacle)
I spent all the stones I had left and didn’t get her. Forlorn, but Desperate. I Wanted My Baby. As I said in the previous post Nagisa’s Wish was one of my favorite events and I didn’t want to just let it pass by with only a couple Memoria to remember it.
I grinded the Challenges, which I’d been neglecting bc I was well behind on the Main Story in general. I did the math and then adjusted the math to figure out the maximum amount of tenpulls I could get before her event ended and scheduled grinding challenges accordingly.
The second time I hit 250 stones through this I set up a Summoning Circle. People make jokes about trying to lure their desired girl in all the time but jokes on ya’ll I Actually Practice Witchcraft and let me tell you my intent was CLEAR and LOUD.
The items I used were a full slab of Velveeta cheese, a little bear plushie, and a Mami’s Soulgem from a set I’d just gotten. Think I set my phone on a cute scarf. I took a picture but my Phone ate it. Nonetheless
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I 2slotted my Cheese Baby in one pull.
I’ve been so drunkenly high on this fact that she replaced Best Girl Sayaka on my homescreen since.
Even when I was logging in at 1am EST to grind my dailies with 0 enthusiasm I still was so happy to get to see my little Miracle Angel Princess goofing around and babbling incoherently about cheeses I’ve never heard of before.
That’s what I’ll miss the most.
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magiarapport · 4 years
Magia Rapport pt 4
August 26th prompt: What is your favorite memoria in the game and why? Is it because it’s unexpectedly good? Do you like the artwork? Is it the flavor text that stands out to you?
This is hard, I never particularly worried about Memoria, they were too complicated for me to focus on. Ideally I’d be that Best Mutual who always equipped event memoria but all my Supports were the Holy Sextet and only Nagisa and Homura had spare slots. The single ones always reserved for “I Made Friends!” bc why should you need to stragedize when u can just obliterate????
I definitely enjoy Memoria for their cute flavortext more than anything else. Things that are just waxing poetic about relationships or bittersweet melancholy referencing backstories. Especially ones with dialogue between characters. We’ll take one of each-
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“The Warmth of Your Hand” Is a hard-hitter. Good effect and it’s all about how Yachiyo and Iroha really saved eachother. Iroha from a nagging void she had even when her sister was still with her and Yachiyo’s from everyone she lost and some would never get back. They built a bond on wanting to protect eachother and seeing that develop was really enjoyable throughout the story, especially in how it showed in Iroha’s character development. Act 1 started with Iroha working solo and searching aimlessly for the little sister she lost, and ended with her leading her own team, gaining a protective big sister of her own and a whole family along with it, all on top of finally getting back the little sister she set out to save! My heart Bleeds for found family bullshit and even when the writing was weird and awkward I still loved Main Story for how it did this.
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“Just a Bite!” Is a Memoria everyones gotten a million of. And it’s nothing but fodder and something to groan about. But it’s OTP girls being happy and casual and really gay. Honorable mention just for always making me shout “Girlfriends!” before I sulk about not getting anything better.
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“The Girl Who Came Back” Plays to all the feelings I have about Nagisa’s place in the MagiReco universe. She’s plopped back into the world as a little droid for Madokami to figure out What The Fuck, and she doesn’t actually give a shit about that job so much as she does that hey, she’s Alive Again! She’s FREEEE! She then immediantly fucks off of Madokami’s request of her to stalk Mami and make sure she’s happy as can be. Nagisa’s personal story feels like a real episode out of a kiddy Magical Girl anime, and this Memoria calls to that precisely.
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magiarapport · 4 years
Magia Rapport pt 5
August 27th prompt: What character do you identify with the most? Why is that? Do you have a favorite quote or moment from them?
WOOOOOOOOObuoy gonna Expose myself here. Gonna just reveal Way Too Much about my personality. Prepare for Maximum Cringe.
We’re gonna exclude Kyoko, the angry lesbian disenfranchised christian, and just use MagiReco characters.
Tsuruno Yui & Alina Gray.
(Artz under the cut)
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magiarapport · 4 years
Magia Rapport pt 6
August 28th prompt: What character has your favorite wish? Do you think it’s the best wish or is it something close to what you would wish for if you could?
I’m unfamiliar with most of the girls’ exact wishes. Theres definitely ones I think are great For The Girl. And some that are just so unique and clever I just gotta respect them for being thought of.
Momoko wished for courage to confess, and as Blonde Sayaka as that is, it’s really mature of her that she wanted to have the strength to do something instead of just magically letting it happen or avoiding the fact that she did and then not getting what she actually wanted. It’s also implied that that courage stuck with her to always be able to be honest and say what she really means, which I think makes her an amazing character, conceptually as well, and it’s something I was thinking about in the final arc where Mitama confesses to her DoubleAgenting and we get Momoko’s reaction. She’s disappointed and she says that she is, but she forgives her and believes in her to do the right thing now, and she says she does. And knowing her wish could be meaning shes 100% honest about that brings a whole new depth to the interaction.
Speaking of Mitama wished for the world to burn and Same Hat Babygirl.
One of those girls in the trio- is it Mito???? I think??? or was it Leila?? Idfk. One of them wished for basically Super Friendship powers. Thats a really good fucking wish most wholesome shit fuck yeah.
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magiarapport · 4 years
Magia Rapport pt 7
August 29th prompt: What moment, concept, or character makes you happiest from the game? Why is this?
I wrote these all August 30th and I’m burnt out at this point. I’ve covered Alot of what I love about the series previously but I’ll give highlights and hopefully won’t ramble for 1000 words.
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magiarapport · 4 years
Magia Rapport: Day 7!
August 29, 2020: What moment, concept, or character makes you happiest from the game? Why is this?
One of the things I like most is how the concept of witches shows an extension of the personalities of magical girls, in addition to the development of characters.
I always liked how the witch’s design made an association with someone mythological or historical history as a means of symbolizing her personality. But it got even better with the doppel’s existence because it not only prevents magical girls from becoming complete witches, it shows their control over despair. Just see Oktavia’s description as a complete witch and a doppel:
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The mermaid witch; it is in her nature to fall in love. Looking for the feeling that moved her so long ago, she moves with the entire concert hall. Her fortune only turns under the weight of memories and no longer moves toward the future. Nothing will reach her any longer. She will come to know nothing more. She simply allows no one to disturb her minions’ playing.
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The master of this emotion suffered from young love and chose a fate so harsh that she could not bear it alone. As such, the Doppel dreams of love while it swims effortlessly through the air, playing a song for its master from its vast hollow body. It can control several swords to attack its enemies with the soundwaves that emanate from its body, but as long as the master uses it, she cannot flee from the discontent that troubles her heart.
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Though the master of this emotion has been anguished by love all the way to the year’s end, she’s positively delighted by this opportunity to don her favorite formal wear. Even so, the unease born out of her unchanging love still lurks within her heart, quietly tormenting its master. Her Doppel has been just as lovesick, but when clad in these auspicious symbols, its confidence soars. Its glow practically seems to bestow good fortune and ward off disaster, and it fearlessly charges forward no matter what obstacles may lay in its path. Those crushed by its sheer force will witness the sun and Mount Fuji in their final moments, and will surely be able to put the sight into a masterful piece of brushwork.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I like the suffering itself, but it’s more the way they try to overcome it and how I can relate to some of it. In fact, some doppels have fun description.
And maybe that’s all, but it reminds me of Pokemon and Digimon in a strange way, in the sense of having a creature with a look legendary personifying a person.
Another interesting concept is that they don’t get stuck with the “magic girl heroine” model (introduced with Sailor Moon, but before that it was a simpler adventure, unless I got it wrong), but also don’t insist on using the twist on witches all the time as a shock value.
This is what we have:
- Magical girls who lead a cult to change her situation and explore the limits of magic
-Magic girls who behave like rival gangs
-Magic girls who lived isolated in secret villages who know about her existence
-Magic girls who may have plans and darker backgrounds like Folklore Zero and Puela Care, but I don’t know much about it yet.
-Magic girls who fought in historic battles
And there is even an indication of the existence of UFOs, which could greatly expand world-building. I’m not an expert on Mahou Shojo, but how many animes of magical girls explore things this way? Maybe Nanoha? I haven’t watched it yet, but it seems to be interesting.
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magiarapport · 4 years
Magia Rapport: August Edition Part 5
Magia Rapport: August Edition  (original post)
August 29, 2020: (Sorry I’m late)
What moment, concept, or character makes you happiest from the game? Why is this?
Hard question, I think the concept I which make me happy is the relation between Hinano and Emiry: They are an awesome comic duo, really complementary and kind until their big default (Hinano’s asocialness and harshness and Emiry’s Insouciance and heavy incitance*).
*sorry I don’t find the good English word to express the idea, I hope you understand anyway.
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magiarapport · 4 years
Magia Rapport! (Day 6)
August 28, 2020: What character has your favorite wish? Do you think it’s the best wish or is it something close to what you would wish for if you could?
Might be basic, but Madoka’s wish is one of my favorites because of how kind and powerful it is. I like to think I’d do a similar thing but also I highly doubt I’d actually have it in me. I also really like Yachiyo’s and Oriko’s because of how they both affect their arcs. I think they provided good insight into who they were and the pressures they put on themselves. 
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magiarapport · 4 years
Magia Rapport! (Day 7)
August 29, 2020: What moment, concept, or character makes you happiest from the game? Why is this?
I’m a sucker for the found family trope. Like, lonely people?? who are hurting??? but end up finding each other?? and creating a home together?? That shit’s my crack and magia record does not disappoint.
But I also really love how attached I got to my magical girls. Like, there’s something about having these characters (even if I knew nothing about them) and going through tough stages and stuff. Tsuruno has been one of my favorites because I love her little battle cries and attack animations. She was one of my first 5 stars and doppels and we’ve been through a lot together. Like, it’s hard for me to put into words, but I love all the girls a lot and I’m really going to miss playing.
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magiarapport · 4 years
August 28, 2020: What character has your favorite wish? Do you think it’s the best wish or is it something close to what you would wish for if you could?
Homura and Alina’s wishes are my favorites because they’re things I would wish for if I could. I’d like the ability to go back in time so I can do things over again and I’d also love an area where no one would bother me because if I had that, I could work on my drawings in peace for once :)
August 29, 2020: What moment, concept, or character makes you happiest from the game? Why is this?
The Team Mikazuki characters are the ones who make me the happiest because I love their “found family” character dynamic. I also love the game’s community (by this, I mean the community on tumblr. I’ve never been involved in magireco twitter or reddit), because compared to several other tumblr fandoms I’ve been in, this one is definitely one of the friendly tumblr communities <3
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magiarapport · 4 years
August 29, 2020: What moment, concept, or character makes you happiest from the game? Why is this?
Yachiyo Nanami. I thought her concept was really cool, being a veteran Magical Girl who had survived to college was really cool, and she’s such and interesting and cool character with so much depth that she ended up becoming my fave.
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magiarapport · 4 years
Magia Rapport
August 29, 2020: What moment, concept, or character makes you happiest from the game? Why is this? 
I haven’t been doing this, but I thought it would be appropriate.
First off, I absolutely ADORE the concept of the doppels. In the Rebellion movie when Sayaka and Nagisa were using their witch forms to fight, I was so amazed. Like on the surface, it’s cool. But when you think about it hard enough, it becomes BEAUTIFUL. Taking the ultimate form of their despair and controlling it for their own benefit. How SICK is that??
Sayaka went from this
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To this
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Riding the physical embodiment of her main and despair into battle, fully in control of it. That is a DOPE ass concept and I am ALL FOR IT BOYS
I also really like Sakurako. Idk why but those kind of characters are so fascinating to me. Not to mention her design is SOOOO pretty. Her, along with Masara, are super cool. I’m not normally a fan of “kuudere”s but dang I love these two girls. As well as Hinano and Momoko. So many good characters and the WONDERFUL story of the base game <3
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