magic-mageghostie · 9 years
/Imagine what the babies parents are going to be telling it while growing up.
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Matt Smith holding a baby. (x)
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magic-mageghostie · 10 years
For anyone who wasn't watching, anyone else excited for the Sherlock christmas special.
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magic-mageghostie · 10 years
When first asked, 61 per cent of respondents said they would avoid tourist attractions abroad showing whales and dolphins; when they were shown a short statement about the difference between conditions for the animals in the wild and conditions in captivity, and asked again, the number of those against a day out at a dolphinarium rose to 86 per cent.
British public opinion stands against holding cetaceans captive.  (via freeoceanus)
Makes you proud to be British.
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magic-mageghostie · 10 years
Tumblr, I am a little disappointed why have you not got a pudsey for the full stop to celebrate CIN.
CIN is children in need.
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magic-mageghostie · 10 years
Oh, come on, that was disapponiting.
I was hoping that was Rani or Romama, but no it had to be that one.
No where in the history of doctor who did they ever mention if Rani was allowed to return to gallifrey to fight in the time war. Why is it always the master?
I want to know what happened to Rani.
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magic-mageghostie · 10 years
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/I'm so excited. I have a level 51 but I need 8,000,000 of wood.
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magic-mageghostie · 10 years
The watch like thing on her wrist started to beep, “Hello.” She greeted as, she tapped at the bringing up a small holographic map it had a green spot and blue spot that moving away. Ghost looked in the direction the sound came from and answered "I'm trying find that." She was unsure whether or not to tell her about it being an alien giant dog.
A smaller blueish purple light appeared only to disappear into a form of a small human wearing a mages robe. Who had come here in search of the big dog, who had wandered into the back streets in search of food. From the direction she recived from the watch like thing on her left hand she was close to a location she had visited before and headed in that direction.
She opened the door and heard the a familiar ring of the bell.
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magic-mageghostie · 10 years
Aww that was so sad.
But I'm glad they are happy now.
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magic-mageghostie · 10 years
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Whilst in Sydney in 1994, a man apparently tries to assassinate Prince Charles. And not a single fuck was given by His Royal Highness.
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magic-mageghostie · 10 years
"Of course I can help find them." She answered his question, even if she did sound a little childish when speaking since she wasn't all that sure on the pronouncing of the words and asked 'Where did you come from?"
A Mysterious Message || magic-mageghostie
Seeing nothing immediately dangerous, the Doctor walked out of the TARDIS. “Now, where’s that scout,” he muttered. He didn’t have the foggiest idea of where to start looking for the object. For that matter, he only had a general idea of what kind of object it was: it was a piece of technology that would stand out on this world for being too advanced.
He looked around the forest, wondering which way he should go first. A glint of whitish off to the right caught his eyes, contrasting with the greens and browns of the forest. He walked towards the anomalous patch of colour, and gradually it took on a recognizable shape. “Oi!” he called.
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magic-mageghostie · 10 years
A smaller blueish purple light appeared only to disappear into a form of a small human wearing a mages robe. Who had come here in search of the big dog, who had wandered into the back streets in search of food. From the direction she recived from the watch like thing on her left hand she was close to a location she had visited before and headed in that direction.
She opened the door and heard the a familiar ring of the bell.
The dimensional fields had gotten weak between worlds, which allows any kind of creature to come through, some were harmless however this one was giant and and very harmful only to the planets creature. The dimensional field are invisible all creatures but some can sense these fields.
A giant black paw came though, along with it’s head and then the rest of it’s body, when it made itself invisible there was a pale blue light that travelled from it’s left paw and got wider as it shrouded it’s black fur. Each time it placed one of it’s paws it would make the buildings resonates with sound and probably make them shake.
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magic-mageghostie · 10 years
I hope the doctor goes back and saves the dinosaur
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magic-mageghostie · 10 years
Aww the dinosaur is unhappy because it is not the same world.
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magic-mageghostie · 10 years
OMG I'm in love this episode and the titles have just started.
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magic-mageghostie · 10 years
Posting here, because slight doctor who related. Here is a dragon wearing a red fez.
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/I got my dragon a red fez it was the last in stock.
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magic-mageghostie · 10 years
She heared the footsteps long before they were in range, after hearing the voice she looked in it's direction, getting up from where she had sat and walked in the direction of the signiture, it was odd looking but she knew it wasn't one of the inhabitants. When she in a few feet of it she asked "Do you know the way out?"
A Mysterious Message || magic-mageghostie
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magic-mageghostie · 10 years
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/I have this documentary and I think that spikey lizard is an thorny devil, you can correct me on that, just don’t do it aggressively.
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