magical-void · 3 years
Drakengard 3 is a really realistic game in some ways, but also does Nier or Nier Automata ring any bells?
❄️ I’m a very big Yoko Taro fan, if that’s any help lol
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magical-void · 3 years
Pleased to meet you, Did you play or watch Drakengard 3 before?
❄️ yes I have!
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magical-void · 3 years
“ I’m sure he would wish to grieve for his lost love , too . After all , you both loved Adette , and you both witnessed her be brutally murdered , no ? “
Her snicker is cruel and mocking.
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“ I wonder if he’s picked a name yet . . . “
What a waste. Her most successful clone yet, dead. At least this time, her death wasn’t unplanned for. Actually, it was she who killed her this time.
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“ what a waste . She was my most successful clone since the first . . “
She knew that the crow was watching her, fists tightly clenched and an angry glare on his face. But she didn’t mind.
“ oh ! I’m sorry . Did you want to kill her ? My bad ~ “
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magical-void · 3 years
“ there’s more of you , you know . “
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Or maybe he doesn’t.
“ there’s a you who wants out very , very badly . Can’t you feel it ? The stronger you . The BETTER you . “
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The puppet.
“ I order you to let him out . “
What a waste. Her most successful clone yet, dead. At least this time, her death wasn’t unplanned for. Actually, it was she who killed her this time.
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“ what a waste . She was my most successful clone since the first . . “
She knew that the crow was watching her, fists tightly clenched and an angry glare on his face. But she didn’t mind.
“ oh ! I’m sorry . Did you want to kill her ? My bad ~ “
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magical-void · 3 years
“ No . But you will be . “
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She smiles sweetly, before her expression does a 180 and she scowls.
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“ you don’t actually believe you’re in control , do you ? “
What a waste. Her most successful clone yet, dead. At least this time, her death wasn’t unplanned for. Actually, it was she who killed her this time.
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“ what a waste . She was my most successful clone since the first . . “
She knew that the crow was watching her, fists tightly clenched and an angry glare on his face. But she didn’t mind.
“ oh ! I’m sorry . Did you want to kill her ? My bad ~ “
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magical-void · 3 years
“ you will try . “
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Laodameia laughs mockingly.
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“ and you will fail . That’s an order . “
What a waste. Her most successful clone yet, dead. At least this time, her death wasn’t unplanned for. Actually, it was she who killed her this time.
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“ what a waste . She was my most successful clone since the first . . “
She knew that the crow was watching her, fists tightly clenched and an angry glare on his face. But she didn’t mind.
“ oh ! I’m sorry . Did you want to kill her ? My bad ~ “
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magical-void · 3 years
“ she was a failure ! She deserved to die . “
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She doesn’t seem very impressed with his lackluster performance of purple magic. What was it supposed to do? Bore her to death?
“ you know who makes that decision , Branok ? ME . “
Not him. Not anyone else. Only she could decide when it was time for a clone to die.
What a waste. Her most successful clone yet, dead. At least this time, her death wasn’t unplanned for. Actually, it was she who killed her this time.
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“ what a waste . She was my most successful clone since the first . . “
She knew that the crow was watching her, fists tightly clenched and an angry glare on his face. But she didn’t mind.
“ oh ! I’m sorry . Did you want to kill her ? My bad ~ “
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magical-void · 3 years
What a waste. Her most successful clone yet, dead. At least this time, her death wasn’t unplanned for. Actually, it was she who killed her this time.
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“ what a waste . She was my most successful clone since the first . . “
She knew that the crow was watching her, fists tightly clenched and an angry glare on his face. But she didn’t mind.
“ oh ! I’m sorry . Did you want to kill her ? My bad ~ “
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magical-void · 3 years
“ no . “
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There is no hesitation in her cold answer at all.
“ we have not . “
” . . . . “
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The magical girl is silent , staring at the other girl before her. She looked - . . Awfully familiar. She just couldn't place her finger on it . . It was driving her crazy , really.
“ . . Excuse me . . Miss ? “
Finally getting the courage , Mae speaks up. Taking a step closer to the other before her.
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“ Sorry to be a bother but have we . . Met , before ? “
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magical-void · 3 years
If one more blog that rps / posts nsfw content interacts with my blog I’m going to lose it
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magical-void · 3 years
Since I’ve seen people go around, I’m making this PSA that applies for all of my accounts.
NSFW accounts/people who rp and/or post about nsfw: DO NOT INTERACT.
Op is a MINOR and frankly DISGUSTED with heavy nsfw stuff. Thank you for understanding.
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magical-void · 3 years
“ oh ! “
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“ you think so ? “
“ so you’re the despair witch I’ve seen so much about , huh ? “
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The figure speaking is unfamiliar . Though her voice sounds similar to a certain white haired pest , their appearances were vastly different . For starters , this girl had ruby red hair .
“ how are things here ? Having fun spreading despair to the world ? “
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magical-void · 3 years
“ right on the money ! “
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The ginger releases a laugh .
“ though , more specifically , Adette is ME . I created her . “
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“ all of them . “
“ so you’re the despair witch I’ve seen so much about , huh ? “
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The figure speaking is unfamiliar . Though her voice sounds similar to a certain white haired pest , their appearances were vastly different . For starters , this girl had ruby red hair .
“ how are things here ? Having fun spreading despair to the world ? “
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magical-void · 3 years
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“ I suppose that’s technically true , yes . Though I feel i’ve transcended such a title . “
The crimson haired girl sighs , before she simply grins at the witch .
“ I’m the one who hand picked your daughter to be your vessel . “
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“ so you’re the despair witch I’ve seen so much about , huh ? “
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The figure speaking is unfamiliar . Though her voice sounds similar to a certain white haired pest , their appearances were vastly different . For starters , this girl had ruby red hair .
“ how are things here ? Having fun spreading despair to the world ? “
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magical-void · 3 years
“ well , that’s very rude of you ! “
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But it was expected from someone like them .
“ i’m the one who made all of this possible ! “
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“ so you’re the despair witch I’ve seen so much about , huh ? “
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The figure speaking is unfamiliar . Though her voice sounds similar to a certain white haired pest , their appearances were vastly different . For starters , this girl had ruby red hair .
“ how are things here ? Having fun spreading despair to the world ? “
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magical-void · 3 years
“ so you’re the despair witch I’ve seen so much about , huh ? “
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The figure speaking is unfamiliar . Though her voice sounds similar to a certain white haired pest , their appearances were vastly different . For starters , this girl had ruby red hair .
“ how are things here ? Having fun spreading despair to the world ? “
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magical-void · 3 years
“ what ? “
Adette is confused . Six ? Ten ?
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“ I . . . only one ? “
Magical girls didnt get the luxury of second chances . Except for her
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“ Now you‘re an interesting case !~ “
The demon says , letting out a small chuckle. a slight smirk is on her face as she walks around the magical girl in front of her. She folds her wings down , tilting her head as she lets out a small hum.
” Tell me , how many times have you tried to escape your fate ? Six ? ten ? “
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