magicalessence · 3 years
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Zatanna Zatara in Young Justice: Phantoms  
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magicalessence · 3 years
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young justice but it’s just the pretty ones
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magicalessence · 3 years
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being this fucking hot is actually illegal
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magicalessence · 3 years
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Young Justice: The Jukebox
Wally West/Artemis Crock  and   Dick Grayson/Zatanna Zatara
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magicalessence · 3 years
Jerome looked around for a moment, genuinely trying to ascertain if there was someone else in the room, before he realized who Zee was talking about. “Oh, me!” he said, grinning, rather pleased with himself. He paused. “Well–” He hadn’t been doing much of either one of those things, showering least of all. And then he brightened. “Jeremiah found me,” he said. “He said Ecco would find me an apartment.” Another pause. “It’s probably gonna be a dog crate.”
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“Of course you! Who else would it be?” she chuckled as she waited for him to come in. She didn’t need for him to answer, she could tell from where she stood. Maybe she could trick him into one while he was here. ask him to clean a fish tank or something. “Oh he did? Are you two getting along better?” she asked warily. Then he continued and she sighed. “YOu need to be careful with him Jerome okay?” 
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magicalessence · 3 years
“yes. i am telling you what to do. i’m telling you not to pull something like that again because — ‘cause fucking hell. i care about you. okay?” // @magicalessence​
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Hearing Zee’s outburst, Dick uncrossed his legs and leaned forward in his seat. He had assumed that she was never going to speak to him again, let alone tell him that she cared about him. The admission made his heart race, and he wasn’t sure how to respond. He had a nasty habit of always putting his foot in his mouth when it came to Zee. “Okay. I’m sorry, Zatanna. I didn’t – the last thing I wanted to do was worry you.” Going after Jeremiah had been stupid, Dick knew that. But he couldn’t let him keep tearing through the homes of his ex partners and current partner. “I won’t meet him again without back up,” he promised. “I just thought it’d be better to handle things alone. I’ve already caused so much damage just by bringing him into our lives.” Licking his lips, he ran a hand through his soft, loose curls, then finally met Zee’s gaze. “I care about you, too. That’s why I wanted to make him stop after finding out that he’d visited you. I don’t want you to be in danger.” 
“Don’t be sorry. Be smart. Jeremiah has already proven once that he can get to you. He knows how to manipulate you. Let him be someone else’s problem. any attention you give him is only going to feed him.” she sighed. “You see the good in people. It’s your greatest strength and your biggest weakness.” she said to Dick, crossing her arms over her torso. “Oh please. Jeremiah doesn’t scare me. He caught me on a bad day. If he wanted me dead, it would have been then. I can take care of myself and I’m not your issue anymore. Babs is and unlike me she can’t stop someone in a breath. Keep her safe. ”
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magicalessence · 3 years
Text | Jax&Zee
Jax: Why does everyone think that? :/
Jax: would I have done that as a teenager? sure. But I swear I've got my life kind of together
Jax: You can have some, she honestly makes way too much
Zee: well you don't really tell us life updates unless it's you and jason having problems.
Zee:im sure she's just making sure you're ok. it's sweet
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magicalessence · 3 years
Text | Jason x Zee...Jay-Z heh heh
Jason: I'm not.
Jason: I'll just hangout with Rose.
Jason: Just go hangout with him.
Zee: Thought we'd be past lying.
Zee: Alright then. ill talk to you later.
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magicalessence · 3 years
Text | Jax&Zee
Zee: YEah that works. Where are you staying?
Jax: There's a small apartment above the Garage, Tony's renting it to me
Jax: His wife keeps saying I'm depressed and leaving me casserole at the door so that's cool I guess ���
Jax: But I am never late to work anymore so maybe this is better for me
Zee: I'm really proud of you Jax. Iwas sorta worried you were living in your car.
Zee: Well i love casserole.
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magicalessence · 3 years
Text | Jason x Zee...Jay-Z heh heh
Jason: Good luck.
Jason: This isn't weird for me.
Jason: Okay.
Zee: You're upset.
zee: He's still my friend Jason. I can't just ...be sleeping with you and abandon him.
Zee: I'm just trying to make everyone happy here. I didn't think you'd mind. I can tell him to wait?
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magicalessence · 3 years
Text | Jax&Zee
Jax: You're going to have to show me that magic trick LOL Sounds fun
Jax: Okay cool, lets just meet up at the usual place? Unless you want to just come over to mine
Jax: I'm gonna pregame anyway
Zee: YEah that works. Where are you staying?
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magicalessence · 3 years
Text | Jason x Zee...Jay-Z heh heh
Jason: We can stop if it's too much for you.
Jason: Okay.
Jason: Sure.
Zee: No. it's not you. it's just been a really long day that looks like is about to get longer.
Zee: you're kinda the only thing that doesn't stress me out right now.
Zee: unless me saying that is weird?
Zee: Okay. I'll text you tomorrow then?
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magicalessence · 3 years
Text | Jason x Zee...Jay-Z heh heh
Jason: You should talk to her then or I can if you want. I don't know why she would feel weird around you. You're not a floozy.
Jason: Are you okay?
Zee: yeah there's just a lot going on for me right now.
Zee: oh uhm, jax just texted me. he said he really needs to talk to someone.
Zee: should we just cancel tonight? i know we going to have the place to ourselves but we can always go to mine tomorrow instead? is that ok?
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magicalessence · 3 years
Text | Jax&Zee
Zee: oh well in that case ill bring pom :)
Zee: you won't like this one. really it's no big deal Jax ok?
Jax: Does she fit in your purse? We may need to sneak her in if they don't allow pets ;3
Jax [UNSENT]: That's a little suspe
Jax: Uhhhhh ok? As long as you don't mind cancelling on them
Zee: Honey, I could make an elephant fit in my purse.
Zee:n yeah no i'm sure they'll be fine with it.
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magicalessence · 3 years
Text | Jax&Zee
Jax: Sounds like a deal, I'm excited to meet her. She looks very fluffy
Jax: cool because I'm having a world class level bad night and I kinda need a buddy right now
Jax: You don't need to cancel, I like most of your friends
Zee: oh well in that case ill bring pom :)
Zee: you won't like this one. really it's no big deal Jax ok?
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magicalessence · 3 years
Text | Jax&Zee
Jax: Giant Pompom
Jax: I was going to ask you if you wanted to go out for a drink or something
Jax: Which friend? Maybe we can all hang out
Zee: How about just pompom? you can call her Giant pompom tho lol
Zee: Yeah sure. I can cancel.
zee: -purposely ignored-
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magicalessence · 3 years
Text | Jax&Zee
Jax: Zee, I think that's a giant pompom?
Jax: And that's also my name suggestion
Jax: What are you doing tonight?
Zee: Giant Pompom or just pompom
Zee: Was gonna hang out with a friend. Why?
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