magicalketchup · 2 years
hey...... how yall doing......
honestly im happier without this app
got a new phone and i wont download tumblr. maybe just for headers idk lol
gonna deactivate my other accounts and this one is going to continue here, just because 💕
tumblr is fun, meet some weird and nice people.
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magicalketchup · 2 years
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It’s time again
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magicalketchup · 2 years
We live in an age of regrettably half-assed insults. I would have done great at like 1654 where you could walk up to someone you don't like and just say shit like "how cruel can nature be, that now age denies you wisdom, as youth once forbade you beauty" and get stabbed.
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magicalketchup · 2 years
i hate paying $60 for gas i hate that my friends are moving away because they keep getting priced out of apartments they've lived in for years i hate that there are only ever 6 houses for sale in my city and i couldn't dream of affording any of them i hate that the number of familiar faces at the food bank keeps rising i hate that my mom was billed $150 for the 30 seconds the doctor spent asking if she was pregnant when she went in for her hysterectomy i hate that in the last 10 years the summers here have become fearful things for threat of fire i hate that we can find billions of dollars for a proxy war but not a cent for the mouths bodies roads culture art people at home the old world is dying the new world struggles to be born and all i can do is gather the people around me as we huddle together against the violent and ever-increasing contractions
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magicalketchup · 2 years
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magicalketchup · 2 years
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just sibling things
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magicalketchup · 2 years
i love being alone, but being lonely makes me want to kill myself
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magicalketchup · 2 years
once a girl reported me to an administrator at school bc i was breaking dresscode and she didnt like me. so i pushed her down the stairs. i just kept walking and i dont think she saw me and i never got caught. i know she got very seriously injured and they had to call an ambulance and she transferred schools bc she knew SOMEONE pushed her and she didnt feel safe. ive never regretted it. its been years since i graduated and im on mood stabilizers now, but sometimes when someone is testing my patience i calm myself down by thinking about how good it felt to snap once and how i cant do that again bc i would go to prison probably
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magicalketchup · 2 years
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magicalketchup · 2 years
As a society valuing convenience over experience is why everything sucks today. Blockbuster was an EXPERIENCE. the movie theater was an EXPERIENCE. Music stores were an EXPERIENCE. Arcades were an EXPERIENCE. I don’t want to sit in my house forever!!!!! I don’t want everything streamed to my electronics!!!!! I want to sit in front of the big silver screen for 2 hours with a coke freeze and come out with my life changed!!!! I want to live and I don’t care the cost!!!!!!
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magicalketchup · 2 years
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magicalketchup · 2 years
imagine a family getting all settled in for a family movie night “everyone got their popcorn? I’ll get the movie set up” and then their mom opens up tumblr on the television and starts scrolling through the posts. “it’s gotta be around here somewhere, ah! there it is!” she clicks on the compressed Morbius GIF and they all sit happily and watch the entire thing.
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magicalketchup · 2 years
k-roha reports on astro during today’s mcountdown
a lot of male fans of other groups / soloists stayed during the encore and kept loudly admiring moonbin (physique, that he is manly and ect)
astro made a very concious effort to connect with fans, they crouched down and looked each aroha in the eye, thanking them
there was an aroha in a wheelchair present. moonbin was constantly talking to them and making sure that they are comfortable and can see what is going on.
rocky was in a good mood today, he kept joking around and acting cute
sanha was doing a lot of stress reducing breathing exercises before the winner announcements
the members kept mentioning mj during the encore
eunwoo kept getting shy during the ending pose no matter how many time it was filmed and his instint was to turn to jinjin and giggle every single time
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magicalketchup · 2 years
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magicalketchup · 2 years
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Oh candy sugar pop There’s no other answer but to enjoy this Let’s run together
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magicalketchup · 2 years
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do you ever think of me
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magicalketchup · 2 years
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