magicalpostarcade · 3 years
#4 Student Authorized Blog Post
Gender roles play a vital role in our society today. They shape what society deems normal for a male or female expresses themselves and function.  Personality traits, behaviors, jobs, and appearance are pre determined based on the gender of one which is very wrong. Each individual has the right to do what they want, acquire the jobs they want, dress how they want, and be who they want. Society has impacted both men and women to fall into categories and have certain expectations which is detrimental. Having expectations and forcing these attributes for an individual will cause a life filled with limitations, happiness, and innovation. 
Now, we may wonder how are these characteristics and expectations formed. Media and peers have created a stigma on what a male and female should be. Males are seen as strong, short haired, independent individuals while females are seen as dependent, long haired, house wide, and weak/innocent. These norms have been instilled for years and as kids grow up they initially believe this and will begin to follow the boundaries which need to be broken. 
In this video above, it shows the impact that has already been created and its effect on society. We must lift ourselves up and fix this before a cycle begins and the norms cannot be broken. There are many examples the companies use to represent the problem. An example is Axe/Old Spice which commonly use the phrase “Be like a Man” ; “Smell like a Man” with descriptions on the products that just say for men. These smells are directing towards a common audience however excluding other who may want to use them. 
Parenthood, P. (n.d.). Gender Identity & Roles: Feminine Traits & Stereotypes. Planned Parenthood. Retrieved March 24, 2022, from https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/gender-identity/sex-gender-identity/what-are-gender-roles-and-stereotypes#:~:text=What%20are%20gender%20roles%3F,polite%2C%20accommodating%2C%20and%20nurturing.
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magicalpostarcade · 3 years
#3 Student Authored Blog Post
Racism has been a common sight throughout my early childhood and sometimes even now. Living in a community, having a different skin color, and not being accustomed to “normal” activities causes some to feel as if I am different and undeserving. I  experienced my first feeling of discrimination that I can truly remember when I was in middle school. I always used to be pretty good at sports and played all the time whether it was for fun in the backyard or even at school teams. I enjoyed playing and there were not many Indian people who played sports. I used to always get a weird looks or wondering looks, but when I started playing travel baseball, basketball parents and sometimes even kids who make racist remarks like “Go back to your country” or just common stereotypes. To be very honest I never really cared about comments like those I just never really felt different when I was with my friends so I never cared. But looking back there were numerous instances this occurred. As I got older it became a lot more noticeable and sometimes it frustrated me. I no longer have the same feeling but every now and then someone will say something which I address now. 
I think in certain times and situations I have been treated differently due to my skin color and ethnic differences. Growing up my community was not diverse with a majority if the population being white. Now, it slowly has moved in the direction of diversity. I never truly was effected by the way I saw races cause even when I was little I hung out with all races. There are always times when I am the minority in the group and it makes me feel neutral. I do no care that I may be the only Indian or colored person in a group because at the end of the day those groups are my true friends. 
I feel as though if someone makes a racist comment to address it or make it known that you do not like those types of jokes. 9/10 in todays time many make jokes about racism so if you address them they tend to stop and understand they shouldn't do it around you.  
This image represents how to combat racism and eliminate the understanding of why someone is different than me. Growing up around other children with different backgrounds, cultures experiences no only broadens your perspective but allows you to not only learn more but to have a better perspective in life. This image is an example of that since these babies are together all having the same amount of fun and realizing that each skin color is awesome. 
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Byson, M. (n.d.). Raising anti-racist children. Monitor on Psychology. Retrieved March 3, 2022, from https://www.apa.org/monitor/2021/06/anti-racist-children
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magicalpostarcade · 3 years
Identity is defined as characteristics that are seen to express yourself. Most people tend to show their identity by the clothes they wear or the type of lifestyle they live. We tend to map our identity as a whole by things we relate to and the experiences we go through. An example can be that a person is inspired by an athlete they idolize thus they wear their jersey or shoes. It shows express their identity as their idols fan and what team they like. 
People build their visual identity by showing/posting the work or lifestyle they choose fits them best. For example, I love traveling and post pictures on Instagram in clothes that I think are in style while having cool backgrounds in the places I travel. My visual identity is shown by choosing the best pictures of me with my favorite outfits while in a place I find cool. It gives off a lot of information about me and what I like. Another example of visual identity includes artists that utilize either a canvas or videos to illustrate their identity. Artists paint a image for an audience that shows a lot about them especially those who illustrate their culture roots. Many Indian artists paint image of their home town and family showing what makes them truly them giving an identity. Other artists use videos to cultivate who they are and how they were raised and what influenced them. These are both examples of visual identity. 
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Over the years I expressed myself with sports and my love for basketball with images and videos of me playing. However, as I got older I wanted to show myself in a format which was more of just me and my sense of style. I grew up in an Indian household and did not grow up with a care for style or fashion. After years of finding myself I feel I like to express myself and art so much more. I tend to post more, try new thing, and do what I love to do with no care. 
There are many factors that affect Identity such as culture, upbringing, and confidence. 
I was born in America, while my parents born in India which shaped my entire life. Since a young age I was introduced with Indian culture and similar upbringing. My parents wanted the best for me and created an atmosphere where I would be able to be the best version of myself. This affected the way I represented my identity since they allowed me to pursue anything I truly wanted. In turn I was able to din myself and show who I truly am. I was able to play the sports I wanted, get my ears pierced, and have my own sense of style. 
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YykjpeuMNEk
2. https://www.artpal.com/sakthimohantvl?i=115964-3
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Edx2BSTnB8U
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magicalpostarcade · 3 years
Student Authored Blog
In this image selected we can see the contrast between black and white and forming the unity between them both. The art piece shows half of a stereotypical white female and the other of a black female. They show features that are prominent in both such as red lipstick and blonde hair with very light skin for the white female. When depicting the black female the features consist of dark colors and contrast all over. Her face has dark spots with dark lips. She has dark hair with a dark background whereas the other female has a light blue background. However, showing half of each side with the differences shows the differences in both people but how they come together to make one person. It feels the author is trying to make the point as if no matter the color, attributes, or characteristics everyone is the same and should show unity because we are all the same. 
First Image: https://palmermuseum.psu.edu/collections/studio-glass/
Part 2)
This artwork has 10 total images of different types of people representing white and black culture and appearances. It shows different styles, looks, and facial expressions to represent all people come in different ways, sizes, and skin tones. It expresses the same concept as the artwork above that all people must be treated equal and unity is the answer to unite everyone together and create a more diverse and friendly environment. The description says these images are used in the Military data base to show the type of people based on the facial structures and other characteristics. I agree and feel the art takes one step further as you look into it more and more. 
Second Image: https://www.moma.org/collection/works/275173?=undefined&direction=fwd&page=7
In this image we see another example of unity and collaboration where a white female is helping a black male dance and workout. It goes with are original theme that coming together and being as one will allow us to grow and create a better result in whatever we do. The artist portrays that in this depiction with the different type of people helping each other reach a common goal. The description says the part of communication and understanding by working collaboratively tells the story of coming together no matter the skin color, sexual orientation, and culture will result in a more inclusive and better environment. I totally agree with the artist and the description listed. 
Third Image: 
Part 3)
These ideas relate to the social construct and visuality by going deeper into the meaning and including everyone by treated each and everyone the same. No matter the differences between one an another we must find a common ground and unite as one. There is more to be accomplished and that can be accomplished if we all come as one and work together. So in the images the artist show different types of people coming together as one and explaining how we must include everyone and unity is key. 
I personally would agree that unity is key no matter the differences as someone who experienced not being included it really causes a reaction out of a person and mostly from anger. Everyone is the same and should be treated as such respecting the differences is what allows us to have different perspectives in life and if we work together can only better the results. 
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