magickingdommuses · 1 year
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“Even covered in snow the gardens are beautiful.”
“It’s so cold, but I need a breath of fresh air.”
“Come on, A bit of dancing will warm you right up.”
“I think there is a couple occupying the coat closet…”
“That’s the good thing about winter, the gardens are always quiet.”
“Even the roses are frozen.”
“Think of it this way, the champagne is always chilled.”
“Did they just forget to heat the dance hall, or were they expecting us to wear our coats all night?”
“Your hands are freezing!”
“I’d imagine even with layers, skirts are highly impractical in the snow.”
“Is this a Christmas party or…?”
“This is fun and all, but We’re going to be snowed in at this rate.”
“They are giving Sleigh rides in the garden.”
“They caught me making snow angels and now they think I’m drunk…”
“The dancefloor is crowded, let’s go for a walk.”
“Why are you out in the cold?”
“Really? Are you really going to throw snowballs?”
“Don’t you dare! These are my best clothes!”
“I’m not going out there. I dressed for fashion, not practicality.”
“Merry Christmas.”
“People are giving gifts? I didn’t know we were giving gifts!”
“I didn’t know when I would see you next, so here.”
“Dancing in the snow seems romantic in theory, but treacherous in practice.”
“Look at all the couples using the cold as an excuse to cuddle. It’s gross.”
“Everything is silver and glittering.”
“From out here the lights in the windows seem so warm and inviting.”
“So you’d rather be out here getting frostbite than inside dancing and enjoying yourself?”
“Why am I here? You know I hate these things.”
“Booze and ice, what a good combination.”
“I stood under that mistletoe for 30 minutes hoping for some Christmas romance before giving up.”
“Oh sure, when I stand under the mistletoe nothing, but in the last five minutes about ten couples walked through.”
“I twisted my ankle on the icy steps, so now I can’t even dance.”
“We could always slip away, and slide in close to get warm.”
“Maybe you should warm your hands before asking anything to dance…”
“Look, it’s mistletoe.”
“You kiss them under the mistletoe, but you just laughed in my face.”
“It’s not a really a party until someone is stark naked passed out in the snow.”
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magickingdommuses · 1 year
After practically an eternity, the day of her daughter’s sixteenth birthday had finally arrived. With the ball for Aurora’s long-awaited return tonight, the final details had kept the queen somewhat distracted from her growing anticipation. When everything was settled, she’d slipped away to get herself ready and arrived at her throne not long after to join her husband as well as Hubert.
After an unexpected slumber, she awoke, startled to find they had all fallen asleep. For how long, she wasn’t sure. Suddenly, the sound of horns pulled her attention and the thought quickly disappeared. Finally, the moment Leah had been waiting for. As her now grown daughter descended the staircase, her breath caught in her throat and tears quickly filled her eyes.
With open arms, the queen embraced her daughter for what she realized was really the first time.
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“Oh Aurora, my darling!”
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magickingdommuses · 1 year
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We lose more women to marriage than war, famine,  disease, and disaster.
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magickingdommuses · 1 year
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belle ♡ her blue dress for anon
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magickingdommuses · 1 year
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Thursday: Favorite Outfit: QUEEN LEAH’S
For Rosa. 🌹
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magickingdommuses · 1 year
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and bring back a love song to me~ 💜
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magickingdommuses · 1 year
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But there’s something in him that I simply didn’t see
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magickingdommuses · 1 year
Never were Leah’s days more joyful then when she spent them with her granddaughter. Watching her grow throughout the years had truly helped heal the hole in her heart from missing out on her daughter’s childhood. She had often wondered if Aurora had been similar to her daughter at this age. What she wouldn’t give to have had the chance to know for herself.
The queen was truly blessed to have her family reunited once again and being the ever-present grandmother that she was, she jumped at the chance to have Adora spend the day while Aurora and Phillip were away.
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“Is that my darling granddaughter I hear?”
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magickingdommuses · 1 year
Although royal life was new to Belle she was eager to learn everything she could to rule beside her new husband. Before they’d married Adam would travel on dignitary visits on his own, but now that Belle was princess she was requested to attend as well, which of course thrilled her.
The following week they arrived in Agrabah. Their stay was filled with countless meetings and engagements, but nearing the end of their trip, Belle managed to sneak away to do some exploring of her own. She dressed modestly in a familiar blue frock in hopes she wouldn’t be noticed and made her way through the town. Distracted by all of the merchants that lined the road, Belle had mistakenly walked right into someone.
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“Oh! Pardon me.”
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magickingdommuses · 1 year
Continued from here (x)
The young girl’s clothing was an unexpected sight at such a party, but the queen was hardly offended. In fact, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of worry come over her. Although she’d never ask, she did wonder what Ariel had been through arriving in such a state. She was going to see to it herself that she was taken care of.
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“I was just about to get something to eat. Would you care to join me?”
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magickingdommuses · 1 year
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Animation drawing by Marc Davis (x)
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magickingdommuses · 1 year
Now that her daughter had returned home, joy had once again been restored in Leah’s life. Though she selfishly would have preferred to have her daughter to herself just a bit longer, she couldn’t deny the glow Aurora had when she was with Phillip. Her daughter was happy and more importantly, safe. That was cause for celebration!
The queen wasted no time putting together a ball to celebrate the children’s engagement and couldn’t have been more thrilled to see the castle ballroom once again filled with beloved guests from near and far after so many years.
“I’m so pleased you could attend, Ariel, dear.”
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“You’ve been well, I hope?”
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magickingdommuses · 1 year
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Like for a starter
Please specify which muse in the comments
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magickingdommuses · 1 year
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صباح الخير 🌷🌷
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magickingdommuses · 1 year
Though Anita should have chastised the pup for using his teeth, she understood that it wasn’t done viciously so she decided against it. When he approached she leaned down and gently picked him up, giving him a small scratch behind his ear.
“Here, why don’t you sit on my lap?”
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“Surely then you’ll be able to see.”
“Come here, my love, it’s okay.” - Anita
Patch paused in his movements as he heard Anita's voice nearby. It wasn't fair! His spot had been taken yet again. When his teeth were tugging one of his siblings' tails that's when he was called. Sometimes one had to get physical if anyone was to do anything around here, especially with so many puppies, and it wouldn't have been hard just enough to startle them so he could move up a few spaces was all.
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As Patch wandered over to Anita's feet, he couldn't help but perk an ear up as the theme song to the Thunderbolt Adventure Hour began. A small whine emitted from the pup as he looked up at the human wanting to desperately head back to the living room to see if he could catch anything visually from the episode. Had Anita seen what he'd done? How was any of this okay? Was she praising him for what he'd done? Just what was going on?
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magickingdommuses · 1 year
“Shit, my tea.”
— Everyone at some point in their life (via oxytreza)
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magickingdommuses · 1 year
“Nothing wrong with admitting you need a hand sometimes.” ( for leah )
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“That is true, though I'm afraid some things cannot be helped.”
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