magickodaly · 6 years
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magickodaly · 6 years
Mongolians are cool because they’ve merged their traditional and modern ways of life so rather than having poverty due to losing all their important skills they just live in their yurts with their cows and 827474874mbs internet
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magickodaly · 6 years
I mean, my lunch was delicious so I guess it works! 
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Reblog and you’re guaranteed to be successful at whatever you do next!
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magickodaly · 6 years
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I saw a guy cosplaying Master Chief at McDonalds chillin’ today he looks so content w that milkshake
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magickodaly · 6 years
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magickodaly · 6 years
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magickodaly · 6 years
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magickodaly · 6 years
reblog if you support cats tucked up in bed
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magickodaly · 6 years
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magickodaly · 6 years
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Peach Sherbet - Submitted by Inksilver
#FFE181 #F9EDE3 #FAD3B2 #FFBA7F #FF9C97
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magickodaly · 6 years
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magickodaly · 6 years
Thankfully in a relationship now with someone much more mature who’s willing to put the effort in, but I spent over a year with a guy who  A) Knew I was struggling with money during college B) Frequently bragged about how rich he and his family were, yet C) Didn’t want to ever spend the money the bus would cost to come to see me, or wasn’t bothered enough to come see me because the distance was too far and he didn’t want to spend 50 minutes on a bus Therefore it was always down to me to spend the money and extra time to go see him. When I couldn’t afford to go hang out with him certain days a week, he cheated on me instead.  It’s not the same for a lot of guys I know, but he was an example of a right priviledged bellend. 
Men are held to such low standards in relationships and it’s infuriating; just today I heard from my co-workers that ones husband never drove to come see her when they were doing long distance, and the other’s hasn’t mowed once in their 30+ years of marriage.
Like we like fun at lesbians moving fast in relationships, but that’s because women are socialized much differently than men, and those traits lead to healthier relationships. Though gender roles are fucking wack in general, you can’t deny that women are raise to be more understanding, expressive, and caring in general. My girlfriend drives 2 hours to come see me every weekend, and my friends boyfriend can barely make the 40 minute trip to come see her.
When women are in relationships with each other, they are more likely to talk about feelings, and go farther for their partners. Women do this in hetero relationships too, but it’s rarely reciprocated if they’re with a cis male.
I read an incredible essay about how gay marriage is incredibly beneficial to straight partners, because straight relationships always have a basis in inequality, due to societal gender divisions. Gay relationships show what it’s like to have a relationship without a gender based power imbalance.
Ladies, if you wouldn’t put up with it from a best friend, don’t let a boyfriend get away with it. Cultivate a society where men in relationships have to at least have basic decency; not only through your partners, but also through how you raise your sons.
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magickodaly · 6 years
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magickodaly · 6 years
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magickodaly · 6 years
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magickodaly · 6 years
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me in the kitchen at 1 am
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magickodaly · 6 years
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