magickwithak2 · 4 years
I know we’ll never grow old together  ‘Cause you’ll never grow old to me  You’re the pink in my cheeks  And I’m scared ‘cause that means  I’m a little bit soft  But don’t beat yourself up Bonnie  Wasn’t just the sun that I was hiding from  We were messed up kids who taught ourselves how to live  I’m still scared that I’m not good enough
Always felt like a monster  Long before I was bit  Only seen as a monster  Let’s just say I’m used to it  I grew tough ‘cause loving only hurt me back  But loving you’s a good problem to have   And I’m used to that but I could get used to this  (Yeah I’m used to that but I could get used to this)
I know we’ll never grow old together  And you’ll never grow old to me  You’re the pink in my cheeks  And I’m scared ‘cause that means  I’m a little bit soft  You’re the pink in my cheeks  And I love that it means  I’m a little bit soft  (I’m a little bit soft)
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magickwithak2 · 4 years
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Obsidian Wrapped Necklace
Only one available
This necklace features black, blue, and silver beadwork, as well as white bone beads. It has a large (and somewhat sharp at the edges), piece of real obsidian for a pendant.
Obsidian is a stone of truth. A strongly protective stone, it forms a shield against negativity, including lies and tricks. It blocks psychic attack and absorbs negative energies from the environment. Obsidian draws out mental stress and tension. Overall, the stone protects the mind.
This necklace is perfect for “people pleasers” and those who are easily manipulated/tricked.
The obsidian is, as stated, sharp on the edges and at the points of the pendant (it’s slightly triangular in shape), so take caution.
Still available, https://etsy.me/3hVlKKF
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magickwithak2 · 4 years
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Commission: Black Sea Glass
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magickwithak2 · 4 years
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Amethyst and Turquoise Slip On Bracelet
Only one available
This bracelet features chipped amethyst and Turquoise!
Amethyst is a stone of peace and protection. It is a powerful and protective stone. It guards against psychic attack, transmuting the energy into love and protecting the wearer from all types of harm, including stress and ill wishes from others. Amethyst is a natural tranquiliser, it relieves stress and strain, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety. Alleviates sadness and grief, and dissolves negativity. Amethyst activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition and enhances psychic abilities. It has strong healing and cleansing powers. Amethyst encourages sobriety, having a sobering effect on overindulgence of alcohol, drugs or other addictions. It calms and stimulates the mind, helping you become more focused, enhancing memory and improving motivation. Amethyst assists in remembering and understanding dreams. It helps relieve insomnia. Encourages selflessness and spiritual wisdom.
Turquoise helps to balance and align all the energy centers, stabilising mood swings and instilling inner calm. It is excellent for preventing exhaustion and helping one sleep. Turquoise promotes self-realisation and assists creative problem solving.
This bracelet has been laid with blessings of calm and peace
Still available, https://etsy.me/3hVlKKF
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magickwithak2 · 4 years
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Black Sea Glass Necklace
Sea glass found on local beach
This necklace features black and white beads and a black piece of sea glass collected from a local beach.
The black and white beads are representative of balance and duality. Sea glass not only holds the soothing power of the sea, but the smooth ridges exude calm and tranquility.
This necklace is perfect for people with hectic lives and is laid with blessings of peace and relaxation.
Still available, https://etsy.me/3hVlKKF
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magickwithak2 · 4 years
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Bumblebee Jasper Box
Real bumblebee jasper, only one available!
This is a small box with a bee wood burned into the top and a bumblebee jasper stone fastened to the bottom.
The bee is a lovely animal who lives in peace, sweetness, and abundance. Those who feel a connection with the Bee are usually kind and mild, who just want to live happily.
Bumblebee jasper is actually a combination of volcanic matter, hematite, and sulfur. The stone can increase one’s power to persist and overcome obstacles. This is particularly true when one is attempting things that are deeply meaningful to them. It is a powerful stone for manifestation.
This pretty little box can be used as a manifestation box, a jewelry box, a decoration, whatever you like!
Still available, https://etsy.me/3hVlKKF
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magickwithak2 · 4 years
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Genuine Horse Tooth Necklace
Horse tooth from friend who owns horses. Ethically sourced, as always.
This necklace is made with sinew and a genuine horse tooth, along with bone and glass beads. The horse is a very powerful animal, and is sacred to many, including my Native ancestors. It is an animal related to freedom, strength, and intuition.
The green beads are representative of earth. Earth is a powerful element related to strength, healing, nature, animals, success, stability, foundations, empathy, fertility, death, life, rebirth, and wisdom.
This necklace is perfect for strong and independent people who love freedom. It has been blessed with attributes of the Horse and of Earth.
Still available, https://etsy.me/3hVlKKF
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magickwithak2 · 4 years
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Onyx and Amazonite Slip On Bracelet
One available
This bracelet features onyx and amazonite chipped stone.
Black Onyx absorbs and transforms negative energy, and helps to prevent the drain of personal energy. Black Onyx aids the development of emotional and physical strength and stamina, especially when support is needed during times of stress, confusion or grief.
Amazonite is known as the “gambler’s stone,” encouraging good luck and fortune. Amazonite is said to have a soothing effect on the nervous system. Since the nervous system controls our emotions a great deal, this stone is said to soothe tense and aggravated situations and to enhance love.
This bracelet is laid with blessings of grounding and emotional stability, and is perfect for those who struggle with love and grief, and who need to be more emotionally grounded.
Still available, https://etsy.me/3hVlKKF
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magickwithak2 · 4 years
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Amethyst and Malachite Slip On Bracelet
One available
This bracelet features amethyst and malachite chipped stone.
Amethyst is considered a healing and protective stone. It stimulates the mind and emotions, as well as calms them when they’re too erratic. It’s a perfect stone for empathy and healers of all kinds.
Malachite is an important protection stone. Malachite absorbs negative energies and pollutants, picking them up from the atmosphere and from the body. It guards against emotional and physical toxins and pollution. Malachite clears and activates the energy centers and helps with spiritual connection.
This bracelet is laid with blessings of health and protection.
Still available, https://etsy.me/3hVlKKF
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magickwithak2 · 4 years
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Yellow Quartz and Blue Apatite Slip On Bracelet
Only one available
This bracelet features yellow quartz and blue apatite chipped stone.
Yellow quartz brings the benefit of clarity for decision-making, relief from ‘burnout’, panic, nervousness or exhaustion, sharper memory and concentration skills, and protection from lethargy and depression during dull weather. It is a stone of contentment and calm.
Blue apatite is a deeply spiritual stone which can be used to clear away negativity and enhance growth. It is a stone of growth and of manifestation, and is perfect for people who feel “held back” from their dreams by the chains of normal life.
This bracelet is laid with blessings of tranquility and manifestation.
Still available, https://etsy.me/3hVlKKF
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magickwithak2 · 4 years
I work at a daycare with infants.
One of our baby girls is fat, in the 99th percentile for her age. She is super cute and sweet. Lately, she has been sick with various breathing issues, so she has been reluctant to take her bottles. Normally, she’ll take 4 ounces of formula at lunch and 8 ounces in the afternoon. Today, I was lucky to get to her take 5 all day.
There was a substitute covering a lunch break in my classroom today. We emphasized to her that we need to keep trying to get the baby to drink her bottle until she finished it. She said, “Why are you guys so worried about taking her bottle?”
My coworker replied, “That’s where all her nutrients are. She needs the nutrients and the water.”
To which the substitute replied, “But she’s so fat. She doesn’t need it.”
Thin privilege is a small, pretty baby getting better childcare because the caretaker doesn’t think she’s too fat to be allowed to eat.
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magickwithak2 · 4 years
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Turquoise and Tiger’s Eye bracelets
Only one of each left
These bracelets feature genuine turquoise and tiger’s eye chipped stone. Tiger’s eye is a stone of grounding and power. It promotes courage and confidence, And helps to protect, balance, and promote comfort and strength of spirit. The other, blue stone is turquoise. Turquoise is the stone that calms the soul, and helps one communicate both spiritually and physically. It is known as the “Truth Stone”, and enhances honest communication.
Still available, https://etsy.me/3hVlKKF
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magickwithak2 · 4 years
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Genuine Beaver Tooth Necklace
Tooth found by a local forest explorer
This necklace is made with wood and glass beads. It features a genuine beaver tooth! The beaver is a very important animal that symbolizes creativity, motivation, hard work, and cooperation. Without others, one lone beaver could never build a dam. The beaver teaches us that we need others to succeed, and that it is always ok to ask for help when you need it. The colors define the beaver; the brown represents the beaver itself. The tan/orange represents the teeth of the beaver, which get their color from the iron-rich coating of enamel that forms to protect their teeth. The white symbolizes the spirit of the beaver, which we can call upon when we need help with motivation and cooperation. Finally, the blue represents the water that the beavers depend on for their survival, that we all depend on for our survival. This necklace is perfect for hard workers and bosses/managers, including mothers!
Still available, https://etsy.me/3hVlKKF
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magickwithak2 · 4 years
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Rainbow Cat Bone Necklace
Bone found in local forest
This necklace is made with a genuine (and as always, ethically sourced) atlas vertebrae from a feline. The beads are a beautiful rainbow, perfect for those who love color! The cat is a beautiful, graceful, and powerful animal. Those who feel connected to the cat are usually beautiful, creative souls who love taking risks and can find adventure wherever they look! The cat always reminds us that we are worthy, that we are enough, and that we should let our magickal selves shine! This necklace is a wonderful one to wear if you’re feeling a little less comfortable with yourself than usual. The bright colors and the spirit of the cat will be with you while you wear this piece, reminding you to take up space and be your best and most exuberant self!
Still available, https://etsy.me/3hVlKKF
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magickwithak2 · 4 years
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Pufferfish Spine Necklace
Pufferfish skeleton found by me on a local beach, spines pulled by hand
This necklace is made with bone and glass beads. It features a genuine pufferfish spine that I found on a local beach. The pufferfish is an animal that represents intelligence, insight, and protection. The pufferfish is a largely misunderstood animal; often seen as dangerous and unpredictable, Pufferfish really just want to be left alone. This is true for those who feel a connection with the pufferfish as well. When people connected to the pufferfish are forced to interact with people they don’t want to interact with, they can get defensive and show their “spines”. This necklace is perfect for that kind of person, and is laid with blessings of protection, both personal and social. NOTE, this item is NOT toxic. The tetrodotoxin (the toxin that makes pufferfish dangerous) is not secreted, this, the spines are not dangerous to handle because of toxins. They are, however, quite pointy, and can easily hurt someone that way. Please handle with care.
Still available, https://etsy.me/3hVlKKF
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magickwithak2 · 4 years
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Rainbow Deer Bone Necklace
Bone found in local forest
This necklace is made with sinew, wood, bone, and glass beads, and has a deer ankle bone as a pendant. The deer is a lovely animal that represents love, gentleness, strength, kindness, and peace. My Cherokee ancestors have a story about how the deer defeats a horrible demon with love. The deer truly is a symbol for “killing with kindness”. The color purple is related to spirit, divinity, power, and inspiration. The necklace is perfect for those who are “too kind” or those who get “walked on” because they can’t say “no”. It is laid with blessings of the Deer and blessings of power and “strong gentleness”. The rainbow beading is bright and beautiful, perfect for anyone who loves color and wants to show the world their most exuberant self!
Still available, https://etsy.me/3hVlKKF
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magickwithak2 · 4 years
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Genuine Arrowhead Necklace
This necklace is made with wood, glass, and bone beads. It features a genuine arrowhead. Fun fact, arrowheads this large are actually spearheads! Heads used for arrows are actually quite small. The arrowhead is a powerful symbol of courage, strength, and resilience. An arrow can only be fired after being pulled back. The arrowhead reminds us that when life is pulling us back, it may be getting ready to fire us towards something great. The beads are a beautiful turquoise blue and light coral, colors which represent tranquility, intellect, happiness, creativity, and protection. This necklace carries blessings of strength, happiness, and creativity, and is perfect for calm and spiritual people, and especially perfect for those with clairvoyance, or other psychic abilities.
Still available, https://etsy.me/3hVlKKF
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