magicspaceuncle · 14 hours
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magicspaceuncle · 14 hours
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magicspaceuncle · 14 hours
Just so we’re all clear, it is okay to miss people you no longer want in your life.
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magicspaceuncle · 14 hours
Here are some exercises that (unexpectedly) made my life easier!
I tried to pick ones that weren't the obvious ones, like bar hanging etc. I also didn't mention ones that reduced pain, since I feel like that's a slightly different topic.
Have a wonderful day!
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magicspaceuncle · 14 hours
whats the meaning of life? son, its those little tiny pumpkins. the ones that are mad small.  you know the ones i mean. 
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magicspaceuncle · 14 hours
mutuals if you were a video game character I would do every step of your questline and get your good ending
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magicspaceuncle · 14 hours
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magicspaceuncle · 14 hours
you can eat as many spices as you like there's no nutrients in there it's free. 15 ounces of smoked paprika yes a great meal for a growing boy
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magicspaceuncle · 14 hours
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magicspaceuncle · 14 hours
How did you train your cats to not wake you up?
By rolling over and stubbornly feigning sleep if they did.
Their brains are little cause-effect engines. If standing next to your face and yelling until you feed them doesn't actually produce that result, they'll eventually stop doing it. You just have to outlast them.
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magicspaceuncle · 14 hours
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Swiss Hatsune Miku who sings yodel
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magicspaceuncle · 14 hours
call me easily amused but i still think it's so funny to go "who said that" after saying something wildly horny
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magicspaceuncle · 14 hours
tumblr? tiktok did not like this video.
but y'all?
i think y'all will know what to do with it.
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magicspaceuncle · 14 hours
Jfc so many TikTok dog trainers push this idea that giving your dog attention when they ask for it, getting excited when you come home and letting your dog sleep in you bed causes separation anxiety.
It doesn’t. Research has shown that separation anxiety are caused by factors like genetics, trauma, sudden environmental changes, moving house and other usually completely out of control factors.
Your dog is a goddamn social animal. Social sleeping is natural behaviour, big excited greetings is natural behaviour and seeking social support and interaction is NATURAL BEHAVIOUR. Because you have brought a social living breathing animal into your house and you are their social group.
Withholding attention and being unpredictable or conditional about interacting with a social animal makes you kind of an asshole. Sure, you should set boundaries and your dog doesn’t have to live in your skin either, but don’t let unqualified so-called “professionals” shame you for loving your dog how you choose to love them.
Let them sleep in your bed if you want them to, revel in the joy of an excited dog greeting you when you come home, give your dog pats and cuddles when they seek you for them.
And don’t let anyone tell you that giving social support to a social animal is going to cause them anxiety. Because that is not how anxiety works at all.
(I have a Bachelor degree in Canine Science and am a Certified Professional Dog Trainer)
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magicspaceuncle · 14 hours
"angels are covered in thousands of eyes" is fine but it doesn't go far enough for me. angels should also have no eyelids.
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magicspaceuncle · 14 hours
we don’t talk abt how stressful buying new glasses frames is. ur shopping for your whole personality there. life on the line. do or die. all for two pieces of glass and some sticks
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magicspaceuncle · 14 hours
at work: i could be cooking and cleaning and coding and reading and working out and weaving tapestries and playing video games and climbing a mountain and having sex and filming a movie right now yet they keep me trapped in this prison. idle hands are the devils plaything and i am being forcibly molded into his perfect conduit. i must break free, seize the day and waste not the beauty inherent to finite mortal life
at home: my one true passion upon this pointless earth is bog mummy imitation
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