magister-ludicro · 1 year
Akiko analyzed the girl in front of her with an expression that mixed curiosity and suspicion. It was clear that this girl wasn't human and in fact was a wolf girl. But the fact that the barrier around the Shrine wasn't frying her was proof that she had no malevolent attentions, at least for the moment.
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"Thanks, Saya. I've put a lot of work into this Shrine. It's one of my greatest achievements."
And that was a fact. Though Akiko could conjure structures with her ability, she had painstakingly built this Shrine with her own two hands when she was a much younger Goddess.
"Though, I'd argue that the Shrine Grounds are just as impressive."
Took her forever to find the right plants for it. Some clashed and others just didn't want to live past a few months. She blamed the clay-heavy soil located beneath her Shrine.
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“Heya! Welcome to the Koizumi Shrine! I’m the Shrine Priestess, Akiko! It’s nice to meetcha!”
Once again, she was pretending to be a Shrine Priestess, because one couldn’t be certain of the true nature of those visiting. She’d only reveal her true identity to those she deemed trustworthy.
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“Aww why thank you. It’s nice to meet you Akiko.” The wolf would then bow before giving her a smile. “You can call me Saya.” Wagging her tail a little as she returned the greeting, Saya set her hands on her hips. “This is a really nice shrine you have too.”
Pausing to looking around where they were standing more, the wolf spun around before facing Akiko again.
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magister-ludicro · 1 year
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"Heya! Welcome to the Koizumi Shrine! I'm the Shrine Priestess, Akiko! It's nice to meetcha!"
Once again, she was pretending to be a Shrine Priestess, because one couldn't be certain of the true nature of those visiting. She'd only reveal her true identity to those she deemed trustworthy.
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magister-ludicro · 2 years
The red haired woman smiled at the man before her and crossed her arms. "Yeppers! I've been around quite a long time. In fact, I think I've been around longer than the current Dendro Archon."
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"M'name's Murata! Also known as The Pyro Archon!"
And as if to punctuate her dramatic introduction, a pillar of fire burst forth from the ground behind her and shot high into the air before exploding into fireworks.
Murata held up her hands in surrender. "Relax, kiddo. I don't want to throw hands with you or anyone here - as fun as that might be - no, I'm just here to see how much Inazuma has changed in the past hundred or so years since I've been here."
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He wasn't normally one to hit first, ask questions later, but the stranger had snuck up on him, intentionally or not.
"You might want to be a little louder in the future if you're not looking for a fight." He lowered his fists.
And then he paused.
"...past hundred years?"
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magister-ludicro · 2 years
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"Stupid kids trespassing on my property. Don't make me get my goddamn cane."
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magister-ludicro · 2 years
There was something amiss. And no, it wasn't the giant garden gnome in his courtyard. That's been there for a few days now. Stupid kids thought it'd be a funny prank and Clarissa didn't mind it, so it stayed.
This was something else. An energy signature that didn't belong. It didn't feel malicious, but it definitely felt otherworldly.
He clicked his tongue as he exited his shrine and descended down the stairs, kimono billowing behind him. It didn't take him long to find the source of the disturbance. His eyes fell on the interloper and he couldn't help the small frown that appeared on his face.
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"Hm. What the heck are you doing on my property this late at night?"
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magister-ludicro · 2 years
At first, Akiko said nothing as he analyzed the other, his body leaned against a nearby wall as his arms maintained a crossed position. His yellow eyes took in the person in front of him and he made a deduction.
"I do indeed recognize you. In fact, I'm wondering why a wanted man is so casually relaxing in public."
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"But you don't need to be concerned, I'm not here to bring you in. There's more to this story that the media isn't telling, that much is obvious."
He snapped his fingers and a plate of pasta appeared before the rugged looking young man.
"You sound like you could use that."
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"You're looking at me funny.. Why is that?" the god asks the other. "Is it because you recognize who I am? Or is it something else. Perhaps a piece of food on my face?" The man rubs his face down with his hands in an attempt to remove any invisible food that was there. He actually hasn't eaten today. Could probably even hear his stomach rumble.
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magister-ludicro · 2 years
Akiko rolled his eyes. "With how you're reacting, one would think that people are rarely nice to you. And that, that's a crime."
He reached down and picked up a book. One that detailed the Shinto Pantheon as a whole. "The fact that dear old Izanagi hasn't checked on you is cruel. God knows he's checked on me. With a sword. To my face."
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"But I digress, my issues with our father is none of your concern. For now, I wanted to ask if you wanted to go to town with me. Y'know. Get some fresh air and maybe stretch your legs. Lord knows you could use it."
“I’m not saying you have to replace her, I’m just asking for you to hire someone who’s better on the diplomatic end. Reimu is clearly good at enforcing the law, at least to an extent. So if you hire someone who’s good at what she isn’t, you’ll have a pretty good system in place.”
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“Like I said, I consider you family and I’m not comfortable watching you suffer like this. So I’m doing everything I can to help you.”
He crossed his arms and glanced around the room once more. It truly was a mess and he couldn’t help but wonder if the condition of the room was connected to its owner’s mental state. If she got happier, would the room get cleaner? Questions for later.
“I might even advertise your Shrine for you. Just to give you a headstart.”
“ Oh...ah, okay! I see what you mean, now. That’s actually a pretty solid idea... I admit, when it comes to keeping incident makers bound by the leash of the law, she’s an expert. In every other field though...she has a lot of work to do. I’ll definitely have to do some checking, later! “
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“ You know what? I gotta apologize for being so bratty and rude, earlier. You’re actually a pretty stand-up guy. I really appreciate everything you’re doing. “
Clasping her arms behind her back, she’d cheerfully hum a random tune to herself. Reinforced barrier, potential chance of a new employee for her shrine, someone treating her like family...she really hit the jackpot, didn’t she? The turning point of her otherwise slow and sad career was finally upon her.
Looks like Lady Luck finally decided to let up with the misfortune, today.
“ Oh, that’d be great! That’s sure to help get things rolling. “
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magister-ludicro · 2 years
My Hero Academia Verse
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Yet another world and yet another clone.
Seijuro Tachibana is a 28 year old Consulting Detective working with the local precinct in Musutafu. Aside from tackling cases that no one else is able to solve, he also does Underground Hero work on the side.
His Quirk, Kinetic Trace, allows him to manipulate Kinetic Energy. What goes fast can be stopped and what's stopped can suddenly go fast. From bullets to speeding trains, the laws of Kinetic Energy are his to command. He's even able to reverse the air around him, allowing him to create windstorms at will.
Naturally, there are drawbacks to this. The larger the object, the harder it is to influence. If he influences too many large objects at once, he'll strain himself considerably and may even black out.
He came into being when Akiko helped a certain Underground Hero with the Queen Bee case and decided they wanted some part of them to stick around in the BNHA world just in case a Detective of their intellect and experience was needed again.
Seijuro is different from Akiko in that he has modified memories and believes he was born and raised in this version of Japan. He even remembers being raised in an orphanage and awakening his Quirk at four. All of this means that people won't be able to figure out that Seijuro doesn't exactly have a natural origin. Not even himself.
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magister-ludicro · 2 years
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"It's like, Three AM, why the hell are you knocking on my door?"
He is most displeased.
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magister-ludicro · 2 years
"I'm not saying you have to replace her, I'm just asking for you to hire someone who's better on the diplomatic end. Reimu is clearly good at enforcing the law, at least to an extent. So if you hire someone who's good at what she isn't, you'll have a pretty good system in place."
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"Like I said, I consider you family and I'm not comfortable watching you suffer like this. So I'm doing everything I can to help you."
He crossed his arms and glanced around the room once more. It truly was a mess and he couldn't help but wonder if the condition of the room was connected to its owner's mental state. If she got happier, would the room get cleaner? Questions for later.
"I might even advertise your Shrine for you. Just to give you a headstart."
“Your offer is appreciated, but unneeded. I will handle this” he said as he focused his divine power into the barrier and increased its potency by 100-fold. No youkai would ever cross that threshold again. And the ones already inside when it was strengthened? Well. They wouldn’t be able to leave ever again.
He then stood up and cracked his neck.
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“There is no need to thank me. I am not a fan of that Gap Youkai either. She thinks she knows everything and is in control of everything, but she underestimates her place in the world. Compared to the true heavyweights, she is but a small fry.”
A sigh escaped his lips.
“That said, perhaps you should look into hiring a secondary Shrine Maiden. Your current one seems a bit faulty.”
“ Ah, okay, okay. I’ll just leave it to the pro, then. “ As her companion continued to channel his might into the barrier, she could already sense the barrier’s strength and and power increasing at a rapid rate... 
Good god, he works quick, doesn’t he? As far as she could tell, there wouldn’t be anything getting through to this place anytime soon, now.
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“ Glad to see I’m not alone in this boat... Seriously though, I just hate haughty know it alls. If you’ve got time to flex in the face of someone who clearly doesn’t care about what you’ve gotta say, then you’ve got time to piss off and do something meaningful for once. “
Ugh, she feels irritated just thinking about her... Pinching at the bridge of her knows, she’d let out a long exhale, as she let her arms fall to her sides.
“ Uh...I’ll...think about it. “ Despite the fact that her current one clearly wasn’t talented in the art of gathering faith, even SHE thought it would’ve be rude to just toss her aside like that. Especially when she hasn’t even come down to meet her, yet... 
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magister-ludicro · 2 years
Akiko actually pouted at him. "Listen here, Mister. I am living proof that melee weapons still have a use. What good are bullets when you can cut them out of the air with your blade?"
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"I mean, guns are cool and all. But they take a steady arm to aim, muscles to resist the recoil and depending on the type, can take time to reload. With all those prerequisites, it's far easier to just stab the fool."
She allowed herself to sit on a nearby bench, gazing over at him.
"But I didn't come here to debate weapons, I came to catch up with a friend" she said with a soft smile "since I know you can get into some zany shit even without me. So spill. Anything noteworthy happen during my absence?"
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“Certainly. Though a workaholic I am, I fail to comprehend why you always bring me exotic materials such as this from across time and space. These often result in impractical weaponry.” The blacksmith seized the azure gemstone from his deific friend, just to set it aside upon his worktable. He’ll appraise it later.
“Mechanically, I forsee no use of this beyond a one-of-a-kind armament. A gun with water-imbued bullets is absurd. And melee weaponry is wildly impractical in this age of high-velocity firearms.”
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magister-ludicro · 2 years
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Yo! I'm Xanxus, or Luci. Whichever you prefer.
I run a Fandomless OC blog - that has a variety of verses, including a Genshin and MHA one - featuring the Deity of Mimicry known as Akiko no Koizumi.
Interested? Give this post a reblog.
Mobile links can be found: Here
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magister-ludicro · 2 years
"Your offer is appreciated, but unneeded. I will handle this" he said as he focused his divine power into the barrier and increased its potency by 100-fold. No youkai would ever cross that threshold again. And the ones already inside when it was strengthened? Well. They wouldn't be able to leave ever again.
He then stood up and cracked his neck.
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"There is no need to thank me. I am not a fan of that Gap Youkai either. She thinks she knows everything and is in control of everything, but she underestimates her place in the world. Compared to the true heavyweights, she is but a small fry."
A sigh escaped his lips.
"That said, perhaps you should look into hiring a secondary Shrine Maiden. Your current one seems a bit faulty."
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“ Hah! Nice. Alright, my opinion of you has grown better by a SIGNIFICANT margin, pal! Thanks. “ Take that, you annoying gap hag! No longer will she just warp in to bug or annoy her anytime she pleases. Ah, this calls for a celebratory drinking party, tonight! Kyuuuuu~. She’s gonna sleep like a log, tonight...
Making her way over to to the other’s side, she’d clasp her hands behind her back.
“ Hopefully, this ensures that nobody will be able to just sneak in whenever they please... If you need any help with this, just feel free to ask. I’d be more than happy to lend a hand. “ She’s acting quite a bit more cheerful now, isn’t she? That’s a pretty significant change in attitude.
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magister-ludicro · 2 years
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———  BASICS! ♡
(PEN)NAME: Xanxus/Luci
PRONOUNS: Doesn't matter.
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
1 - Works as a Gardener
2 - Has four cats
3 - Can be quite perverted
PLATFORMS USED: Tumblr, Discord (Formerly Skype, Windows Live Messenger and Gaia Online)
PLOTTING / WINGING IT / MEMES:  I prefer the middle one.
GENDER: Doesn't matter.
LEAST FAVOURITE FACECLAIM(S): People who use faceclaims from the same series their OC is a part of. Stop confusing me, damn you.
———  FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡  
FLUFF: All the time.
ANGST: Sometimes.
Yoinked from: @erxsxre
Tagging: @fallroute @pastballads @hxroic-wxlls
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magister-ludicro · 2 years
He stood in the middle of the precinct, arms crossed and brow furrowed. "Are we really wasting our resources chasing down someone who clearly isn't at fault?"
One of the officers paused what he was doing and glanced over at the consultant. "What are you talking about, Koizumi-san? Pop Step is definitely behind those bombings."
He sighed. "Sure, sure. If you want to believe that be my guest. But my gut tells me there's something more to this. After all, that's why you guys call me in. To solve the cases you can't."
He then adjusted his glasses and glanced behind him.
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"Then again, it appears that I'm not the only one with a brain around here" he said as his eyes landed on a certain underground hero. "Those are documents on this case, are they not? I assume you also believe there's more to this situation?"
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magister-ludicro · 2 years
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"I wasn't implying that I was going to set it on fire! I was just setting an example! I like Sumeru way too much to do that."
A pause.
"Inazuma on the other hand . . . "
He laughed before allowing the fire in his hand to go out and decided to focus on something else, something a bit more important.
"So, I'd like to formerly apologize for not being able to help you earlier. You know, when Sumeru was in a precarious position and you were, well, trapped. Had I known, I would have shown up to knock some heads."
"It all depends how we look at the elements. Some find Thunder to be scary, and even go as far to have a fear of such. As if something struck a cord with them, or they don't like loud noises. Multiple of reasons as to why they would be afraid."
"While there are those, who like watching a rainy storm. Seeing the flashes of lightning, ripping through the heavens above. It all depends on the person you meet. Each will have a different reaction to it."
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"One may see fire, as nothing but pain and sadness. Or to be only used for cooking. But fire. Fire has meant so much over humankind. Something that may be a bit lost in time. I would agree with you there."
"I will however prefer, the forest not to be set a blaze."
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magister-ludicro · 2 years
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"Of course I can," he said with an almost deadpan expression. "When it comes to holy barriers, I'm one of the best. Yukari Yakumo may be able to manipulate boundaries, but even a youkai has limits. And those limits are barriers that zap one's power."
He placed his hand on the ground, allowing himself to fully sense the barrier.
"Hm. I can see why certain youkai can break through. I'll have to up the potency by a lot."
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