magnetocleantech · 3 years
Air purifier for your AC: Why do you need one and how to find the right technology?
The buzz around Air pollution in India is usually seasonal, brewing up every year during the onset of winter months. However, in the post COVID-19 world, since we are spending all of our time indoors, air purifiers have become as much a part of our lives and our conversations as air conditioners.
But do we need an air conditioner and an air purifier separately? Introducing Magneto Central Air Cleaner, a revolutionary air purifier that attaches to all types of aircon units, ensuring sanitized air and peace of mind for you and your family.
What’s an Air Purifier for an Air Conditioner and how does it work?
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All air conditioners come with a basic air filter built into them. This helps trap dust and large particles that keep the AC running efficiently allowing for the best cooling experience. But this doesn’t do anything for the quality of the cold air being dispensed which may contain pollutants and harmful microbial air contaminants. Also evidence has come forth stating that AC can be a potential source for spreading viruses like SARS- CoV-2. An electronic air purifier when installed into the AC can essentially perform this important task – purify the air you breathe by eliminating particles and viruses that can be potentially detrimental to your health and well-being.
Why choose an Air Purifier for an Air Conditioner?
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Indoor air is 10 times more polluted than outdoor air, even in heavily industrialized areas. Moreover, an ill-ventilated space can make things worse. Also, WHO has declared that Coronavirus is airborne, and the 3rd wave is around the corner. It has become even more prudent to employ the best air purifier that can mitigate the health risk lurking in the recirculating air of air conditioners. That is where electronic air purifiers for ACs can save the day!
Fortunately, Magneto CleanTech has a range of ideal solutions which specifically cater to this.
- What is behind Magneto’s best air purifier solutions?
Magneto offers a 360 degree range of central air purification solutions and UV light technology for each and every type of aircon unit. We are a one-stop solution when it comes to efficient, easy to install, and cost-effective air sanitization. Magneto’s UVGI technology is certified by CSIR and ALG Lab for its 99.9% inactivation rate on the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 and a host of other microbes like E.Coli, Bacillus atrophaeus, etc. Our patented central air cleaning technology meets the CDC advisory to battle the current pandemic.
Take the Magneto advantage: turn your AC into an air purifier!
Powered with Ultraviolet Technology and Magnetic Filterless Process, Magneto Central Air Cleaner is the ideal solution for air sanitization. Here’s why:
Protecting people from airborne threat:  Magneto’s air purification solution have been helping India’s leading brands in mitigating the risk of spread of deadly virus and have been protecting the people from health threats posed by harmful air contaminants. Additionally, the air purification technology can control mold formation and prevent Sick Building Syndrome. It efficiently targets and eliminates allergens, pollutants, and carcinogenic gases and reduces CO2 levels. The sanitization method is 100% chemical-free making it safe and sustainable.
Modular design with retrofit capability: Magneto’s air purification technology can easily work with any kind and capacity of AC systems, including air handling units (AHU), fan coil units (FCU), Cassette, Split models, etc.  The system allows easy retrofitting as it can be installed in any existing aircon system with a very low operational cost.
Recently, we worked on a residential project of a UHNI in Delhi, where the house was surrounded by high traffic areas, large spaces with open drains, and PM 2.5 and VOC levels were hazardous. MCAC was applied in a total of 5 of their aircon units, retrofitted in 4 Cassette AC units and 1 Split AC to significantly reduce PM 2.5 levels. Read more about this case study here.
Air quality tracking and monitoring: We offer live tracking and monitoring analytics so that you are always in control of the quality of the air you breathe. The management at French International, one of the reputed schools in Delhi, had concerns regarding the health of their students and staff owing to bad air quality. With Magneto Central Air Cleaner and UVGI technology, they were able to safeguard the students and staff from COVID-19 spread and reduce the PM 2.5 levels without any capital expenditure while having real-time information on air quality to show for it. Learn more about how we made it happen.
Expert evaluation and customized solutions: our solution process begins with an extensive audit of your requirements and existing infrastructure and air quality. This isn’t just air sanitization, it is air sanitization-as-a-service!
For instance, when Airbus, the world’s largest airline manufacturers, noticed peculiar air pollution in their indoor ambiance, we got to work with our experts. We recommended Magneto Central Air Cleaner with UVGI Tubes which was retrofitted in 21 Cassette Air Conditioning units. From the level of 404 μg/m3 PM2.5, the building now maintains an average of less than 4 μg/m3 PM 2.5. It is free of airborne viruses and has been disinfected for all kinds of germs, bacteria, mold, and harmful gases, offering complete protection to the employees. Find out more about how we achieved this.
There’s more: Magneto’s air purification solution can make your AC an air purifier, and the installation can deliver substantial savings on energy expenses and can improve the performance of your AC.
Backed by patented technology and global certifications, Magneto solutions integrate with any air conditioning system, delivering certified complete clean air for all indoor spaces. Reach out to us to know how we can help you sanitize your space with powerful AC purifier solutions or visit www.magneto.in.
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magnetocleantech · 3 years
Delhi Air Pollution Leads Globally for Third Year in a Row
Delhi, the capital of India and home to over 22 million people, has ranked as the most polluted capital city in the world for three consecutive years, according to the World Air Quality Report prepared by the Swiss Organization IQAir. 
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According to the World Air Quality Report prepared by the Swiss Organisation IQAir, Delhi is one of the most polluted capital cities in the world. In 2019, Delhi was ranked 5th most noxious, having the worst air quality with regards to levels of ultrafine particulate matter (PM 2.5) wherein the consecutive year it has stepped up to take 3rd rank for the same. Delhi was also ranked the 10th most polluted of the 50 cities. Of 106 countries where data was analyzed, unfortunately of the top 30, 22 were located in India.
The report also reveals that  COVID-19 lockdown and behavioral changes had impacted the particulate pollution (PM2.5) levels globally, but Delhi still needs to travel a long road. In 2020, Delhi had an average PM 2.5 level of 173 micrograms per cubic meter while New Delhi's Air Quality Index (AQI) was at 372.  An AQI reading between 0-50 is considered "good" while anything above 300 is deemed hazardous as that can enter organs and cause lasting damage.
Know more:  germicidal uv light
These particles that are of size 2.5 microgram per cubic meter or even smaller are considered especially dangerous to human health because they bypass many of our body defenses and enter deeper into our bodies, such as getting into our respiratory system and from there in our bloodstreams. They not only pose a threat to our physical health, but also to our cognitive health as these are capable enough to change the brain structures and affect the psychological abilities of a human.
Know more:  uv light air purifier
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India, especially Delhi, has been affected by particulate pollution. NASA satellite data found that “ more than 4 in 10 Indians are exposed to 5 times the safe limit of particulate matter in the air they breathe.”  The major source of particulate pollution is transportation, biomass burning for cooking, electricity generation, industrial activities, construction, waste burning, and episodic agricultural burning, which has pushed the PM 2.5 levels in Delhi to a hazardous level, according to data collected at the US embassy.
Know more:  uv air purifier
Compared to the rest of Asia, Beijing has been notorious for its smog, but Delhi has the worst air by far.  India’s North has been struggling for quite a long with the problem of increasing air pollution levels.  It is alarming that 22 out of the total world’s most polluted 30 cities are in India, and this report has certainly raised the urgent need for action to address this silent yet dangerous crisis. The time has come to transition from clean to healthy while undertaking strong measures to combat air pollution, which remains the world’s greatest environmental threat. 
Know more:  central air purifier
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magnetocleantech · 3 years
UVC Germicidal Lamp: Filtering Airborne Filth to Protect Against Infection
Airborne germs are a part of everyday life. We might not feel it but we are surrounded by microbes. All of us have to protect ourselves from viruses and germs because infections can be a cause for concern. A UVC germicidal lamp can minimize the effect of airborne viruses and germs. Here is a closer look at how it can be a key to cleaning the air indoors.
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What is an UV Germicidal lamp?
A UV germicidal lamp is an electric light that produces ultraviolet C (UVC) light at the wavelength of 253.7nm. This short-wave ultraviolet light disrupts DNA base pairing, causing the formation of pyrimidine dimers, and leads to the inactivation of bacteria, viruses, and protozoa. In simple words, These rays kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi by disrupting the DNA of micro-organisms, preventing them from reproducing, and thereby killing them.
What makes the UV Germicidal lamp so effective?
With the increasing number of airborne viruses like SARS-CoV-2, germs, infections, bacteria, fungi, etc., the need for efficient purification systems is increasing. Ultraviolet or UVC germicidal lamps Lamps are one of the efficient, powerful tools in the sphere of purification.
The application of UVGI for air disinfection has been recommended by global bodies like the Center for Disease Control (USA), ASHRAE, EUROVENT, the National Academy of Sciences (USA), and others for airborne infection protection. It has already been used extensively in medical sanitization and sterile work facilities, now it is being used as a UV light sanitizer for disinfecting the air from harmful airborne pathogens.
Applications of UV germicidal lamps
By using UV germicidal lamps, you can effectively purify the air in your indoor spaces by integrating it with you HVAC systems. However, UV light sanitizers such as Magneto’s UV air disinfection solution can be applied in various indoor settings such as, in the office, in the hospitals, in the hotel, in the malls, in the homes, in the aircraft, in the car, etc., and protect yourself and your loved ones from airborne diseases. Also, it can get attached to any and every kind of aircon unit.
Why do we need the UV Germicidal lamp?
There are many pros of using a UV germicidal lamp as UV light sanitizer, here are some major benefits:
Eliminates harmful bacteria & viruses
UV C germicidal lamps have been used by hospitals, hotels, and other businesses for years, but recently home users have picked up on this trend. If you have a germicidal UV light installed in your HVAC system, you're going to be able to easily disinfect the air in your indoor spaces. The UV light will kill bacteria and most viruses, and most studies show that there is a significant improvement in the health of the homeowner.
Improves overall air quality
Germicidal UV Lamps are great to ensure the quality of the air in your home is always high. When bacteria, germs, and dust are removed, your family will have fewer health issues. A germicidal UV light sanitizer will remove any odors or bacteria that are lingering in your HVAC system. This will ensure that your home is filled with clean, high-quality air.
Decreases energy consumption costs
One of the main functions of a UV germicidal Lamp is to ensure everything in your HVAC system is as clean as possible. By maintaining clean coils and cleaner air, the UV Lights make sure the HVAC system doesn’t have to work as hard. The less maintenance system has to struggle, the more money you are able to save, while still having great air quality
UV Germicidal lamps can be an effective tool in how we fight against harmful airborne pathogens. The lamp can be used for aircon units to maximize the efficiency of killing airborne pathogens.
Looking for a UV solution to sanitize the air? Magneto CleanTech has got your covered. Product inquiries at [email protected]
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magnetocleantech · 3 years
How do HVAC systems and commercial air purifiers work together?
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When you say the acronym, "HVAC," many people automatically think of heating cooling, and air conditioning. HVAC systems contain many different parts that all work together to keep you indoors at a specific temperature. It usually contains fans, ducts, dampers, registers, filters, heat exchangers, and expansion valves with necessary fittings like thermostats, etc. However, it can also be used to improve indoor air quality.
Bad Indoor air quality and role of HVAC
Buildings are largely closed off from the outdoor ventilation, it becomes easier for pollutants and harmful pathogens to accumulate indoors. This becomes worse with recirculating air where sources of outdoor ventilation are sealed.
Read more:  uv light sterilizer
An HVAC system can solve this problem by filtering the air brought from outside. How? Generally, any kind of HVAC system has a limitation of filtering out pollutants and pathogens. To overcome that, the practice of using a commercial air purifier with HVAC systems is now being adopted highly.
How does an electronic air purifier work with HVAC?
An electronic air purifier is a system that’s designed to purify the air by eliminating contaminants like particulate matter, viruses, bacteria, VOCs, mold, dust, pollen, pet dander, etc. The commercial air purifiers can be integrated with any kind of HVAC units such as air handling units (AHUs), fan coil units (FCUs), Split ACs, Cassette ACs, etc.
Read more:  uv c light sanitizer
What are some highly used commercial air purifiers with HVAC?
Here are types of electronic Air purifiers for AC, which work differently.
1. High Energy Particulate Air Filters (HEPA) – This type of electronic air purifier system cleanses your indoor air of particles with a size equal to or more than 0.3 microns. However, they tend to get clogged, which reduces their effectiveness, so the filter needs to be replaced over time
2. Ultra-Violet Light Air Purifier – The HVAC UV C light air purifier is usually connected to a HEPA filter and is used to inactivate microorganisms like viruses and bacteria in the air through UV light. It is a completely safe solution for air disinfection as UV is installed inside the HVAC unit leaving no exposure to humans.
3. Carbon Activated Filters – A carbon activated air purification system is ideal for homes and businesses where there’s plenty of smoke, odors, and VOCs. This type of air purifier for ac is comprised of small but absorbent pores which trap all microorganisms and VOCs as they pass.
4. Electrostatic Air Purification Systems – Electrostatic air purifiers work by capturing very, very small microscopic elements such as viruses, whose dimensions only measure up to 0.1 microns. They use static electric charges to trap these elements and make for a much cleaner home environment.
Read more:  uv germicidal lamp
HVAC systems are used indoors to control the temperature of the air inside. But, commercial air purifiers and air purifiers for ac their functioning can further be enhanced. The combination of the two systems is the best option to improve the quality of the indoor air.
The blog above explains how an HVAC system can be used along with a commercial air purifier to improve indoor air quality. Magneto CleanTech has introduced a range of air sanitization technology to disinfect the air of viruses, pollutants, and other harmful pathogens with a 99.9% inactivation rate. From central air purifiers to UV light sanitizers, Magneto has everything under one roof!
If you are interested in learning more about how Magneto’s air purification technology could be used in your indoors, please contact us at [email protected] .
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magnetocleantech · 3 years
Increase workplace productivity: Office air purifiers can help.
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There are many different things that are proven to be affected if the air you are breathing in the air that is full of pollutants like dust, particulates, mold, asbestos, pollen, and odors, etc. Air pollution has been linked to negative health effects in humans. For example, there are possible links to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer, heart disease, and asthma.
Evidence suggests that indoor air pollution can also reduce the productivity of employees. Such productivity losses come from pollution levels that do not comply with the air quality standards and guidelines. Know more:  uvc germicidal lamp The three major reasons to focus on poor air quality indoors Focusing on diminishing employee productivity as an outcome of poor air quality is important. Here is why: Health & Absenteeism:  Poor air quality affects the health of the employee working on a daily basis, although nonetheless can lead to major health issues like asthma and heart attack. The more sickness employees go through the more absenteeism will directly impact the business. Particulate matter & Cognitive functions: PM2.5 has been shown to affect blood pressure; cause irritation in the ear, nose, throat, and lungs; and induce mild headaches. PM2.5 has also been linked with cognitive effects, such as reductions in test scores. Read more:  Electronic Air Cleaner
Indoor air affects moods and behavior:
Studies have shown that rooms with high air congestions can cause you to feel irritated, angry and affect decision making. On the other hand, a room with less air congestion can help make employees stay alert, calm, and more organized.
The effect of low employee productivity can lead to the high cost of production, lowering profits, job losses, and even business closures.
Office Air Purifiers:  Key to higher employee productivity
Research suggests that improved air quality leads to an 8-11% increase in productivity at the workplace.  If ambient air conditions are improved in a workplace, so who keep their jobs can overcome the perceived negative effects of indoor air pollution.
For this reason, central air purifiers are used in workplaces. These commercial air purifiers can cleanse pollutants, eliminate viruses and harmful microbes, from the air, avoiding the risk of health problems. And if employees are breathing fresh, recycled air, they'll be less likely to take sick leaves, ultimately increasing productivity.
How making a go of commercial air purifiers can help?
PM 2.5 is responsible for altering the brain structure, memory loss, and Alzheimer’s. Office air purifiers can eliminate particulate pollution in the workplace.
Studies suggest that high levels of carbons and VOCs can directly impact human productivity as it is responsible for headaches, dizziness, and fatigue and loss of consciousness. It is worth noting that commercial air purifiers when applied can eliminate the VOC and lowers the carbon levels.
Central air purifiers can also be applied with UV light technology to eliminate airborne viruses, hence, reducing the risk of transmission indoors.
Kill the Harmful Invisible with Magneto Magneto Cleantech, a leading provider of advanced technologies, offers a comprehensive range of UV C light sanitizers and Central air purifier solutions to improve the indoor air quality of workplaces, buildings, malls, hospitals, and other environments. The next-generation technologies leveraged by Magneto are designed to kill nanoscopic microbes and pollutants, including PM 2.5, allergens, viruses, and bacteria from the air. Want to achieve higher productivity? Start with the invisible(air), and get in touch with Magneto at [email protected] and equip your office space with complete air purification solutions for all indoor spaces.
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magnetocleantech · 3 years
Top 5 Advantages of Having Central Air Purifier Systems Indoors
As per EPA, indoor air is five times more polluted than outdoor air  posing a huge threat to human health. One of the best ways people prevent indoor air pollution is by installing central air purifiers. In this blog, we will discuss the top five reasons why central air purifiers are the best air purifier to opt for.
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Many of us are spending more time indoors than generations past. Moreover, worldwide lockdowns have also increased this span. At this time people are being exposed to these indoor particles and pollutants.  But did you know that these are preventable by installing central air purifiers? First, Let us briefly understand how they work.
Central Air purifier: How does it work?
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Central air purifier systems use a variety of different tools and components to purify the indoor air. The air is ducted from the furnace or air conditioner and circulates through a purifier system. The commercial air purifier system uses a variety of aspects such as air filters, UV lights, carbon filters and HEPA filters to purify the air before it goes back indoors.
5 Pros Of Having A Central Air Purifier
Central air purifier offers a practical and affordable HVAC solutions to cleaning up the air indoors, here is how:
1# Healthy Air
Central air purifiers can effectively remove pollutants, bacteria, viruses, pollen, mold spores, pet dander, dust mites and toxic gases. All these are responsible for triggering respiratory, cardiovascular and cognitive diseases. While medication for diseases may reduce the symptoms and prevent reaction, these commercial air purifiers may remove it from air to begin with. 
Infact, when combined with UVGI technology, the central air purifier leverages germicidal capabilities. They can reduce the risk of airborne diseases such as COVID-19 and TB etc. These electronic air purifiers are what hospitals and other healthcare facilities highly use to mitigate the risk of infections.
2# Covering it all at once
Although standard portable air purifiers do purify the air, their purification is limited on a room to room basis. Central air purification systems prove themselves as the best air purifiers as they can better be used in whole heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) units. While your air is being heated or cooled it can be forced through a filter system which can clear the airborne pathogens and harmful contaminants.
3# Makes air purification easier 
Some people say that a central air purifier is the best air purifier as they make air purification much easier than any other. In fact, putting an air purifier in each room can create some serious complications. You might have to worry about wires everywhere and the lack of consistency in the quality of the products themselves. Whereas, this electronic air purifier is integrated with the HVAC, which is why it’s much easier to maintain an even flow of clean air.
4# Long HVAC Life 
The HVAC system can not remove airborne particles by itself and those get accumulated on it. This further increases the pressure drop and maintenance cost.  A couple of the main benefits of adding this commercial air purifier to your HVAC system is that you'll be able to breathe cleaner air and you'll save money on your HVAC system because it won't have contaminants on it. Hence, they can help to increase the life of HVAC units and reduce the cost of your heating and cooling bill.
5# Other benefits of central air purifiers 
One of this electronic air purifier’s features is that it can help eliminate Odor. 
This commercial air purifier can help reduce the dust buildup
It can lessen the mess created by pet dander. 
It can easily help in controlling seasonal allergies
The biggest advantage of using a central air purification system for your indoor air. It provides a higher level of air purification as compared to any other air purifier. This is the reason why it is the most preferred air purifier for many households and commercial spaces.
Do you want your indoor air to be as clean, healthy and safe as possible? Magneto CleanTech is here just for that with Magneto Central Air Cleaner, a revolutionary technology that not only traps but also kills the air contaminants delivering completely sanitized air. Contact us at [email protected] to learn more how Magneto can help improve your indoor air quality.
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magnetocleantech · 3 years
How to rightly choose the best air purification technology for your indoors?
If you are living or working in poor air quality, you may suffer from a variety of health problems. Indoor air purification can help you to maintain the better air quality in your indoor spaces. In recent years there have been some great advances in indoor air purification. From stand-alone air purifiers, central air purifiers to UV light air purifiers, it is imperative to understand the different technologies and how they can best help you to find the right air purification for your needs.
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What’s in the Air and What Do You Want to Remove?
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the concentration of some pollutants is often two to five times higher indoors than outdoors. Air contaminants like pollutants, viruses, bacteria, dust mites. Mold, gases, and pet dander all contribute to an unhealthy indoor environment. This has ill effects on human health. According to the EPA, long-term exposure to high particle levels is linked to bronchitis, reduced lung function, and premature death. We’ve seen these hazardous conditions compounded by the pollutants as well as SARS-CoV-2.
Given all these circumstances, choosing the right air purifier can be confusing. There are huge numbers of charts, studies, and certifications found on air purifiers, and getting to the bottom of all the data and making a good decision is critical.
How does it generally function and Who needs it?
Air purifier filters utilize fine sieves that filter contaminants out of the circulating air. As air flows into the air purifier, the finer the sieve inside of the air purifier, the smaller the particles it will trap.
In general words, an air purifier draws dirty air through filters which are even then circulated back in the room.
Asthmatic patients, people with low immunity, people living in construction areas, people located in industrial areas, people having pets should invest in an air purifier as they may face a higher level of air contamination as compared to the rest. Although in current times when the world is facing a global pandemic and air pollution air purifier is the need for everyone.
How to choose the right air purification technology
Air purifiers can be manufactured as small, stand-alone units or larger units that can be attached to your HVAC. So, Before deciding on what commercial air purifier may best suit you, it is important to understand the types and general differences between the available air purification technologies. Here is a quick go through guide for different types of air purifiers:
● High-efficiency particulate air filter (HEPA): HEPA air purifiers use an advanced air filter to remove 99.7% of all particles larger than 0.3 microns from the air in your home. HEPA air filters need to be replaced from time to time. In addition, HEPA air filters cannot trap microorganisms smaller than 0.2 microns like germs, viruses, and bacteria.
● Activated Carbon filter: These filters are used in combination with activated charcoal/carbon to absorb odors and gases, fumes, and neutralize smoke. These are good for Smoke-sensitive areas. However, they are less effective in removing other contaminants like pollen, mold, etc., unless a HEPA filter is installed within.
● UV Antibacterial/ Germicidal filters: UV light air purifiers use ultraviolet light to remove potentially harmful viruses, bacteria, and pathogens. The UV light air purifiers use UV - C wavelength to destroy pathogens by breaking molecular bonds in their DNA.
● Central air Purifiers: Central air purifiers purify the air by directly connecting to the enclosed spaces’ heating ventilation and air conditioning systems. They can work silently inside the ducts. Central air purifiers can greatly reduce viruses, allergens, and reduce microbial count in the air. Also, it can increase the life of the HVAC units that may otherwise interfere with it.
● Ionic Air filters: Ionic air purifiers are extremely quiet and operate without a motor. They emit negative ions into the air, which bond with positively charged, airborne particles like dust, making these particles so heavy that they eventually fall out of the air.
● Photocatalytic oxidation:  This air purifier uses a titanium dioxide-coated metal plate with UV light to oxidize and physically break down chemicals.
What to keep in check while looking for a commercial air purifier
Be it a central air purifier or UV light air purifier, in the end, the choice depends upon what are your specific needs. Although in general, here are some important things you can consider while buying a commercial air purifier. Such as:
1. What is the total square foot area for which air is to be purified?
2. What is the Air filtration efficiency of air purifiers?
3. What is the rate of air change per hour? ( Ideally, it should be at least 4 times per hour)
4. How much maintenance do the air purifiers require?
5. What will be the cost of the replacement of the filters?
6. Does the air purifier hold the mandatory certifications as per its claims?
7. Is it Noisy or Quiet?
8. Does it emit ozone?
All in all, there are different types of air purifiers for different purposes. In order to eliminate multiple air contaminants more sophisticated air purifiers can be used instead of simple air filters. For instance, a carbon filter can be combined with HEPA filters or the UV light technology can be used with a central air purifier so as a result, you can expect the air quality to be immensely improved.
Are you ready to have a “virus-free & healthier space”? Contact Magneto Cleantech at [email protected]  for more information and advice about which type of air purifier is best for your HVAC system.
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magnetocleantech · 3 years
Airborne coronavirus is a threat hiding in your HVAC: How UV light sanitizer can help
Been responsible for infecting 31,769,132 people in India, the SARS-CoV-2 virus has now been declared airborne. Recent studies have found that it can be spread through air conditioning systems. In this blog, we will go into details of its airborne spread including how UV light sanitizer can help eliminate it
The first cases of the SARS-CoV-2 virus during the 2019 outbreak started appearing in China which now has spread to crores of individuals in India. The virus causing COVID-19 disease can enter the human body through the mouth and nose, then travel into the lungs and start to replicate and attack cells.
From time to time the novel coronavirus has been mutating and developing into something more deadly. Although the SARS virus typically spreads through direct contact, recent studies have found that it can also spread through airborne routes.
What is an airborne spread of coronavirus?
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According to WHO, the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 can occur when a person inhales virus-carrying aerosols suspended in the air. This could happen when an infected person coughs, sneezes, talks, or sings which reaches the mouth, nose, or eyes of a susceptible person and can result in infection. These aerosols can remain suspended in the air for multiple hours, hence increasing the risk of transmission, especially in enclosed spaces.
How do HVAC systems spread the airborne coronavirus?
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In July, Chinese scientists published a short study detailing the results of their investigation of the Guangzhou restaurant case. It was concluded that one of the restaurant’s air-conditioners blew the virus particles around the dining room. Also, many studies have come forth indicating that air conditioning systems are an important but overlooked factor in airborne transmission of coronavirus.
Here is how HVAC systems potentially increase the risk of spread:
The “strong airflow” and “recirculating air”  from the air conditioner can spread viruses carrying aerosols in enclosed spaces.
SARS-CoV-2 has been identified in building ducts such locations could be reached only by aerosols.
Researchers believe chilly temperatures by ACs can create the perfect conditions for passing viruses and germs.
The air currents produced by ACs can suspend the virus further than it might otherwise go i.e beyond 6 feet distance.
Air conditioners also remove moisture from the air  and as we know viruses prefer dry air
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Airborne spread through HVAC: What Industry regulations have to say!
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) has recently published revised recommendations stating “Airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 is significant and should be controlled. Changes to building operations, including the operation of heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning systems, can reduce airborne exposures.” 
Both ASHRAE and CDC have recommended the use of high-efficiency filtration to reduce the transmission of the virus. Additionally to these commercial air purifiers, several studies have shown that using  UV light sanitizer is a reliable solution to inactivate the SARS-CoV-2.
UV Light Sanitizers: An effective way to kill coronavirus through HVAC
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WHO acknowledged the airborne nature of Coronavirus, also that the chances of spread are more likely in Indoors than outdoors. Overnight, commercial UV light sanitizers and UV germicidal lamps have become a means to control the spread of the pandemic.
Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation (UVGI) is emerging as a weapon against airborne viruses, bacteria, and pathogens. The effectiveness of germicidal UV-C rays in killing and inactivating is well documented.
How UV Light Sanitizers work against SARS-CoV-2
Ultraviolet light safely disinfects pathogens, by emitting UV-C rays at a wavelength of 253.7. It disrupts the DNA and RNA of microorganisms like coronavirus and disintegrates the pathogen’s reproductive ability.  
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It prevents aerosol transmission through breath, cough, talk, and touching faces.  UV light germicidal lamp’s application can help create a safe ambient environment by eliminating not only the coronavirus pathogens, but also infectious agents of other diseases such as tuberculosis, measles, and chickenpox that are recognized to be transmissible through the airborne route. To remove airborne coronavirus, commercial UV light sanitizer works magically, for instance, Magneto’s UV light solutions for all types of HVAC units could be leveraged for the same.
Take The Magneto Advantage: 360 Degree UV Light solutions for HVAC
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The UVGI solutions by Magneto Cleantech are tested by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) for a 99% inactivation rate of coronavirus and SGS for their on-site anti-microbial performance.
In current times, when the Coronavirus transmission is at peak if you are looking for reliable and cost-effective UV-C-based solutions for complete air disinfection, Magneto’s air disinfection solutions are the best choice. Magneto can be applied as a new or a retrofit solution in any kind of Aircon Unit. It can also be customized as per the requirement.
Call on +91-9582215203 or write to [email protected] to get in touch with the Magneto CleanTech team.
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magnetocleantech · 3 years
Air Purification: Is it becoming the norm in Realty Development?
The rapidly changing scenario of real estate is a subject of the growing technology adoption for improving the quality of buildings. But, with the increasing airborne infection and pollution, the problem of poor air quality remains the same. This blog discusses how hoping for clean air technologies is becoming a new trend in the real estate industry to mitigate these issues.
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The Threat: Take a look at the danger lurking in the air.
➢ Covid 19 pandemic and airborne infections
At the end of  2019, we came to know about the coronavirus which slowly spread all over the world and left everyone struggling with the deadly airborne infection “COVID -19”. The Pandemic waves have struck the population and have locked it inside the homes. Many created a fear of transmission in people, even inside their homes they are suspicious about cases indicating that air conditioners are an important factor in the airborne spread. It has the air they are breathing
➢ Particulate Pollution and dirty air.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, airborne pollutants can be two to five times higher indoors than outdoors. People spend 90% of their time in their homes. The particulate pollution, VOCs, high level of CO2 and other gases poses a significant threat to human health starting from headaches, increased heart rates to severe diseases such as respiratory illness, heart attacks, cognitive diseases, etc.
➢ Sick Building Syndrome
WHO proposed a fact that up to 30% of new and renewed buildings that are subjected to legal actions are the results of complaints against sick building syndrome (seedbed for diseases due to poor indoor air quality). This can easily lead to multifold health diseases as well as contribute to building deterioration.
Why are developers focusing on building a Clean air property?
➢ Safety from the threat in the air
In current times, prospective home buyers are constantly trying to locate a familial space that has a “healthier and safer environment”. They are focusing on protection against airborne infections and Poor air quality for themselves and their families. It has now become more important than ever for real estate developers to deliver residential complexes that can enhance occupant’s health.
➢ The paradigm shift from health to safety
Their focus has shifted from “green homes” to “healthy homes”. Prospective buyers are looking for spaces where they feel safe. Developers keeping their kingpin in mind also want them to breathe in clean air and feel good about it.
➢ Clean air movement
Although the real estate industry was already on a path of delivering clean air in their properties. Covid-19 has poured accelerant on this trend. Many developers are of the opinion that technology that fixes the air quality issues will become widespread in homes by 2030.
➢ Value add-in Luxury
Air quality is now front of mind for buyers. These days it is a big issue.  In addition to all the facilities given inside the premises, Clean air makes itself a number one luxury offering that developers are offering to the buyers.
Central Air Purification System: new norm for Real estate.
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Taking air purification to a new level, the developers are adding central air purification systems as a clean solution to purify the air inside the premises.
But why a central air purification system? It is because, unlike portable air filters that only purify single rooms, a central air purification system can be connected directly to the building’s HVAC system. These can eliminate pollutants, VOCs, and other air contaminants with ease. Also,  to eliminate bacteria and viruses like SARS-CoV-2, developers are using  UV light technology.
Aside from the obvious health benefits to the buyers, developers are leveraging a central air purification system to save the cost of buying and putting several stand-alone purifiers.  Also, Central air purifier systems also improve the condition of the HVAC system by preventing contaminants from building up on equipment and in the ductwork. It straight away minimizes the maintenance cost.
How One Startup Is Helping India’s Real Estate Giants to build smart homes.
Indoor air quality cannot widely improve until the building industry finds ways to ventilate, heat, cool, filter, and purify the air in an energy-efficient way. For instance, Real estate giants like Godrej Properties are now selling ‘clean air’ with their reality in cities like Gurugram with the help of a Delhi-based startup, Magneto CleanTech.
Magneto CleanTech offers a range of clean air solutions specifically designed for every type of air-con unit be it AHUs, FCU, In-Duct, Split ACs, Cassette AC, etc. From central air purifier systems, commercial air purification systems to UV light air sanitization technology Magneto has got everything under one roof.
One of India’s leading real estate builders K Raheja Corp., The Jindal Group, The C.K Birla Group has secured their large building complexes across India with Magneto’s commercial air purification systems.
As we step into the future of Realty development, we need to leverage the technology for the air inside that is clean and efficient. To know more the solution is rightly available with Magneto.
Get in touch with the team at [email protected]
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magnetocleantech · 3 years
The critical role of AC Dealers & Contractors in the fight against the pandemic
Rise in demand: As the third wave is on its way, there will be a high demand in the future for air disinfectant technology for ACs against the airborne spread.
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The coronavirus has put everyone through a huge upheaval, and we have to admit that it has impacted every industry, including the air conditioning business in India. In India, COVID-19 has halted the peak summer seasonal sale of ACs, adversely impacting the sales of air conditioning and ventilation products. According to a recent Economic Times article, the industry has reported an almost 75% dip in April sales of ACs when compared with April 2019, and May 2021 has been a complete washout for the air conditioner business.
Getting Re-Started in Pandemic: Key Things to Know
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The HVAC industry is largely facing the consequences of the COVID-19 crisis.  All AC dealers, AC contractors and AC Businesses are trying to find ways to secure their share in the market and create a “Pandemic proof” model for their business. 
Here are 3 things to know about that are affecting the current AC market scenario:
Role of Air Conditioners in Coronavirus spread
ASHRAE and CDC have declared coronavirus to be airborne. After the Guangzhou restaurant incident, (China) many emerging pieces of evidence have come forth which says that air conditioners overlooked factors in the COVID-19 airborne spread. 
In a commentary published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases, a group of 239 scientists with their reports has appealed to international bodies including WHO to recognize ACs as a potential source of airborne spread. These guidelines, recommendations, and studies have highly affected the AC & ventilation industry.
       2. The third wave of Coronavirus
For people who are in the HVAC business, the current situation is quite dire, and with the third wave on its way, it probably will go worse. It will also bring localized lockdowns and restrictions.
       3. Consumer sentiment 
People are highly concerned about their safety and health. As ACs have come forth as a source of airborne spread. Many AC businesses have shut down due to the sudden and drastic decline in the number of customers approaching them.
So, to make a promising strategy for your AC business make sure to consider these 3 factors.
Air Disinfection Technology:  Saviour of Air Conditioning businesses in Pandemic
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Products such as retrofit commercial air purifiers, Central air purifiers, UV Light sanitizers, etc. are some examples of air disinfection solutions. Keeping in mind the pandemic threat and current market trend, these solutions can offer safety from the airborne transmission of COVID -19 to customers and growth to the AC business.
Reasons to start with Air defense for ACs
Biosafety market size:  Being it Corporate offices, Hospitals, educational institutes, hospitality sectors, or households, everybody is looking for a solution to ensure their safety from Covid Spread.
Rise in demand: As the third wave is on its way, there will be a high demand in the future for air disinfectant technology for ACs against the airborne spread.
Stay ahead of the competition:  The AC industry is getting competitive, the central air purifiers and UV light solutions as additional technology to  ACs can help AC Dealers, Consultants, and Contractors keep one step ahead of their competition.
Creating a big social impact:  By making an environment safe & healthy, it will eventually help in safeguarding people. AC businesses can create a significant impact on society by this.
Take The Magneto Advantage: For AC Dealers and Contractors.
Magneto CleanTech provides a 360-degree range of air sanitization and disinfection solutions and has been helping AC Businesses to boost their sales in this depressing market trend. From Central air purifiers to UV light technology for every type of ACs, Magneto has got everything under one roof!
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Magneto leveraged a wide range of solutions for each and every type of aircon unit, be it High wall, Cassette, AHUs, FCUs, etc. The central air purifier and UV light technology are specifically designed as a retrofit or new solution with very low-pressure drop. 
Magneto’s solution complies with ASHRAE and CDC recommendations for COVID-19 protection. Magneto’s UVGI solution has been tested by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and SGS for a 99.98% inactivation rate of coronavirus for their on-site anti-microbial performance. 
Here comes the best part! Magneto opens doors for the expansion of your existing AC business as these COVID-PROOF safety solutions can be offered to new as well as to existing customers. 
So, if you are an AC dealer, AC contractor, or in any kind of AC business, the time has come to capitalize on this opportunity. Turn around your sales with the retrofit business and be the main market player.
Want to learn more about Magneto’s air disinfection solutions? Talk to the team of Magneto Cleantech on [email protected]
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magnetocleantech · 3 years
UV light for HVAC: Step into the future of Healthcare with an effective shield of defense
Infection Prevention is the need of the hour and UV-C light sanitizers are the globally recommended solution. With the second wave of Coronavirus pandemic, the time has come for the healthcare sector to leverage the potential of UV light in HVAC as the first line of defense against COVID-19.
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The use of UV-C light in hospitals for disinfection is not a new phenomenon. UV-C light sanitizers have been used since the late 1800s to effectively inactivate viruses, bacteria, and other microorganisms. With the global prevalence of COVID-19, the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, the use of UV-C light for HVAC is now more important than ever for the healthcare sector.
Can UV light sanitizers help healthcare in the COVID 19 pandemic?
The answer is “Yes!” UV-C light has proven its application in the healthcare sector for biological decontamination over the years. Commercial UV light sanitizers have been an effective solution for disinfecting air, water, and surfaces.
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We know that Coronavirus is an airborne virus that can travel in the air through droplets and aerosols. As the virus remains suspended in the air for multiple hours, it increases the risk of airborne infection especially inside closed spaces, such as hospitals. The last thing someone would want to inhale is a deadly virus when they are already seeking medical attention. Equally, the virus poses a threat to the lives of doctors, caregivers, employees, and other occupants in the building.
Despite the use of traditional preventative approaches such as hand hygiene, surface disinfection, and infection surveillance, the risk of airborne transmission of infectious diseases can still lurk in the environment. While historically UV light has been primarily used to disinfect surfaces, UV-C light sanitizers can also eliminate airborne pathogens. That is the reason for their emerging demand in the healthcare sector during the pandemic.
Healing the Healthcare Setting with UV-C Light for HVAC
In healthcare, the primary application of commercial UV light sanitizers is to protect against Healthcare-acquired infections (HAIs). These infections are usually acquired in hospitals and other healthcare facilities. These can spread through the staff, contaminated equipment, and air. Healthcare-acquired infections are a leading cause of deaths continuously in the facilities, and the COVID- 19 pandemic has made the numbers even worse.
To protect against infections and the airborne spread of COVID-19 inside healthcare facilities, one can place the UV-C light in the Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system. UVGI (UV-C at 254 nm) for HVAC can disinfect the air of both bacteria and viruses. The application of the UVGI system can be in patient rooms, operation rooms, and high-infection risk areas.
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How can it help?
UV light for HVAC is one of the best methods hospitals can add to standard disinfection regimens to continue to cut infection rates for airborne pathogens, even drug-resistant ones.
During the COVID-19 response, commercial UV light sanitizers can especially be used for isolation discharge cleanings. UV-C light sanitizing systems assist with “deep cleans” of the ambient air of workrooms, breakrooms, and common spaces in hospitals.
UVGI for HVAC is one of the oldest and yet underutilized methods for disinfecting healthcare settings. They can be installed inexpensively throughout healthcare facilities such as by using upper room units for interior spaces, in HVAC ducts, and on air handler coils to disinfect airstreams. Use UVGI sanitization systems to prevent Hospital Acquired Infections and protect the healthcare environment from the risk of COVID and other infectious airborne diseases.
Magneto Cleantech’s Range of UVGI solutions for HVAC
Magneto CleanTech has developed a range of UVGI technology-based air sanitization solutions for any kind of aircon unit.
Magneto leverages the process of UV Germicidal Irradiation which is a proven solution for air sanitization that disinfects the air by emitting UV-C rays at a wavelength of 253.7 nm. These rays kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi by disrupting the DNA of microorganisms, preventing them from reproducing, and thereby killing them.
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The application of UVGI for air disinfection has been recommended by various global bodies such as ASHRAE, CDC, EUROVENT, and the National Academy of Science for airborne infection protection. It has been used extensively in medical sanitization and sterile work facilities.
There are two UVGI strategies for general application:
installation into air handlers and/ or ventilating ducts and
irradiation of the upper air zones of occupied spaces with shielding of the lower occupied spaces
Magneto CleanTech brings together high-quality and reliable solutions for both categories, making it easier to select the appropriate technology for their environment.  
Magneto UVGI Portfolio
1. Magneto Central Air Cleaner co-powered with UVGI
Magneto Central Air Cleaner is  co-powered with UVGI for enhanced infection control. Combining  Magneto Central Air Cleaner’s “Trap & Kill” process with the Disinfection efficiency of UVGI technology, this central air purification system completely sanitizes the air by inactivating coronavirus and other airborne pathogens with 99.98% efficiency.
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2. UVGI Assembly
The high-quality UVGI “Do-It-Yourself” kit is for Air Handling Unit or Fan Coil Unit application. This kit is simple for any HVAC professional to install in the existing air conditioning system. It is BMS compatible for promptly notifying the users for maintenance, indicating its status through the timer, buzzer, or local display.
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3. UVGI On-coil
The UVGI on-coil is primarily used for keeping the coil clean and disinfected, where the UV light falls on the coil and kills all viruses and infections. Solutions can be designed to achieve the desired kill rate, typically designed for more than 90% anti-microbial efficiency.
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4. UVGI In-duct
UVGI in-duct is used for air purification of the outer environment, where the air being circulated is disinfected before being returned back from the system. Magneto UVGI system for in-duct is a powerful air sanitization solution tested by CSIR for over 99% inactivation rate of coronavirus.
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5. Upper Room UVGI
Upper room UVGI can be applied in hospitals and clinics at a moderate additional cost and can be applied quickly in existing building systems. Upper Room UVGI is installed at ceiling heights of at least 2.4 m (8 ft) for its effective application.
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6. UVGI for any Air Conditioning Unit
Magneto UVGI solutions can be applied to any new or old air conditioning system without any modifications to the AC. Solutions for Split, Cassette, Ductable, and AHU are available to provide airborne disinfection in recirculating indoor environments.
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The UVGI solutions by Magneto Cleantech are tested by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) for 99% inactivation rate of coronavirus and SGS for their on-site anit-microbial performance. Their solutions have been trusted by various corporates and hospitals, including PGI, a leading Chandigarh-based hospital and research facility, to mitigate the risk of transmission.
In current times, when the Coronavirus transmission to the patients, hospital staff, and visitors is at an all-time high, if you are looking for reliable and cost-effective UV-C based solutions for complete air disinfection, Magneto UVGI solutions are the best choice.
Call on +91-9582215203 or write to [email protected] to get in touch with the Magneto CleanTech team.
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magnetocleantech · 3 years
As ASHRAE updates its recommendations on airborne Coronavirus, Magneto is ready to protect your loved ones!
Magneto Cleantech is ready with its patented technology Magneto Central Air Cleaner co-powered with UV-C to meet ASHRAE & CDC guidelines for airborne infection control.
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Spreading like a common cold, the Coronavirus spread has struck India hard, making it the second country after the United States that reported 1 lakh cases in one day. The devastating wave 2.0 across India has been largely attributed to the airborne transmission of the virus. Previously, handwashing and maintaining social distancing were the main measures that WHO recommended avoiding contracting COVID-19, but unfortunately these measures do not prevent infection by inhalation of small droplets or aerosolized particles exhaled by an infected person, traveling tens of meters in the air carrying the viral content.
ASHRAE has been developing and disseminating guidance for control of airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 since April 2020 and has stated that Coronavirus is “likely” to spread through the air in your HVAC. In March 2021, recognizing the current situation, ASHRAE revised its previous recommendations on the transmission of coronavirus. Considering the rapid transmission during the second wave, ASHRAE's latest published standards and revised recommendations state, “Airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 is significant and should be controlled. Changes to building operations, including the operation of heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning systems, can reduce airborne exposures.”
The statement clearly indicated that COVID-19 has now made its place in one of the major airborne diseases. However, coronavirus is not the only infectious disease India is battling against. India is home to the world’s largest number of patients suffering from Tuberculosis (TB). Started a decade before coronavirus, TB has been causing much suffering and lost productivity. As a result, India records approx 2.3 million TB cases every year. Additionally, since 2009, Swine Flu (H1N1), which was declared a pandemic after its outbreak, has been infecting several thousand Indians each year.      
What ASHRAE recommended, Magneto already anticipated.
Since its inception in 2018,  Magneto Cleantech had already foreseen the growing need for a preventive measure in India’s battle against airborne diseases. The company’s focus has always been to build and deliver solutions that address the problem of airborne infections. Magneto CleanTech is a shining example endeavoring to solve the challenges posed by “Airborne Infectious spread in the Indian Subcontinent” much before Coronavirus came into the picture. It has disrupted the traditional approach of media-based filtration by developing Magneto Central Air Cleaner, a patented technology based on the principle of “Trap and Kill”. 
Magneto Cleantech aims to positively transform the lives of Indians by delivering accessible, effective, and sustainable solutions to mitigate the risk of airborne diseases such as COVID 19, Swine Flu (H1N1), Influenza & Tuberculosis.
Mitigate the risk of Airborne infection with Magneto Central Air Cleaner – a commercial UV light-based air sanitization system.
Magneto Central Air Cleaner is based on a magnetic, filterless air purification process that works by harnessing the combined effect of impingement, polarisation, and agglomeration co-powered with UVGI. The UV C light sanitizer creates a dual polarity through an underlying dielectric mesh, trapping very fine particles and neutralizing bio-aerosols from the air. Its “Trap and Kill” process removes PM 2.5, disease-causing germs, allergens, and viruses in recirculating systems at 99.9% efficiency in indoor spaces.
How does the UV light sanitization component of the Magneto Central Air Cleaner work?
The Magneto Central Air Cleaner provides UVC light sanitization based on UVGI technology that ruptures the RNA of the virus using the photonic energy of the rays. When the DNA/RNA of the microorganisms is ruptured, they cannot reproduce and are inactivated.
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Magneto’s UV C light sanitizer emits UV-C rays at a wavelength of 253.7 nm to disinfect the air from the air conditioner in indoor spaces.
Magento Central Air Cleaner co-powered with UVGI combines the power of UVC light with its “Trap and Kill” process to destroy harmful microorganisms and pollutants at very high efficiency. The central air purification system meets the ASHRAE and EUROVENT guidelines. The UV C light sanitizer inactivates the coronavirus and other airborne pathogens with over 99% efficiency. The commercial UV light sanitizer technology is recommended by international bodies, including CDC, to mitigate the risk of transmission of COVID-19.  
Applications of the Magneto’s Central Air Purification System against Coronavirus.
The Magneto Central Air Cleaner is built for smaller indoor spaces and commercial spaces to sanitize the indoor air that the occupants breathe. The central air purification system by Magneto can be integrated with any new or existing air conditioning systems in the indoor space.
The commercial UV light sanitizer by Magneto follows the recommendations of ASHRAE and CDC to control the spread of airborne Coronavirus.
Get in touch with us at [email protected] for a UVGI solution to protect your indoor space against the spread of the novel Coronavirus.
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magnetocleantech · 4 years
Can the Ultra Violet Germicidal Irradiation (UVGI) prevent the novel Coronavirus from Spreading
UVGI is one of the most effective air purification solutions which uses the destructive properties of UV light to kill pathogens, viruses, fungi and the novel Coronavirus.
As the world is trying to adjust to the new normal, with the onslaught of Coronavirus, there are several questions on how the “new normal” will be. Changes such as social distancing, wearing masks and other behavioral norms are being established, for commercial buildings, public places, restaurants, hotels and schools. The challenge of preventing the novel Coronavirus from spreading is still unsolved. The scientific community is experimenting with existing technologies to find a solution to disinfect public spaces to stop the transmission of the virus.
The most suitable technology, UVGI (UltraViolet Germicidal Irradiation) is being recommended by international bodies such as ASHRAE. UVGI in HVAC is proven effective in destroying viruses, bacteria, pathogens, mold and spores. Can a UV-C light sanitizer prevent the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 family of Coronavirus?
Let’s walk through the mechanism by which UV Radiation kills pathogens, thereby disinfecting the air.
The UV light from the sun is not visible to the naked eye because its wavelength is shorter than that of the visible light. The wavelengths of ultraviolet radiation sourced from the sun range from 100 to 400 nanometers (nm). Depending on the wavelength, they are classified into three categories: 
UV-A, from 315 to 400 nm
UV-B, from 280 to 315 nm
UV-C, from 100 to 280 nm
The UV-C radiation, used in UV-C light sanitizer has the optimal range of 200-280 nm, effective for killing germs. As the highest germicidal effect is achieved at 265 nm, most of the UVGI air purification systems installed in HVAC use the wavelength 253.7 nm, for air sanitization.
The UV radiation ruptures the RNA of the microorganisms, preventing its reproduction and killing bacteria, viruses, fungi and other germs. With COVID-19, corporate offices, public spaces, hotels and homes are using UVGI solutions to sanitize their indoor air to protect against Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2).
Magneto CleanTech, a pioneer in air sanitization has built several air purification systems that use UVGI either as a standalone product or integrated with the existing HVAC system or air conditioners. Their patented UVGI for HVAC and UV-C light sanitizer can be easily installed within minutes, has a low maintenance cost and is energy-saving.
Here are the 5 Magneto CleanTech UVGI solutions for air purification.
#1. The UGVI “Do it Yourself (DIY)” kit – Magneto CleanTech has a DIY kit that you can install in the Air Handling Unit (AHU) or the Fan Coil Unit (FCU). This one of a kind kit complies with ASHRAE. It is recommended by several international bodies for SARS-CoV-2 protection. Any HVAC person can install this kit in the air conditioner. Designed taking into consideration the safety and quality, it comes with a patented digital platform where you can track the product and it’s servicing. Magneto’s reputation for designing solutions that are easy to maintain and manage is irrevocable. 
#2. Magneto Central Air Cleaner co-powered with UVGI – The Magento Central Air Cleaner (MCAC) uses the “trap and kill technology” to sanitize all kinds of indoor spaces. For air purification, they capture and continuously remove virtually all viruses, bacteria, fungi, pollen, pollutants and microbes upto the size of 0.1 microns. It has a very high filtration efficiency of ISO 16890 tested ePM 1.0 90%, meeting EUROVENT and ASHRAE recommendations for SARS-CoV-2 protection. The proprietary air sanitization technology is being used by clients ranging from corporate, hospitals, schools, hotels, government organizations to residential spaces to defend against the proliferation of Coronavirus.
#3. Magneto UVGI on-coil and UVGI in-duct solution – Available for air conditioning systems, the Magento UVGI on-coil and in-duct application is used for air sanitization in large spaces. The UVGI placed on-coil keeps the coil clean and disinfected. The UV light continuously falls on the coil, kills viruses and infections. The UVGI in-duct solution is used as a UV-C light sanitizer, disinfecting the air being circulated by the air conditioner. You can customize the irradiance, contact time and the microorganism kill rate. 
#4. Upper Room UVGI from Magento CleanTech – The upper room UVGI is installed in buildings to reduce the spread of acute airborne infections, including COVID-19. Within the indoor environment, this UVGI interrupts the transmission of pathogens. It was traditionally used in hospitals and healthcare facilities with dimensions of user room and ceiling height 2.4 meters (8 feet). Now, the upper room UVGI is used for air sanitization in large workspaces and hotels as well. 
#5. The portable UVGI tower by Magneto CleanTech – For spaces (both commercial and residential) that remain unoccupied for a few hours daily, Magneto’s portable UVGI tower sanitizes the air and the surfaces. The ready-to-use solution saves energy, is cost-effective and effectively controls infections transmitted by air. They can be switched on/off from outside the room for complete air purification. Millions of such units are installed globally with the advent of Coronavirus. 
Read More:  Central Air Purifier
The right air purification system would depend on the kind of space (commercial/residential/hospitals), the number of people working there, the humidity and the footfall the place experiences.
The benefits of an air purification system that uses UVGI for HVAC are:
The Magneto UVGI system for HVAC protects your building and the occupants while reducing the energy consumption and maintenance costs. The UV-G light sanitizer by Magneto eliminates up to 99.9% of mold and fungi and kills up to 87% of many airborne bacteria passing through the air conditioning.
They maintain system efficiency and airflow while constantly cleaning the coils. The productivity of your employees is increased due to reduced illness by breathing cleaner air.
Along with ASHRAE, the US Government and the Air Institute of Respiratory Education recommend using UVGI sanitization to improve the quality of indoor air by stopping the spread of Coronavirus.
Based on your requirement, you can choose the Magento air purification solution best-suitable. 
In case you have doubts about the right UVGI for HVAC for air purification, feel free to contact us at [email protected].
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magnetocleantech · 4 years
Value of Clean Air In Organizations
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Overview of Clean Air and the impact of Indoor Air Quality on Employee’s Health and Performance. 
The World Health Organization estimates that 3 million people die prematurely from poor air quality globally. Fundamentally clean air is requisite to healthy human life. Clean Air reduces the toxins from the body and thereby helps to boost our immune system. Worldwide we are continuously aiming to thrive and grow, and in order to suffice the purpose breathing clean air has become the humongous need of an hour for every individual to keep themselves hale and hearty.
A recent study was posted on ASHRAE with reference to Indoor Air Quality.  According to research studies from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on human exposure to air pollutants show that indoor levels of pollutants may be two to five times, sometimes more than 100 times, higher than outdoor levels. The organizations must endeavor to foster clean air for their employee’s health, comfort and work performance in office-like environments.  According to research conducted by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, employers can improve workforce performance by up to 10% through improvements in the quality of indoor air.
Health Effects of Clean Air Workspace
Though poor indoor air quality cannot be seen through naked eyes but it has inauspicious effects on human health. It is observed that the majority of employee’s time is spent working in an indoor environment.Research says poor indoor air quality in the workplace has a negative impact on employees productivity and long term health problems. Conversely, good air quality improves the health of employees and the essence of organization.  Indoor Air Quality is pivotal  to a healthy office environment setting.  While the repercussions and causes of poor IAQ are serpentine, here’s an overview of how poor air quality affects employers and employees health, product and productivity. It is advised to install Centralized air purification, Industrial air purifier, UVGI to ameliorate and secure the indoor environment. Clean Air has become necessity in the organization for a number of reasons:
Sick building syndrome or Tight Building Syndrome (TBS) is basically the occupant spending the maximum time in the building is directly proportional to the occupant’s experience in dealing with their acute respiratory health effects. Diagnosing SBS can be difficult but the key to analyzing SBS is that once you leave the building the symptoms begin to improve and once you are back in the building you end up feeling the same. The person might undergo some investigation if he/she notices the recurring symptoms.
Symptoms of Sick Building Syndrome : 
Eye or throat infection
Shortness of breath
Higher asthma attack risks for asthma patients
Cause of Sick Building Syndrome
The exact cause of SBS, however, is not known. Although there are a variety of possible causes and it is difficult to speak of one single cause of SBS. SBS may be generated from: 
Buildings with inadequate ventilation
Huge level of dust, smoke, fumes in the air
High levels of formaldehyde
Presence of CO
High or low humidity
Copy machines
Biological contaminants like mold, pollen.
Effects on Employees:
Deteriorated indoor environment in organization results in fatigue which leads to 
Poor posture such as drooping shoulders 
Slumping on chairs
Longer breaks
Shorter working hours. 
Reduces the work efficiency of employees
Becomes more prone to health illness. 
Benefits of Centralized Air Purification and Office Air Purifiers:
It is strongly recommended that organizations must certainly implement IAQ compliant protocol. Magneto CleanTech has invented the Magneto Centralized Air Cleaner device that centrally purifies the indoor air quality (IAQ) catering complete sanitized air in your working environment and thus keep the employees healthy and safe.
Study shows that organizations with premium indoor air quality will have high performing work employees. Profitability in organizations and productivity in employees is totally dependent on employees health. 
Cause of Absenteeism:
In the workplace, there are several indoor elements that hinder the fluency of work among employees. 
Inadequate IAQ
Poor ventilation
Printer releasing dust, 
Irritating cleaning products
Low relative humidity
High level of CO2
Chemical pollutants and bioeffluents
Problems with HVAC
Poor cleaning and maintained ventilation 
Serious indoor air problems may cause employees to stay on sick leaves due to health problems.
Effects on Employees Health
Poor indoor air quality has severe effects on human health especially if employees are working more than 7 hours a day. This would lead to: 
Less working hours
Less productivity and performance
Higher medical costs
irritated eyes, dry throat and 
An immense increase in workloads on other employees.
All these symptoms lead to increase in absenteeism. 
Advantages of Clean Air
Modern offices are installing best air purifiers, centralized air purifiers for their workforce which can save energy as well as reduce CO2 and increase the levels of Oxygen in the environment.  This is highly important to eliminate pollutants, air impurities and replace them by supplying fresh air which will boost the employee’s productivity and health. Breathing clean air at work, employees feel more energetic and satisfied. We can see reduction in absenteeism in employees from an incrementation in ventilation quality which would increment monetary benefits directly.
Productivity Is in the Air
The employee's productivity can choke on poor indoor air. Poor IAQ even risks mental health. Presenteeism is even larger a worry once workers/employees come back to work after they are sick. This results in loss of productivity both in terms of quality and quantity. Studies show that overall presenteeism is 7.5 times more costly than absenteeism and two to three times more costly than direct medical care.
For any organization’s ability to thrive in the competition, productivity is one of the key factors that are closely related to the profitability of every organization. Adding on to productivity and profitability there are other components that are responsible for the company’s business performance and that includes customer satisfaction, product quality, delivery efficiency, and many more. The interrelation between poor indoor air quality and the productivity of employees is undeniable. Employee’s productivity hampers because of poor air quality.
Causes of Less Productivity in Employees 
Airborne trigger
Release of chemical pollutants
Unhappy working environment
The headaches, 
loss of concentration, 
sinus due to high concentration of CO2 which in turn will affect their efficiency.
The CO2 concentration must not exceed 1,200 parts per million (ppm) it must be lower than 800 parts per million (ppm). Many organizations nowadays are focussing on improving the air quality for their employees because the companies now understand the impact of air quality on their workforce productivity. A healthy workplace expedites a more fecund workforce. A study from the Technical University of Denmark from 2013, disclosed that the indoor air quality will influence work productivity by 8-10 percent.
Effects on employees on Breathing Clean Air 
High levels of Oxygen flow to brain results in higher productivity
Studies shows, Good air quality can improve employees performance by 10%
Employees are focused on creating positive mental well-being.
Better focused 
Increased level of concentration
The analysis suggests that improving the quality of the indoor work environment is a salient feature for every organization seeking to upgrade employee performance. 
Together with human and animal health, quality of product and machinery also gets hampered because of poor indoor air.
Ingredients of contaminated air 
Gaseous Pollutant in air
Increase level of Hydrogen Sulphide and Sulphur Dioxide
Dust particulates, dirt, gases, VOC, humidity and moisture content ruin the efficiency of the product/machinery inside the facility. 
High humidity levels and moisture contents present in the contaminated air may deteriorate the product and machinery. Consequently compromising the quality of the product
Effects on Poor air Quality on Products 
Poor ventilation would harm the product and machinery
Reduced work performance
Reduce life span
Explosion in machinery or improper combustion
Damage the valves, gauges
Benefits of Centralized Purified Air in Industries 
Not only humans and pets are protected by inhaling clean air but the assets like furniture, machinery, paintings, hardware, and many more are safeguarded from large amounts of dust, mold and corrosive gases. 
Installing Industrial Air purifiers in the facility is a must to safeguard the machinery which will enhance its performance and increase life span.
Thus, air inside the facility/organizations must be filtered and purified which keeps the environment safe for people and their assets. Thus Protecting People, Protecting Assets.
Everyone has a right to breathe Clean Air. Air pollution has become a major cause of increase in numbers of asthma patients. Bestowing the purified workspace will enable asthma patients to survive in a clean air environment. When an organization comes up with clean air workspace and has the best ventilation system, their employees enjoy their working place and feel the belongingness towards their organization. Organizations must understand the importance of clean and purified air in the workspace.
Organizations having superior air quality have higher cognitive function scores. Cognitive function is defined as the mental process that includes learning, thinking, reasoning, problem solving, decision making. Lowering indoor air levels of CO2 and VOC boost human cognitive function.
Harvard study has linked indoor air quality and ventilation with productivity. “Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health’s Center for Health and the Global Environment, SUNY Upstate Medical University, and Syracuse University” conducted research on green vs. non-green buildings in a double-blind study. Some participants, including architects, designers, programmers, engineers, creative marketing professionals, and managers, performed their normal work for six days and they were kept in a controlled office environment with total indoor air quality while some were exposed to hg concentrations of VOCs and CO2. At the end of the day, all participants completed cognitive tests. 
It was observed that scores of participants who worked in green+ environment were much higher than participants who worked in a conventional environment. As per Joseph Allen research study,  employees who work in organizations which have well-ventilation with low indoor pollutants and CO2 level have significantly higher cognitive scores than those who work in offices with typical levels. 
Centralized air purification delivers uniform Clean air and makes employees smartest.
Best Office Air Purifier - Magneto CleanTech launches central air cleaner powered by FMAP and UVGI technologies
Magneto CleanTech has invested heavily on R&D in the last few months, and have introduced the revolutionary Hybrid Magneto Central Air Cleaner (MCAC), a filterless magnetic air sanitizing system co powered with UVGI, that works with all types of Aircon units and eliminates all kinds of viruses (including SARS Cov-2 category where coronavirus belongs) and bacteria from the working space. MCAC is powered by the unique 'Trap & Kill' technology that thoroughly sanitizes the indoor air, helps in prevention from all kinds of airborne infectious diseases from spreading. MCAC is now co-powered with UVGI technology giving you an edge over complete safety for your people.
Filterless Magnetic Air Purification Co-powered with Ultraviolet Light ©
Magneto Central Air Cleaner (MCAC) stops airborne pathogens during transmission. MCAC's Trap & Kill technology destroys virtually all captured microbes including airborne viruses, infections, mold and bacteria, It has a very high filtration efficiency of ISO 16890 tested ePM 1.0 90%, meeting EUROVENT and ASHRAE recommendations for SARS-CoV-2 protection. It is an advanced multi-stage central air cleaning unit that integrates with the HVAC system to remove PM 1.0, PM 2.5, bacteria, VOCs, cancer agents and other pollutants from the entire area.  
Magneto Central Air Cleaner works on a three-stage process. Unlike traditional air filtration, MCAC kills trapped microorganisms instead of letting them grow: 
Impingement: Particles up to 10 microns in size are trapped. 
Polarization: All particulates and microorganisms, including viruses, when pass-through this layer gets charged and start getting coagulated. 
Agglomeration: All the charged particles are trapped. The viruses & bacterias are killed and only pure and sanitized air is delivered back
The smart and Green organizations are wrapping their buildings to minimize energy and air loss. The purpose is to tightly seal the buildings in order to avoid sick building syndrome (SBS) where employees experience poor indoor air quality. Poor ventilation tight seal buildings also create a threat to human health.
Globally employees spend 90% time indoors. It is found that indoor air is much more dangerous to health than outdoor air. Improving ventilation must be the major step in improving the indoor air quality which in turn reflects in the productivity of the employees. In 2017 based on the research study, exposure to PM 2.5 was the third leading risk factor for type 2 diabetes-related deaths and disability. Evaluating IAQ in office and building for both employers and employees must be the main area of focus in order to safeguard the health and safety of the people. Enhancing indoor air quality has become a prerequisite for developing countries and it is why the main goal is to upheave the awareness among organizations for the adverse effect of poor indoor air quality on employees productivity and health. The battle to curb poor indoor air quality is no longer a stumbling block for many organizations.
How is the Air Quality in Your Organization?
Respire Clean Air using cutting edge technology. Keeping this in mind, the impact of air quality on human health, Magneto CleanTech proposes preventive and remarkable air quality solutions by delivering Safety, Health and Savings benefits
The Magneto Central Air Cleaner purifies the indoor air with incredible efficiency and absolute discretion. The technology has been independently certified by internationally accredited 3rd party labs for ASHRAE, UL, ASTM, ISO and AHAM standards of quality and performance. Adding to this, Magneto Centralized Air Cleaner (MCAC) keeps the employees healthy and productive at work. Reforming air quality is often perceived as expensive for few people but a small investment in an indoor work environment can produce generous ROI. 
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magnetocleantech · 4 years
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Protecting people and their assets from the severe effects of air pollution.
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magnetocleantech · 4 years
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Magneto Cleantech develops technologies to tackle the problem of poor indoor air quality in developing nations. We redefine the boundaries of engineering to build the highest quality of products that exhibit extraordinary performance.Know More
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