magnetogrip 7 years
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my rap book i will decode one page your being led by a racist thats a rapists who promotes hatred every time he say shit its facetious malicious his dislike for minorities is not conspicuous its ridiculous because we taking a knee riding with KP we're s.o.b's how we forget the fact that an ex delta told kap take a knee for your cause we see no offense in that so if they dont how we have a problem with that oh i see the problem is kolin standing up for blacks the reason i let use read this rap before i release the track so you can see the message before use hear the beat then the rap matter fact this wont even make them album some thinking how come simple use are not ready for the outcome #WestWorld4Life #SpreadLoveTheYCWay #ILLLifeMusic #IamGrip
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magnetogrip 7 years
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this cop killed a innocent man then his cop dog buddy got hit by a cop off duty that was drunk driving im happy his dog just like yall happy cops killing black people and happy trumps racist ass keeps evil stirring so we even
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magnetogrip 7 years
told you its not photoshop
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magnetogrip 7 years
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this big ass spider video coming soon
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magnetogrip 7 years
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this big ass spider video be up soon
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magnetogrip 7 years
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This big ass spider video be up soon
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magnetogrip 7 years
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i know yall think my music not popping and i dont really ghost write well imnranked number 39 in the usa in hip hop on this site and now use see i sell some.songs thru cdbaby but keep thinking im frauding lol #WestWorld4Life #SpreadLoveTheYCWay #ILLLifeMusic #IamGrip
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magnetogrip 7 years
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fuck trump he is a racist, a whute supremacist actions louder then words, his words he called the racist people in Charlottesville va good people called everyone kneeling when national anthem play sons of bitches said that sane guy said ALL mexicans are rapists and killers wanted to build a wall why are nfl players taking a knee donald trump? uh lets see if you read the anthem you ckearly see its reffering to black people black people getting killed by cips at a alarming rate but yet your calling them sons of bitches your saying they need to be fired what about the cops Donald what do they deserve? you be sexually harassing women, you dont rent to black people you said this publicly. you said Barack Obama needed to focus on running us not tweeting bout sports well i be damned you doing what you told him not to do. Donald lebron was wrong your not a bum your an racists scumbag that loves stirring this shit up well if you get same results as jfk while your president i promise i be the first to put a lol smiley face emoji if my post offend you well your obviously racists so why you following me? my apologies for using jfk #FuckDonaldTrump #ImRidingForColinKapernick
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magnetogrip 7 years
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one of my live performances listen to the crowd wish tbe whole world was there too see #WestWorld4Life #ILLLifeMusic #IamGrip click or copy and paste link below https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=689725727869275&id=100004955618973
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magnetogrip 7 years
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Im not watching football til Kolin Kapernick has a job #FuckNFL #ImRidingForKolinKapernick http://trib.al/406T65n
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magnetogrip 7 years
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If your a minority and your watching/ at the game knowing Kolin Kapernick is not playing for standing up for our equal rights, for us getting killed by cops taking a knee for our in justice well your a disgrace to whatever race you are in my opinion. This is why we will continuously get treated like shit this why they dont respect us, because THEY SAID Colin Kapernick cant get job for taking a knee for us and please read the damn anthem its obviously talking about US. He better than jags qb, bills qb, browns qb, back up ravens qb, broncos qb, texans qb, jets qb, dolphins qb, redski s qb, eagles qb, begals qb, but no job? so us minorities we should have bought no damn tickets apparel watching the game. We shouldn't by Madden THE NFL IS SAYING TO US MINORITIES FUCK US NIGGERS, SPICS, MEXICANS, JAPS, ETC ETC WAKING UP PEOPLE STAND FOR NOTHING FALL FOR ANYTHING. We can not let this slide. share this post make this pic your profile pic dont watch the games or go and lets show them that our MINORITY is as EQUAL as their WHITE FANS MONEY. Its 2017 damn there 2018 if your stillna racist gonram your head into a moving vehicle #ImRidingForColinKapernick #FuckNFL #FuckThePolice #Stand4Something #OrFall4Everything
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magnetogrip 7 years
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am i wrong for my reply to them by asking can we do it for Africa? dont really care what y'all think either way
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magnetogrip 7 years
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ATTENTION ALLL INDIE ARTIST Do not do business with this snake, I repeat dont do business with snake. He get your money for shows then cancel it 2 weeks before event and ducks people they gave him.they bread. BP entertainment on Facebook. I dont play with money damn sure not gonna let someone else. He cant help use ladies with modelling so please ladies check his background. If you are a model and need pictures and connections reach out to Durvel Wilson Native son management and MNS Media him and Earnest are legit business men. But i repeat do not do business with BP entertainment Cornelius Hubbard #ThankMeLater
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magnetogrip 7 years
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every since that eclipse they made millions off of them man made storms all over the earth litteraly right after and we don't see it still. distraction over this way( eclipse) while magic happens here( worst storms ever) look where the storms hit the worst thou where the population is "minorities" dominated Africa still didnt get no help no commercials saying Africa needs donations, but they got them 35 cents a day feeds one kid commercials still running, Japan hit, H twon wow, now there new weapon of mass destruction( hurricane irma) is a cat 7 heading directly where? hati, bahamas, puerto rico, DR, do use notice one particular thing in all those places i just named? I'll wait................. it's all people of color. then it hits us(u.s. spells us aint that something) miami first( more people of color) then sc, nc, va, but here is the kicker cat 7 supposed to hit N.Y. guess what day, wait for it..........9-11 boom that just happened( no pun intended) they fear cat 7 will whype cities off the map but all cities they are predicting is once again wait for it..... minority dominated. and lets just say this Allah (God so now all the Christians can smile yup sarcasam) doing well if thats the case i guess he said Kapernick still not on no NFL teams ok im a knock off cities he should be starting( im joking im joking) all jokes aside watch the news more importantly watch the extreme amount of chem trails there're releasing. no fossil has ever been found past 16,000 ft deep( look it up ask scientists) so common sense should say thats not fossil fuel there getting at 30,000 plus thats them fucking with the earth but why? they not digging for oil in middle of ocean oil on land by the abundance so why they drilling way out there? smarten up people its not the end of days its them ending are dats big difference dont let them kill you and have you thinking white jesus returning and hiw his name Jesus from middle east how he survive that sun how come white people with names like peter, john, jesus stop coming from middle east and now its only people of color with names like osama, sudan, Ibrahim, Muhammad, etc etc take over? maybe they lied in that bible maybe
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magnetogrip 7 years
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The smoothest fat guy since big died The Rap St*r neto grip polo lounge meeting #WestWorld4Life #SpreadLoveTheYCWay #ILLLifeMusic #IamGrip
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magnetogrip 7 years
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The smoothest fat guy since big died The Rap St*r neto grip polo lounge meeting #WestWorld4Life #SpreadLoveTheYCWay #ILLLifeMusic #IamGrip
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magnetogrip 7 years
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nice cold drink after mowi g my yard now its sour hour #PinkRose #Sour #ILLLifeMusic #IamGrip #thirstythursday
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