magnetowasriight · 2 years
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          “  FAIR  ENOUGH  .  I  DO  hope  you  know  what  you’re  doing  ,  erik  .  ”  betsy  can’t  help  but  caution  .  she  still  holds  a  level  of  trust  in  the  older  mutant  .  but  the  world  is  far  more  finicky  than  before  so  she’ll  also  need  to  be  more  careful  .  “  plausible  deniability  .  got  it  ,  ”  she  nods  .  “  and  ideally  how  long  do  you  think  this  will  take  ?  ”
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   “don’t i always, my dear??” or, rather, erik liked to think that he often knew what he was doing. more often than not, he tended to be rather single minded on his missions, focused solely on the end result. the journey was easily brushed to the side so long as he reigned victorious in the end. “i do have to keep you safe somehow.” that was the important thing here. keep their kind safe. “two weeks at most, if things work out as they should. no longer than a month if it goes on longer than i believe it will. i’m sure you can easily manage.”
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magnetowasriight · 2 years
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she rolls her eyes. “i’m glad it’s acceptable to you,” but they had known each other for far too long and had known at the very least, most of his quirks. it’s what made their relationship so interesting being able to know someone like that. though, if raven was being honest, she knows that no one would ever truly get to see the real her—because it’s like she’s forgotten herself—where raven darkholme started and where mystique had ended—she had been alive for so long now those feelings changed over time, her morals were always selfish to it’s core, but there were very, very limited people that she would do everything for—that had made her continue to thrive—even if her self preservation often won its self over more than anything. but when the blip had happened she stepped up because she needed to. it was a strange thing, her motives weren’t altruistic, she knew that erik held the school to some importance, it would be something that raven would never understand about him, the love that he had felt for the school, she would never get it. love wasn’t something that she could just freely give out to people or things or for a greater good or cause, it had to be something hard earned. she had to admire it, even if she saw some flaws within it. “i know it means a lot to you but at some point you need to think about the fact that now their people are coming back maybe their feelings will change. they’re very fickle people,” it was, in her own way, looking out for him. “quite the deep and dark thoughts tonight, how very boring of you.” she reaches out and pokes the side of his head. “looks like there needs to be better methods since the old way is no longer working.”
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these were the sort of thoughts that had, unfortunately, been entering his mind as of late. the entire world had changed when the blip occurred, resulting in changes for them all to make. he’d chosen to step up and actively help in the horrors of the aftermath when it could have been so simple to take advantage of it all. erik was many things to many people, but even he was incapable of doing such a thing in the face of a tragedy such as the blip. times were changing now. people had returned, the world was moving as it normally was once more. time could only tell when reality would truly switch back to how it had been before. “i’m fully aware they’ve been brought back, even if i had hopes that things wouldn’t go back to how they were before the blip occurred. the world may have been in turmoil, but it made others see truths they’d once been blind to.” quirking a faint smile at the tease, he reaches up to the hand poking at his head, entwining his hand with her own. “it happens on occasion, i’m afraid. unfortunately, i do believe you’re right. we changed with the world already, but who is to say that humanity won’t return to how they’ve always been. they’ve always been such fickle creatures. we can’t keep doing this back and forth.”
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magnetowasriight · 2 years
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          @reshieldedstart​​    //    “  DO  YOU  EVER  JUST  wonder  how  people  can  confidently  say  things  with  their  whole  chest  and  be  wrong  ?  it  could  not  be  me  .  ”
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    “truly one of the more constant thoughts in my mind on the daily. knowing people have the audacity to do such a thing and believe with all their might they’re still correct. i take it you’ve just had a dealing with such an individual.” 
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magnetowasriight · 2 years
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“you’re just easy to read,” she says with a smile, before quickly adding, “to me at least.” when it came down to it, there were plenty of people that could do far more things than she could, her own skills were one’s that she had honed on her own over the hundred years that she’s been alive. she watches his face, studying it like it’s got all the answers. it had been a weird couple of years for all of them but out of the people that would have stepped up the most when it came to the blip it was the two of them. erik had more of a connection with the school than she did, in many ways, mystique would always be something of an outcast, never quite fitting into one thing because she didn’t know how. she briefly thinks of destiny and feeling like that was the one place she had felt like she belonged but she was gone and raven had to live with it, finding solace and comfort in erik had been easy. he was the only one that she trusted now but she could never tell him that. she wouldn’t know where to start. “adjusted,” she says, a small smirk before a roll of the eye. raven had certainly had her fair share of adjustments with humans, working where she did now was incredibly infuriating. she was a selfish creature but now she had other plans. “what do you want to do now?”
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“hm, acceptable for the moment.” not that anything erik could ever do would change that between the two of them. for as well as raven could read him, the same could be said in return. they’d known one another long enough now at this point. few had ever been able to manage to get so close to be able to read him with such ease. while erik could understand that raven didn’t quite have the same connection he may have with the school, it was more than appreciated that she helped whenever he asked it of her. for all the history he may have with this school, the x-men, and charles himself, nothing would change that protective feeling he always tended to feel over the school. “you know precisely what i mean. changes were necessary when the entire universe changed with a snap.” infuriating, yes. annoying, even more so. with a faint sigh, erik settled back down, gaze shifting back towards the ceiling. “i want to do as i always do -- protect mutant kind. this method only has ever gotten us so far in the end. we both know that from experience.” 
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magnetowasriight · 2 years
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          SHE  TAKES  A  LENGTHY  SIP  OF  HER  DRINK  .  “  how  …  interesting  ,  ”  nods  along  as  he  continues  to  explain  .  “  would  this  be  more  of  a  covert  ops  situation  ?  tailing  him  for  a  couple  days  ?  ”  lips  twist  up  in  thought  .  “  dare  i  ask  what  projects  you  have  your  eye  on  ?  ”
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     “ideally, yes. information needs to be collected before any show of force becomes necessary. i’d prefer my suspicions not be confirmed, but we both know how that tends to go.” if he were to act, erik needed proof. politics these days tended to be far more complicated. “mm -- i’d rather you not, my dear. better for you to not be aware for the time being. easier to pretend you know nothing.” 
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magnetowasriight · 2 years
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“  guess i jinxed myself with all those jokes  ,  because i really didn’t see this coming  .  ”
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    “you may want to let people in on said joke, if that were the case. otherwise they may be a tad lost. although, given the context clues, i assume you meant being alive.” 
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magnetowasriight · 3 years
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magnetowasriight · 3 years
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“i’d be more than willing to show you what we’ve been doing on genosha for mutant kind. there’s been more than a few changes that had to be made during the blip.” a rare offer that erik normally didn’t offer to humans. this was hardly any ordinary human, however. “the island really is lovely, and i’m sure the mutants there would be delighted to have you as well.”
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magnetowasriight · 3 years
cissie shakes their head as the voice is directed at them “ oh shit, i was staring ? my bad. ” they smile at the other “ no, i don’t want anything.. you just — ” they start and hands comes up to motion to her own face “ you have great bone structure, has anyone ever tell you that ? it’s really good. ” 
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not quite the comment erik had assumed it would be, brow raising in mild surprise while they motioned to their face. “i can’t say anyone has ever specifically commented on the bone structure of my face. that one is certainly new. do you generally tell strangers these sorts of things??”
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magnetowasriight · 3 years
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​“your thinking is too loud,” raven sighs, turning on her back to look at erik, “was my folders of info not enough?” she jokes, a raised eyebrow. she had known what this was, but she had also greatly valued erik and his opinion way before the blip had happened. “you don’t have to let me know what you’re thinking but at the very least, turn it down.” it was her only way of telling him that she would be here to listen, even if she wasn’t great at explaining her feelings. 
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“when did you become a telepath?? clearly your arsenal continues to approve.” his tone is just as light, just as joking as hers was. after a moment of staring up at the ceiling, finally he relented, shifting to better face raven once more. “i’ve been debating a few things as of late concerning genosha and the choices that have been made to ensure it continues to thrive. things were complicated during the blip, certain beliefs needed to be adjusted. now things are different once more.”
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magnetowasriight · 3 years
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​“your thinking is too loud,” raven sighs, turning on her back to look at erik, “was my folders of info not enough?” she jokes, a raised eyebrow. she had known what this was, but she had also greatly valued erik and his opinion way before the blip had happened. “you don’t have to let me know what you’re thinking but at the very least, turn it down.” it was her only way of telling him that she would be here to listen, even if she wasn’t great at explaining her feelings. 
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“when did you become a telepath?? clearly your arsenal continues to approve.” his tone is just as light, just as joking as hers was. after a moment of staring up at the ceiling, finally he relented, shifting to better face raven once more. “i’ve been debating a few things as of late concerning genosha and the choices that have been made to ensure it continues to thrive. things were complicated during the blip, certain beliefs needed to be adjusted. now things are different once more.” 
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magnetowasriight · 3 years
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- leigh bardugo.
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magnetowasriight · 3 years
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if she thought the world had changed during the snap, it was really the aftermath of reversing it that had changed everything. and that was a lot to deal with, very exhausting at times, but it had to be done. the world was trying to shape into a better version, and she wanted to help with that. plus, everything was falling apart most of the time, and she needed to help with that. part of the helping was keeping the connections between s.h.i.e.l.d and mutants positive. that was why she considered it an honor to work so closely with erik. she gave him a smile. “mr. lehnsherr. good to see you. how can i help you today?”
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“always a pleasure.” a surprisingly well meant sentiment coming from the master of magnetism. at most these days, he... tolerated humans. if only to help piece the world back together after everything had fallen apart in the blip. these days it felt more and more difficult to keep himself even remotely restrained as the foolishness only ever increased. “i have reason to suspect that a government official i’ve had a few meetings with may be causing harm to mutant kind. at the moment i’ve chosen not to step in and make the situation worse, but my patience is growing thin. i am willing to work with you, and shield, but i cannot stand idly by as these things occur.” 
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magnetowasriight · 3 years
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          “     exactly.     ”        like    the    thought    had    been    stolen    directly    out    of    his    mind.    druig    falls    silent    for    a    moment    ,    thinks    of    makkari    and    the    other    eternals.    after    finding    out    that    he    was    practically    a    robot    of    some    kind    ,    the    existential    crisis    of    not    knowing    if    he    was    capable    of    true    love    or    real    feelings    still    lingered    over    his    shoulder.    he    didn’t    know    what    to    believe    sometimes.        “     humanity    is    interesting    ,    that’s    for    sure.     ”
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   “curious choice of words there.” humanity, for all intents and purposes, was rather interesting. most of the time it tended to be for all of the wrong reasons whenever they were given any sort of control or semblance to free will. humans always did enjoy breaking things -- repeating history again, and again, and again. “i’ve generally regarded humans with more than a little bit of disdain, though they certainly can be interesting with the choices they make. generally for the worst outcome.” 
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magnetowasriight · 3 years
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          BROWS  RAISE  IN  INTRIGUE  at  his  proposition  .  “  and  who  might  i  ask  does  it  involve  keeping  tabs  on  ?  ”  she  doesn’t  blame  him  for  wanting  to  .  it’s  been  a  trying  couple  of  years  ,  followed  by  the  appearance  of  people  from  an  entirely  different  universe  and  then  a  mass  resurrection  .  “  anyone  i  might  know  ?  ”
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    “perhaps not on a personal level. there’s a certain senator here that’s been saying all the right things, shaking all of the right hands.” kissing babies, all of nonsense that tended to come from such things. “i’ve had a few meetings with him, though there have been rumors regarding his funding to certain... projects. i need to be certain for sure if he has been funding a certain one.” 
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magnetowasriight · 3 years
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“you do realize, generally, most people find it rather rude when someone continuously stares at them.” had the helmet been on, perhaps erik would have understood it more. people tended to pay more attention to that specific recognizable feature. “what do you want??” 
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magnetowasriight · 3 years
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   “-- and what exactly are you supposed to be??” eyes narrow, clearly unimpressed. a typical look for the man most days. “i’m assuming you’re from this other universe, in which case i’ll tell you nicely to keep away from the school.” 
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