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21 pulls ^^
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gamer's first irl minecraft girlfriend
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alt versions ^_^
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going to start reposting stuff from my insta on here :3
this is an older drawing from before i took a break! im trying to get back to this, as this was one of my most favorite pieces i’ve done :D
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I am so sorry love, but that's ugly
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I also provide moron support, contact me if evre needed. ( Please contact me I want friends)
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the editing isn’t great but i just had to make my genius known
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This is so cute
Sticker Chart
Obey Me Brothers + Undatebles - Intro
You can't be blamed really... it wasn't your fault you tried to explain to Mephisto and the little Ds...
It started with Mammon you see. He had taken to gleefully charging for his services with kisses. Did you need him to grab a book you forgot last class? Kiss please? Need a ride home from the rain? Kiss toll: two kisses MC! He takes the fall for you with Lucifer when you forget chores? That's 3 kisses MC be careful ya gonna start racking up a tab!
And that's what led you jokingly suggesting that you start him a ledger for his kisses. Like anything involving things he wants he's immediate interested. So you make him a little laminated chart and a pack of gold stickers. You even learn a cute charm from Asmo to leave a kiss on it for when he earns a scene from his ever growing list of kinks
When a week or two passes, you two use the chart with ease and it doesn't cross your mind that the others pick up on it until he's brandishing his chart during study hour.
'That's three stars and 2 kisses!!! Cmon cmon MC I passed the test GIMME!!!'
You giggle at his antics and dig out the aforementioned stars and start on updating his chart while he vibrates in his seat
'What's this about kisses? I want in!' Asmo sang as he slid in the seat next to you, resting his chin on your shoulder with waft of freesia perfume.
'Get yer own chart! This one's mine I earned it ya hear!!!' Mammon bragged, 'I'm 3 kisses away to a weekend with MC all to myself!!!'
This is when hell broke loose in hell.
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Well, I am besties with him then( don't mind me this is the horny in me speaking)
the power of meme making
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get ready everyone
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I don't think he'll do that until we get really close but I don't think he'll get close to me cuz my way of affection is to bully ( and compliment, like carrot and stick) and I have a lot of affection for him, he would be too scared of me, lmao
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This says way too much of good stuff I feel aggressive.....( I am not used to compliments)
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New headcannon that OM music has so much auto tunning because they are demons and their singing voices are eldritch and brain melting otherwise. This applies to the angels as well.
Solomon is Just Like That after centuries of exposure. 🥰
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My fav is levi ( love him a tiny bit more than the rest) and the only clothes of his I am on with him wearing is the pirate one maybe cuz I love like jacket thing ( I put it on in every outfit of mine in the winter) but yeah they do be ugly
i would like a full breakdown of why nearly every single outfit in obey me is ugly. its not even moderately ugly, If i were to be in public with them, i would be embarrassed. i look at their sprites and am immediately filled with rage.
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Happy mermaaayyy I was able to make it just in time :]]
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He has my heart and my soul and my life
Merman Levi my beloved silly sea creature
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Plus a silly little doodle
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Ah yes, drifted children.
MC: Maniac
Asmodeus: Comflex!
MC: Hellevator!
Beelzebub: God's Menu!
MC: 3Racha!
Belphegor: Maknae on Top!
MC: Super Board!
Leviathan: Venom!
MC: Taste!
Lucifer: Red Lights.
MC: Social Path!
Mammon: S-Class!
MC: Youtiful!
Satan: Case 143.
Solomon: I'm officially too old for this.
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I have all mammon cards...... I have only 1 leaviathan card that I got after giving the quiz. I don't even want mammon that much( mainly cuz he's a dealer and I prefer using long distance characters.......)
MC: Why do you keep on coming home?! I don't fucking like you! *has been trying to pull other L cards, but they kept getting Leviathan's*
WHB Leviathan: *angry face*
The other kings: ...
WHB Lucifer: How about me? You don't want me home?
MC: I do! *points at Leviathan* BUT THIS MOTHERFUCKER IS BLOCKING ME!!!
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