magralawolfsong · 7 years
So pretty. <3
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The absolutely beautiful Magra Wolfsong commissioned by the very, very talented Mercury Fallon.
You can find my beautiful orc babe and her creator on Deviant Art.
Go give Miss Mercury some serious love and thank you so so so much for putting so much work into her hun. I love her to bits! You worked so fast and I am just floored by your talent.
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magralawolfsong · 7 years
Beast Master Magrala Wolfsong
Name: Magra 
Full Name: Magrala Wolfsong
Nicknames: Mag Pie, Maggie, Mags,  Boar Mother
Universe They Exist In: World of Warcraft
Gender and Sexuality: Cis heterosexual female.
Age: 24
Profession: Magrala is ranger, a scout and a beast tamer. She keeps to herself, often staying in the forest on her own for months at a time. Magra has a camp near Ungoro where she rescues, rehabilitates and releases injured animals. 
Pronouns: She/Her
Ethnicity/Species: Orc
Birthplace and Birthdate: Durotar in the hot summer months. Sometime in August. She doesn’t celebrate her birthday and doesn’t know an exact date. 
Guilty Pleasures: Chocolate, snuggling in the furs, and hot springs.
Phobias: Losing the ones she loves. Slimes.
Bit of Story: At first she spent her time in the forest scouting for food for her clan. While hunting  though she found she had a connection to the animals and the forest and she started coming home less and less. She became a loner, the only orc that would venture to her camp to see her was her brother Kragmar.  Her brother was a  peaceful Orc by nature but when the invasions hit Orgrimmar he left with his childhood friends to defend the back gate.
 Krag met his untimely end in the hands of a demon. Magra returned to the Enclave to claim his body and mourn him and she was asked to stay. She doesn't always feel comfortable in the position given to her in her brothers company but she tries her hardest to make herself useful.
What They Would Be Famous For:  Absolutely nothing. Magra stays as far away from the lime light as possible. 
What Have They / Would They Gotten Arrested For: If someone arrested Magrala it would be because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time or...she disobeyed orders of a Horde official because they went against what she believes in.  She doesn’t make it a habit to get into it with the law normally,
OC You Ship Them With: No one…but she doesn’t have any friends. I would like to find her a clan one of these days. Then who knows?
Your Favorite OC Relationships: Bit of a loner this one.
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: I hope…no one?
Favorite Book Genre: History and Research. Lore story books. 
Least Favorite Book Cliche: Romance,
Talents and/or Powers: She is a talented marksman. She has an innate ability for communicating with beasts.  She is strong and agile and has the  ability to think on her toes. She doesn’t have strong book smarts because of her situation but shes got the ability to learn quickly. 
Why Someone Might Love Them: Shes sweet, loving and  loyal. She cares for animals deeply and spends a lot of time caring for animals  that are weaker so they can survive and be strong. Shes got a sense of humor and is a bit of a goof at  times but she is fierce  when it comes to protecting her friends.  
Why Someone Might Hate Them: She speaks her mind and its often not in line with social constructs. Shes says things that make people uncomfortable without realizing it sometimes.
How They Change: She is starting to open herself up  more to other people. When she first returned to civilization she would not go out of her way to talk to people and in  fact would avoid them at times. Now she can carry a conversation even if sometimes its heavy on the small  talk.   
Why You Love Them: Magra is my favorite little Orcess. Shes cute and quirky and fun to play. I think her personality is interesting and she could get into lots of awesome situations.  
Why you Hate Them: No one seems to want to RP with an Orc lady. Hard to find people to interact with even within my guildies and friends group. 
OOC Stuff: I am looking for RP with her. Story line progression, long term or just a few interesting encounters. I am very flexible. In game or discord. Open to Dark RP, adventure and excitement. A new guild to join  (an Orc clan maybe?) or even romance if the story calls for it. Feel free to message me or send me a prompt even.
Tags: ANYONE that wants to do this!!
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magralawolfsong · 7 years
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Jasmine by isawic on @deviantart
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