magsbuffet · 2 years
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magsbuffet · 2 years
knight/lord ships are like. what if i would die for you. what if i wanted you to live for me. what if i wanted to touch you but could only be satisfied with being near you. what if i could touch you but only through the safety of our gloves. what if i couldn’t stop thinking about you right next to me. what if i bloodied my hands for you and never looked back at the wreckage. what then
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magsbuffet · 2 years
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Bodies buried long ago lie burning still beneath the snow.
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magsbuffet · 2 years
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when the new valentines npc is also a plague dragon
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magsbuffet · 2 years
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when the new valentines npc is also a plague dragon
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magsbuffet · 2 years
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magsbuffet · 3 years
Me welcoming my dear followers to my blog
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magsbuffet · 3 years
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magsbuffet · 3 years
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Biden’s rambling justification of the status quo was peppered with straw men, invocations of false scarcity and non-solutions. He pitted working-class Americans against each other, implying that people who attend private schools aren’t worthy of relief, as though poor students don’t also attend such schools. He said that money would be better spent on early childhood education instead of debt cancellation, as if educators aren’t themselves drowning in student debt, and as if we can’t address both concerns at once. He suggested relying on parents or selling a home at a profit to settle your debt, a luxury those without intergenerational wealth or property cannot afford. And he touted various programs, including Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF), that have totally failed borrowers: over 95% of PSLF applicants have been denied.
In contrast to Biden’s smug comments, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley recently revealed that she defaulted on her student loans. Similarly, at a recent Debt Collective event, congressional hopeful Nina Turner said that she and her son owe a combined $100,000. Former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams has, of course, proudly confessed to being in debt, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has said that becoming a congressperson was easier than paying off her debt. Philadelphia councilmember Kendra Brooks (who is planning to introduce a city resolution calling on the Biden administration to cancel all student debt) has also spoken out about her own struggles as a borrower. Their experience and candor – and commitment to real solutions including cancellation – demonstrate why we need debtors, not millionaires, in our public offices.
Let’s be clear about another thing. Biden ABSOLUTELY has the legal authority to use executive power to cancel all federal student debt. Congress granted this authority decades ago as part of the Higher Education Act. It’s even been put to the test: in response to the Covid pandemic, Donald Trump and his former education secretary, Betsy DeVos, used that authority three times to suspend payments and student loan interest.
Biden owes this country debt relief not only because he campaigned on it, but because he helped cause the problem. A former senator from Delaware, the credit card capital of the world, he spent decades carrying water for financial interests and expanding access to student loans while limiting borrower protections.
Instead of acknowledging this generational disparity, Biden reiterated a common criticism of more generous forms of student debt cancellation – that it would help the privileged, specifically the minuscule subset of debt-holders who attended the Ivy League. But as Ocasio-Cortez tweeted in response: “Very wealthy people already have a student loan forgiveness program. It’s called their parents.” As things stand, poor and working people typically pay more for the same degrees than their affluent counterparts due to years or decades of monthly payments and accumulating interest. Our debt-financed higher education system is a tax on poor people who dare pursue a better life.
Read more: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/feb/25/joe-biden-student-debt-american-students
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magsbuffet · 3 years
Millennials’ “free exposure” is the Boomers’ “unpaid internship”.
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magsbuffet · 4 years
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A girl and her pet. The question is: are they good or evil? 🐍
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magsbuffet · 4 years
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magsbuffet · 5 years
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magsbuffet · 5 years
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A response to my post on how witch positivity culture is toxic.
This is exactly the kind of toxicity I’m talking about. When witchblr is so fixated on “love and light” that it can’t handle confronting it’s negative impact on communties with closed traditions. When folks stop reading because cultural appropriation is too negative and they can’t handle it, you have a problem. When criticism is evaluated on its negativity rather than its substance, you have a problem. When “love and light” is used as the moral code above accountability and self awareness, you have a problem.
Y’all this what I’m talking about when I say on the surface positivity culture might be a difference of taste but in actuality it works it’s way into everything and honestly isn’t that positive in the end. It’s escapist.
So y’all can keep love and light. I’ll take effective magic and accountability anyday.
Edited to add: god the more I reread this the more I see what succinct way this is to show how quickly positivity culture in the witchcraft community unmasks itself as privileged fragility
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magsbuffet · 5 years
the communist i follow on twitter is bringing so much funny fucking drama into her life, she posted earlier about how she lives with an abuser but it’s not her fault, she’s dependent because she can’t get a job on account of being arabic and now she’s retweeting someone who is mad at people for bullying another user who said that measuring things is fascist and everyone laughed at her 
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magsbuffet · 5 years
10 tricks you didn’t know you could do with your food.
By Blossom
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magsbuffet · 5 years
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“when you meet a lesbian person” published in an atlanta lesbian feminist newsletter, 1976
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