maharette-ahsaka · 6 years
Jude eats dirt pass it on
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I hit a milestone somehow… And I’d like to thank my followers! Tho I don’t get why you are all here but hey thank you for coming to my blog and finding what I do interesting enough to stick around!
So that in mind! And my A class MSPAINT skills. HERE IS WHAT YA CAN WIN if and only if RNGESUS is in your favor.
1st place: 20 dollar mog station credit that I myself spend on you. Sad kid sketch cause my tablet is busted but im working on it.
2nd place: 10 dollar mog station credit that. And a sad kid sketch.
3rd Place: a pity handshake A 5 dollar mogstation credit and a sketch.
1. You must be a follower. Whats the point of giving back to my followers if ya don’t even follow me in the first place.
2. I don’t count likes.
3. Jude eats dirt pass it on
4. One reblog per person. It’ll make it easier to count and go through.
I’ll have this going from the 5th to like 19th of this month. May, in the year of our lord 2018. 
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maharette-ahsaka · 6 years
Journal entry (I'll put date later)
I smelled him today. That sweet scent of pahsana mixed with a hint of astringents. It was unmistakable and a miq'ote never forgets a scent, especially one that belonged to her beloved. Her mate. But it was so very fleeting I only caught the aroma for a moment before other smells invaded my over sensitive senses. As much as I clutched onto it, almost chasing it the goblet was far to busy and full of assorted other smells to hold on to it. It was like losing him all over again. I know the smell was likely a garment of his, or the perfect concoction of smells that had nothing to do with him at all but I couldn't help but question. Is he still alive? No he said if he didn't return before the letter he was lost what other reason would he have done that? Maybe HE did bring him back to life? But then why am I still enslaved to HIS service. Is it to only torment me further? One day the pieces will come together. And HE will regret it... They all will... Anyone involved.
I settled back to my cottage preparing to open my spa.. Hopefully soon. Hours went by fixing this, arranging that, all while they wouldn't stop bothering me. The things they said.... The things they showed me only deepened my despair. Were these memories? Was the void fucking with my head again? Was I slowly going mad? When would I have had a child? How do I not remember if it is in fact a memory? Where are they? So many questions swirling at once. I feel like I'm drowning. Oh please God's of the twelve, help me. Hopefully I'll be in better spirits tomorrow, journal
Maharette Ahsaka
*the bottom of the page it seems to have scrawling, though illegible it seems to be of some unknown origin utilizing both a letter and symbol system written by a foreign hand*
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maharette-ahsaka · 6 years
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