maheenafridi-blog 7 years
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Drawing assignment for this week was to make beautiful drawings that can be sold on Friday n finally I had the chance to make all the things I would want to draw but just couldn't
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maheenafridi-blog 7 years
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maheenafridi-blog 7 years
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maheenafridi-blog 7 years
Third week
After producing art for metro users and local audience this week we had to produce work for extra terrestrial begins! Our assignment was to show them how human habitat is. I had to creat my own language to communicate with this being that we had to imagine n whose sense were also not knows to anyone. The 1st day a set up n we had to communicate that n next three days we had the time to install our habitat. I had to creat and build an architectural space minimum size was 4x4 feet. I spend my entire Tuesday thinking and trying to figure out what to do! I was so confused everything could be right or everything could be wrong. I was so confused! I didn't even have any ideas to discuss it was all so confusing. On Wednesday morning I reached school n everyone was busy constructing there space n I started panicking thinking what to do because I was still confused. Even after all the research I still couldn't think of anything. But I still started the structure with bamboos that I was not happy about but I had a vague idea of making a comfortable seating similar to a living room and adding elements of all my senses. But after listening to the discussion on my fellow beings work I decided to drop that plan that I was initially not happy about. So I decided to make an electrical shape n went to market for material research. Most of the materials were time consuming or they were not available in the size I wanted. In the end I got card board sheet that was still very small in side I reached home n after a nap I started working on that elliptical shape n that shape was just not steady. So I changed the shape and made an octagon inside after spending tw hours on only cutting the shape the shape was so flimsy because of that card board sheet n I realised I made a really bad choice picking it but didn't have the time to changed it! The next day I got wood pieces and made wooden frame for it n but it still would not stand. Half of the Thursday was gone by that time n I was getting frustrated but I still didn't give up n at least my structure was standing. But I still didn't knw what to do with it I just knew I had to make it in a way the aliens can take it along if they want to. After the structure was standing I covered it with red b black sheet. I thought I should give extra terrestrial a view of our world. So the next day I placed grass underneath n sprayed the top black I thought of painting a galaxy but didn't get time. I then hanged a lot of images images of our architecture landscape and di'vincci drawings considered the perfect proportions. And it was the jury day. The jury started around 10 n my turn came at 2 after four hours of constant listening to juries I was very tired and so were the jurors. My jury went well thought but liked my idea but they said that it could b more interesting and loaded with information. They were right but time was very short. Now lets see what the last week of minor has stored for us.
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maheenafridi-blog 7 years
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I did not see this coming either
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maheenafridi-blog 7 years
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maheenafridi-blog 7 years
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maheenafridi-blog 7 years
My next living news paper was students confessions and the sights was a constitutional sight in my school. So I decided to make a little complaint box because we don't confess our confessions because human nature is scared to challenge the authorities n my complain box although had an ear and papers but it was hanging in a place where you can see it u can read what's written on it that was apki shekayat suni jae ge but u could not reach it. Initially I thought I would place it on the wall but then I didn't every time I see a complain box I don't put anything on it because I'm so sure my problems won't b heard so I decided to place it in a place where it's not reachable. And this was the end of my living news paper assignment Now lets see what surprise awaits me.
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maheenafridi-blog 7 years
Living news paper
Living news papers was as hard as the drawing but it was also interesting u till we were bound to use a set of material and besides that we could use found objects from our location and nothing else. I had to pick a news paper from daily headlines and make it living. My 1st days news was sunsilk fashion week and it was rainy out side so I decided to make a floating ramp and make a tress a model by making a top for it with jute and adding box pleats to it n back less but sadly I cdnt instal it the same day due to the weather and when I installed it the next day my floating ramp didn't wanted to float anymore n it did not turn out how I imagined it too. The next day we had to perform the same task in liaqat bagh n my news for this day was the walking dead although in laiqat bagh I was harassed by a man who kept on following me and that was very uncomfortable and very disturbing but I had to do my task even in that disturbing frame of mind I managed to make a grave from cow dunk and adding a cross to it and foot steps coming out of it. And later I did an act in which I had a loupe around my neck and I was standing like I was dead. And that was so obvious that it started raining and I started walking to wards my school and a guy from that park started following me and he followed me till the end. In terms of work my day was good but besides that it was very disturbing and I started hating the assignment.
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maheenafridi-blog 7 years
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This was our assignment for the week
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maheenafridi-blog 7 years
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This was the drawing in the end
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maheenafridi-blog 7 years
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You can never guess what art school has stored for you.Even I couldn't guess what was going to happen next!! It was my drawing class and I had to make the drawing in text 馃槺 it blew my mind it was always easy to put words in drawings but drawing with words was harder than I thought I went blank for good three hours and then I started scribbling what came in my mind n whatever I saw n how I perceived it I kept on writing it. It was new for me to give my thoughts words because I don't write at all and it's hard for me to write n open myself in that way but I did and thn I composed it using principles n elements of design to make it aesthetically pleasing. And this is what I had to draw in words n it was a lot harder than it looks.
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maheenafridi-blog 7 years
Art Dubai and Sharjah biennale
The major difference between art Dubai and Sharjah biennale was the art Dubai had no given theme. Art work from all over world was there but they had multiple different curators. The art was in a huge building just like it would b in a gallery and a lot of object oriented work was produced with paint or installations. On the other hand Sharjah biennale was spread all over Sharjah it was theme based work that they had to produce while living there. A lot of installations it was on a very large scale. The art had to be followed on a guide n work of art were installed in open spaces as well as indoor. Light had a very major role in every art work. The material used was also weather proof material because the biennale lasted for three months. A lot of video projections and lights were used in art
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maheenafridi-blog 7 years
Jury day
The jury day.!!!! Our jury had to start at 11 so I went to metro again n sat on the bus n got off on the next station and I was waiting to see one of my teachers in the buses so I would get on it n do my performance. It was taking time so I decided to wait at the next station because the people had started to notice me too. The bus I decided to get on was the bus my teachers started coming out so I waiting for some time but then I sat on the next bus n got off on the next station. Everything was so confusing that I didn't know what was happening. While waiting on the next station I saw one of my teachers on the bus so I decided to get on that bus. But the bus was way to crowded n I was so invisible in the crowd that I thought my own teachers didn't notice me. I still continued doing it. The teachers got off the bus on one of the stations and I got off the bus on the next station. And I did the exact same thing again I kept on looking at the busses and got on the bus on which my teaches were riding. That bus was not as crowded as before so I stood in a place where they could see me but I acted as if they were strangers. One of the lady talked to me about the station she has to get off I helped her out. The other guy at the back asked me why I had a canvas n I told him that I am an art student n this is my job he asked me to make a portrait for him n send it on Facebook. After a while I got off that bus n took the bus that would take to the station near my university and by this time I was so tired that I ate on the floor the entire time. In my jury I did what I had to do n now I'm hoping for the best fingers crossed.
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maheenafridi-blog 7 years
Day 4
I went to university the next day even more confused and had two more ideas. I wanted to show everyone wants to be in authority, I wanted to show I'm not as free as i can think about freedom. And I wanted to show we are treated like puppets. But i still had in mind that being normal is a very strong topic to work on. After a lot of discussion with different people I came to the conclusion that this is what I would work on the idea of being normal n showing the world artist is as normal as anyone else. So my act would b that I would carry art stuff like canvas sketchbook but act normal like I have to reach to a destination n talk to someone only if they talk to me.
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maheenafridi-blog 7 years
Day 3
Day three started rough we had to think about the our final jury idea and I had a lot of ideas but not one direction. In the discussion with the teachers I told them that I wanted to show that art should b appreciated n artist should b accomplish. I told them I wanted to act as a poor artist trying to sell my art in metro bus but they made me realise that artist are as normal as everyone else. So I headed off to metro again n sat just like a normal girl who had to reach on a destination and I realised no one seemed to notice me at all earlier people would notice because I was doing something not usual. My day three ride had nothing no interaction no conversation no drawing I was just a normal traveler.
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maheenafridi-blog 7 years
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