mahinatsuki · 5 years
Send 🙌 + a question for a NPC tied to my muse’s story, to answer!
For multimuses: Don’t forget to specify the muse.
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mahinatsuki · 5 years
// this is a mobile starter call because Kiril is a bum who does things on the bus ride home from work!! In the spirit of Halloweenies, they'll probably be ghost-type themed, so specify if you want something creepy-cute or spooky-scary!!
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mahinatsuki · 5 years
Oh man, Umu loved tourists- never mind the fact that she was from Kanto herself, but everybody’s reactions to Alolan variants were just so fun-! 
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“Have you never seen an Exeggutor before? They’re waaaaaaay tall, you know! Oh, and super powerful, too! It uses its whole neck for its Dragon Hammer move!!” She grinned widely, gesturing with her arms how tall it is, as if Joey couldn’t already see it himself. “If you’re really lucky, it might even let you climb on it!!”
@mahinatsuki started following tcppercentism
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What Pokemon was that ?! Was that even a Pokemon ?! That's the tallest living thing he's ever seen in his life !! It looked like an exeggutor by it's colors , but he knew for a FACT that they weren't that tall !! Alola really wasn't like any other region ! His mind was already freaked by the different typing and appearance of Rattatas and Vulpixes , but THIS WAS A WHOLE OTHER LEVEL !!
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mahinatsuki · 5 years
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HEYA !! I’ll do a pretty promo post later, but in the meantime, wouldja mind giving this post a LIKE and/or REBLOG if you’re interested in rping with a newly revamped USUM FEMALE PROTAGONIST ?? I’m looking to interact with as many friends (new and old) as possible !!
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mahinatsuki · 7 years
“Nebby’s not a god, silly! They’re an all-powerful skeleton bat from another dimension!”
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“And also one of my best friends! Just gimme a sec, I’ll let you meet them soon!”
“Nebby’s flying around doing patrols, but I can call them back if you want!”
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“And, uh, Micamin, that sounds a little……I dunno, how about something like ‘prepare to get dis-moon-tled’!”
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“By lunar light, you’ll vanish with the night. How’s that?”
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mahinatsuki · 7 years
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“I was thinking more along the lines of Lunar Flight… But if we’re talking colors, I should be black. All things considered.” He does have black hair, black eyes, black wings, one of his coats is black, prone to wearing black pants and boots… And his name is Black. If they’re going that far that is.
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“Mine is definitely Green I’m sure and I don’t think it’s necessary to have a catchphrase for now?” Hau answered, after with much thought. Orange and Black were taken by his friends. He doesn’t mind at all! “Lunar Flight’s not that bad either. Speaking of, the moon! Is Nebby with ya?”
“Okay! Then Micamin will be… periwinkle.”
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“Well, we can have our catchphrase have somethin’ to do with the moon! How about… ‘in the name of the moon, I’ll punish you’? That would intimidate the bad guys, dontcha think?”
“Nebby’s flying around doing patrols, but I can call them back if you want!”
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“And, uh, Micamin, that sounds a little......I dunno, how about something like ‘prepare to get dis-moon-tled’!”
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mahinatsuki · 7 years
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“I have ice powers, a sword, and my wings. I think I’m good. Everyone else?”
“Y’know, I was thinking about Power Rangers because of our powers! Pretty neat for a team name, right??”
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“Whatever floats our boat too. I have my Pokemon with me too. Let’s go and get ‘em!”
“I’m not very good at fightin’, but I have my divine weapon and fate powers if anyone gets hurt.”
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“Oh! I like that! We should have color-coordinated uniforms, too!”
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“If that’s the case, I wanna be orange! And I’m keeping the hat on! Do you think we should have a catchphrase to shout at the bad guy?”
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mahinatsuki · 7 years
“I’m enough cute for the whole group, so does the name really matter?”
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Kidding, kidding.
“I’ve got my Pokemon with me, so I’m fighting fit and ready to pat-roll out when you guys are!”
@lunarincandescence @seahibiscxs @despairinversion
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“I say we start looking around for unusual occurrences. Come on guys. Let’s try and do our best right?”
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mahinatsuki · 7 years
1 ⊱ my muse makes/buys breakfast for yours.
2 ⊱ my muse drunkenly flirts with yours.
3 ⊱ my muse accidentally spills a drink on yours.
4 ⊱ my muse has to share a taxi with yours.
5 ⊱ my muse tells yours an embarrassing story.
6 ⊱ my muse greets yours after two years apart.
7 ⊱ my muse calls or visits your muse in a panic.
8 ⊱ my muse angrily shouts at yours.
9 ⊱ my muse attempts to get your muse’s attention.
10 ⊱ my muse is crying and is caught by yours.
11 ⊱ my muse accidentally walks in on yours changing.
12 ⊱ my muse doesn’t remember who your muse is.
13 ⊱ my muse asks your muse for a favor.
14 ⊱  my muse wakes up beside yours.
15 ⊱ my muse suddenly feels sick while hanging out with yours.
16 ⊱ my muse accidentally butt-dials your muse.
17 ⊱ my muse dances with yours.
18 ⊱ my muse tries on your muse’s clothing.
19 ⊱ my muse surprises your muse.
20 ⊱ my muse takes care of your inebriated muse.
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mahinatsuki · 7 years
@eclipserise !!
Did her eyes deceive her-? No, they didn’t, and it was with an excited yell that Umu tripped over her own feet, tumbling to the ground right in front of Lillie before popping back up and smiling brightly.
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“Lillie! It’s you! You’re here!” She didn’t seem fazed at all by the fact that she had landed on her face in front of the other; in fact, Umu was far more concerned with the fact that her best girl friend was in town! Now, all they needed was Gladion to complete the group! “I missed you, you know!”
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mahinatsuki · 7 years
o ya cause I’m a heckin mooron, hmu on discord any time at Kiril#4501
                                        (I’m online, like, all the time unless I’m at work or asleep.)
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mahinatsuki · 7 years
“Glad to hear that you’re enjoying it too.” Hau babbled excitedly. “I’ve been tryin’ out some restaurants from here and there. I might attend Hyacinth Academy eventually or even help out in a cafe!” No, he’s not using this to get free Malasadas or food but he can’t help himself. 
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“What? Me? Taking the champion’s title during my  stay here? Never!” Hau answered waving his hands frantically, only if he feels like it or if they are at the League or somehow. 
“Well, we can still battle if I’m up for it. Right now, I’m just exhausted from using Sharpedo Jet. People never knew we can tame ‘sharks’, eh?” Well, to be blunt– Hau admitted that he missed Umu and the rest of his Alolan friends too. He’d probably wanted to catch up with them if more of them popped up!
She relaxed upon hearing his reply, going back to smiling brightly instead of teasingly. While she enjoyed battling, she would rather have time with her friend that didn’t involve high-stakes and champion titles.
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“Well, to be fair, some of these people don’t seem to know what a Sharpedo is! And it’s not like regular sharks can use Surf, can they?” That was actually a question she didn’t know the answer to, but she also didn’t particularly feel like finding out firsthand.
Going back to his first statement, though- “Oh, you want to go to school here?” She had been to the trainer’s school in Viridian City a few times, but that was about as much  formal schooling as she had ever gotten; even her trip to the school in Alola was short-lived, and she had only gone to find Ilima. “I don’t know if you could handle it, I mean....I heard the school cafeteria doesn’t serve malasadas.”
Lies; she had heard nothing of the sort.
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mahinatsuki · 7 years
Death. It wasn’t uncommon in any world, much less Alola, but man-made deaths.....no, murders.....she hadn’t heard of them until she had met that man. And now, they were here in Koi, in a city where death didn’t - couldn’t? - exist, threatening the very fabric of the city itself.
It was a breach of security that Umu just couldn’t accept.
Releasing her strongest Pokemon from its pokeball, she frowned. She couldn’t go out late at night, not unless she was accompanied by others (and even then, she didn’t know how trustworthy they could be), but perhaps her guardian legendary could patrol without her, using its large skeletal wings to keep the people of her new home safe.
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“Lunala, keep an eye on the skies.”
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mahinatsuki · 7 years
“Whoa! ‘Rina, what’s with the look? Huh!? Umu!?” 
Getting tackled by someone regular was rather new. Usually he would be the one startling them, Primarina has a surprised look on her face after she recognized the said person and soon Hau. What was amusing is, back from his place, people were using his name as puns. It’s very creative. Taking time to adjust himself, a small grin then he placed his hands on his back as he made eye contact with his friend.
“Nope, I’ve been doin’ fine! Arrived here since last week, everyone’s cool so far! Took Grandpa to convince me to go here, branching out with food was the best option and focus on the good side of Koi. What about you? Hau  was your stay here?”
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“It’s been fun!” She had to admit that it sounded just like Kahuna Hala - and food - to convince Hau to branch out, and it made her giggle a little. Maybe he found a malasada shop here in Koi; she’d have to ask later.
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“I’ve been here for a while longer than you, and I’ve met a bunch of trainers and Pokemon, and even some people who don’t know what Pokemon are! It’s really nice that I get a vacation, too- unless you’re here to take that away from me?”
Her voice was teasing, but the question was serious. Hau was her best friend, but also her greatest rival, and now he was the only person in Koi who could contest her as the Champion. If he was there for it, then she wasn’t going to give it up willingly, even if it was her fault that she missed him for so long.
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mahinatsuki · 7 years
@hoennite !!
“Bzzzt, it’s a new Pokemon!”
Umu was more than slightly surprised when Rotom booted up the Rotomdex all by himself, especially since she hadn’t seen any new Pokemon around. Still, the electric type seemed excited to analyze the seemingly new Pokemon, and hovered excitedly towards the source, dragging along a shocked yet equally excited Umu.
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“Uhm, excuse me!” She waved over to the trainer as soon as she was in sight, pointing at the Rotomdex and then at the trainer’s own Pokemon. “Would you mind if my dex registers your ‘mon for a moment?”
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mahinatsuki · 7 years
@andiwillarriveviolently !!
“Uh, do you happen to sell Komala Coffee here?”
In all honesty, it was one of those days where Umu was feeling overly sentimental and homesick, and while she wasn’t one for coffee in the first place, she had the smallest inkling of hope that the cafe would have an Alolan specialty in stock.
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“If you don’t, then I’d just like a hot chocolate, please!” If they didn’t sell Komala Coffee, then she doubted they’d have Tapu Cocoa, either, and instead hid her nervous hope behind a bright smile.
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mahinatsuki · 7 years
Prompt: Pokemon Summary: Moon starts an audio journal to catalogue her Pokemon journey; includes her introduction, and a ~*spooky*~ trade evolution.
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