charcoal drawing
what is charcoal and how many kinds of charcoal there is? Charcoal is burnt organic material. Usually the marerial is wood. There are a few types of charcoal used by artists to create a drawing. These types of charcoal include “vine” and “compressed”.
Vine charcoal usually consists of burnt willow wood. Vine charcoal is easily spread on a surface and is very easy to erase.  As a consequence it is generally makes a lighter mark when you draw than compressed charcoal and easily smudges. (Which may be a benefit.)
Compressed charcoal is held together by a gum binder and is darker than vine charcoal.  As a result, it is harder to erase, harder to smudge, but makes a darker mark.  Compressed charcoal may come as a round stick, a square stick, or in a pencil. (Vine charcoal is almost always a round stick.)  Some compressed charcoal is pigmented.  This is the case with white compressed charcoal.
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