maiesophilia-love · 2 days
She is pretty damn big, it looks like the babies are trying to take up as much room as they can.
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maiesophilia-love · 11 days
A Baby Story
Does anyone else remember "A Baby Story"? It was a show that ran on TLC in the early '00s and I can confidently say it was my first real exposure to birth content.
It was censored, of course and would spend only 4-5 minutes of the show actually showing a birth, but the things they showed were about the best I'd seen on TV.
I don't remember the first birth I ever watched on there, but I remember learning about Breech and vacuum births, and I remember one woman lying in labor for hours with multiple rounds of pushing, that finally ended in vacuum assistance.
I'd love to hear if anyone else remembers seeing it back then, or even on YouTube now.
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maiesophilia-love · 11 days
Another beautiful mixed birth!
I hope to get to do this someday with my wife/gf (:
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maiesophilia-love · 11 days
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maiesophilia-love · 17 days
Vacuum birth of 20 lb baby!
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maiesophilia-love · 18 days
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maiesophilia-love · 18 days
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maiesophilia-love · 21 days
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maiesophilia-love · 1 month
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maiesophilia-love · 1 month
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maiesophilia-love · 2 months
Do you role play
Hey, thanks for the ask!
I don't normally role-play, just because it's never been my thing. I'm always open to chatting with people about anything, especially kinks & interests (mine or theirs).
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maiesophilia-love · 2 months
You can see the head stretch her, then pull deep back inside as the contraction ends!
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maiesophilia-love · 2 months
Had to add the full video^
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Mom in labor with her 10th baby. Mom labors and delivers in her barn. Despite this being her 10th, her labor and birth are just as intense as her first and she is very vocal rhrought.
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maiesophilia-love · 2 months
That last ask you answered dealing with the multi racial, I love that someone else wants this as well, but I'm wanting to see some white women having black babies. I saw one from another blog that since got deleted (the blog not the video, starting to really hate Tumblr for constantly deleting blogs for no reason, and can't find this stuff on Reddit either), that was off a girl having a black baby. Any chance for more of those?
That last ask you answered dealing with the multi racial, I love that someone else wants this as well, but I'm wanting to see some white women having black babies. I saw one from another blog that since got deleted (the blog not the video, starting to really hate Tumblr for constantly deleting blogs for no reason, and can't find this stuff on Reddit either), that was off a girl having a black baby. Any chance for more of those?
I will say it's a but hard to find specific births, though I did spot this one from BadAssMotherBirther on YT.
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maiesophilia-love · 2 months
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maiesophilia-love · 2 months
Always a fan of black births! Loud, strong pushed from momma. (Bit of a volume warning)
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maiesophilia-love · 2 months
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