maiiabu · 7 years
“I guess my short answer is yes, it does provide a decent income and I think I could do better than my sisters,” she explained in a bluntly manner. That much was true, though, as she thought her sisters were incapable of doing anything business related. “Well, are you any good? I wouldn’t want to show off and humiliate you too much” Maia teased, “it’s just a couple of blocks away from here. I could even use a shortcut if you are in a desperate need for a drink.” 
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maiiabu · 7 years
“Wouldn’t you be better off sharin’ an apartment or somethin’?” He wondered, bearing in mind the money factor that would always come up in talks like that. She looked young, too, which typically added up to the whole thing. “That’s one way to put it..” he laughed, eyeing her at the last part. “Really? Well, let’s wait no time, then, shall we? We can walk there..wherever you want us to go.”
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“It’s complicated,” she said softly, looking down in shame of what she thought was such an idiotic problem. “They are very old fashioned and they have a business they’d like to me inherit eventually. I just have to put up with them until the time comes,” Maia explained, getting up from the bench where she had been seating. “Alright, I vote Club Nova.” She suggested, knowing that it being on the human side of town would prevent them from running into too many supernaturals. 
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maiiabu · 7 years
“If you have any suggestions about how to work out anger without hurting anyone, I’d love to hear it. Preferably something away from other people so gym probably not a good idea.” 
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“Of course, have you ever heard of smashing very fancy porcelain china sets? They do wonders for me. You throw them at the wall and when you look down at the floor and see the shattered pieces it will do nothing but inspire you... to clean up your act.”
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maiiabu · 7 years
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t know.” he apologized before he placed his cat down and he wandered away from them. “But I mean, he’s still cute as hell. And he knows not to go near people who say they’re allergic. I mean - he doesn’t go near most people but..  you get me.”
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Maia looked at him and just smiled. “I was kidding, Hugo, but that’s a decent trick to teach an independent cat. Are you getting off anytime soon?”
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maiiabu · 7 years
“Am I not allowed to take a peaceful stroll around the woods anymore without running into some violent person? Honestly, whatever happened to gym memberships?”
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Lauren had been avoiding people for the last two days, mostly sticking to the woods trying to find ways to let out her anger. She came across a big tree near the water’s edge and had the urge to express her anger against it. Punching the tree with all of her natural werewolf strength, creating a large gash in the towering oak with every blow.
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maiiabu · 7 years
“Oh, yeah..I remember the thrill of it.” Granted, his childhood was probably way different, but he was no stranger to sneaking out, going to bars, meeting girls. Again, different -yet very similar, which led him to his next question. “Have you ever been to the local clubs? bars? I’d be up for a beer, if you were.”
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“I have to put up an act for everything I do and it gets tiring so I take refuge in my nightly escapades. Not so thrilling all the time,” Maia connected, feeling as she was deeply missing something.. oh yeah, some proper freedom. “I have been to all, they’ve all got something special. But yes,  here I thought you’d never ask.”
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maiiabu · 7 years
“I’m not sure, I’m allergic.”
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“Isn’t he absolutely adorable?”
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maiiabu · 7 years
text 📲 Maia
Asia: Bye.
Maia: Thanks, don't forget to stop ruining lives!
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maiiabu · 7 years
Daniel returned the smile easy and pressed his back flat against the sofa, hand fetching his wallet to possibly get himself another drink. The night was young still, right? “Like for example?”
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“Well, I could take my good old time explaining my ways but you might just see me as some very desperate person looking for kind of freedom,” she explained casually, "thing is, my parents are very strict, so when I go around looking for fun, I have to be sneaky and cautious about it. It’s all very childish.”
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maiiabu · 7 years
text 📲 Maia
Asia: Oops. Sorry... Wrong number.
Maia: You're right it is
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maiiabu · 7 years
Daniel flashed her a grin, one that he knew used to bother his step brother whenever it would come out, and shrugged. “I look forward to that day, then…like, really can’t wait.” he frowned a bit at the second part, not sure when the whole Netflix thing went out of trend. “Hey..that’s good too, so long as you happen to enjoy yourself.”
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Maia rolled her eyes at the typical answer though eventually it turned into an amused smile. “Sure, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.” She repeated almost in a song-like manner. “I did find a way to enjoy myself. I always do.” She lied through her smile, thinking it had been a nice safe from her earlier commentary about hellhounds. 
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maiiabu · 7 years
“Okay?...” Maia smiled at the girls as she pushed a strand of loose hair behind her ear. “You really shouldn’t, people here don’t react well to surprises and I’m sure you would hate to be turned into a toad by accident.” She commented with a slight shrug. “And thanks, I agree.” 
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“Shit, my bad. I could’ve SWORN you were someone else, I don’t make a habit out of popping out at strangers…even though I’m sure you’re not that strange…regardless, that color looks impeccable on you.”
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maiiabu · 7 years
“Sorry I’m not used to following orders or else I would... but I do feel sorry for you. That’s must really be a miserable world.” 
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“Someone bring me coffee before I have to dive into the horrible world that is Customer Service.” Jacqueline said, letting out an annoyed groan. 
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maiiabu · 7 years
text 📲 open
Asia: Sorry I haven't been around. What have I missed?
Maia: Don't even get me started
Maia: What sort of question is that?
Maia: Block my number
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maiiabu · 7 years
“You think? Don’t sound so convinced to me.” He teased in a good way, somewhat curious about the sisters’ bit. Women and Daniel, Daniel and women. The hunter shook his head, “So what? You locked yourself at home, did some netflix and chill? If life’s taught me anythin’ is that people will talk eitherway.”
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Maia rolled her eyes with a laugh and shook her head slightly. "Go on, have a laugh now, but maybe one day I'll sound really convinced and then you won't know what hit you." She mused. "Netflix and chill? Oh no, it's not 2014 anymore. I just hunt out at the pool, living life to the fullest." She explained with a bit of sarcasm. "I'd rather they don't."
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maiiabu · 7 years
     “magic is a little like science from what i’ve heard. you can’t create something from nothing. so, any spell this big has to have a power source - one that i imagine is limited given the vastness of it’s impact.” the male elaborates. “all you have to do is keep it together until the timer runs out.” 
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Maia listened to him carefully, he did know quite a lot about magic and that both surprised her and worried her. She didn't let it show though and simple nodded. "Perhaps that is the best I can do. Let's just hope nobody dies."
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maiiabu · 7 years
“Maia, haven’t you learned that when you bitch about my sister I tune you out?” 
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“Fine, but I know she was the one who conjured that messed up spell that pretty much ruined everything a few nights ago.”
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