maisietunna-art · 4 years
The End.
My overall thoughts on this academic year is that it’s been wild. with corvid-19 hitting us in our final year its begged the question can we still work as a group even when we can’t meet each other. Although there was difficulty in communication after a few weeks it didnt take long to get back into the swing of things. It was just hard to do everything over the internet when i was so accustomed to working away from home. 
It was a challenge to get back into working again after what feels like being left in limbo. Alot of hardships happened; loss of work, time restrictions, loss of direction. but everything pulled through in the end
If i were to change anything this year i would tell myself to be come more productive during quarantine, but i also understand that i shouldn’t put too much pressure on myself. These times are unprecedented and i shouldn’t expect to conqueror it it in a day.
Thanks for the awesome year!
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maisietunna-art · 4 years
Almost touchdown :D
in the final few weeks, documentation was my main priority. i preapared and recorded my script for our group presentation. i think my mic quailty isnt the best and i could have voiced it better but given the circumstances (with Corvid-19) we made best of a sticky situation.
Other documation in marketing and the GDD needed help writing so i also help writing these sections the most.
Tsol’Landris is almost comeplete, just needs a few bug tests and its ready for release
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maisietunna-art · 4 years
Battle UI
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i was asked to do the battle UI for the combat of our game. here are my fianl designs:
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there was a bit of trial and error when creating the UI, i wanted it to resemble the rest of the Ui but had no idea how so i made a few error in the process but everything turn out great in the end.
This marks all art assets complete, now its time for documentation.
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maisietunna-art · 4 years
We’ve had to cut the game short in some areas
we have cut the realm down from 5 to 3 + the neutral realm. this is to get the best possible game play at this momnet in time
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maisietunna-art · 4 years
Assets  list
Here are theassets i made:
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houses were created for each realm we kept in the game; rock pools for the water realm, the asian style for the fire realm and the other two houses belong to our MC and Alchemist.
i also had to colour correct a title set that i had done previously, the colours of the original were too saturated for the world.
all of these assets are hand drawn and took a bit of planning and preping until finalised as to fit in the game. This took a few weeks to do (1-2 weeks). 
With these assets done, i no longer need to draw any more world exploring assets.
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maisietunna-art · 5 years
Corona Virus update
Due to corvid-19 the blog post may be a litte unorganised as our normal schedule has changed
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maisietunna-art · 5 years
Week 12. 9.12.19
Pitch presentation
It’s the final destination. This could be potientially one of my greatest fears, we practised several times but I still feel the pressure. As some who suffers from dyslexia I find it hard to read from a script with confidence, so I have to memorise my information for it to be conveyed the way I desire.
I felt like our presentation went well but I felt as though I didn’t have enough to say. Due to time constraints some areas had to be cut and my section got heavily cut to the point where I was left with only images and mood boards. I didn’t say anything as I didn’t want to drag the team downs and I knew if I was given more time to speak I would mess up easier. Next time I would like to improve more and practise more so that the same mistake doesn’t happen again. I want to conquer my fear of public speaking before or gets to the important pitch.
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maisietunna-art · 5 years
Week 9. 18.11.19
I forgot to add that the character got re-designed last week, I do like how it turned out but now the difficult task is to animate
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Update 24.11.19: after completing all the animation I experience a thread in the driver error on my desktop which caused it to crash and lose all progress
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maisietunna-art · 5 years
Week 8. 11.11.19
Game Testing Internal This week has been JUDGEMENT week. It’s both terrifying and thrilling experiencing the game you created ripped apart in front of your very eyes. Having gamers and non gamers alike judge your game and tell you their opinions is like a double edged sword; on one side you have a fresh perspective and insight that help to develop your game further than you imagined.
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maisietunna-art · 5 years
Week 6 28.10.19
First call as lead artist
After researching, I presented everything I found with my teammates and we all agreed that platforming background just wasn’t working. They felt too restricting and with the clash in art, at times, it would make the level design look even worse.
I didn’t start this new revelation as a total setback. I looked into other level design options for exploration and came to the conclusion of isometric. I designed some tiles but once we tried getting them into unity something wasn’t working. the tiles were aligning and were leaving gaps.
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After researching so much i was still hit with a wall. it was really frustrating. I asked my teammate and fellow level designer, oscar, to help me out.
Here is every failed attempt at tiling:
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I asked oscar why they tile were not working and he too was also unsure of this dilemma. then i remembered a some of last weeks research; https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/03/18/isometric-2d-environments-with-tilemap/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=engine-global-generalpromo-2019-03-18&utm_content=video_learn-isometric
This had all the answers we need, but this process alone took us 4 hours. I for one had seen enough tiles that day, so we decided to go off design the new correct tiles.
https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/03/18/isometric-2d-environments-with-tilemap/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=engine-global-generalpromo-2019-03-18&utm_content=video_learn-isometric -
this week i’m feeling:
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maisietunna-art · 5 years
Return for Deadlines
Music with friends
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Late night GDD adjustments to make sure everything is sorted for deadlines
Video used:
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maisietunna-art · 5 years
The Holidays
It’s been nice to have a break from all the stress at university. Although now I have free time it makes me think; I want to reflect on what I’ve done so far.
I believe I have tried my hardest to make our game perfect that in the process I have slowed down due to the fast pace of testing crunches. That when there wasn’t a crunch I easied up (which isn’t all bad) but when this happens I get easied into a false sense of security and tend to become relaxed. This is something I plan to work on by implementing a schedule I had designed a week prior
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maisietunna-art · 5 years
Week 11. 2.12.19
External play testing (delayed by 2 weeks)
Overall, I’ll day game testing went really well it feels nice to have your work validated and know you have done a good job. Though I have lots of room for improvement I’m happy I’ve come this far.
As the year is almost coming to a close, it’s time to slow down on the projects mechanics and visuals and time to report our progress over the past 3 months. The presentation, GDD and sprint reports shall be the focus for now. I shall be working on side projects and have decide to mark out a schedule for 2020. I wish to be more productive and manage my time better
 Music that has inspired me this week:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGJ5KgqZmok Zara Larsson - invisible  
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maisietunna-art · 5 years
Week 10. 25.11.19
A week before external, getting everything working. 
With external testing next week I have to refine the tile assets so they’re at the best standard for each area. So I prioritise the tile assets while helping where I could with any documentation. Secondly, helping to create the questionnaire for the combat area of our game and a start to the GDD was made.
Here are the finished tiles for 3 levels making; Neutral, Wood and Fire. These are the first accessible area the rest is lock by story content.
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maisietunna-art · 5 years
Week 7 - 4.11.19
This week was adding some usable tiles and designing some assets to go into the game. This was a crunch to get everything sorted for game testing, I produced the tiles and assets in a rush so there may be only slight errors on them but they should be fine for internal testing next week.
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This week ended fast but I was given some news by the end of it, the main character needed to be redesigned with animations and I have been tasked to job as the person assigned said they couldn’t do it anymore because the work they produced wasn’t to the rest of the team's standards. But that left me with a predicament, I'm now left to do the character animation, environment, and UI art. 
I was going to start the village concept and UI design, but it looks like it will have to bee delayed.
I'm not very confident with animating and unsure how this will turn out.
music that inspired me:
this week i felt like:
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maisietunna-art · 5 years
Week 5 - 21.10.19
Assignment of leadership and responsibility (aka assigned lead artist)
This week has been a race to learn a new style with game testing around the corner and with game testing due next week it was like being pushed down a hill in a barrel.
I went ahead and dived into making a simple asset that would be suitable for internal testing but it needs to be tested in unity first. I had a talk with oscar and the tiling worked but it didn't look stylistic enough and we were back to the drawing board.
Due to some conflicts of interest, we were left with not much character art and a problem we couldn’t solve. After a discussion, it was decided that a lead artist should be decided (as one hadn’t previously been assigned). As one of the game's artists who has been impartial to the conflicts, I was assigned lead artist.
Though I do not think the lead artist is a role that suits me, I will try my hardest to make things work within the group.
These prototype levels were made with the intention of screen boxing them, but the more I research the more I find faults with the use of screen boxing for world exploration. I’ll research more into finding a solution, if one is found, I’ll present my research to my teammates. 
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Music that has inspired me this week: 
This week I’m feeling:
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maisietunna-art · 5 years
Week 4 - 14.10.19
Concept art/mood boards/GGD ft. Tonsillitis
Sorry this is going to be a short post T-T
I, unfortunately, became ill just before week 3 began. Due to the illness and a doctor's appointment, I wasn’t able to make it into half of the sessions I would have liked to attend.
I still made time to commit to my research made sure to find inspiration wherever I can find.
Here is a further developed concept and a prototype level design: 
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Music that has inspired me this week: 
the sound of my tears
This week I'm feeling:
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