majorstudyspo ¡ 6 years
2018 Student Guide
With the start of 2018 well underway, I wanted to make a masterpost full of links on how to adjust your perspective with studying. Perhaps you want to become a better student overall, improve your focus or get into your dream college, there is always something we want to do better! Hopefully these tips will make 2018 your best academic year yet!
2018 student planner
planner brand recommendations
planner vs bullet journal: pros and cons
how to set up a bullet journal
setting up a digital bullet journal
bullet journal spread ideas
bullet journal decoration hacks
bullet journal brand recommendations
whats in my bag
my favourite stationery
back to school basic supplies
how to improve your handwriting
handwriting font suggestions
balancing study and work
desk/workspace essentials
student finance tips
2018 monthly planner printables
productivity and time management applications
how to remove distractions
types of procrastination and how to deal with them
google chrome new tab options for improved productivity
10 small ways to improve your productivity
applications to block websites
no distraction writing applications
100 days of productivity challenge
how to focus in class
how to stick to a schedule
how to stay alert
how to build self-discipline
how to organise for exams
my after school routine
how to reduce perfectionist ideas 
what to do when you’ve tried everything
how to gain back motivation
motivational monday printables
how to stop avoiding studying
what to do when you feel exhausted before studying
how I stay motivated
tips on maintaining motivation
how to start a studyblr
how to utilise your studyblr for motivation
how to set up a studygram
dealing with competitive people
how to bounce back from ‘failure’
how to learn from a lower than expected grade
how to structure a weekly review
how to deal with a difficult class
things to do during holidays/study vacations
applications for students
how to take effective class or lecture notes
how to take notes from a textbook
how to prepare for exams
my note-taking method
my notebook system
how to write faster
how to study more effectively
how to summarise information
how I organise my binders
good habits to implement
how to study (my method)
how to revise from notes
how to organise a colour code
how to memorise information effectively
how to memorise quotes
how to use flashcards
how I reduce waffle and narration in essays
tips for essay writing
how to find out where you’re going wrong
how I prepare to study
different ways to study
how to study during the semester
how to annotate a book/novel/etc
how to get ahead in school
how to break up a large textbook
studying as a visual learner
how to practice and present a speech
mindmapping apps and extensions
how to deal with online classes
how to study a language
how to study maths
how to improve group assessments/projects
Self Care
how to improve your sleep schedule
how to wake up earlier
how to study when sick
over-coming self doubt
dealing with stress
how to balance studying and anxiety
how to balance studying and depression
apps that help with depression
ways to reward your productivity
my favourite tv shows
my favourite podcasts
ways to use empty notebooks
how to be more sociable
tips for getting a job
advice for the first day
things (personal, academic, etc) to do every week
2018 monthly planner printables
2018 student printables (includes 2018 overview + calendar, daily + weekly + monthly planner, 30 habit tracker, class overview and timed worklog)
weekly study schedule
weekly planner
weekend planner
daily planner
assessment planner
subject to do list planner
study session planner
exam revision printable pack (includes revision checklist, formulas + definitions sheet, essay + project planner, weekly schedule)
note-taking printables (includes dotted, grid, lined, cornell method)
organic chemistry printable
literary techniques and devices sheet
100 days of productivity tracker printable 
ultimate student organiser pack
study and revision pack
2018 student planner
2018 weekly planner
pomodoro tracker
grade and assessment planner pack
essay guide and planner pack
productivity planner
student reading journal printable
student finance planner
goal and habit planner
customisable weekly study planner
Other posts | Printables | Instagram | Youtube | Pinterest | Etsy Shop
45K notes ¡ View notes
majorstudyspo ¡ 8 years
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An annotated collection of the most useful, aesthetically pleasing apps to add to your collection of study tools. These essential weapons to killing it at school and uni are listed across various platforms.
Note taking
one note - windows | mac | iOS | android | chrome This kind of saved me this year. I would be pretty lazy and disorganised and write my notes on loose leaf or a generic all-subject notebook, thus losing track of where my notes were. I wouldn’t even date my work. With one note, which I used after stumbling across this tutorial, I type class notes quickly and easily, then make hand written notes that make more sense at the end of the day as a revision technique and to set aside for review during finals. What I benefit from this method is that I can take more in from the class or lecture itself rather than fretting over getting all notes written down and missing a lot of key points that the lecturer makes because I’m not giving them enough attention. Typing lecture notes and rewriting them later sets the knowledge in deeper, as well as making it easier to read and understand than messy handwriting when in a hurry.
evernote - web | iOS | android
evernote scannable - iOS
skitch - iOS mark up documents to send to evernote
paper by fiftythree - iOS waiting for the day this is released on android… the BEST note taking app I have ever come across. if you’re not convinced, read this article.
google keep - iOS | android | chrome
jot - android The widget for this is so cute and convenient. Best for on-the-go notes.
due 2 - iOS
jotterpad - android
simplenote - iOS | android
squid - android handwritten notes 
workflowy - android
do - iOS
quip - iOS
pages - iOS
vesper - iOS
To-Do Lists
agile tasks - android really cute widget!
2Do - iOS
pomotodo - android
toodledo - android
wunderlist - chrome
todoist - chrome | android | iOS
accomplish - android
handle - iOS
Battling procrastination & goals
clearfocus - android minimalist study timer
forest - android | iOS grow cut lil tree farms as a reward for not getting distracted!
checky - android tracks how often you check your phone
7weeks - android
ezhabit - android
habit streak - android
finish - iOS
Journals & timetables
my study life - android
the homework app - iOS my absolute favourite app when I had an iPhone. I can’t recommend it enough, the UI is perfect, and I still haven’t found an android equivalent as good as this.
journey - chrome | iOS | android journalling / personal diary
daylio - android daily mood tracker. minimalist UI, daily notification to make an entry.
time tune - android 
asana - android track, plan and journal progress on group projects
weekly planner - android
toggl - android
ezhabit - android
timetable - android
Background noise, music & games
a dark room - website I found this browser app about a year ago, and it honestly saved me for my 11th grade finals. I was stressed, I had just finished the exam for my accelerated 12th grade subject (legal studies) when my real exam week had started and I’d spent all of my revision time on legal. All I needed to do was bring myself to a peak focus, so that I could get on with the work. I jumped onto adarkroom, on a different browser so I could start from scratch, put it on night mode (recommend) with the sound up and just worked through it. Once I was calmed down and started getting bored of it, I switched straight over to revision. If I felt myself getting distracted or stressed, I’d start playing again until I felt okay. I do NOT recommend this over taking proper breaks and getting exercise but when you need to cram, or just need to calm down for bed on the night before an assessment, it works.
loop - android relaxing, endless game
headspace - android meditation app
white noise - iOS | chrome | windows | mac | android  background noise to help improve brain activity as well as sleep
sound curtain - iOS
coffivity - web cafe background noise
spotify playlists for studying acoustic | classic | electronic | instrumental | rock | indie I have my own personal study playlist, if you’re interested please message me !
Clocks & Time Trackers
momentum - chrome obviously just about every studyblr owner uses this. it’s the clock time thing with the pretty pictures that you see in just about every post.
tab trekker - firefox  essentially an alternative to momentum, especially if your admin on a network computer has restricted chrome add-ons like mine
tracking time - chrome
time meter time sheet - android 
toggl - android
clearfocus - android minimalist study timer
google drive - iOS | android | web | chrome nothing can EVER beat google drive for storage… literally store stuff across every device you own, access and edit documents no matter whether you are on a laptop, tablet or phone. any operating system. if you’re not already using it, start backing up ALL of your school work to the drive, you’ll thank yourself.
send anywhere - chrome
asus file manager - android
hope this is helpful :-) ~court
3K notes ¡ View notes
majorstudyspo ¡ 8 years
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some title ideas !! ✨
follow me on instagram
4K notes ¡ View notes
majorstudyspo ¡ 8 years
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If you’re like me, in-class notes tend to be sloppy and hard to understand. Sometimes you’re in a rush or are low on stationery. If you have notes needing to be rewritten but aren’t sure where to start, here are some tips I have for you!
Keep reading
886 notes ¡ View notes
majorstudyspo ¡ 8 years
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Hey, guys!
So, my first post of my “trial bujo”, because I’m bad at keeping things up. Don’t judge, first time trying it. My major inspiration is @bohoberry i basically copied her layout because i'm so not creative.
AND, yes, that is spelling mistake, because i'm a mess.
Love you. ♥
PS. Instagram saw it first @majorstdyspo.
0 notes
majorstudyspo ¡ 8 years
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Tutorial: how to make organized notes.
Read the objectives of the lecture. If there aren’t any, flip through the lecture slides and make an outline. This puts into perspective what you need to be learning and what you should get out of this lecture. FAQ: what do I do if there are no objectives?
Skim the book to get familiar with how the information is divided compared to your outline or objectives. While doing this, you’ll figure out whether or not you need the extra details from the book. Sometimes the lecture is enough and you could keep the textbook just as a reference to things you don’t get.
Write down the first objective and flip to the page in the book that has the information pertaining to that objective. Read the lecture slide then refer to the book for details.
Combine your lecture notes with the textbook information. Do this by rewriting the information in your own words and try to be as concise as possible. 
Keep doing this for every objective. Paste things if it helps.
Make sure that you’re not just copying information. Use visual aids as much as possible. Put the information in a table, flowchart, diagram, etc.. (refer to this post to see how I make my flowcharts).
When you’re done with all your objectives, go through the lecture and your notes to make sure you didn’t miss anything.
General tips on how to keep them organized:
Be systemic. Making objective-oriented notes is one way to do that. 
Use two (or more colors). Color-coding information helps me remember it + it doesn’t look that bad.
Section your objectives according to the topic. Then make sure that when you’re writing out the information, it’s in a sequence that’s understandable.
Disclaimer: this is the way I’ve been making my notes since I started med school. By no means am I claiming it’s perfect or that everybody should follow it.
Hope this helps and as always, happy studying :)
89K notes ¡ View notes
majorstudyspo ¡ 8 years
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Week at a glance printable
Back again with another printable! This is my first version of a weekly schedule with a box for each day and a combined space for the weekend. I’ve also added a to-do area for your top priorities, a remember area for any minor things you might forget, a goal area to help you stay motivated, a next week area for any important events up-coming and a deadlines area so you’re not going to forget when you need to hand in any assessments! You can download this file as a PDF from the links below:
Week at a glance (with lines) in PDF form on Google Drive Week at a glance (without lines) in PDF form on Google Drive
I hope you enjoy using these and if so, I’d love to see them in action! Feel free to tag me on Tumblr with (#emmastudies) or on Instagram with my username @emmastudiess in any photos you upload. If there are any problems or errors, please let me know via my inbox.
Disclaimer: This printable is for personal use only. You may edit it yourself if you like, but please do not redistribute without my permission. Thank you!  
5K notes ¡ View notes
majorstudyspo ¡ 8 years
100 Things To Do In Your Study Break:
Go for a walk.
Do some cleaning.
Play with your pet.
Call your Mum/Dad
Text a friend.
Get some tea/coffee
Read the headlines
Do a crossword
Have a dance
Do yoga
Catch up on your favourite blogs
Organise your workspace
Write a short story
Sketch a picture
Paint your nails
Read a chapter of a book.
Make origami
Look at some art
Do a good deed.
Eat some fruit
Watch the clouds
Do a full body stretch
Try juggling
Read a comic book.
Start a scrapbook
Sit outside for a bit
Do some breathing exercises.
Do some Sudoku.
Watch some TV.
Have a singalong.
Play an instrument
Start a Pinterest account
Watch a TED talk
Write a to-do list
Play brain games
Listen to really old pop music
Do the dishes
Make paper snowflakes/paper chains
Clean out your bag and wallet
Play hangman or naughts and crosses (tic-tac-toe) with someone
Watch videos of puppies or kitties playing
Do jumping jacks
Do your laundry
Start using Evernote
Have a snack
Read a magazine
Discover some new music
Watch funny videos on Youtube.
Create a plan for studying
Have a Facebook chat with some friends.
Do a household chore.
Read some poetry.
Try writing some poetry.
Do some colouring.
Go on google maps and see the world.
Play a video game.
Do some gardening/water your plants.
Take an online quiz
Listen to a podcast
Lift some weights
Take out the trash
Schedule any doctor and dentist appointments that are due
Make a new playlist
Answer some emails
Sort through your junk mail
Write a blog post
Make a meal plan
Get a glass of water
Give yourself a hand or neck massage
Check your social media
Make your bed
Plan a trip
Sew something
Pick some flowers
Write down your goals
Sort through the documents and files on your computer
Learn some new words.
Make a smoothie
Do a puzzle
Rearrange your books
Reflect on your day so far
Play catch
Create a bucket list.
Sort your stationery; get rid of old pens.
Play a game on your phone
Try to replicate a famous painting
Read some fanfiction
Fold the laundry
Make a friendship bracelet
Write a haiku
Try to find the ten gnomes
Update your calendar
Update your CV/resume
Do an online search for jobs
Check the fridge and throw out anything that’s gone off
Make bubbles.
12K notes ¡ View notes
majorstudyspo ¡ 8 years
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17/12/16 7:08 PM // brainstorming title ideas, thought I’d share it with you guys 💕
23K notes ¡ View notes
majorstudyspo ¡ 8 years
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Weekly Layout Printable
based on this bullet journal spread
I made this printable so I would have the functionality of the spread I made without the hassle of drawing all these boxes every week, and I thought I would share this with you guys too!
How to Use
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The top margin is larger so you can write a header in whatever way you prefer.
The numbers above each day’s box represent hours - so if you have something from 3 to 4, shade between those numbers. I like to color code for each event, especially on days with multiple events.
Each day’s box is meant to be used like a bullet journal - you can write tasks, events, notes etc.
The trackers can be for habits, mood, sleep, food, menstrual cycles, whatever you like. The weekdays are written, but the rest is up to you. 
The to do list is fairly self explanatory.
Download (PDF & PNG)
Disclaimer - I use adf.ly to receive revenue, which is a way for you to “buy” my work at a cost of 5 seconds of your time. If you have any problems with the link, message me for a direct link.
+ more posts / youtube channel 
6K notes ¡ View notes
majorstudyspo ¡ 8 years
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GUESS WHAT, GUYS. i hit an insane milestone and i just wanted to do something for everyone that’s been supporting me since february! and when i say everyone, i mean everyone. 
reblogs count // likes for saving
each reblog counts as an entry!
mbf @studypetals
can follow @edwarddelrics for another entry
i will do international shipping! (yay!) 
ends on december 31st, 2016 at 12:00pm cst (saturday)
random winner(s) selected and notified within the week after (because i might be busy around that time) 
if reblogged from side blog, mention main blog in tags
have inbox and/or chat enabled
winners have 3 days to respond
if not, another random winner will be selected 
expanding giveaway to 3 winners
GIVEAWAY GOODIES (each winner gets this bundle): 
six washi tape designs
two copic markers
one happy planner sticker page 
one muji 0.38mm pen 
one small/medium moleskine journal
a personalized letter from me! 
GOOD LUCK, and thank you so much for everyone’s support! i can’t thank you guys enough for everything. it’s been my favorite time here on tumblr! 
12K notes ¡ View notes
majorstudyspo ¡ 8 years
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by Ariadne, thearialligraphyproject.tumblr.com
One of the messages I usually get in my inbox is a query on how I’ve achieved an “aesthetically pleasing” study space. As you may know, being immersed and exposed to art for what seems to be my whole life, and right now, understanding why people are the way they are and how our mind works through psychology, helped me develop a deep appreciation for beauty and organization, whether it be in my environment or in something as simple as my daily planner. And for over five years, I have been experimenting with styles for my desk to induce productivity, motivation, and organization in the way I work.
In this article, I’d like to share some of the things I do in order to up my desk game.
Hopefully, it will be useful and inspiring for you to pour out your creativity in making your desk a safe and cool space for you to generate your ideas and put them into action.
Keep reading
2K notes ¡ View notes
majorstudyspo ¡ 8 years
Strong words to use on a Resume
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If you have ever had to write a resume for work or for an application, then you know the hardest part is figuring out what type of words to use that sound professional and and intelligent.
Example: If an application asks you if you have any relevant experience for a job at a day care center and you have experience, like you have babysat children. You would look at the words in the columns to see what words you should use that will help your resume stand out. You might put down “Have supervised and attended to children on a regular basis.”
I hope this is helpful to you.
885K notes ¡ View notes
majorstudyspo ¡ 8 years
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a smol collection of quotes for ur bullet journals / planners / where ever else u use them!! ((was compiling a list of quotes i liked ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ so why not share you know?))
p.s they’re not all happy bundles of sunshine js
May you live every day of your life. ― Jonathan Swift
In a time of destruction, create something. ― Maxine Hong Kingston
Who are you when no one is watching? 
And sometimes I have kept my feelings to myself, because I could find no language to describe them in.
One day I will find the right words, and they will be simple. ― Jack Kerouac
Hold fast to dreams/ For if dreams die / Life is a broken-winged bird, / That cannot fly. ― Langston Hughes
You are never taller than when you stand up for yourself. 
crede quod habes, et habes - believe that you have it, and you do.
Great minds think alike but fools rarely differ
Everybody has a chapter they don’t read out loud
Though nobody can go back and make a new beginning… Anyone can start over and make a new ending. ― Chico Xavier
When a person tells you you hurt them, you don’t get to decide you didn’t.— Louis C.K.
Friends are the family you choose. 
Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.— William James 
if someone is actually sorry then they’ll accept you not forgiving them
Maybe our favourite quotations say more about us than about the stories and people we’re quoting. — John Green
He needed a hero so that’s what he became.
Go to heaven for the climate and hell for the company. ― Benjamin Franklin Wade
Be a good person but don’t waste time proving it.
Go and do things you can’t. That is how you get to do them.—Pablo Picasso,
A certain darkness is needed to see the stars.
I think everything in life is art. What you do. How you dress. The way you love someone, and how you talk. Your smile and your personality. What you believe in, and all your dreams. The way you drink your tea. How you decorate your home. Or party. Your grocery list. The food you make. How your writing looks. And the way you feel. Life is art. — Helena Bonham Carter
An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward.
The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.—Coco Chanel
You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough. ― Mae West
I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. ― Maya Angelou
Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.― Maya Angelou
Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans. ― Allen Saunders
If you don’t stand for something you will fall for anything.― Gordon A. Eadie
We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.― Anaïs Nin
The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for. ― Bob Marley
You can be a good person with a kind heart and still say no.
+ my masterposts
2K notes ¡ View notes
majorstudyspo ¡ 8 years
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So, I got an anonymous ask, wanting a tutorial on how I do my bullet journal. Here are some closer pictures of the spread. I do each week on two pages, so I can see everything in one place. One side is devoted to chores and daily habits. The other has my events, deadlines, and daily tasks. I use a moleskin extra large exercise book, because it’s got squared pages and it’s B5 size, which allows me to write lots of information. However, the pages are quite thin, and it’s not a pure white colour, which is a bit annoying.
first page
First I choose what colours I want the week to be. I chose green this week; I’m not sure how much I like having the whole thing being just one colour.
I start by writing a title. “Week Ten” refers to the tenth week of Spring Term, because that’s how my university structures the course.
Underneath, in the first of two columns, I write my weekly goals. 
Underneath that, I have a tracker of how much water I’ve drunk each day. Due to my activity and my weight, I need to drink 7 pints a day. I have an app on my phone, Plant Nanny, that also keeps track of what I drink.
On the right hand column, I write out my readings for each module. I usually have three subheadings, but I’ve finished my “sexualities through history” module. I use a circle to mark out the readings, to show that they’re different from tasks. 
Below that, I have weekly chores that I need to do at some point. These often don’t get done…
Below that, I have a record of how much sleep I get. I often get way too much, because I’m lazy.Too much sleep makes me feel really groggy so I try and get between 7-9 hours a night. 
second page
Then, I separate the second page into four columns. The first column has the day and date, and is smaller than the other three. The second column has my Events/Appointments in, and the remaining two have my daily tasks.
I write out my events at the start of the week, things like seminars, meetings with professors, and seeing my friends. Sometimes I put going to the gym there, as it motivates me to pack my gym stuff before going to campus. Each event is denoted with a triangle, to differentiate them from tasks.
The next two columns have my tasks. I write these out at the start of the day, apart from teeth and omeprazole (my heartburn medicine). 
I like to put stickers and other cute things in the blank spaces if I haven’t had enough tasks to fill both columns. 
There you have it! Let me know if you want any more details.
10K notes ¡ View notes
majorstudyspo ¡ 8 years
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For once i did everything i had planned to do, wow it makes me feel mega productive ! *applauding myself*
1K notes ¡ View notes
majorstudyspo ¡ 8 years
Autumn themed bullet journal “Plan With Me”: pumpkins, flowers, and mason jars. I don’t love, something about filling makes me excited and happy, i hope you enjoy the video.
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