makadragontamer · 7 minutes
Cuttlefish can change color to fade into the background. It can do it amazingly fast.
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makadragontamer · 9 minutes
God, there really is nothing like 20s detective fiction to remind you that prejudice is a social construct.
You'll have a story with a crossdressing thief which is mildly transmisogynistic but completely devoid of modern vitriol; it literally comes off as "here is a fun oddity that lets me be Clever about French grammar"
And in the very next story you will learn fifteen different slurs for Italians
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makadragontamer · 15 minutes
something that's really weird to me about alot of pop-feminism is that it'll treat "female unity" not as an end goal that feminists should be striving for but as like. a natural state that all women are already in? that you only stray away from if they don't like make up or taylor swift or whatever.
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makadragontamer · 18 minutes
God I love “We’re enemies, but we’ve been enemies for a long time, which is sort of like being friends.” Great trope.
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makadragontamer · 19 minutes
not huge on anime and i’ve never heard a vocaloid song in its entirety but every time i see miku i’m like yeah baby it’s miku that’s my friend miku
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makadragontamer · 20 minutes
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turtle school
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makadragontamer · 22 minutes
"I love freaks and weirdos and strange people and people who don't conform and behave oddly because they can't mask all their symptoms and-" you guys genuinely can't even handle it when an anxious person uses a script in a conversation
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makadragontamer · 23 minutes
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makadragontamer · 25 minutes
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This badly cropped Terry Pratchett quote I found is here for anyone who wants it
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makadragontamer · 31 minutes
starting to hate how people use the word problematic. "don't support this person they're problematic" "dni if ur problematic" "they're literally problematic" what does problematic mean here? wtf is it supposed to convey? it's so goddamn vague and it doesn't tell me anything, it could literally mean either "has an opinion on pride flag discourse that i disagree with" or "actively grooming minors" and i wouldn't be able to tell which one was the intended meaning without asking for further information, which most of the time i'm probably not going to interact with these people more than once so i don't wanna go through the trouble of doing that, i hate it so much goddamnit.
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makadragontamer · 36 minutes
a few years back my car insurance company offered me a discount if i stuck a dongle in my car that would tell them how i drive (specifically reporting hard accelerations and stops), with a base discount of 10% even if i drive like a madman up to 40%ish if i drive like a grandma. and of course naturally my first thought was "huh i bet i could make something running off an Arduino that filters hard brakes and accelerations out of the incoming data stream to get that 40% discount" and i got as far as looking up OBD2 protocols before realizing that that would just be insurance fraud. yes im an engineer raised by two engineers how could you tell
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makadragontamer · 39 minutes
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makadragontamer · 40 minutes
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makadragontamer · 43 minutes
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makadragontamer · 44 minutes
what do you MEAN i have to complete tasks tomorrow
i already completed tasks TODAY
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makadragontamer · 46 minutes
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Or as Strunk and White said in Elements of Style (to the best of my memory), "Feel free to ignore everything in this book rather than write something inelegant."
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makadragontamer · 48 minutes
bruh i used to hide out in the library in middle school during lunch to read because the lunchroom was overstimulating and i had so many bullies and so many issues with eating in front of people so i would just skip lunch and retreat into book time in the safety of the library, and one day the librarian came over and told me the library had started a new "lounge" for honors students in a little sideroom with comfy chairs where students could snack while they read if they want
and i was today years old when i realized i never saw a single other student in that little room that definitely held storage stuff before then and that the librarian absolutely made that up so i would have a safe space to read and be alone and eat in the library
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