makai-matters-xiv · 3 years
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Horror Jinga in  “Outside / Inside”
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makai-matters-xiv · 4 years
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Through every one of the hells I’ve endured....
You are my peace.
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makai-matters-xiv · 4 years
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makai-matters-xiv · 4 years
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makai-matters-xiv · 4 years
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makai-matters-xiv · 4 years
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makai-matters-xiv · 4 years
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makai-matters-xiv · 4 years
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Kami no Kiba: Jinga Ep.11
requested by: @ trixiegalaxy
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makai-matters-xiv · 4 years
Ending and Beginning (again)
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[Accompanying music]
The sea breeze was warm in the morning sun, the gleaming of amber rays peeking over the far flung watery horizon felt like a brilliant and warm kiss that danced along her face as her eyes drifted to a near close to watch the distant sun slowly rise. Salted ocean air wafts upward along the flat face of the cliffs she stood upon. A gentle chorus of the morning tides washed against the cliffs as the sounds of the morning vessels sailed onto open waters past the bay. Horns and calls breach the quiet as Gulls come and go, sweeping along the bobbing surface of the tide while nets are cast into the morning schools below the surface. 
It wasn't sickening like the blighted light from a world far gone, a world far beyond reach, no. It was warm, brilliant, inviting and filled with an ever long kiss of life that the other could never know. The contrast, the difference of one world to the next was jarring, yet it should be familiar. The world of Makai wasn't as different as it could have been. Perhaps that was what made her miss it. Having spent what felt like an infinite lifetime in a once blissful world turned mad and sickeningly white she couldn't simply face that it was over, that she had escaped the hell. 
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And yet, she did. 
Here, upon the La Noscean cliffs she stands, a stark white coat fitted over her shoulders as it lightly danced in the early spring morning winds. A shimmering golden sword strapped to her hips and a small ring in the palm of her hand. It was something that she never thought to hold again, a trinket, simple as can be, yet one of the few relics she held onto from the blighted hell. The hell that she wasn't alone in, a hell that she met so many souls, so many smiles and faces that would never be forgotten. 
Smiles and faces that were trapped in an eternal war with a man and machine locked in a lust for power. A power that was never bound to be his. The tide of the losing war turned in a single moment, a single moment that dictated her escape. The rescue from faces she thought would never come. But they did, they did at the price of their abilities, their roles... their Mantle. 
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The Mantle of a Ranger.
In order to create the bridge between worlds, a power source was needed, as was a key and guide forward. Their Morphers, the tools of their trade would be the sacrifice. And with the sacrifice, came victory. The gate between worlds yawned open deep beneath the earth to extend the bridge forward and allow them passage. The passage into the single moment where the tide changed. 
In a single breath did the war erupt again as machinations standing hundreds of stories tall piloted by young men and women rush forward to meet abominations of porcelain white.
In a single breath did the war continue as trenches and fields filled with colored teams of teenagers and adults battle against a near endless army and armada of autonomous perfection. 
In a single breath did the war turn tides. From certain doom and destruction to certain victory and salvation the battle went as Ranger teams from across time, across space come together in an epic clash against their would be subjugation and assimilation. 
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And in that single breath, did she find her home again. In one last fight under the banner of a Power Ranger they routed the enemy into a full retreat. And in doing so, guaranteed the lives of those there and those after as well as their own. With the battle in its twilight, those that came left with her in hand. To a world where the sun set and rose, again and again. Leaving the hell of eternal light behind to embrace a life they all once knew, together. 
The sacrifice made then and there in a single breath, was the choice to lay down the Title, the Mantle of a Ranger in exchange for their friend. The one who brought them together as a team in the first place. 
The Mantle, the Legacy of their deeds was now etched into archival history as well as living memory.
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Their friend stands now with a smile, joined by their loved one as the morning sun rises. The Legacy of a Ranger could now finally be set aside and end.. It was time for another path forward, one fit, for a Knight of Makai.
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makai-matters-xiv · 4 years
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The Vigil for the Fallen - Dawn Aegis
The Midlander kept her smile warm against the cold Coerthan air as a hand comes to rest at the pommel of her sword, the other pressing flat against her chest. Through a half-working gaze, she scans the crowd, smiling at the faces she can make out, and the forms further off before centering back on her sister Enambris, Ric and then the crowd once more. In a moment, she takes a deep breath before her lips part, voice daring to hitch as she starts  "...Four years. That's how long its been, hasn't it..”
“Four.. pushing to our fifth." A nod as she grips the white ascot wrapped around her neck just beneath her collar. "Back then... I wasn't there. Someone else was, someone who's place I inherited. Yet... while she's gone... her memory is still here. In a candle.." The hand at her weapon moves to press at her head, once, tapping it. "And in here. Clear as day somenights. Nights like this. But this one, we're here to remember, and honor those like her. Sacrifice in the line of duty. Helping us see the morrow. Giving us a chance to secure it forever." Her eyes drift up, nodding. 
"Each year we're here, we're reminded of those that helped us, those that gave us that last push ever onward. I thought I was gonna be one of them this year. But no, family kept us together." She looked over to her right, and then her left. "It keeps us -all- together. Family has each others backs, brothers and sisters... cousins in between.” 
“Together, we remember those that gave us the chance for tomorrow, and Together, we'll see it." Her jaw clenches as the hand at her head falls back to rest on her belt as she offers the candles and those present a deep bow. 
"Thank you, for everything."
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makai-matters-xiv · 4 years
The Vigil for the Fallen - Dawn Aegis
Another turn. One more year passed, many more lives lost. The battles never get easier, and the losses never bring less pain.
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There are always more candles. Every death must be honored, and I remember every name.
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As I stare out upon a sea of faces, I cannot help but ask myself: Which of them will I have to bury next? Which of their names must I carve into candles? Who must I next mourn?
I don’t tell them what thoughts cross my mind. The unassailable mask I must wear to protect them cuts deeply, but I cannot shed it.
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… Still, it is nice to have allies. It’s nice to have a family.
I just cannot seem to shake the fear, the dread that fills me. I’m not ready to lose them.
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I’m not ready to say goodbye.
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makai-matters-xiv · 4 years
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I will not be told where to stand! I will not be told what to say Not by man or machine. Not by you, not by anyone tonight!
You’re gonna have to do better than Fear!
You’re gonna have to step out of the Shadows and fight!
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makai-matters-xiv · 4 years
GARO Project dropped the opening to Garo: Versus Road on Youtube, which gives us chorus vocals mixed with electronic music and an orchestra to combine the gothic mystical vibe the series is known for with the technological themes of VR.
We also see a glimpse of what the Garo armor looks like as well as a possible allusion it will have more than one bearer this season as the cast shifts briefly into Garo in the final seconds.
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Also, VR Garo Sword is FIRE. 
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makai-matters-xiv · 4 years
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I will not be told where to stand! I will not be told what to say Not by man or machine. Not by you, not by anyone tonight!
You’re gonna have to do better than Fear!
You’re gonna have to step out of the Shadows and fight!
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makai-matters-xiv · 5 years
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Somethings are worth fighting for Some feelings never die. I’m not askin’ for another chance, I just wanna know why...
There’s no easy way out, There’s no shortcut home.
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makai-matters-xiv · 5 years
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Upon the roof of this world Are distant voices calling for the final fight I will answer with victory
“Their voices, they call to me.” 
“A thousand, thousand cries to succeed.”
“I will not let them fade, I will not fail you…”
“…Not again.”
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makai-matters-xiv · 5 years
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Upon the roof of this world Are distant voices calling for the final fight I will answer with victory
"Their voices, they call to me.” 
“A thousand, thousand cries to succeed.”
“I will not let them fade, I will not fail you...”
“...Not again.”
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