makarosc · 2 months
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Zaki Anna nun
an old piece I did  outfit by :iconflamerthedragon: and :iconMetalZaki:
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makarosc · 2 months
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Suitlien helmet red
the "suitliens" as they're colloquialy called are a race of alien flat worms who takeover planets by stealing the bodies of native sapients. they do this by wrapping themselves around the victims neck and piercing the spinal cord and connecting to the brain. They will then attempt to blend in dressing in formal wear to hide the tie and will establish a corporation to subtly grow their numbers, their societal structure mirroring corporate culture though they can be quite flirtaous and they also seemed to have a preference for attractive sapients.
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makarosc · 2 months
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Trojan Emily prt 2
and risen as a loyal soldier of Eggman
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makarosc · 2 months
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Fur gorls
Due to lack of evidence of her abuse and Asmodeus reluctantly granted Stella partial custody of Octavia. Stolas not content with this situation enlisted the help of Via's Hellhound friend (and his future step-daughter) Loona to go with her to Andrealphus' palace to make sure Stella didn't try anything. Stella took this surprisingly well which terrified him and Blitz but it was all the more reason to keep them together. Soon the girls were off to Frostmarch for the winter as per the agreement Loona glared at the bags of dog food that had been put in the limo for Via's "dog"and Octavia was trying to calm her down. "I swear my mum isn't trying to imply anything" Octavia said nervously "I'm sure she'll love you" Loona sighs "she better I'm sick of people thinking of me as a dog it's like thinking of a human as a chimp" "Just just try not to rock the boat... for me" Loona sighs as they pull in to the mansion much to their surprise Stella is standing at the entrance "h-hey mum nice to see you... this is Loona" she gestures to Loona  "nice to meet you Loona now I know the arrangement isn't ideal but I promise we'll make the most of it" Stella said smiling "see I told you" Octavia said very much in denial about her mother's behavior  Loona shivers "fuck it's cold" "I told it would be" Via said "Not to worry uncle Andy left some gifts... for both of you" Stella hands them both shiny blue fur accented latex coats "interesting style..." Loona says Octavia elbows her  "ow" "The latex acts as an insulator and will keep you nice and toasty wherever you go" Stella explained both girls look at each other then back at the coats "Fuck it I'm cold" both girls slide into their coats "wow your right this are warm and comfy mmm..." Loona smiles "really mine feels really tight" Octavia says trying to unzip as Stella drapes her arms around the girls  "why won't this thing come... off!?" "why would it need to Via?" Stella asks grabbing her daughter's wrist "yeah why would it need to via" Loona asks looking wide eyed "Fuck! mind control.... coats... so... warm... No! gotta... gotta get it off... " "that's it Via just give in like the mutt" Stella said in a loving tone "shhhh" "y-yes.... mum..." Octavia said  Stella then kissed both of her daughters and led them inside
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makarosc · 2 months
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Trojan Emily part 1
oh dear seems Emily has fallen
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makarosc · 2 months
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Imperial academy standard uniform
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makarosc · 2 months
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Imperial arts academy uniform
the official school uniform for Nordrike students who have an affinity for the arts
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makarosc · 2 months
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flag of Nordrike
Nordrike or Norsy Imperyum or Eterisk Drekar Storveldi is a compulsory economic and customs union between various Midgardian nations and their overseas territories. It is believed to have been found sometime in the late 9th century early 10th century sometime after Haemar Fire Tongue ascended to the Hemish throne formed based on family ties between Bjorn Ironside of Kolgardr, Sigurd Snake-in-the-eye of Skanemark, and Haemar Fire Tongue of Hemelrand. However many historians dispute this as the alliance was short lived and largely dissolved with the death of Sigurd in 908 and Haemar having become trapped in Akavir 7 years prior the former leading to a Dyrosiil aligned Skanish king and civil war in Hemelrand. The more accepted beginning is in 922 after King Haemar miraculous return and the restoration of Klan Lodbrok to the Skanish throne. The purpose of the organization is to protect and expand the interests of the Nordic realms. All member states share a currency and military directly controlled by the Kjarrdrekar the head of the organization. while it is officially an economic and customs union many consider it to be another arm of the Hemish empire as it has the most colonies and the largest territory and economy in Midgard and the second largest in the neighboring Aerga and Imperial Drakes are printed in Hemelrand. Many non nordic nations in Midgard, Aerga, and Kolumbya have partnered the union including Aragonia, the Qaifan Union, El Nuevo Caliphato, Zerrikania, and Zhai Gnozsa. It also works closely with the Arapan MittelArapa organization due to shared interests. at present it comprises 39 states.
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makarosc · 2 months
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flag of Rochestria - Magyaria revised
Rochestria - Magyaria  is a vast multi ethnic kingdom located in southern Arapa with several sister realms further east. Different sources give different dates for the dual monarchy's founding but the two most common dates are 896 and 1288. the former being the Magyar-Nordic invasion of Rumenia and the latter being the conquest of Rochestria by Magyaria. what is agreed on however is the kingdom's founder Brynhildr the Great. Brynhildr was one of the many Norse living in the area at the time serving as a shield maiden under Jarl Dyre the Stranger. Due to the Jarl's alliance with the Magyar's she was called upon to fight in their conquest of the Kingdom of Rumenia. Brynhildr would distinguish herself in battle to the point that the Magyar priests believed her to be some form of spirit, they would be proven correct upon discovery of her Valkyrian heritage. This was the core factor in her ascention to the Magyar throne upon the sudden death of Tantu Khan. She would go on to reform the tribal confederation into a Feudal commonwealth. This Commonwealth is the basis for nations modern government. Brynhildr then go on to expand the realm conquring parts of both the Steppes and central Arapa giving positions of power to her fellow Valkyries and establishing the Valkyrian Pentarchy.  The nation is bordered by Polania (formerly the Zubikan Empire) to it's North, Petruscha to it's west, Okelaivia to it's South and Zaporozhia to it's east. it's landscape marked by it's fertile eastern plains and mountains western border. It's people are a mix of Griffs (slavic griffons), Nords (Germanic Wolves) and Steppe peoples (Sabre tooth tigers). historically it has had many conflicts with it's neighbors none more recent than the Weltkreig where Zubikah invaded the North. Following the Kaisereich's victory in the weltkreig it and Petruscha established several brother and sister kingdoms from the defeated Zubikah's former territory including Zaporozhia and Polania. It is also a founding member of MittelArapa.
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makarosc · 2 months
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Tessa the maid
This is probably not what Tessa had in mind when Scorch said she would live in a palace if she married him but the Arch dragon make it clear who was in charge. so once a month the arch dragon forces her to scrub the floors in a maid uniform while he has his way with Scorch
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makarosc · 2 months
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Trojan Seraphim
Oh no the Empire has breached Heaven and they've captured the Seraphim. Sera has already been taken by a Trojan bot but poor little Emily managed to escape the armbinds and is resisting. will she be able to escape the trojan bot and save Heaven? ....Probably not Trojan bot by :iconChaosCroc: this piece inspired by his and other sonic kink artists' works
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makarosc · 3 months
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Cerise Genovese-La Fontaine Thibodeaux
Angel Dust and Alastor's daughter Cerise. Cerise much like her fathers is very flamboyant and showboat-y owning several clubs in Hell with her brother Crimson. Many describe her as being a hypersexual version of Al and she directly competes with Angel's former master Val, many of his workers defected to her after Lucifer abolished soul contracts, as unlike Val Cerise treats her employees like employees instead of slaves. While her Godmothers Charlie and Vaggie don't approve of her business or behavior they do believe her to be better than Val and they still love her, they've also shifted away from getting into Heaven to reforming Hell
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makarosc · 3 months
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Estelle Bones
Estelle Bones is a rising star in Hell's motocross scene having already won several amateur competitions she's now joining the pro circuit ran by Overlord Missi Zilla. Despite her rising star details of her life prior are quite scarce she has no sponsors yet is able fund her entire venture with seemingly her own money. Her name Estelle is an unusual one for a Hellhound and Bones is more of a racist stereotype of a Hellhound surname. She also appears to be hiding a British accent leading many to speculate she may be or have been a Goetia pet. Despite the rumors which Estelle fervently denies she has become quite popular among Hell's youth notably with Crown Princess Octavia Goetia and Princess Consort Loona Buckzo-Goetia
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makarosc · 3 months
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Imperial arts academy uniform male
in Norsy and Griv culture tthe arts are regarded as a feminine pursuit overseen by the goddess of beauty herself Belhild. This does not mean boys aren't aloud to be artistic far from it in fact after all Kynrota and the other Valkyries pursue masculine activities, no if they're aptitude permits it any boy will join the imperial arts academy and he will be held to the same standards as the girls including dress code 
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makarosc · 3 months
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the "suitliens" as they're colloquialy called are a race of alien flat worms who takeover planets by stealing the bodies of native sapients. they do this by wrapping themselves around the victims neck and piercing the spinal cord and connecting to the brain. They will then attempt to blend in dressing in formal wear to hide the tie and will establish a corporation to subtly grow their numbers, their societal structure mirroring corporate culture though they can be quite flirtaous and they also seemed to have a preference for attractive sapients.
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makarosc · 3 months
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Jean Goetia Astral Academy
Toamac's Jean has been accepted to the prestigious Astral Academy truly a great honor the only problem is she doesn't remember applying or being so tall or  even knowing the academy existed or the fact that she's a 9 ft demon
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makarosc · 4 months
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Slutty Anna
Since Octavia and Loona had to drag Anna along to the party anyway they decided to have some fun with it and convinced her it was a catholic mass and this was the Hell version of a nun's habit Anna having suffered a head injury before becoming their bodyguard believed them
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