makotoai · 5 years
if you indulge in his sex story he tell you his dick is bioluminescent blue
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“I can be quiet if you can”
that stream huh… its was… it was good
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makotoai · 6 years
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Pride Bird Plushies
Yinza on Etsy
See our #Etsy or #Plush tags
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makotoai · 6 years
This isnt my idea but someone on reddit told me to make it lol
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makotoai · 6 years
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makotoai · 6 years
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makotoai · 6 years
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Here are the inaugural TEN weapons in my ORIENTATION & GENDER ARMORY series! Each weapon was designed using the flag of the orientation represented for inspiration!
If you want to pick up some sweet D&D/weapons enthusiast/not-just-another-flag-on-a-shirt-related pride gear, check out my redbubble here! I also have an Inprnt if you’re interested in that!
Stay tuned for info on new merch soon! Hope you love them as much as I do!
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makotoai · 6 years
okay so what’s the mood for june?
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makotoai · 6 years
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This is America.
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makotoai · 7 years
The Watcher: Ah, yes, I love all of my friends. Eder, Aloth, Pallegina, Maneha, Zahua, Devil of Caroc, Kana, Sagani, Hiravias, Grieving Mother, and... *looks at smudged writing on hand* Dipshit.
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makotoai · 7 years
Given that I am currently replaying it and the sequel comes out in April, I’d like to take a moment to recommend Pillars of Eternity to those who enjoy isometric RPGs. 
Pillars of Eternity has:  -Highly customizeable PCs. There are 6 races, each with at least 2 subraces, 11 classes, 7 cultures, and 17 backgrounds. Do you want to be a dwarf monk artist who’s searching for inspiration? Hell yeah. An elf wizard who ran their shop into the ground and has to start over? A royal paladin aumaua (giant, semi-aquatic, spiky teeth) who survived an assassination attempt? Why not? There are many options. 
-Multiple difficulty settings. Do you want things to fall over if you glance at them sternly? Story telling mode is for you. Want frustratingly hard with the game automatically deleting your save if you die? That’s an option too. 
-Companions. There are 8 in the base game and 3 more in the expansion. They range from Has Never Done Anything Wrong In Her Life to Complete Asshole, and all of them have their own interesting, unique storylines and personalities. You are pretty much guaranteed to fall in love with at least one. (Sadly, you cannot romance any, but this is changing in the sequel.) They interact with you! They interact with each other! They interact with the story! 
-Reputations that last and matter. You have both individual reputations (what you say and how) and area reputations (what you’ve done for certain factions or places). As the game progresses, characters will react more and more to those things. 
-A lot of narrative freedom. There are compelling reasons your character will want to do the main quest regardless of their affiliations, but there’s a lot of different ways to accomplish your end goal. Do you want to be staggeringly evil? You absolutely can. But if you’d prefer to be a ray of (relative) sunshine and help everyone you meet, you can do that too. 
-An interesting, well fleshed out world. There are a lot of supplemental sources outside the game, but you don’t need them. No important information is hidden in other materials. (Gentle cough in Bioware’s direction.) And unlike a lot of settings, a war is not raging or coming; the war is long over, but there are still consequences the people are dealing with. 
There are a lot of other good things about it, but basically, it is a Good, Story Driven game, and you should totally try it if you’re into that sort of thing. 
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makotoai · 7 years
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An attempt at a comic – feat. my Watcher (Bryony) and Hiravias
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makotoai · 7 years
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Im literally losing my mind rn
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makotoai · 7 years
Pillars of Eternity is an excellent game about how the pain and anguish inflicted by war can be felt through generations, leaving scars even centuries after. It’s a refreshing subversion to a lot of high fantasy stories where battles between nations are epic, righteous, and most of all, the climatic culmination of the hero’s journey. In PoE, the hero’s tale starts dealing with the fallout of a chain of wars, the most recent only a decade behind them. Even the land that claimed victory is littered with broken families and plagued by lost souls.
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makotoai · 7 years
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Nature’s Shepherd
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makotoai · 7 years
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If anyone asks me if they should play Pillars of Eternity I’m just going to show them this image.
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makotoai · 7 years
Farewell online privacy
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makotoai · 7 years
When you die, you appear in a cinema with a number of other people who look like you. You find out that they are your previous reincarnations, and soon you all begin watching your next life on the big screen.
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