Final 8 Photographs from my MP2- Existential Oddity Project
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The above shows my 8 final photographs from my project, Existential Oddity. These photographs will be shown at the degree show. These photographs are a combination of staged and spontaneous. 
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Exhibition Layout for the Degree Show
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The above shows my exhibition layout on the wall, and how it will look at the exhibition. I created this on Artsteps website. I have even given the dimensions above the layout which shows the sizes of my print size, framed size for individual print, and the size of framed prints in landscape format.
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My Most Powerful Images from Shoot 9
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The above shows my most powerful photographs from shoot 9. 
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Edits from Shoot 9
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The above shows an example of the editing process on Adobe Photoshop. Here, I am using brightness/contrast to get a proper exposure.
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Major Project (Existential Oddity) - Shoot 9 - Contact Sheet
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The above shows a contact sheet from shoot 9.
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My Most Powerful Images from Shoot 8
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The above two photographs are my most powerful ones from shoot 8. I found that the angle and mystery of the first image worked well. The rich and deep contrasts of the second photo along with the scene makes it seem like stepping into the past. The second photograph was inspired by Shadows of Wormwood by Arthur Bondar.
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Edits from Shoot 8
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The above shows a screenshot of the editing process on Adobe Photoshop.
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Major Project (Existential Oddity) - Shoot 8 - Contact Sheet
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The above shows a contact sheet of shoot 8. All of these photographs were taken in and around my house.
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My Professional Two - Joel Pickford
My second professional is Joel Pickford. Joel Pickford is a photographer and filmmaker. When I asked him if he would be my professional, he wrote the below email to me:
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To which I wrote that I have sent the attached files consisting of my portfolio and feedback form. As shown below:
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Ady Kerry’s Tutorial with Me
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Today, I had a tutorial with Ady Kerry. 
The above shows a screenshot of Ady’s tutorial with me. We were both very pleased to see each other. Ady first asked me why I chose this particular portfolio and how I got transferred to Fenton House. I stated that that Collections/Museum Photography is my field of interest as I am keen on history, historical archives and old collections. I then told him that Sapna (my mum) and I got transferred to Fenton House from our local park, where we came across a senior curator of silverware who then gave us the details of Fenton House.
Kerry then gave me a session as to how I should do the editing process well. So he demonstrated it on Adobe Bridge and he used my photographs to show how I should use correct exposure, brightness, highlights to make my photos have the correct colour balance. He also stated that as I use tripod for my collection work, that I should try and keep the ISO on 100 as more light enters the camera making the photos clearer and gives it a colour pop. 
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He gave me many tips and tricks about using different effects on Adobe Bridge and also stated the importance of using the correct F-Stop and Shutter Speed. Kerry also gave me help on the Marketing side of Photography. He gave me the name of Auction Houses where I can get practice and learn about how to photograph collections in a professional manner. The conversation ended with discussing photography on the whole. We spoke of the different types of cameras, understanding both digital vs film broadly, to Kerry’s own work when he working at the RAF, and his photographs behind him with the appearance resembling Minimalism. 
Thank you Ady Kerry
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Ady Kerry - Editorial Photographer
Ady Kerry is based in Kent and is a freelance photographer working as an Editorial Photographer. He used to work for the RAF in the 1980s and he has photographed other places, people and venues like sports competitions. He has also photographed many picturesque sceneries like seascapes where he captured the English Channel Coast to capturing the windswept stretch of the Dungeness Estate which is a private nature reserve.
Kerry runs workshops; at colleges he gives talks to photographic students. He also gives lectures and judges photo competitions for camera clubs in not just Kent, but elsewhere in the UK as well.
I wrote an email to Ady Kerry asking him if he would kindly be my second professional and sent him by PDF Portfolio and feedback form. Ady Kerry was very grateful for my email to him and asked for my High-Res images of my photographs as he wanted to look at them in their high quality form. The screenshot below shows his email to me:
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After sending him my High_Res files, he decided that he would give me a tutorial on how I can make my photographs even better. I said that I would be pleased to do a tutorial with him. The below screenshot shows what he wrote in response to me agreeing with the tutorial:
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To which I wrote:
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He was very kind to give me a tutorial about how I can improve the technical, editing, lighting and other aspects of my photographs. He also stated that because he will already be helping me with how I can improve my photographs, I should ask another photographer to be my second professional.
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Zoom Call with Xiomaro
On the 31st of March at 4pm, Xiomaro and I had a zoom call. 
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Xiomaro was very enthusiastic and very positive. He spoke of everything which he felt were the tick points of my portfolio. I thanked him for his statement in my feedback review which said that he would let me work with him if I was in America. I then asked him for tips on how I can market my work in order to get work. He talked me through that and then he just spoke of the photographs in my pdf portfolio which he liked the most.
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My Professional One - Xiomaro is Ready to View my PDF Portfolio
After receiving feedback from my teachers about my PDF Portfolio, I am now ready to share my finalized and updated Portfolio to my professionals. I have sent Xiomaro an email stating that he can now review and that we need to do a zoom call so that I can hear his feedback better. The below shows my email to him.
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Below shows Xiomaro’s response to my email
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I will be speaking to Xiomaro on the 31st of March at 4pm on Zoom where he will be discussing my portfolio and where I will be asking questions and making any notes which I think are relevant.
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My Research for My MP2
Research 1:
Ansel Adam’s Photographs
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The above shows Adam Ansel’s photographs. His ‘Siesta Lake’ on the left and his ‘Mono Lake’ on the right really captivated me because of the B&W Minimalist appearance. The Monochrome and the landscapes gives these photographs the very ‘Kafkaesque’ appearance; the use of reflection, contrast between the darker and lighter areas, the abstractness and the general feeling of a never ending vastness of dark land all falls into the category of loneliness, depression, confusion as well as being at peace with your surroundings. Ansel’s third photograph, ‘White Branches’, Mono Lake, has a very surreal, abstract and hauntingly beautiful look to it. The white branch against the muddy looking water and scenery behind adds to the charm and mystery; the contrast between the branch and scenery gives the scene a staged look which probably explains the light falling on the branch.
Research 2:
Film Noir - This refers to a style or genre of cinematographic film marked by a mood of pessimism, fatalism, and menace. It was at its peak during 1944-54. 
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The above shows a scene from the category of Film Noir. The silhouette of the man with the hat against the hauntingly beautiful foggy lights which shine with a godly like appearance creates a very powerful scene. The clear difference in contrast between the man and the lights gives a somewhat comfortable but intense scene. The comfort lies in the fact that the subject appears still with the other man in front of him further down also appearing still, but intense because it is clear that this scene is a night scene with the black clothing arousing a suspicion and because we cannot make out their faces. 
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The above shows a photograph of a night scene taken at an unusually interesting angle. The silhouette of the two people on the bottom right corner adds to the mystery along with the filmy light that is directly falling onto the concrete. This type of angle adds to the ‘Kafkaesque’ theme of dread, loneliness, mystery, darkness and despair and so forth. This photograph is the type that I want to incorporate into my own work.
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Speaking with Photographer - Paul Ellis
On this day I spoke to photographer Paul Ellis who gave me feedback on how I can improve my portfolio.
He stated that I ought to get rid of the shadows on two of my snuff bottles and that I should remove the border on the front page.
He also gave me many tips on how I should use my lighting in the future and the importance of using certain software and websites for certain companies when working for them.
Overall, I was pleased with his feedback.
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My Most Powerful Images from Shoot 7
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Edits from Shoot 7
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The above shows an example of the editing of one of my images from shoot 7. I have increased the contrast here and decreased the lighting to create the themes of Kafka. I have increased the levels a little bit too.
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