malcolmtate · 10 years
Malcolm didn't have any time to react to the strange, wolf life face that Peter Hale's face had now become. He felt a sharp, hot pain and then the sound of something being torn. Malcolm looked down at his had to see chunks missing. "What the hell-" Malcolm screamed as the reality of what had happened clicked in his mind.
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The punch was a little expected but the ones that kept coming hadn’t been but he didn’t feel them much thanks to his wolf side. And it was that very wolf side that came out and snapped down on Malcolm Tate’s fist. He wouldn’t let go of it for a while and when he did he had made sure that his teeth had sunken in before tearing them apart and taking some of the mans hand with him.
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malcolmtate · 10 years
Seeing Peter snap in front of him was almost enough to drive him over the edge. Listening to how he explained he was no longer a father was all he had needed to give him the well earned punch he deserved. Which he did. Malcolm punched Peter right in the jaw and didn't stop. He couldn't stop. "Isn't it enough that you slept with my wife so that you now have to take away the only child I have left?"
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"You didn’t think about it.” Peter snapped. “You didn’t think of every possibility and even after two months you are still so blind to her.” Peter moved so that he was close to Malcolm’s face with a clenched jaw trying to hold back fromsnapping. His claws where already out but he kept them firmly at his sides. “The thing is, I am. I am a father and you aren’t because the only child you had is dead. You aren’t a panret anymore. You’re just a sad drunk living alone.”
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malcolmtate · 10 years
"I was going after the thing that I thought had killed Malia and the rest of my family!" Malcolm shouted at Peter. His temper was rising fast and it was getting harder and harder to control. "What would you do if a creature or anyone tried to hurt her? Would you sit back and watch or would you take action?
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You are no father!"
Peter looked to the birth certificate on the floor and then slowly back up at Malcolm. He was beyond angry now and that showed in the red glow of his eyes. “And who exactly whispers because only a few of the town knows I’m alive. No judge in their right mind would allow an alcoholic who endangered the town and walked into a school with a firearm with a child.”
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malcolmtate · 10 years
"DNA means nothing anymore. I've raised her! I took her in when she came back!" Malcolm screamed at Peter. He tossed the newly printed birth certificate to the floor. "I don't have to tempt you to do anything. The whole town whispers about you.
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No judge in the right mind would let you have custody.”
"And yet the piece of paper and a little thing called DNA says different. She might not want me yet but she will need me more than she will you and with that reliance and help that I can giver her we’ll form a bond. You only had a few years before she went missing. " Peter was getting fed up with Malcolm now. And fed up of hearing the same thing over and over again. "I have power, Malcolm. So much more than you can possibly comprehend. Don’t tempt me into using it on you." It wasn’t even a full moon yet he could feel the urge to kill already. 
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malcolmtate · 10 years
Malcolm reluctantly took the piece of paper and read it quickly. It was everything he had not wanted to believe. He listened to Peter's speech as he focused in on the small print that had claimed Peter as Malia's father and balled his hands up into a fist. "She isn't yours. She won't want you so why can't you just leave her alone?
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She wants to stay with me, the man she thinks of as a father.”
As Malcolm finished talking, Peter went to his car and pulled out the new and revised version of Malia’s birth certificate and handed it to Malcolm. “That piece of paper proves that she is mine. Not yours. I’m not taking anything away from you because you have nothing for me take. Understand that, and understand that fast. She was  all you have left  but the moment that DNA  came back is the moment you had nothing.Go back to your drink and quit bothering me and my family.”
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malcolmtate · 10 years
"Our daughter. She's still mine just as much, if not more, as she is yours. I want us to work something out so that we can both have her. She's all I have left Peter. C'mon. You know what its like to lose every family member and then to find on alive after so many years of loss and pain... the relief in that can't be described.
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Don't be cruel to take that away from me."
Peter had arrived before Malcolm. It was a little strange seeing the house to the ground completely. Not even in the burned state it was in had made him feel this unnerved because it was still there. And then he heard Malcolm pull up. “So you wanted to talk about my daughter?”
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malcolmtate · 10 years
Malcolm didn't know what exactly to say to the man before him. It wasn't as if Peter gave him any chance to say anything so he just did what he told but that was the only time in this conversation that he would do that. 
It hadn't been a long drive but it wasn't until he pulled up at the address Peter gave he saw that it was the house he had saw in the papers a few years ago where most of the Hale family had died. Everything in his mind was telling him to leave and to just go and this over a coffee, somewhere people could see them both but he was already here and he wanted this sorted since, legally, he had no rights. 
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It had been the first call of the day and Peter had no sleep so had been feeling irratible with that and everything else going on. First he had a mystery child. Then found said child and now that child hates him. Things with his new husband where not tat the best becuase his sister in law who killed ost of his family was bacl and not dead like he had believed. And to top this all off he had been robbed of 117 million. 
So when Peter climbed off the truck and saw Malcolm Tate he had tried to ignore the man but it was to when all the house could hear him calling Peter’s name. Clenching his jaw he turned around and walked to Malcom and rolled his eyes at the man. “Not here.” Taking out a piece of paper he cribbled down the address of his old house, or what was  left of it, and handed it to Malcolm. “Meet me here. Then we can talk.”
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malcolmtate · 10 years
"I don't think I have the money to run her through a court case. Or the standing to keep her. What would you do in this situation?"
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"All, all I can say is i hope the best thing comes out of it for Malia. She doesn’t need to be run through any court cases. Maybe you and Peter can come up with some joint custody agreement." 
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malcolmtate · 10 years
Malcolm was feeling all kinds of new anger since the post that carried the letter from peter Hale's lawyer arrived in his mail box. He hadn't opened it until Malia had left for school and even when she did he hesitated opening it. When he did it said the same thing he expected to find, that Peter would drag him through the courts, and it would  be a quick case, but that Malcolm had no parental rights now that Malia's birth certificate had changed. Something he didn't even know was in process until the letter.
Soon as he got himself together he drove to the local firehouse, where Peter told him he'd worked, and waited at the front until he saw a truck pull in and the man to climb out."Peter! Can we talk about Malia? I need to know that you aren't going to shut me out completely. She's my daughter, not biologically, and I still have rights. I know she is yours as well but I don't think it would be good for her if we can't make a rational and fair decision on this."
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malcolmtate · 10 years
"I don't think that will do any of us good. I will fight but there is only so far I can get and you have to know that the chance of this ending well is not a good one. I don't have the money or the DNA to make it so that you are mine. He does. I'll talk to him to try and get something so that I can still be there for you."
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"I will keep running back here if they do take me away. It wasn’t your fault that I was away, and they will know that…they have to know that!"
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malcolmtate · 10 years
"They will but I don't think it will matter much because you've been away for so long. I'm not. Not biologically."
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"It’ll be what I want, so they will have to listen to me. You are my dad, not him."
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malcolmtate · 10 years
"I want to fight but its hard when he has everything to use against me and I have nothing to stop him. I want her with me. She's my daughter. Not on paper or DNA but she still is. What could you do to help? You're just a kid."
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"Well not fighting him with everything that you have is just like letting him take her. He’s a psycho and a danger to everyone around him. Malia living with him will get her hurt. I dont know what you need to win, but I can try and help."
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malcolmtate · 10 years
"It is all that he needs to get custody. One piece of paper and I stop being a dad. She was missing for eight years, without me. The court will see that and say she raised herself. I have no standing here. "
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Melissa looked at him as she nodded, “I understand her needing to adjust to things. And she shouldn’t blame herself for her mom and sister’s death. Hopefully one day she won’t think like that too much.” she said with a smile. She took a breath and she gazed at him when he read it out loud and she put a hand on his shoulder, “I’m so sorry. But just because it’s a DNA test doesn’t mean that you have to quit being her father. You loved her since she was little and you even grieved for her.”
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malcolmtate · 10 years
"She was having trouble adjusting. She kept saying that it was her fault that her mom and sister died and I couldn't have her thinking that of herself. I spoke a few doctors and they recommended that place. I think it helped but not so much as either of us would have liked."He hated that his time with Malia had been so short but hated that she wasn't able to recover. He swallowed and then took the test and read aloud. "The DNA test confirms that Malcolm Tate is not the father of Mlaia Tate," he scrunched up the test a little and put his hands to his face.
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"True I guess some of the things I haven’t thought about in a while could just be some craziness." she said as she looked at him and she shook her head, "No thank you, I don’t need to go there. I hear you sent Malia there. Can I ask why you did? It’s not the best place to bring anyone really" Melissa told him as she walked to the results lab and started to look for his file. She found it and she handed it to him so he could read her. She herself knowing what it probably said. 
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malcolmtate · 10 years
"I'm not sure that would enough.  I will fight with everything I have but compared to him it is minuscule and barely accounted for."
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"I’ll tell every lawyer that he had that I don’t wan to live with him. What good will having a biological daughter who refuses to live with him do for his appearance? We will fight him together dad."
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malcolmtate · 10 years
"I don't want to let that bastard do anything.
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He has money, lawyers and is half of Malia's DNA. I can't do anything. Why the Hell does it bother you?"
"Mr. Tate, I just…we should talk. About Peter Hale and why you can’t let him take her away from you." 
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malcolmtate · 10 years
"I think you are best talking to Peter Hale."
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"I wanted to talk about Malia.."
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