malfaiths-blog · 7 years
‘ ugh, i don’t know if you’ve been told as well, but i’m not snogging bloody bludgers after winning a game! ’  mary threw herself on the gryffindor table’s bench.  ‘ apparently, some third year hufflepuff has been spreading this rumour around school.  i’m going to find out who that little wanker is. ’  she grabbed her fork & stabbed one of the eggs in her plate, making the yolk explode.  ‘ some people don’t know how to lose, do they? ’
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THE GRYFFINDOR TABLE is rowdy, but that is to be expected from a bunch of useless fools. it has always been this way. gryffindors are unnecessarily loud, and even without the house rivalry, lucius thinks he would’ve despised them all the same. he sighs, head turned to face his companion. “ are we done here? ” his tone is sharp, reprimanding, — as if warning them to never have him pass by the gryffindor table with them again just because they wanted to pick a fight — yet loud enough for those at the table to hear him. “ i don’t believe we need to know how macdonald supposedly snogged a bludger. unless it makes you jealous? ” he leaves it open-ended, so either macdonald or his companion could jump in their defenses. 
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malfaiths-blog · 7 years
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✴︎ — Alecto laughed, unable to help herself. “ Like McGonagall actually wanders around the castle at this time. I’m sure she’s in the Great Hall enjoying her lunch, ” Alecto replied with a wave of her hand. She grinned at Lucius, “ where’re you headed ? ”
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“ PERHAPS. BUT I’M SURE she’s not the only one in the castle who you’d need to watch your tongue with, no? ” it’s a SLIGHT. he means: i don’t appreciate you using that tone on me, alecto. but alecto carrow has never been one for listening, and lucius knows that she doesn’t mean any harm. not with him, at least. the rest of the school isn’t his concern. he turns his head, his hair collecting at the nape of his neck. “ to the great hall, ” he replies, dry amusement taking over his tone. “ i’m afraid not all of us eat first years for lunch. had your fill for the day, alecto? ”
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malfaiths-blog · 7 years
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narcissa is engrossed in transcribing a spell for memory when his voice cuts through the silence, far too much like a knife would through water. his voice sends her gaze flittering towards the heavy engagement ring on her finger. it’s a gaudy thing, surrounded by diamonds and adorned with a heavyset emerald in the middle. less an engagement ring more just a show of malfoy wealth she thinks. malfoy malfoy malfoy. she thinks, repeating the name over in her head. narcissa malfoy? she tests the name uneasily, like a new pair of trousers and decide it sounds strange. though nothing about their arrangement is usual to the eye of a viewer. “of course.” she says, her voice lilting in the pretty way her mother tells her to speak. though the air around them is still tense and awkward. the ticking days until her wedding feel more like a funeral. “i was just working on charms homework.”
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HIS BETROTHED. narcissa cordelia black — his intended. soon, the black name adorning her signature would change. he knows this. not one bit of their engagement process has been done without his consent. everything — including the ring on her finger — has been approved by him before his father so much as stepped out of his study where father and son had discussed the matters of marriage. it’s merely a business deal, only an alliance. yet, lucius is not foolish enough to assume that he could not speak to his betrothed for the remaining of his last year of school. after all, one day he is to have her hand in marriage, and what better time to get to know her before they are forced to share a bed? he offers an arm. “ well? will you join me at my table? ” he asks. “ let me help you with your belongings. ” it isn’t so much of a request as it is a statement.
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malfaiths-blog · 7 years
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THE HOGWARTS LIBRARY IS NOWHERE NEAR as exquisite as the one on the top floor of the malfoy manor, with its vast floor and towering shelves, but it has its uses. for one, they do house an extensive collection of books and records. still, the one in hogwarts smells like dust and old books, and lucius has to suppress the urge of wrinkling his nose. at least it isn’t rowdy, with pince hissing at any student who so much as opens their mouth. he finds his way to the back of the library, where no one has yet to fill up. his bag left on one of the seats, he then proceeds to search for a particular book about advanced potion making. it’s then that he spots a glimpse of blonde between the shelves, and as he nears, he calls out in a low tone, “ NARCISSA. care for some study company? ”
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malfaiths-blog · 7 years
✴︎ — Alecto smiled to herself, turning a corner. The redhead was particularly proud of the horn-growing hex she’d shot at the first year Gryffindor, and she made her way through the corridors away from where the student was screaming at the terror of having the pointy horns shooting out of her head. Alecto found herself in the entrance hall, almost running into someone on her way down the steps. “ Watch where you’re going, ” she snapped, readjusting her bag on her shoulder.
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HE DOES NOT FALTER. he holds his ground still, even at the biting words uttered by his housemate. lucius mirrors her, pulling his bag higher on his shoulder and leveling her gaze with his own. “ and perhaps you ought to watch your tongue, alecto, ” he says, his voice cool as ever. there’s a hint of amusement barely visible in his tone. “ you wouldn’t want to snap at the wrong person, would you? i’m sure mcgonagall would have your hide for speaking to her in such a manner. ”
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malfaiths-blog · 7 years
Homo proponit, sed Deus disponit.
man proposes, but god disposes. // thomas à kempis (via neverlandswriter)
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malfaiths-blog · 7 years
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HELLO HELLO THE NAME’S KAR, i’m 19 ( and never fuckin learned how to read ) and i go by any pronouns?? primarily they’re she/fae but use whatever u like as long as it’s not it/its and we’re good pals!! anyways, i’m here 2 bring u the one n only LUCIUS MALFOY w his pet peacock and two hours spent in front of the mirror styling his hair. i’m really bad at introductions but under the cut is my ( semi ) serious lucius introduction!!
( YOON JEONGHAN, DEMIBOY, HE/HIM ) — LUCIUS MALFOY ? oh, you mean the EIGHTEEN year old PUREBLOOD. they’re a SEVENTH year SLYTHERIN, aren’t they ? i’ve heard they’re really RESOURCEFUL, but i know for a fact that they can be CALLOUS at times. rumor has it that after graduation they'll SIDE WITH THE DEATH EATERS.
born to abraxas and anais malfoy, lucius grew up pampered. a prince in his own right — the prince of the house of malfoy. abraxas, while tough on him, did what he did out of love. lucius knew it too, for his father wouldn’t have given that amount of effort searching for only the best tutors and schooling him on wand works and potions from such an early age if he wasn’t doing it for love. all he wanted was the best for his heir. lucius isn’t blind; he sees it too. he sees why it’s necessary and never once has he voiced out a complaint.
yet those who work in the malfoy manor know that he grew up too fast. by the time he turned ten he could easily hold a conversation with someone four years his senior. a prodigy, the young prince is, they whisper. but at what cost?
abraxas loves him, and lucius couldn’t be any more thankful for the schooling his father put him through, but both father and son are blinded by love that they do not see what’s become of the young malfoy. he could ask for anything he wishes in this world, yet, there’s one thing that lucius abraxas malfoy never could have: a childhood.
but his mother loves him too. oh, does she love him. abraxas might be her heart, but lucius is her entire life. she dotes on him in her own quiet little way. nobody expected anais to be the mother that she is, but she is. and lucius too, loves his mother. where his father is hard on all his edges, anais is where lucius turns to when he’s in need of solace.
anyways this is long already and i’m trying to be poetic but it’s Not Working and i’ve only touched on his childhood but those are my headcanon based stuff so i figured they were necessary. tldr; lucius grew up loved. there are a lot of dysfunctional pureblood families out there, and though yes, abraxas might have “fucked up” lucius’ childhood, so to speak, family is everything to lucius and that wasn’t born out of duty or fear. it is his duty, but above all, love is what drives him. he wants to make his parents proud, and he will stand tall to see what his father and mother wished for him to accomplish.
moving on, lucius is cold yes, but he’s not an unnecessary asshole. he looks down on most of everyone and carries himself as though he is king already, but would he waste time to stop a muggleborn on his way to classes to insult them? nah. he probably wouldn’t even spare a moment to look at them. he’s very guarded too, and probably prefers the term allies over friends bc he’s a Pretentious Bitch. that aside though, he is somewhat cordial towards most purebloods in his circle, if not to be all political and shit. he’s not kind, no, but he knows when diplomacy is required of him.
yeah so anyways what i said about his hair in my opening paragraph? that’s only half a joke. he cares a lot about his appearances, and puts a lot of stock into it. he doesn’t dress to impress, but he does dress to intimidate. appearances make a bold statement, and lucius thinks any politician should know the power they have. i imagine at this age his hair isn’t particularly long yet, — probably shoulder length — but remember that in the movies when he has his long blonde hair he has it tied back with a green ribbon and well, that’s the most lucius malfoy thing i’ve ever seen.
silver snake, iron king, golden heir — you name it. he’s one hell of a pretentious bitch and if u see me referring to the elements and giving him titles like that, that’s because he sees it fit. trust me, he gives me a headache to write too with how pretentious he is but I Love Him.
his birthday is on december 22, making him a winter baby and a capricorn, which also means he just recently turned eighteen during their winter holidays.
oh, one last thing! honestly, he really doesn’t care how people see his gender and he doesn’t exactly advertise that he’s a demiboy, but he knows what he is and is confident in both his gender identity and expression. he’s not a man, and for lucius, what anyone else says doesn’t matter. also quick additional hc i have but i hc abraxas is also demifluid so transphobia is most definitely Not Something that happens in the malfoy household.
i have more useless facts and headcanons about lucius too such as his boggart, wand, etc etc but since this is already Long™, i’ll save that for later.
uhhh here is lucius’ pinterest board btw and that quote in the desc is him af too!
to finish this off, have a lucius malfoy af quote: “ do not mistake me for my mask. you see light dappling on the water and forget the deep, dark cold beneath. ”
anyways! hmu if u wanna plot with me!
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malfaiths-blog · 7 years
You have such a February face, So full of frost, of storm and cloudiness.
William Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing (via soracities)
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malfaiths-blog · 7 years
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Rabbit_Daybreak // 171229
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