maliaa · 5 years
you ever feel like you’re being too expressive like laughing a little too loud or take something too seriously and think “well time to become a rock and never show any feelings ever”
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maliaa · 5 years
If you are an INFJ, what do you think is the hardest part of having this personality?
Feels alone. INFJs put a very high bar for themselves and others and it’s a problem because some INFJs can easily get disappointing or feel misunderstood. To them, you will never understand our weird way of thinking or our feelings or actions such as being passive despite not wanting to or suddenly wanting to be alone.
Sometimes feeling conflicted. INFJs have a strong set of morals/beliefs and are empathetic. This allows us to see both sides of the argument, most of the time, and this sometimes makes us conflicted on which side to pick to obtain the best outcome. Logic vs Emotions. Selfless vs Selfish. Humble vs Proud.
Being to hard on oneself. Sometimes our first instinct is to blame our self and some of us feel shame all the time. We try really hard to be better than ourselves and good all the time that it gets tiring.
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maliaa · 5 years
Ni-dom Culture
- “oh sh*t it’s midnight!”
- maladaptive daydreaming
- running into things on a daily basis
- nicking yourself while shaving bc you were too busy thinking about the inevitable doom of the universe to be careful with the razor
- saying things like “at least we won’t be around when the sun dies” in casual conversations
- getting vibes™️ from EVERYONE & EVERYTHING (i.e. “that plant is happy”)
- occasionally being in awe of the physical world around you
- ignoring the physical world around you 90% of the time
- not understanding why gossiping is a thing
- restarting a song 5 times in a row bc you keep zoning out too much to fully appreciate it
- “Where are my keys?”
- annoyingly random dissociative episodes
- feeling like you’re insane at least 50% of the time
- thinking you’ve come up with a great joke & then being internally crushed when nobody laughs at it
- making connections that other people raise their eyebrows at
- saying or thinking “everything is connected” at least 10 times a day
- “The world is amazing!”
*10 minutes later*:
“The world is awful!”
- “What is the point of existence?” (aka existential crisis 24/7)
- staying in your mental world/thought bubble bc the external world is so fricking overwhelming
- mile-long thought tangents
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maliaa · 5 years
Pro-tip for all intuitives
(Especially intuitive dominants; looking at you ENxPs and INxJs!)
Do not treat today as if it is inconsequential. I know we all dread attending to mundane maintenance business or learning that one skill that could improve one’s performance.
But! For someone concerned with potential, it is not terribly clever to dismiss doing the minor thing today (Se or Si) that adds up quickly to something huge and impactful (Ne or Ni).
That’s the key to realising all those great ideas in your mind. I mean it.
Okay, of course you know that. The point is to get over that emotional discomfort-hump to actually do anything.
How about setting aside 30 minutes in the morning to work on that thing you want to master?
I know. But hear me out.
It’s in the morning, so you can get it done immediately and then enjoy the rest of the day (instead of feeling burdened by the upcoming task). It’s 30 minutes because it won’t burn you out, ant yet it will make you progress a lot over a week, month, or 6 months. Both of these will add up to easy yet serious progress (just imagine!). Finally, this also builds stamina and hits you with quite a bit of dopamine.
This is especially essential for people who lack structure or external pressure in their current circumstances.
In this way, you show yourself that you care about your dreams enough to do even the tiniest of things in the (sensory) world.
Try it, if there is part of you that wants to. At least to reaffirm the fact that intuitives are open-minded.:’)
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maliaa · 5 years
Both are private. Both are idealists. Both can be perfectionists. Both are insightful, analytical, logical, and meticulous. And both are intuitives, preferring the abstract over black and white.
The biggest difference?
INFP is highly in tune with their own feelings 
INFJ is usually oblivious to theirs
INFP’s dominant function is Fi (their own feelings), but INFJ doesn’t even have Fi in their stack. (Same for ISFJ.) Instead, their “F” is extroverted (Fe) — which is other people.
INFP has ever-expanding ideas …inspired by feelings 
INFJ has ever-narrowing “insights” … about people
it’s the INFP who speaks fluent “ideas and dreams”
INFP is inspiration, with insight
INFJ is insight, with inspiration
At their worst:
INFP replays the past to relive emotions, and is sensitive (not critical)
INFJ gets lost in “white noise” / “nothingness,” and is critical (not sensitive)
When desperate:
INFP obliterates their creativity with convention (ending up soul-crushed)
INFJ obliterates their thinking with hedonistic indulgences (ending up ill)
Their insecurity / fear (or: the biggest insult):
INFP — “you’re not special,” “you’re too sensitive/naïve/spaced out”
INFJ — “your insights aren’t meaningful,” or “your life is meaningless”
INFP feels pride from being unique and being seen that way
INFJ feels pain from not being understood or connecting with others
INFJ biggest value isn’t “authenticity” but rather “universal meaning.” They are merely a vessel, and their F is focused on others, not self (their thoughts and insights — not feelings — are what’s focused internally, and sometimes INFJs are utterly blind to their own emotions.)
As Heidi Priebe wrote,
“Because INFPs tend to be highly creative and individualistic, most of them have never met another person quite like themselves (including other INFPs). For this reason, they find it fitting that their type is 1% of the population — they think this explains their individuality, when in reality it is their introverted feeling that sets them apart.”
Deepest desire:
INFJs want universal insight on other people (INFP doesn’t reallycare)
INFP wants unique expression of self (INFJ doesn’t really care)
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maliaa · 5 years
Similar with books and shows lol infj
MBTI types and finishing projects
Finishes projects: INTJ, ISTJ, ESTJ
Abandons projects: INFP, ISFJ, ESFJ, ISTP, ESFP
Starts working on a new project before the old one is finished: ENTJ, INFJ, ENFJ, ESTP
Constantly coming up with ideas but never actually doing anything: INTP, ENTP, ENFP, ISFP
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maliaa · 5 years
People I’ve met irl
- always the leader of the group
- strong opinions, tries to sway people their way
- direct and doesn’t really like it when people aren’t paying attention
- really nice and gets along with the group, only is harsh when annoyed
- not afraid of change and is constantly adapting
- hard exterior which makes it difficult to get close to them
- says they hate people a lot
- gives good advice to solve problems
- has a small group of friends, and trusts them very much
- asks friends what to do in relationships because they have no idea
- Energetic as hell
- talkative, and constantly making jokes
- tries to help people constantly, doesn’t know what to do when they push away
- very open and genuine
- can be too much for some people because of how energetic they are
- can be very talkative when you get to know them
- pretends to be mean but isn’t at all
- too generous and can be hurt easily
- knows a lot of random facts
- don’t make them too upset because they’ll most likely never let you in again
- 100% energetic or wants to be alone
- pretends they’re smarter than everyone
- accidentally insults their friends but feels bad about it
- probably likes anime or something
- always getting into and out of relationships because of how charming they are
- artistic and likes drawing nerdy things
- jokes around a lot with friends
- “did you know?”
- not as mean as everyone says, just doesn’t know what to say to emotional situations
- would rather play video games than school work but still passes the class
- 100% energetic or isolates themselves
- normally not the leader, but good leadership skills. Would just rather not do the work tbh.
- has 500 hobbies that change everyday
- cries at the beginning of an argument, then turns into the devil itself
- can easily pass all the classes, but sometimes is just too lazy
- moody but feels bad about it
- has 5 different crushes
- has a lot of online friends because of how much they enjoy being on their phone
- anxious to show their art to their friends because they can be too hard on themselves even if they’ve painted a masterpiece
- tries to hide their emotions through humor but you can easily read through it
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maliaa · 5 years
What are tell-tale signs you are an INFJ?
19 Signs That You’re an INFJ
1. From a young age, you felt different from the people around you
When you were young, you had plenty of friends but you never felt like you truly fit in. Sometimes you faked being more like them so they would accept you, but deep inside you felt that it’s not right.
2. You want to know what’s really going on in people’s lives
Not just trivial stuff like what they did this weekend or what they bought on their latest shopping trip. You want to dig deep and get at the things that no one else sees. What does the person in front of you really think? How does this person really feel? The fake facade they put up for other people doesn’t fool you.
3. Plans
You feel more comfortable having a loose plan for things than you do completely winging it.
4. You’re social, but you are not really social
You can be both incredibly shy, quiet, and withdrawn, as well as charming, fun, and hilarious. It’s all about the situation, your mood, and energy levels, and most important, the people you’re with.
5. How you handle problems
When someone comes to you with a problem, you usually don’t give them advice or your opinion unless they ask. Instead, you ask them questions to help them better understand the situation and their own feelings about it. Sometimes you tell a story of a time when something similar happened to you, in the hope that they’ll draw their own lesson. You feel like you can usually see the path they should take, but you don’t want them to do it just because you told them to. You want it to be their decision.
6. There are limits to your introversion
You are an introvert and you like alone time, but you can’t be alone for too long. Eventually you need to reunite with your people. “Your people” are a handful of good friends who truly get you. It can be just one person as well. Deep conversations with these people are priceless, and hanging out with them can actually boost your energy.
7. The door slam
You’ve been known to suddenly cut people out of your life when they’ve hurt you one too many times. It’s not that you enjoy cutting people out, rather, you do this simply to protect yourself. Even though you may look like you have it together on the outside, you’re extremely sensitive inwardly, and you’re especially sensitive to other people’s words and actions.
8. You can be a people-pleaser
Sometimes you try so hard to make other people happy that you forget to make yourself happy.
9. Empathy
You often feel like you see precisely what someone else is feeling, and you believe you know what they need deep down. You’re not always right, but you tend to be more perceptive than most.
10. You have a destiny
You feel like you’re destined for so much more than just dragging yourself to your 9-5 job to pay the bills. You want to help people and change the world & not just get a paycheck. The problem is you either don’t know what your “glorious purpose” is, or you have an inkling, but you don’t know how to achieve it.
11. Always striving
You almost always have this sinking feeling like you could be doing better with your life. This results in you constantly have secret self-improvement projects going on, like learning how to cook healthy meals, setting better boundaries, or getting better at articulating yourself. Sometimes you push yourself too hard as you attempt to achieve your “perfect” life.
12. Your defence mechanism
Sometimes you turn to people-pleasing to protect yourself. You’re sensitive, so you can get really bothered when someone criticizes you or is disappointed in you. They can’t criticize you if you make them happy.
13. You sense things
You often immediately sense the mood of a room when you walk into it. Likewise, you often absorb the feelings of the people around you. If they’re excited, you get excited. If they’re anxious, you get anxious, too. You tend to gravitate toward calm, centered people so you don’t have to deal with as much emotional garbage.
14. Nothing but class
You’re drawn to high-quality things, like good food, nice clothes, and anything else that has good craftsmanship. As much as you hate to admit it, the way things look is important to you. You like being surrounded by beauty, and you tend to have sophisticated, refined tastes. But you’re a minimalist at heart. You’d rather have one or two really nice shirts than ten mediocre ones.
15. Your secret feelings
You care deeply about the people in your life, but they’ll probably never know just how much you care, because you keep your feelings mostly to yourself. You can have trouble articulating your emotions, even though you feel them intensely.
16. You care a lot
You’re usually thoughtful, conscientious, and considerate. Other people who are not as conscientious can seem callous and even cruel.
17. Books
You love learning, especially when it comes to psychology, self-improvement, spirituality, and certain sciences.
18. Your head is way beyond the clouds
When everyone else is gossiping, discussing celebs, or talking about other trivial things, you often find yourself thinking about outer space, time travel, human nature, the meaning of life, and other more epic topics like entrepreneurship. You rarely try to steer the conversation in that direction, though, because you don’t think other people will be interested.
19. You didn’t ask to be like this
Other people see you as wise, insightful, and almost spiritual. They often come to you for advice and emotional support. You relish your role as the “wise one,” and you like being needed. But sometimes it becomes too much. You’re an introvert, for crying out loud, and sometimes you just wish everyone would solve their own problems and leave you alone for a while.
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maliaa · 5 years
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My go to
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maliaa · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWJGgMtNjKo)
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maliaa · 9 years
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maliaa · 9 years
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K last one. I feel like I post too many of these ha #nikeplus #running #rhorpark (at Running Bonita Golf Course)
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maliaa · 9 years
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Regret eating that crispy chicken sandwich right before. could've prevented that pain in my side at the beginning 🍔🍟🏃 (at Rohr Park)
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maliaa · 9 years
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Intervals. Didn't do as well today as I wanted to but oh well ha (at Rohr Park)
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maliaa · 10 years
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Irish coffeee (at Buena Vista Cafe)
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maliaa · 10 years
Hello, August moon, where are the stars of the night? You promised me too soon, ‘cause it’s been cloudy all night And the weatherman said if you’re not well, stay in bed ‘Cause I’ve been feeling down and blue and it’s cloudy in my head Instead of going out to some restaurant, I stay home in bed (chorus) But I’ll be loving you, that’s what I want to do I’ll be loving you, that’s what I want to do Hello, midnight lover, you’re the one I adore And I’ll be thinking of you ‘til the stars are no more If it’s cloudy or blue, I’ll stay here with you We’ll make a wish, and then we’ll kiss, a love forever true Instead of going out to some restaurant, I’ll stay here with you (chorus) It seems you don’t know we reached the heightened mountain Every time I seem to disappear And together, we will fly, we’ll dance up in the heaven I can really feel it when you’re near And the weatherman said if you’re not well, stay in bed ‘Cause I’ve been feeling down and blue and it’s cloudy in my head Instead of going out to some restaurant, I stay home in bed (chorus 6x) Loving you, that’s what I want to do
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maliaa · 10 years
I guess this is my last blog here as an intern ha. & you know me… michael jacksonn
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