malmecca · 1 month
Il male romantico è questo:
Volere la luna come se esistesse il modo per ottenerla.
Fernando Pessoa
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malmecca · 1 month
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Pedro Reyes and Carla Fernandez pair rough concrete with crazy paving for their Mexico City home
The Mexico City home and studio of Mexican sculptor Pedro Reyes and his fashion-designer wife Carla Fernandez features crazy paving floors, as well as a staircase and double-height library rendered in coarse concrete.
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malmecca · 1 month
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Vampyros Lesbos (1971)
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malmecca · 2 months
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malmecca · 4 months
“She is dreaming a dream of flight, / a disappearance so perfect / that we suspect nothing.”
— Lisel Mueller, from The Need to Hold Still: Poems; “The Escape”
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malmecca · 4 months
And so she lived in fantasy.
Alfred, Lord Tennyson, "Lancelot and Elaine" from Idylls of the King (1859)
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malmecca · 5 months
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270 notes · View notes
malmecca · 5 months
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Il tempo dell’attesa si riempie di poesia.
Luigi Ghirri
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malmecca · 5 months
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malmecca · 6 months
“Sceglietele bene le parole. Perché poi ritorneranno la notte, più fredde e più crudeli.”
— Manuela G.
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malmecca · 6 months
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Metti caso.
[sui muri]
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malmecca · 6 months
“Marzo: mese di attesa. Le cose che ignoriamo Sono in cammino.”
— Emily Dickinson
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malmecca · 6 months
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Quest'orrore della solitudine, il bisogno di dimenticare il proprio io in una carne estranea, è ciò che l'uomo chiama nobilmente "bisogno di amare. "
Ultimo tango a Parigi
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malmecca · 6 months
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The Long Way  -  Kayla Martel , 2022.
Irish, b. 1980s
Oil on canvas , 24 x 30 cm.
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malmecca · 6 months
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Dear deer, & kitty
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malmecca · 6 months
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81K notes · View notes
malmecca · 6 months
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