mamamayawinters · 5 years
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I could get used to this view.
Is that so? Cos I have a view that’s reserved only for your eyes. 
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But if you prefer the view of me sweating my ass off, then I guess I’d best invest in some new work out gear. 
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mamamayawinters · 5 years
Glad to hear you’re back to working, properly. I’m personally good, but I hope things work out for you.
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Not quite properly, part time but I’m back to working and that’s a good thing. Pretty sure I was going to start climbing the walls if I didn’t do something soon. 
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I’m glad you’re doing good. Anything new and exciting going on or is just one of those life is actually good and I’m enjoying it doing goods?
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mamamayawinters · 5 years
Yes, besides that.
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That’s really cool. At this point I’m just looking for a gym close to home. I’ve talked to the guys at the precinct but all of them live a little too far out for their gym recs to be worth anything to me.
That’s no good. I’m not a fan of gyms that are miles away, it ends up being a hassle and stressful and just takes away from it. Send me your email and I’ll send you a handle of gyms that are close by. I’ll include their quiet periods as well, I know sometimes you just need to get your sweat on and to clear your head and that’s hard to do in a full gym sometimes. 
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mamamayawinters · 5 years
That’s really good, that you’re getting back to work. I wish I could… I’m starting to lose my mind.
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I needed to, being at home all day was driving me insane. Dani’s been busy working on her album, Eli is at day care, and I was left to my own devices and I was just driving myself insane. I figured now would be a good time to get back into it part time before Eli starts school later this year. I kinda wish that I’d had this free time when he was smaller though, I would’ve loved having that extra time with him and not worrying about how I was going to pay the bills. 
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mamamayawinters · 5 years
Y’know, I wondered what you did for a living. Not that I ever thought to ask. But, going off that, you wouldn’t happened to know a good gym, would you? I’ve gone entirely too long without a proper workout.
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You mean besides being Eli’s Mama? 
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Besides running around after our little cub, I’m a personal trainer and physiotherapist. At least for the time being. I happen to know a few good gyms, it all depends on what it is you’re looking for in a gym. 
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mamamayawinters · 5 years
I think you’re allowed to be biased, for sure. She did, though.
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I wouldn’t dare to. she and Flora are rather alike, aren’t they?
Thank you! I’m just so insanely proud of her, it’s nice that I’m allowed to be. She really did and this is just the beginning.  
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Yeah, they kinda are. I think that’s maybe why they’re as close as they are. It’s great that they’ve both got someone like that in the same industry, it’ll be good for them to have someone that can genuinely understand the hurdles and everything. 
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mamamayawinters · 5 years
Not the only one, very catchy- 
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Ha! highly recommended!
I love that so many people are getting to hear just how talented D is and are enjoying her music. 
Oh definitely, I feel it won’t be the only song he’ll be needing earplugs for either. 
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mamamayawinters · 5 years
Guess who’s decided to open her books again? That’s right, Maya Winters is back in business with very limited spaces. If anyone is looking for a personal trainer drop me a message but do it quick before some of my old clients who are with new trainers find out because I’ve heard a few would gladly come back. 
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So if you’re after those buns of steel or just want a helping hand with getting fit, I’ve got four spaces open. I will only be training within the city, sorry guys, no more travelling for me, I plan on spending the next few months making the most with Eli before he starts school. I’m more than willing to offer a little guidance with dietary needs, what foods are good for you, which ones aren’t, what guilty pleasures you should still allow yourself, etc. but I will no longer be offering meal planning as part of my services, that said, I do have a colleague who is more than happy to help with any meal plans should you want them. 
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mamamayawinters · 5 years
Texts || Quinn
Quinn: That requires not being face planted in bed... (and no I don't know why this position hurts less, I try not to question it)
Quinn: Awww, a sweetie.
Maya: Don't worry, I'll bring the iPad with me. There's some stuff on there to keep him entertained.
Maya: That's my boy, always wants to make sure the people he loves are ok.
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mamamayawinters · 5 years
Texts || Quinn
Quinn: Where would I find the pain tolerance to sit up that long?
Quinn: I have had a few gummies tho. Cos anytime I've needed to get out of bed and couldn't they helped.
Maya: Download something appropriate for Eli to play. We're coming over.
Maya: He's bringing auntie Quinn some of the cupcakes he baked to help her feel better.
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mamamayawinters · 5 years
Texts || Quinn
Quinn: Not today, cos it requires a certain level of movement I can't currently achieve. Mostly cos Elle left it up a little too high.
Maya: Have you been or are you smoking weed today?
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mamamayawinters · 5 years
Texts || Quinn
Quinn: Yah. Did it do much? Not really.
Maya: Have you tried any of that CBD stuff I gave you?? The rub?
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mamamayawinters · 5 years
Texts || Quinn
Quinn: Unfortunately.
Maya: Well that's something at least.
Maya: Have you taken anything for the pain?
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mamamayawinters · 5 years
Texts || Quinn
Quinn: I would, but my back doesn't exactly agree with that plan.
Maya: Have you moved at all today?
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mamamayawinters · 5 years
Texts || Quinn
Quinn: Bold of you to assume I'm not trying.
Maya: Try some leg raises. Individual ones. It'll help the blood flow and loosen the muscles a little.
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mamamayawinters · 5 years
Texts || Quinn
Quinn: Moving is a bitch.
Maya: It'd be a lot easier if you kept warm.
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mamamayawinters · 5 years
Texts || Quinn
Maya: Hope you've got a hot water bottle under your hips and are keeping warm.
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