mammonrule34 · 3 years
All those years ago (chapter one)
Characters: William Afton x Henry Emily
Warning: NSFW
Disclaimer!: this is a shitpost me and the other writer are not at all taking this seriously.
Henry is looking at William blushing he-he knew he wanted him now even though he killed those children all those years ago.
He walked over to William over to the closet. knowing what he wanted (he wanted that big phat juicy d!ck). William angrily shouted “Wtf you dumb ass bitch i’m trying to kill kidz.” Henry aggressively got down on his knees “You know what I want babe” He started pulling down William’s pants. William doesn’t know how he feels at the moment. His best friend was trying to fuck him in their pizzeria like wtf dude. “Just take off my effing pants whore.” William decided he liked the attention Henry was giving him, but William hated the tease. “chillax sugar tits, i’ll suck you off, as long as you be good boy uwu.” Henry smirked as William let out sigh. Henry finally had Willy’s pants off and then quickly took his undergarments.
Henry’s eyes widened at the size of his penis. He began to feel intermediated by it. “are you gonna blow me or not.” Henry snapped back into focus and looked back at William. “uh huh, yeah just be patient dear.” Henry nervously chuckled. William got impatient and pushed him all the way down on his pp (hehe pp) Henry started to gag as William started to moan in pleasure, “Damn you can take some inches ya slut” he continues to moan as Henry kept going down on his pp. (smutty smut smut smut, you get it they both cum the end now go away )They walked out of the closet and William said seductively “No homo” then he gracefully walked away like a god who’s pp just got sucked ( oh wait)
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