manifestingbb · 1 month
I know you feel like shit, keep going anyway.
Don't stop when you feel discouraged.
Feeling discouraged doesn't equal failure. Quitting however, does guarantee it. You can feel like shit and still manifest. You've got this. "Resistance" is just discomfort you experience when your old beliefs are being forced out. Your subconscious/the 3D are showing you what you used to believe. Keep going. You're doing everything right.
Take a nap, get a drink of water, take care of yourself, but don't fucking quit.
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manifestingbb · 1 month
a fresh start⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🎐
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just a reminder that ur allowed to start from scratch whenever u want and the idea of a fresh start is always appealing especially if we feel like we haven't been performing or feeling our best.
think about whats not serving you : with that think of ways to replace the bad habits with good ones
reflect on ur mistakes : and take precautions not to put urself in similar situations that u might make that mistake again
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think about whats influencing u : what kind of media that ur consuming, the kind of music ur listening to, the ppl that ur surrounding urself with etc
do things that scare u : when we get too comfortable we dont grow so get comfortable with the uncomfortable so that then growth can happen
new things : do things that ur old self was discouraged to do or didn't have the motivation to do
consistency is always key
and remember that ur allowed to change/reinvent urself as many times as u please.
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manifestingbb · 1 month
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manifestingbb · 2 months
Fulfillment Challenge!!✰
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Hey Upper East Siders.
Gossip girl here. Aren’t you just tired of me calling you an “upper east sider”. When you could be so much more. Like one of manhattans finest elite. Don’t you wanna be elite?
If so, here’s your new routine for fulfillment ->
WAKING UP -> As soon as you wake up you are going to fulfill yourself with any method you want. Hold the feeling of the wish fulfilled whilst you are in that drowsy state.
REST OF THE DAY -> You are going to fulfill yourself EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. you think of your desires.
-> You are also going to fulfill yourself every hour of the day. Take aside 2-5 minutes of each hour to fulfill yourself. For example when it’s 2pm you will fulfill yourself then when it’s 3pm you will fulfill yourself again and so on and so on.
-> You are going to fulfill yourself every time you are doing a mindless task like chores etc (inspired by angels fulfillment challenge)
GOING TO SLEEP -> You are going to do the lullaby method or SATS in order to fall asleep in the state of the wish fulfilled.
There’s your new routine for fulfillment for those who need that extra push. It also gives people consistency and prevents new incoming doubts which cause people to start over.
-> When you are doing your “techniques” you MUST realise that they aren’t techniques. They are your actual reality. You’re not just visualising, you’re seeing what is actually there. You’re not just affirming, you’re telling yourself what is true and what is the real fact. Feel it to be a fact in imagination because it is.
-> When you are fulfilling yourself FOCUS on the FEELING your imaginal act gives you.
-> Because the more you feel the feeling of fulfillment, the more natural it becomes. And the materialisation of your desire is directly proportional to the naturalness of having it.
-> You’ll start to feel the feeling of the wish fulfilled on autopilot. It will become your natural state very quickly.
-> Fulfill yourself because you’ve spent too long denying yourself of the life of your dreams.
P.S. Spooky season is near, and the only thing in life you should be scared of is the horror movies and costumes. XOXO
- gossip girl
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manifestingbb · 2 months
Thewizardliz sayings to remember and repeat
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It's about you; you are the main character of your life.
Sometimes you need to get uncomfortable to get comfortable.
People who get angry at you for putting yourself first are the same people who benefit from you putting yourself last
You are allowed to say, "Nah, that's not good enough."
Stop wasting energy that you can use to become your best version.
Becoming selfish is the best thing I ever did.
I can make myself fulfilled, and whatever he gives me is just an extra.
Start now with what you have.
Enough crying, enough being sad, enough saying "tomorrow".
Sometimes you lose people that are not meant to be with the highest version of yourself, and you have to let those people go.
You vs. you, honey.
Some people just don't deserve you. Not mentally, physically or spiritually.
I don't argue with people because most of them are stupid.
People don't really care what happened to you or what you went through. They really care about what you can do for them.
Only here to impress myself.
When a Queen does not like her situation, she plans her exit.
Manifesting is a lifestyle.
The best revenge is creating a better life for yourself.
I started prioritising my own needs and wants; whatever I want goes first. That's it; I do not care anymore.
I could honestly go on forever since Liz has so many great things to say, so let me know in the comments if I should make a part 2! <3
✩‧₊*:・love ya ・:*₊‧✩
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manifestingbb · 2 months
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xoxo, karina
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manifestingbb · 2 months
Dear diary
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Beauty edition
Dear diary, today I looked in the mirror I was utterly shocked by my beauty, I look unreal! I literally have my desired face now and my skin is glowing and lifted I look healthy and fresh and youthful. I feel like such a pretty princess and everyone can see that 🎀💆🏻‍♀️
Dear diary, I got so many compliments today idk why everyone keeps coming up to me and telling me I'm so pretty and hot but it def feels nice to hear 💗 everyone is so nice to me and treating me like a princess, its like my beauty has everyone obsessed 😍😍
Dear diary, someone told me today that I look like a model and wanted to take pictures of me! Another person asked if they could draw me, and my friend who is a poet literally wrote a poem inspired by my beauty. It's like I'm everyone's muse and dream girl 🥰 my beauty is truly one of a kind
Dear diary, I noticed how people always turn heads when I walk in the room. I'm so attractive that people literally stop me in the street to ask for my number or give me flowers or tell me how beautiful I am. Everyone stares at me like I'm the most alluring piece of art , they literally get hypnotised by my beauty
Dear diary, now that I have my desired face I feel so confident and pretty and I get compliments and pretty privilege all the time! Who knew it was this easy to shapeshift 🤭 I can't believe ppl pay for plastic surgery when I could literally change my appearance with my mind alone. Everyone is shocked by my glowup!
Dear diary, I truly feel so beautiful inside and out. Like my soul, my energy,my heart, my mind are so beautiful and I radiate beauty and light that catches everyone's eyes ✨️🎀 I am the essence of beauty. I'm aphrodite incarnate.
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manifestingbb · 2 months
Glamour challenge 🎀
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So I thought it'd be a fun idea to do a challenge every week , each week we can focus on a certain topic. This week its gonna be glamour baby! ♡
Here's the routine we're gonna do from start to finish everyday of the week :
1. ♡ The moment you wake up , before you even touch ur phone or do anything take a moment to tap into your inner goddess, like its such a blessing to be alive and to be YOU and the world awaits you , like ure truly the goddess of your own reality. (Even if u don't believe this idc DO IT)
2. ♡ when you wash your face imagine the water is enhancing your beauty and cleansing u from any impurities (or u can say ur beauty affirmations during ur skin care/makeup also when looking in the mirror).
3. ♡ ROBOTIC AFFIRMATIONS. Every single time u think of the word "beauty" I want u to repeat this mantra "I'm literally the embodiment of beauty, I radiate beauty, I'm so beautiful, everyone thinks I'm beautiful, I look like a goddess"
4. ♡ when people look at you , assume they're seeing your desired face and they're literally mesmerized by your beauty.
5. ♡ as you fall asleep I recommend playing your fav beauty affirmation audio or frequency, again tapping into your inner goddess and feeling beautiful from within , literally embodying it.
For best results be consistent and let's share our results ! ♡
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manifestingbb · 2 months
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robotic affirmation is exactly what is sounds like:
you say affirmations on a loop w no emotions, like a robot.
this affirmation technique is very successful in the loa/shifting community because it does a good job at saturating the subconscious mind.
saturation = dominant thoughts = manifestation.
in terms of shifting, you can just pick like 1-3 affirmations you like.
“i’m a master shifter”
“i’ve shifted”
“i am in my desired reality”
then basically loop them over and over again.
10-15 minutes is recommended from what i’ve been researching.
this ensures to enhance the saturation process towards the subconscious mind.
you also don’t need to sit there, you can do a task and repeat these affirmations your head.
the point is to really drill them into your subconscious and it’s forced to show up in the 3D.
and you also don’t have to believe in them, infact if you’ve been “unsuccessful” because you’ve been trying to make yourself do that
which makes the process harder because you’re juggling trying to say these affirmations on loop and seeing if you believe them, causing anxiety and other unnecessary emotions etc.
hope this helps !
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manifestingbb · 2 months
10 minute method & limiting belief debunking.
୧ ‧₊˚ 🍂 ⋅୧ ‧₊˚ 🍂 ⋅୧ ‧₊˚ 🍂 ⋅୧ ‧₊˚ 🍂 ⋅୧ ‧₊˚ 🍂 ⋅୧ ‧₊˚ 🍂 ⋅୧ ‧₊˚ 🍂 ⋅୧ ‧₊˚
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୧ ‧₊˚ 🍂 ⋅୧ ‧₊˚ 🍂 ⋅୧ ‧₊˚ 🍂 ⋅୧ ‧₊˚ 🍂 ⋅୧ ‧₊˚ 🍂 ⋅୧ ‧₊˚ 🍂 ⋅୧ ‧₊˚ 🍂 ⋅୧ ‧₊˚ I want you to try the “10 minute method” and see how fast your manifestation unfolds into your reality. This technique is when you either can set a timer for 10 minutes, and straight robotically affirm. It’s better if you do this like 3 times a day, especially if you waver when robotically affirming! This method is so powerful and helps to saturate your subconscious with your dominant thoughts you want to manifest. You can play a subliminal in the background while your affirming, or play a game, anything ! As long as you affirm 10 minutes straight. You can also do longer then 10 if you want, but minimum 10 minutes. Some people may ask “isn’t this coming from a state of lack because you shouldn’t force yourself to affirm straight” no..it isn’t. I just realized this was such a limiting belief i had for such a long time that you had to think “from, and not try to “want or get” your manifestation. Sammy Ingram slapped me right out of these victim state beliefs, and the fair Anwser is no. Your subconscious isn’t going to be like “well are you thinking from you desire? Are you wanting this from a place of lack? If so, nope. Not having it. I’m not going to give it to you.” NO. your subconscious doesn’t have a mind, brain, or soul of its own. It’s literally you. Plus, if you really want your desire and you know exactly how to get it, stop being lazy and affirm and persist. As well as, your subconscious just knows that your focusing on __ (your desire) more so that’s what it’s gonna display in your reality. Plus, I promise you after doing this your going to feel so fullfilled!
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manifestingbb · 2 months
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Even tho there are a couple of amazing posts already on this platform revolving ROBOTIC AFFIRMATIONS , somehow people are still confused and wondering what they are or what to do with them … and I got in the last couple of days some asks where people wanted some advice , so I thought I make one post about it and try to cover as much as possible :3
(English isn’t my first language , so I apologise in advance if there any grammar mistakes 😭🤌)
(Thank you sm for 127 follower<333)
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Pretty simple : they‘re regular affirmations ( or askfirmations if you‘d like ) such as „I am pretty“, „I can shift whenever I want“,… but you just repeat them over and over without paying much attention to them or try to feel it ! Aka : affirming without feeling / like a ROBOT .
You really don’t have to robotic affirm if you don’t want to ! But there are many benefits and reasons as to why people are using them to manifest their dream life , their shifts ,…
some of them are :
Robotic affirmations help you to saturate your mind pretty easy , WITHOUT much work & thought !
There are no rules when it comes to affirming !(there aren’t any rules in general, when it comes to manifesting btw) You can completely decide how long and how many affirmations you want to use !
Once your affirmations become dominant , they‘ll manifest !
You can easily combine robotic affirmations with other manifestation techniques ( example : list method )
You can easily do it while you‘re watching something, scrolling through your phone, take a shower, brush your teeth , eat ,… and so on !
And — (I think) it helps to concentrate on your goals more and actually makes you feel your progress/ shift in your mindset
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Easy! Pick your affirmations YOU want to use for your manifestation. Doesn’t matter how many or for what cause ! ( most people use 1-2 ! ) Now you can decide how you want to do it , there are (again) endless variations and you don’t have to use my examples !!! It’s just an idea , to help you get started :3
Whenever you think of your manifestation —(your dr, the void , …) you can affirm a couple of times
'Power affirming' — you can set a timer for 10 mins and just repeat your affirmations as much as possible
3x (times) 15 minutes ! — you can affirm every morning , noon and night before you fall asleep loop your affirmations in your head (you can also of course do 3x 10 minutes or 3x 20 minutes etc ! You‘re not bound to any limit)
Affirming throughout your day ! — ( and yeah it’s totally okay to take breaks !!! And it’s also okay if your mind wanders 😭🤌 )
Affirmations tapes ! — There are a couple of YouTube you could use [ @cosmicdream222 I personally like hers <3 ] ! Or make your own :3
Create your own method ! — <3
think about what you want / want to work on ( mindset , void state , shifting , .. )
pick your affirmations
choose which way you prefer
stick and persist into your new statements and affirm <3
getting what you want !
★ SIDE NOTE . . ! !
— with that , I won’t reply to questions in my dms and asks such as "is it better if I affirm for x/y minutes" and "how long do you think will it take me to manifest x/y?" <etc> ! I ( and every other person , no matter on which platform you‘re on😭 ) can‘t tell YOU how long it takes exactly. How could we ? We‘re not you ! You‘re in control how long it‘ll take .. if you keep telling yourself it will take years , then it mostlikely will turn out to be true .. there’s a reason it‘s called LAW OF ASSUMPTION ! please don‘t beat yourself up and take deep breaths 🩷 it‘ll be alright , even if it may not seem to be the case !
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manifestingbb · 2 months
how to stay organized in school
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keep a planner
use a paper planner, notion, notes app, whatever you prefer to write down deadlines, exam dates, etc.
don’t procrastinate
do what you need to do early on. get it done and cross it off your list so that you don’t have to worry about it later and you won’t have a ton of assignments to do last minute.
organize by color
you may do this by separating classes by color and using highlighters/post it notes/colored pens, etc. to separate topics within each class
be realistic with your to-do lists
don’t try to pile on too much in one day. do your best to evenly distribute your tasks throughout the week.
break up large tasks
don’t try to get all of your bigger and time consuming tasks done at one time. distribute them apart from each other. also, you may split your large tasks into smaller tasks to make them seem less intimidating and more doable.
make your own study guides
study guides are helpful and will not always just be given to you, so use the resources you have to build your own for each topic, exam, etc.
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manifestingbb · 2 months
NARCISSUS; self-infatuation — a guide
“ Narcissistic, my god i love it “ – IVE, Love Dive
one thing us girls are told is to ‘love ourselves’, but how do you do that ? this is a starter guide to help you start on this ‘self love’ journey–
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💋 be gentle, but strict with yourself ! sometimes, the voice in your head has to be your own big sis. working on/ practicing discipline will allow you to develop a kind of respect for yourself, which in turn, will help you be kinder to yourself when it comes to developing yourself as a person.
💋 ignore outside negative opinions ! the person sitting in the same room as you, their opinion doesn’t matter. why ? will they be there at your deathbed while you recollect your life choices ? ignore them, this is your life, and your path, your opinion matters more than anyone else's. be kinder to yourself please–
💋 shamelessly you ! show off the best parts of your personality to the world, we love it ! i like to see imperfect smiles and odd laughter, goofy actions that make onlookers go “wow, she may be weird, but if i had that confidence, i would do the same !” the biggest inspiration for me, has been random people who are being themselves so shamelessly, that they automatically gain my respect, be her !
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💋 establish your style now ! a lot of us like to wait until we have accomplished something to show our true style. for example, many girls think “when i lose this much weight, i’ll start dressing the way i want !” stop that line of thinking. i get that using that as a reward system can be motivating, but it will also make you dissatisfied with your present self. presenting your style now, not only helps you understand what you like at a faster rate, but it will give the people around you plenty of time to get used to the real you (before you reach your goals).
💋 establish your mindset ! how do you think ? what’s your philosophy of the world around you ? understanding factors like that will help you with paving your future. follow opportunities (finding your desired career,desired friends, desired school, desired place to live, etc.) that support this mindset, THAT is the true key to happiness !
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💋 enjoy the little things ! life has multiple ups and downs. when its good, its good, and when its bad, its bad. But focusing on every bad thing; thats dangerous and not worth your time. other women don’t learn this until they hit their thirties, lets listen and learn from them and enjoy the small things in life.
💋 release your positivity ! when you make people around you smile in your presence, it makes you happy as well. people will see you being so positive, that they will reflect more positivity back onto you like a mirror..
💋 have fun ! letting go every once in a while will give you motivation to continue. having fun will make you enjoy what life has to offer. No matter what position, what country, or what race you are, if you have even the slightest chance to chase the opportunity of fun, why decline ? the world is giving it to you for free !
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don’t forget ! during every journey, patience will be your best friend. many of us have burnt bridges with ourselves that we want to rebuild, and luckily for us, we have all the time in the world to understand ourselves, give yourself some time and understanding, she deserves it–
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manifestingbb · 3 months
My little take on manifesting
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☁️ you don't need to affirm more than once for your manifestation to work
☁️ however, if you don't believe you will get it, you will indeed get nothing
☁️ if you believe it will take time, it will, but originaly it never does
☁️ what you see litteraly doesn't matter and does not reflect reality (for real, think about illusions and then tell me if you can trust your own eyes)
☁️ something will work if you believe it will so choose your way
☁️ desire creates lack, stop desiring, start having
☁️ your reality reflects what you want it to be, so yes, you are entirely responsible of it
☁️ do not limit yourself to the idea that you are just a simple little human bound to this simple little life, when you are clearly so much more than that
☁️ affirming x10000 is useless: it's like learning a lesson. learning by heart without understanding the content will not teach you much:(read Gargantua by Rabelais). so affirming over and over, getting a brainrot and migraines, and still expecting to get something after will get you nowhere. even affirming once is useless tbh.
☁️ doing nothing is enough (because truly there is nothing to do)
so truly, what is manifestation ?
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manifestingbb · 3 months
thinking abt the fact that you can do ANYTHING by just using the manifestation of energy that lives in a silly little organ inside your head 😵‍💫 and i mean ANYTHING
you CAN change your appearance, you CAN change your connections with others, you CAN change your talents / skills / intelligence, you CAN change your self-concept, you can even change your health to be EVEN BETTER than it may have been before...
all of this is possible. no matter what you're working towards, it's POSSIBLE and guess what? you have ALREADY achieved it; so don't cling to what you see in the 3d. you KNOW you have everything you desire, so act like you do. if you already have your results, there's no need to look for them in the 3d, right? therefore, instead of constantly searching for results, ingrain it into your mind that you DO have all of your desires already ( because that's the truth! )
your subconscious will believe what you tell it, so keep in mind what information you feed it as well! of course, it's perfectly normal to have doubts or worries regarding your manifesting sometimes, but correcting your negative thoughts after will ensure that the subconscious OVERWRITES the negative information which it originally received, and that helps reinforce the fact in your mind that you already have everything that you're aiming for.
your desires are all YOURS; they're not going anywhere, and they're here with you to stay ( always have been ). you got this <3 remember to stay hydrated, and have a great day today!!
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manifestingbb · 3 months
Manifesting with Yours Truly
When it comes to manifesting, there are five things you must remember:
1) Manifesting is limitless. It is the very act of bringing your imagination into fruition. This means that if you can dream it, you can achieve it. No need to humble yourself or downplay your manifestations.
2) What you repeat is what manifests. Believing it only happens after repeating it and is not required for you to manifest. Your emotions also have no effect. Simply repeat and refuse to stray from your affirmations.
3) Everything around you exists in your own image. Everything around you conforms to your perception of it. Therefore, you technically live in your own world, and you are in control of how it operates. Whether that's on the default settings, which we were brainwashed to believe in, or you take charge and reprogram your subconscious mind.
4) With manifesting, you must act as if. Regardless of its presence in the 3D, you must persist in the idea that it's yours and have no doubt about it. In most cases, you should not have to lift a finger to do anything to achieve your manifestation or further solidify it because it is not necessary. But if you believe you must do something in the physical, then do as you would after having manifested your desire.
5) Manifesting is instant. There is no delay in time because time does not exist. There is only the present moment. What may prevent you from seeing your manifestation lies in how you view the desire itself. If it seems unattainable, unrealistic, or impossible, that's exactly what it's gonna be. Instead, put yourself on that pedestal, and instead of chasing your desires, let them chase you.
P.S. Imma open my manifestations folder on Pinterest soon, follow me @irl_anime_grl and stay tuned!
Love you, hotties
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manifestingbb · 3 months
imagination, my playground.
Imagination is your playground. I really want you guys to think of imagination that way. Playgrounds are fun isn't it? I believe they are. So if imagination are similar to playgrounds, that means it's also fun. And very too, and i want you guys to just think of that. That imagination is fun, and imagining is just like playing.
It shouldn't feel like a chore or a job, and you should definitely not force it. That doesn't sound like fun
If you feel like you need to imagine to have your desires to be fullfilled, then i think you should take a step back and just believe that it already is fullfilled and leave it at that. Just say in your imaginary mouth that it already is and leave it. Come back to imagining when you feel like it.
And if you're still struggling, ask yourself, "is this really what i want?"
For example; you're imagining a car because you want to be happy, so you think having some luxurious car will bring you happiness. I want you to stop that, stop conditioning yourself.
Remember that this is not how it works;
you have a desire to be happy > you think having x, y, and z will get you that happiness > you imagine said x, y, & z to get happiness > you get frustrated because you struggle of truly connecting with x, y and z.
This is how it works;
You desire to be happy > you don't condition yourself > truly believing and imagining that you are truly happy with or without anything or anyone > yehey! Your state has truly change on being happy without or with x, y, and z.
Or you're like this; you know what you want, and you truly know that it is what you want. BUT, you force yourself to imagine hard. Like you're popping a vessel, you think you need to meditate and imagine on hours upon hours. I want you stop that. Just stop it, stop conditioning yourself that you need to be hardworking for your desires to be fullfilled.
Just, imagine; and you don't even need to meditate or anything that condition you, you can truly play/imagine wherever or whenever. I personally like to imagine when I'm bored, has nothing to do or doing mundane tasks that don't need high level thinking. I imagine, like for example i imagine someone calling me beautiful or talented and i keep imagining that until something within me truly change like smiling, or saying thank you to them in imagination, naturally, not forced or anything just all natural.
Just, Remind yourself that your imagination is your playground, you're supposed to have fun with it.
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