Selenium Online Training Selenium is an open-source web application testing framework with automation across different platforms or browsers. Users can perform tests without using any scripting language through an automation tool with the Selenium platform.
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Selenium is an open-source web application testing framework with automation across different platforms or browsers. Users can perform tests without using any scripting language through an automation tool with the Selenium platform.
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TapResume is an exclusive platform for IT Job Seekers & IT Recruiters. Hiring is made faster by prescreened profiles. It provides hiring assistance through TechNetwork service and candidates can connect with premium recruiters across the globe.
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TapResume is an exclusive platform for IT Job Seekers & IT Recruiters. Hiring is made faster by prescreened profiles. It provides hiring assistance through TechNetwork service and candidates can connect with premium recruiters across the globe.
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TapResume is an exclusive platform for IT Job Seekers & IT Recruiters. Hiring is made faster by prescreened profiles. It provides hiring assistance through TechNetwork service and candidates can connect with premium recruiters across the globe.
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TapResume is an exclusive platform for IT Job Seekers & IT Recruiters. Hiring is made faster by prescreened profiles. It provides hiring assistance through TechNetwork service and candidates can connect with premium recruiters across the globe.
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TapResume is an exclusive platform for IT Job Seekers & IT Recruiters. Hiring is made faster by prescreened profiles. It provides hiring assistance through TechNetwork service and candidates can connect with premium recruiters across the globe.
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TapResume is an exclusive platform for IT Job Seekers & IT Recruiters. Hiring is made faster by prescreened profiles. It provides hiring assistance through TechNetwork service and candidates can connect with premium recruiters across the globe.
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 TapResume is an exclusive platform for IT Job Seekers & IT Recruiters. Hiring is made faster by prescreened profiles. It provides hiring assistance through TechNetwork service and candidates can connect with premium recruiters across the globe.
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TapResume is an exclusive platform for IT Job Seekers & IT Recruiters. Hiring is made faster by prescreened profiles. It provides hiring assistance through TechNetwork service and candidates can connect with premium recruiters across the globe.
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TapResume is an exclusive platform for IT Job Seekers & IT Recruiters. Hiring is made faster by prescreened profiles. It provides hiring assistance through TechNetwork service and candidates can connect with premium recruiters across the globe.
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8 Jobs every company will be Hiring by 2020
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IT Jobs for the Future
There has been enough speculation the world over about the bleak future of the IT industry in India beyond 2020. The predictions of an economy bereft of IT jobs as a result of automation couldn’t be further from the truth. Yes, we are no doubt in the age of automation. And as you increasingly hear the words AI and ML pop up in a lot more business conversations, these developments are not the big bad that they are made out to be. On the contrary, these technologies are only going to add to the Hiring IT jobs in 2020.
So, if you are wondering what jobs will be in demand in 2020, your search stops here. In this article, we will talk about the most popular jobs in India which every company will be hiring for in the next year.
Data Analysts
The phenomenon that is ‘software’ has not left any field untouched, resulting in an explosion of data in every business sector. As machines start exchanging information with each other, experts predict another exponential jump in data. Managing all this data is going to make the job of a Data Analyst as one of the most popular jobs in India.
Application Software Developers
Screen sizes are getting smaller by the year. What was once possible only on a TV screen is now viewed on a mobile. As such, the demand for mobile application software is going to see a massive shortly. This is going to turn the role of Application Software Developers into one of prominence and high significance in the industry.
IT Security Specialists
A direct result of the easy availability of personal data online is the increased incidence of data theft. To combat this ever-present threat, the field of IT security has grown over the years. It will continue to be one of Hiring the best careers for 2020 and beyond.
Network Analysts
‘The network is the computer’ which was once a futuristic paradigm – is now a reality. Everything is on the cloud today. With a complex network architecture across every organization, the need for network analysts who maintain the network will be paramount.
Machine Learning Engineer
ML is a term that gets thrown into every business conversation these days. It is the precursor to AI. A machine needs to first ‘learn’ from the humongous amounts of data to perform intelligent tasks on its own. The structuring of this data is the job of the machine learning engineer.
Cloud Engineer
Many startups today commence operations on the cloud without any physical presence. This could be the norm in the future. The job of a cloud engineer is to manage internal company clouds with the external public ones effectively.
Computer Network Architect
The job of a computer network architect involves the designing and building of company LANs, WANs, and intranets. Every company will need a computer network architect to be able to connect to its outside vendors, customers, and clients.
DevOps Lead
The role of Dev Ops in bridging the gap between developers and business is often understated. These critical individuals will be in demand in the future as more apps will rise for more business functions.
Parting Word
Hiring IT jobs in 2020 and beyond are here to stay. They will instead transform into newer ones. As an aspiring candidate in the highly competitive job market, you might want to prepare yourself for this change.
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Hiring Trends in IT for 2019
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The Indian IT industry has acquired an enviable position in the global platform. In a matter of two decades, the country has slowly emerged and cemented its position on the world map. However, the hiring trends for the past few years have registered a slowdown, which sparked fears and general unrest. Fortunately, the hiring trends in India for 2019 point at clearer skies.
Indian IT Industry Growth: The Story So Far
The 1990s marked a new dawn for the Indian IT Industry post the government’s decision for liberalisation. Following this, the IT sector exported $100 million and 5,000 employees for the first time. With time, the Indian IT Industry registered a phenomenal growth. Currently, India’s IT export has touched $70 billion along with 2.8 million employees – making it one of the top two industries in India.
The IT Industry in Numbers
The IT Industry corresponded to nearly 18% of India’s GDP in 2017.
In 2017, the IT Industry employed about 4 million professionals directly and nearly 10 million employees indirectly.
TCS, HP, HCL Technology, Wipro, Tech Mahindra, IBM, and Infosys are the leading software service companies in the Indian IT sector
With a revenue of about 1.5 trillion INR, TCS emerged as the largest India-based IT company.
By the end of March 2019, TCS noted a net addition of 29,287 software professionals, while Infosys added 24,016 employees.
India’s IT workforce is set to touch 30 million by 2020 as it becomes the highest sector employer.
2019: Latest Changes in Hiring Trends in IT
While the hiring trends for the Indian IT industry may not register exponential growth as in the case of the initial IT boom, it is set to stabilize in 2019. Technology like Artificial Intelligence and automation has increased the demand for talent acquisition and major IT companies are hiring to be future-ready. According to a report published by Experis, the following shifts in hiring trends come to light:
India’s IT Industry is offering a Net Employment Outlook of 53.14% and is projected to grow further. The IT sector will continue to be the major hirer for 2019.
With regard to experience, companies are hiring freshers with candidates falling within the 0-5 years’ experience category. Entry-level hiring has increased by 12.5% in 2019.
Of all the regions surveyed, Southern India provides the strongest labor market with an employment outlook of 24%.
Companies are hiring an agile workforce that focuses on the latest technology like the Internet of Things, Data Science, Digital Marketers, Machine Learning, Data Analysis, Solution Architects, Product Managers, cybersecurity, Virtual and Augmented Reality, and Artificial Intelligence, among others.
Non-tech firms are also looking for hiring IT professionals to help with digitization.
Overview of Staffing Trends and Career Goals
Given that IT hiring trends are moving towards a multi-dimensional approach, the staff requirements for companies and the career goals for aspirants should prepare for the following:
Rise in Demand for Talent
Globally, IT companies are experiencing a high turnover rate (employees leaving for newer and better opportunities). The same trend reflects in the Indian IT sector, which indicates a rise in the demand for talent.
Developers Will Have an Advantage in the Talent Market
Those pursuing a career in software engineering will continue to rule the roost as hey draw the highest salary through 2019. The following roles are highly in demand:
Platform developer.
Mobile developer.
Web developer.
Desktop developer.
Emerging Technologies Could Dictate Hiring
While companies are on the lookout for people skilled in emerging technologies, they may also recruit the very same technology to hire staff. For example, artificial intelligence could help determine which candidate would be more suitable for a certain position.
Final Thoughts
Hiring in India’s IT companies is registering a slow but definite growth. The key driver in this trend are technological upgrades and the adoption of new technologies. The $177 billion industry is evolving at a terrific pace and is expected to hire a record number of employees in the near future.
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Set your sights on the world’s fastest growing programming language
We all are fascinated about the world of computers and more so the type of programming language that we use to run our systems and applications. During the earlier days of programming or even till recently, COBOL was ruling the roost and we all know about the famous Y2K problem that has swept the world, eventually leading to the sudden spurt in the demand for COBOL programmers. However, the popularity of this language has faded and it was slowly replaced with other programming languages such as C, C++, Java, Visual C++, etc.
However, with the advent of mobile technologies and Data Analytics, the importance of conventional programming languages is slowly taking a back seat in terms of the number of students or professionals opting for such languages. So, the next interesting question that comes to our mind is which is the fastest-growing language among all the languages in the current digital age? Is Java still ruling the roost or is it the .Net platform? Though Java might still be a dominating language in the software field, however, according to the analysis by the developer hub Stack Overflow, Python has emerged as the most popular programming language across the globe. More so, Python is now ranked fourth in TIOBE index (an index that ranks the popularity of the programming languages) for the first time. The index calculates the results, based on the findings from top search engines.
Why is this craze for Python?
Because of the current boom in machine learning, the popularity of Python has increased several notches and now you find several developers learning Python. Apart from that, the high-level applicability of this language in big data analytics, ranging from web, and desktop apps to system operations has only fuelled this demand further.
Similar to Perl, Python is used as a scripting language for builds and glue software. However, it has also slowly penetrated into other domains, particularly in large embedded systems. According to TIOBE, Python has also become quite popular in the teaching profession with the majority of the introductory programming courses in US universities having this as a subject.
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