manny-henderson · 8 years
It’d been far too long since Manny had had an ordinary “guy’s night” with anyone. Hell, he couldn’t even remember the last time he’d just hung out with a good friend like he was about to with Alastair. It was a bit weird it had taken the two of them so long to do this. 
Manny returned Alastair’s grin with one of his own when he answered the door. “Yeah, really,” he chuckled, stepping inside. He glanced around the other male’s home, nodding approvingly. “Nice place, man. Much better upgrade than the cell block, huh?” He looked back at Alastair, still grinning. “A’ight, what’s first in this guy’s night?” 
Guys night
Who: Manny & Alastair When: An early evening a couple of days ago Where: Alastair’s apartment What: Manny and Alastair are having a guys night.
Alastair had everything set up. Snacks were on the coffee table along with two beers, video games and dvds. The only one missing was Manny but a glance at the clock told him there was still some time left until his friend would show up.  Despite the years they had spent on the island they never had a guys night before and Alastair was wondering why. After all Manny was the first friend he made on the island and it was about time to change a couple of things.
A knocking on the door let the boy snap out of his thoughts. Walking over to it he opened it with a grin on his face. “Hey, man. Long time no see,” he joked, opening the door further to let the other male in.
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manny-henderson · 8 years
Hey, you spoiled me so this is all your fault. [Manny pointed out, giving Kris a look as he fought back laughter. He paused, thinking of a pose before striking it. He went for a classy, yet still sexual pose.] 
[Kris walked into Manny's room carrying a bag of broken vase pieces. His expression very serious.] Just like with Buddy I told you you were responsible for him. So Alfie broke the vase that makes you responsible for your pet breaking my very expensive vase. Your on punishment for the weekend.
[Manny looked up at Kris, his eyes widening.] When the hell did he break a vase..? How? [He asked. He swallowed, not sure just how much trouble he was in.] What, um, what’s my punishment gonna be?
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manny-henderson · 8 years
Should I just strip naked for you? [Manny teased, standing up so he could take off his jeans and underwear. He let them drop to the floor around his ankles, stepping out of them and giving Kris an amused look as he pitched his next wager.] A’ight, uh, if I win, you are not allowed to play with any new virgins for a whole week. 
[Kris grinned as he approached Manny holding his deck of cards.] It's tomorrow!
[Manny sat up on his bed, grinning back at Kris with a chuckle.] It is tomorrow. Are you ready to get your ass handed to you?
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manny-henderson · 8 years
“Because I’m not exactly good at legit fighting, since y’know, you won’t let me do any fighting,” Manny pointed out, raising a brow. Why the hell was Kris laughing? This wasn’t funny. He crossed his arms over his chest, narrowing his eyes. “I’m not seeing a shrink, my brain is fine.” 
Kris wasn’t happy but as he heard the boy oh so calmly and reasonably say he was over reacting because his opponet’s power was good aim with a bow and arrow. As if the idea of Manny being shot at with a bow and arrow was less harmful than other powers. Kris expected to be angry, but he couldn’t help but laugh at the ridicilousness of the idea. Once he calmed a bit he gave Manny a look. “Well if that’s all he can do explain how you lost?” Then he gave a serious look. “And your seeing a shrink. You have serious issues identifying dangerous situations it’s obviously a misfire in your brain.”
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manny-henderson · 8 years
Manny nodded, pursing his lips. He let out a little sigh, glancing down at his feet. “Well, kid, I hate to break it to you, but I don’t think “normal” is what you’ll be after coming to this place as an asset.” 
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Vasili shifted from foot to foot, his hands fiddling nervously. “Y-Y-Yes I’m a-an a-a-asset…” He nodded shyly. “I-I… w-want to b-be n-n-normal a-again…”
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manny-henderson · 8 years
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nickyvstudios: BEAST MODE
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manny-henderson · 8 years
Manny frowned a bit, tilting his head as he regarded the other. “What do you need help with exactly?” he asked. “I’m guessing you’re an asset?” 
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“O-O-Oh… P-Perhaps M-Master Dante w-would h-help p-p-pay…” Vasili voice got quieter. “N-No, I n-need h-h-help. Real h-help.”
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manny-henderson · 8 years
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manny-henderson · 8 years
“Losers, obviously,” Manny snorted, grinning crookedly at Alastair. At his reply, his brows went up in surprise. “Huh, really?” he replied, needing another moment to figure out properly if he was jealous or happy for Alastair or a combination of both. He smiled genuinely. “That’s great, I’m glad you’re a free man now. ...That is a good thing, right?” 
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Walking up to the other Alastair patted his shoulder. "Hey stranger."
Manny nearly jumped when someone suddenly tapped his shoulder, his face broke out in a wide grin when he saw who it was. “Alastair, you’re alive!” he greeted, looking excited. “Dude, where the hell did you go and how did you end up back here?”
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manny-henderson · 8 years
And I still think it’s adorable. [Manny said with a grin before shoving another forkful into his mouth. He swallowed it before speaking again.] You should start cooking more meals for me after this. 
[Kris walks into Manny's room carrying two covered plates on a tray, a long with a caraf of coffee and one of juice, glasses, silverware, and a single rose in a little vase.] Happy Birthday Baby.
[Manny sat up in bed, his face lighting up when he saw Kris come in with the tray of food. He held out his hands for the tray, laughing softly.] Thank you, Daddy. You’re the best. 
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manny-henderson · 8 years
[Manny couldn’t stop himself from breaking out in a huge, pleased grin when Kris submitted to his puppy eyes.] You’re so kind and merciful, Daddy, thank you. [He praised the other man, pressing a quick kiss to his lips.] How ‘bout my Christmas sex? 
[Kris walks into Manny's room dressed in a full Santa suit.] Merry Christmas!
[Manny was still laying in bed, expecting Kris to come wake him up. He had the covers up to his chin and he grinned when Kris came into his room.] Oh look, it’s Santa Daddy. Merry Christmas, Daddy. 
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manny-henderson · 8 years
[Manny made a little noise of surprise when Kris kissed him. He wasn’t complaining about it, but he hadn’t been expecting it, so it left him smiling warmly.] Must be nice to have money. [He chuckled, raising a brow at Kris in amusement.] Should I strike a sexy pose for you? 
[Kris walked into Manny's room carrying a bag of broken vase pieces. His expression very serious.] Just like with Buddy I told you you were responsible for him. So Alfie broke the vase that makes you responsible for your pet breaking my very expensive vase. Your on punishment for the weekend.
[Manny looked up at Kris, his eyes widening.] When the hell did he break a vase..? How? [He asked. He swallowed, not sure just how much trouble he was in.] What, um, what’s my punishment gonna be?
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manny-henderson · 8 years
Oh I know. [Manny snorted, smirking a bit. He wasn’t upset that Kris won, considering the prize was relatively easy for him. He sighed and dropped his card on the ground.] A’ight, when does this week without underwear start?
[Kris grinned as he approached Manny holding his deck of cards.] It's tomorrow!
[Manny sat up on his bed, grinning back at Kris with a chuckle.] It is tomorrow. Are you ready to get your ass handed to you?
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manny-henderson · 8 years
Manny clenched his jaw and gripped the edge of the table tightly with both hands. He was trembling and it was everything in his power to not start letting objects fly off the shelves. He didn’t mind Kris being protective of him, but there were some things Manny didn’t need protecting over. He was fully capable of defending himself in some situations, and he liked having that independence. “I went up against someone whose power is the ability to shoot a bow and arrow precisely,” he said in a slightly calmer tone now. “I wasn’t in any danger, and you know I can handle myself in some situations. I don’t mind your protection, but you need to let me scrape my knees or elbows sometimes.” 
Kris eyes narrowed not impressed by Manny’s raised voice or his outrage. Manny could be as mad as he wanted to it changed nothing. The boy was his and he couldn’t stand the idea of boy in danger. How could he protect the boy from himself. Well he could cage him a thought he took seriously, but he didn’t want to break Manny and he was certain that would. He could also unclaim the boy but that thought was unbearable. Kris started to reply angryily until the boy’s last comment. He knew it was true and he knew his need to protect what was his was in same aspects a weakness, but he couldn’t help it. Not that he really wanted to. It was his job to take care of those he loved. Kris’s anger didn’t fade but the comment made him calm and he knew Manny would feel that. “It’s not wrong to protect what is mine. There are other things I do not protect you from I let you do almost everything you want, but we will not compromise on things I feel are dangerous. Rules or not a fight club is dangerous someone could lose control.” 
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manny-henderson · 8 years
“Aww, we can grow old together, Alfredo,” Manny said, grinning. He let out a loud laugh, pressing a quick kiss to Alfie’s lips. “I like that plan. Let’s be the cool elderly people that judge everyone. Also the hottest old people ever.” He chuckled softly, smiling and wrinkling his nose a bit as the other boy held his face. “You’re so sweet to me, Alfie.” 
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“It’s okay because I’m old with you and you love me,” Alfie said sweetly, nipping at his jaw gently. “And even though we can’t be the ‘cool’ parents and give our kids alcohol and weed, we can still be the cool old guys that just sit on the beach and judge everyone.” He laughed and held Manny’s face in his hands gently, rubbing his thumbs across his cheeks delicately. “You better use it, though we both know I’d do any of these things for you even if you didn’t have a coupon.”
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manny-henderson · 8 years
"Hey, it’s not my fault,” Manny chuckled, smiling back at Alfie, enjoying the closeness. “You shouldn’t feel cheated. I mean, you’re seeing it now, and that’s all that matters, right? If it makes you feel better, I can totally get drunk and dance for you to make you laugh.” 
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Who: Manny & Alfie Where: Diran Ballroom When: Sunday, February 14th What: Valentine’s Masquerade Ball
“You are,” Alfie smiled softly, leaning his forehead against Manny’s as they continued to move on the dance floor. “Have you now? Well I’ve certainly been missing out. I feel cheated almost.”
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manny-henderson · 8 years
It could be. [Manny chuckled with a cheeky grin back at Kris.] Are you ready to order? 
[Kris leaves a small package on Manny's bed with a note. In the package is a necklace, a vibrating butt plug, a lime green cockring, and a pair of very expensive looking sneakers that match the ring and a gift certificate.] Happy Almost birthday baby. Go get yourself something nice to wear for the big day. Oh and on your shopping trip you aren't allowed to wear anything that's note in the box. And yes you have to wear everything in the box. And meet me for lunch when your done. Our usual place.
[Manny reads the note, taking out each of the items from the box and looking them over. He strips out of his clothes and grabs some lube from his nightstand to coat the plug with it. He slid the ring onto his cock now, feeling aroused from the plug’s stimulation. He quickly finished the “outfit” off with the necklace and sneakers, and went off to the mall to buy himself something. It took him a little less than hour, travel time included, to find something, and then he headed to the restaurant to meet Kris. He was led to a table Kris had already gotten and sat down opposite of his master.] Question, why am I buying my own clothes for my birthday? [He asked jokingly.]
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